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(onikam): @beyonce started following you. Still, It Was Worth It I Would Do It Again I Know You Hurt Me, But... More



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LL 🤍: you good?

cowgirlfriend 🐮🤍: I'm fine

LL 🤍: i'm going to beat that niggas ass for you i swear to god

LL 🤍: what's his address? i thought of something really evil

cowgirlfriend 🐮🤍: No it's okay I don't care about  what he said Im not going to do anything so neither should you

LL 🤍: no it's not okay i'm not going to let him talk to you any kind of way

LL 🤍: what he said was so out of pocket im mad for you i'm going to stab him when i see him

LL 🤍: and he's probably the catfish too

cowgirlfriend 🐮🤍: Don't do anything until we know for sure if he's the catfish or not

LL 🤍: how do we even find that out?

cowgirlfriend 🐮🤍: Come onto him? Idk

LL 🤍: but he could find me attractive and still not be the catfish

cowgirlfriend 🐮🤍: Then we'll come up with a plan

LL 🤍: Are you to to coming out with our friends?

cowgirlfriend 🐮🤍: I don't do drugs

LL 🤍: you don't have to but still come because i'm not going without you

LL 🤍: you don't have to though if you're not feeling up to it

cowgirlfriend 🐮🤍: Who's all coming?

LL 🤍: frank rob lauren kelly

cowgirlfriend 🐮🤍: Lauren 🤨

LL 🤍: we'll talk in the car 😵‍💫😵‍💫 come pick me up

cowgirlfriend 🐮🤍: Okay I'm coming

I didn't really want to go to this thing. Bryson went way too far with me, I would've never said something like that to him. The most I ever did was call him a whore when I should've said worse.

But I didn't want Onika to not have fun because of me so I got in my car and drove to her house.

I think she was already looking out her window expecting me because I didn't even have to call her, she came right outside.

She skipped to my truck and got in. "Hey, girlfriend."


She closed the door and grabbed my face. I like it when she does that with her long nails. "We don't have to go if you don't want to."

"I want to, it's fine." I really didn't want to.

She pulled my face closer to her and pecked my lips a couple times. "We'll leave if you're not feeling it."

"Okay. Put your seatbelt." She's so little, she might fly out the window if I break too hard.

"Don't tell me what to do before I suck your dick, you know I like that."

I wonder how she would act with a father figure in her life. No offense.

"Why are you threatening me with that like I won't like it?" That might be just what I need.

"Go park somewhere, I'll suck it right now."

"Just put your seatbelt on." I don't want to do it in my truck. Maybe after.

She fake moaned and put her seatbelt on. "Okay daddy."

I waited until she was sitting back to pull out of her driveway. "I already told you I don't like that."

"Sorry daddy."

Ignoring it was the best option, she's going to do what she wants to do. "Who's house am I going to?"

"Robyn. Just drive like you're going to Lauren's house, I'll give you directions."

"About Lauren, are you going to explain that?"

"There's really nothing to explain, it was before our time."

"I still think you should explain it to me. It's always something Onika." I feel like we can't go through a full week without something happening.

"No it's not always something, I changed. All of this stuff was before the whole kissing thing when I was a slut, calm down."

"What did you do with Lauren?"

"Gay shit when we were drunk, nothing serious."

"So you just hang around your friend you did 'gay shit' with?" That's weird, I don't like that.

"It's not that serious. We were just fucking around because we were bored, we don't see each other like that."

"Whatever." I still don't like it but I can't be mad about something she did when we weren't together.

I drove in the direction of Lauren's house until I turned down a street and she gave me the directions the rest of the way to Robyn's house.

I parked on the side of the street since there was already two cars in her driveway.

Like always, I got out and opened the door for Onika. She hopped down and took my hand. "Thanks twin."

"Anytime, twin." I put my arm around her and we walked to the door.

Onika walked straight in like she lived here. She already knew exactly where to go because she led us to a door with stairs on the other side.

We walked down and into Robyn's basement. It looked like what you would expect. Lights on the wall, trippy tapestries everywhere, and even a poster of a naked woman.

Onika opened the door to her backyard where everyone was. They were all here already, sitting in lawn chairs that made a circle, and already smoking.

I didn't like the smell.

Robyn was sitting next to Kelly, Lauren was sitting next to Robyn, and Frank was sitting next to Lauren.

"Hey y'all." I waved and so did Onika.

Everyone waved or said their own greeting.

"I didn't think you were coming, sit next to me." I could barely tell if Kelly's eyes were open on not.

Onika pulled us over next to Kelly and pushed me down in the lawn chair before sitting in my lap.

"I wasn't going to but.." I gestured to Onika.

Kelly handed her the weed thing and she put it in her mouth.

She took it out of her mouth and a second later smoke came out of her mouth. Why did that turn me on?

Lauren coughed and dramatically wheezed. "Bey, we'll jump that bitch for you."

"I don't want to talk about that right now." I came to get my mind off that. "Let's talk about Kelly and Robyn."

They were sitting suspiciously close to each other. I could tell one of them moved their chair closer to the other because all the chairs were an equal distance apart but theirs.

Robyn laughed with her eyes closed. "Me and Kelly?"

Onika nodded. "Mhm, I see it too. Y'all look mighty comfortable."

Kelly tried to look unbothered but I could see right through her. "Robyn barely let me in her house, stop making stuff up."

I looked over at Frank since he wasn't saying much and he was just staring at the sky. I wonder what he was looking at.

Onika passed the weed thing back to Kelly and leaned her body back on mine. "Imagine the double dates. We would have so much fun."

Robyn opened her eyes just to roll them. "We're all hanging out right now, why does it have to be a double date?"

"Kelly, what about that buff guy?" Lauren giggled, "I want his hat."

"He went back to Austin, he was only here for winter break. We love each other but long distance isn't for either one of us. That doesn't mean we're over for good, we applied to a lot of the same colleges so we'll probably get back together soon enough. Until then, we're single and can do whatever we want."

My phone vibrated so I turned it over to see the notification. It was from Megan.

Meg: hey are you good? i was sleeping when that whole gc thing was going on but what brysons bitch ass said wasn't cool at all

Meg: and you know me and kelly will deal with him

: I'm fine

: You should come hang out with us

Meg: us who?

: Me Onika Frank Lauren Robyn and Kelly

Meg: oh.. i'm so good maybe next time

: Why not 😞

Meg: you already know what they're going to say and i'm not in the mood

: Hold on Im about to call you

"Robyn, can I go inside and take a call?"

She nodded with her eyes still closed. I patted Onika thighs, "Can you get up?"

She stood up and squinted. "Who are you about to call?"

"My friend. Who I've never had sex with." I side eyed Lauren and she laughed. It wasn't funny.

"Yeah, you haven't sex with your friends because you're a virgin. And we never had sex, stop."

"Sure. Okay." I went inside and Facetimed Megan.

She answered in bed. "Hey, are you okay?"

I sat down on one of the cool chairs in here. It was a hand. "You already asked me that Megan."

"I know, but you can lie over text. I can tell if you're lying or not now because I can see your face."

"I'm fine. I don't care what Bryson says, he's just a dumb man-whore."


"Come to Robyn's house. They're smoking but you don't have to do that, I'm not."

"I already told you no."

"But why? Who cares if they say you have a crush on me? They're dumb." And we both know she doesn't have a crush on me.

"I don't care, but it's annoying. They're going to say I was to slit my wrists and jump off a bridge just because you have a girlfriend when in reality I'm so happy for you."

She's right. That would probably get on my nerves after a while too.

"Okay, I get that but I miss you. You don't even hang out with us anymore, you're always with that boy." I've never met him before so I don't know if I like him or not.

"Me and my grandma are coming over for dinner this Sunday, you'll see me then."

Megan and her grandma come over for dinner on some Sundays. My mom and her grandma are kind of friends.

"Let's go to Target together." I love Target.

She shortly laughed. "Okay Bey."

"Or we can make cookies." The door slid open and Onika walked into the backyard. I smiled at her and went back to my conversation. "Actually we should definitely make cookies because we have a new ice-"

Onika sat in my lap and took the phone from me. "Hey girl."

I took my phone back, how is she just going to snatch my phone in the middle of my sentence. "What are you doing?"

She snatched the phone back. "Saying hi to our friend, duh. Anyway Megan, you should come to Robyn's house. Your friends are here and I'm sure you and Lauren can cheat on your boyfriends with each other."

She's being nice?

"I'm not really feeling that well, that's what I was just telling Bey."

"Oh okay, well I hope you feel better."

I took the phone back, "I'll call you back, we can talk about hanging out later."

"Okay Bey. Talk to you later." She hung up before I could say bye again.

"Why did you do that?" I was talking.

"Sorry. I just wanted to say hi. But I have a question."


"If I suck your dick, will you take me to Chick-fil-a?"

"You know you could've just asked me to take you and I would've said yes." She knows that.

"I think I just want to suck it. Can I?"

"Yeah, let's go."

"Hold on." She stood up from my lap and went over to a mini fridge on the other side of the room. "My mouth is so dry, I might've given your dick carpet burn." She got a water bottle from the fridge and started chugging it.

She's so funny, I don't know where she comes up with this stuff.

I laughed, "Thank you for thinking about it and me."

She laid down on the carpet and laughed. "This feels like a cloud Bey. You have to lay down and feel it too."

"I don't think it would feel like a cloud for me since I didn't take any drugs."

"Yeah, true." She got up and started crawling towards me. I think she was trying to look sexy but she couldn't stop laughing.

When she got to me, she spread my legs and sat down on the floor in front of me. Then she put her hand in my lap and started causing friction down there.

"Onika, we can't do this here." That's disrespectful to Robyn.

"Robyn doesn't care."

"They could walk in at any time, no." I don't know what I would do if they walked in mid-ejaculation. Die probably.

"Okay, then let's go to the bathroom." She stood up then pulled me up. She's unusually strong for such a little person.

I didn't really have a choice because she started pulling me.

As soon as we got to the bathroom and she locked the door, she dropped to her knees and tried to pull my pants down.

I held my pants up, "Wait. Are we not going to talk about this first?"

"What is there to talk about? Do you want me to do it?"

"Well yeah-"

"Okay, let go."

I was just about to say I didn't want to do it here but instead, I moved my hands and she pulled both my pants and boxers down.

This was only our second time doing this so naturally, I was a little bit nervous. Bryson and Frank told me what to do but last longer but I haven't done that.

I was already hard from what she was doing earlier so she just put it in her mouth.

The feeling made me take a step back and hold onto the sink. It felt a little too good. "Wait-"

She cut me off by laughing. "It's okay. We already talked about this."

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay, I'm ready."

She put it back in her mouth and my stomach started doing the macarena. Her head started moving back and forth and her mouth started making funny noises.

Just as I started to get that feeling in the pit of my stomach, I heard the back door open.

I tried to pull away but Onika pushed me back against the sink and put her hands over mine so I couldn't do anything about it.

Someone knocked on the door then laughed, it was Robyn. "Oh my God, Onika is so nasty."

She could've at least let us finish.

I finally got out of Onikas grip and pulled myself out of her mouth. She was just innocently smiling.

I whispered, "Stand up."

She stood up and tried to kiss me but I dodged it. Gross. Why would she try to kiss me after doing what she just did?

She laughed and used to sink to rise her mouth out.

I pulled up my pants and adjusted it so that I could walk out of here without it being obvious that I was hard.

Onika fixed her hair in the mirror and smiled. "Ready?"


I made her stand in front of me when we walked out to cover me.

They were all sitting around Robyn's basement now.

Kelly shook her head, "Just nasty."

"Shut up. Onika and I are going to go but it was fun hanging out with y'all. We should do it again."

They all said bye and we left to finish what we started.




Kelly and Robyn?

Bey claiming not to care what Bryson said?

Megan not wanting to hang around them because of what they always say?

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