A Girl Called Lori

By RStoriesz

40K 1.9K 156

Lex has been defeated, and Kara and Lena are rebuilding their friendship, with Kara having realised she is to... More

Chapter 1 - A Girl Called Lori
Chapter 2 - Lori at L-Corp
Chapter 3 - The Interview
Chapter 4 - Final Assessments
Chapter 5 - Lori's New Home
Chapter 6 - Lori's Issues
Chapter 7 - Lori Meets Alex
Chapter 8 - Jealousy
Chapter 9 - Indian Food
Chapter 10 - Lori Meets Nia
Chapter 11 - Italian Lunch
Chapter 12 - Another Nightmare
Chapter 13 - Alex & Lori
Chapter 14 - Helen's Check In
Chapter 15 - Kara and Lori's Friday
Chapter 16 - Eliza Meets Lori
Chapter 17 - Making Pizzas
Chapter 18 - Roast Dinner
Chapter 19 - Back to School
Chapter 20 - First Date Preparations
Chapter 21 - Kara & Lena's Date
Chapter 22 - Kara Tells Lori
Chapter 23 - Second Date
Chapter 24 - Sexy Fun Times
Chapter 25 - Christmas Shopping
Chapter 27 - Drive to Midvale
Chapter 28 - Midvale
Chapter 29 - Christmas Eve Part 1
Chapter 30 - Christmas Eve Part 2
Chapter 31 - Christmas Fair
Chapter 32 - Christmas Day Part 1
Chapter 33 - The News
Chapter 34 - Digging Dirt
Chapter 35 - Kara Meets the Lawyer
Chapter 36 - A New Year
Chapter 37 - Custody Petition
Chapter 38 - Stephen Andrews
Chapter 39 - Lori Finds Out
Chapter 40 - Morning Cuteness
Chapter 41 - Day with Lori
Chapter 42 - Court Date
Chapter 43 - Trial Preparations
Chapter 44 - Lawyer Meeting
Chapter 45 - Second Trial Prep
Chapter 46 - Trial Nerves
Chapter 47 - Trial Begins
Chapter 48 - Court Day 2
Chapter 49 - Kara on the Stand
Chapter 50 - Kara Questioned
Chapter 51 - The Investigation
Chapter 52 - Cat Testifies!
Chapter 53 - Finale Part 1
Chapter 54 - A Girl Called Lori

Chapter 26 - The Terrorists

738 38 4
By RStoriesz

Kara has just zoomed away from Lori and Lena, leaving them sealed in the disabled bathroom. Kara has now transformed into her Supergirl suit, and is heading in the direction of the people attacking the shopping mall. However, as Kara does this, she can't help but be a bit astonished, as she did in fact hear Lori calling her mommy for the first time. It has happened in the absolute worst possible moment. Kara wanted to hear Lori calling her mommy for the first time somewhere where she could celebrate it, and give Lori all the love and affection in the world. But Kara can't do that right now. Kara can still hear Lori crying, sobbing, and asking for her 'mommy', while Lena holds the 7-year-old tightly. It absolutely breaks Kara's heart, and a part of her hates herself for being Supergirl and having to abandon Lori in this moment. However, another part of Kara is just angry, angry that these terrorists ruined something that should have been a beautiful moment between her and Lori. Kara's angry that what they are doing has led to her daughter being upset. So, Kara knows exactly who she is going to take out all her anger on.

A few moments later, Kara lands in front of several well-armed men, who have guns, and multiple other weapons in their hands. Around them, civilians are screaming and running away. Kara can see that the group clearly set up a car bomb outside of the mall, which blew open a few of the mall shop windows that are facing outside the mall.

"Look guys! It's the female Kryptonian!" One of the terrorists says, pointing at Kara.

"Yeah, look at her!" Another terrorist says.

"Let's get her!" A third terrorist says.

The terrorists than all go charging towards Kara, with some of them shooting their guns at her.

"You really don't know what I'm capable of, do you?" Kara says, standing still as bullets bounce off her, while other terrorists yell in pain after punching Kara, and it having no effect, other than breaking their own fists.

"You can't be capable of much, you're just some bitch!" One terrorist says.

"Yeah." Another terrorist agrees, "And we all know that a woman's true place is in the kitchen, serving us men!"

Kara scoffs in response to hearing that sexist trash, and decides she's had enough of all this. Kara launches into action, and punches one of the terrorists, sending him crashing to the ground, unconscious. After this, Kara turns her attention to a few of the other terrorists, who are standing still as they shoot their guns at her. In response to this, Kara uses her freeze breath to freeze those terrorists in place, and stop them from being able to shoot their guns any further. This then leaves 2 terrorists remaining, who are now looking at Kara, in her full Supergirl glory, with a look of fear in their eyes.

"Get her, Frank!" One of the terrorists says to the other.

The terrorist named Frank then goes charging towards Kara again, while Kara notices that the other terrorist goes running out of the mall, leaving is terrorist co-worker behind.

"What the hell?!" Frank yells, as he notices the other terrorist run away.

Kara quickly flies so she is on top of the terrorist named Frank, and pins him to the ground.

"Get off me you whore!" Frank yells.

"Learn some manners." Kara says, and then punches the terrorist in the head, knocking him unconscious.

Kara then gets up to her feet, and hears some screaming coming from outside of the mall, the same direction that the other terrorist ran.

Meanwhile, back in the disabled toilets, which Lena and Lori are still sealed inside of, the 7-year-old is still sobbing into Lena's chest.

"I want my mommy!" Lori sobs.

"I know you do, darling." Lena says, feeling very emotional herself, because she knows the significance of Lori calling Kara 'mommy' right now. However, all Lena knows is that she just has to wait for Kara to return, and in the meantime give Lori all the comfort she needs. "She'll be back soon."

"Why did she leave me?" Lori sobs, "Everyone leaves me!"

"No.... that's not true." Lena says, in a soothing voice, "Kara is never, ever, going to leave you. She loves you, so much. She just had to go and stop the bad people, and keep other people safe. If she didn't do that, and stayed here with us, while she knows that she could have done something, she'd feel very guilty if people got hurt, when she could have prevented it. You don't want mommy to feel guilty over anything, do you?"

"No." Lori says, with a sniffle.

"See." Lena says, "Mommy will be back soon though."

"When?" Lori asks, looking up at Lena nervously.

"As soon as she has beat all the bad people." Lena says.

"I want her to be back now." Lori says, and starts to cry again.

"I know you do, darling." Lena says, holding Lori close to her chest again.

Lena continues to hug Lori for the next few minutes, but soon the two are pulled from their moment by Lena's phone ringing. Lena grabs it from her pocket and answers it, just in case it's Kara calling or something.

"Lena? Are you guys okay?" The voice of Alex asks.

"Alex." Lena says, with a bit of relief in her voice, "Yes, Lori and I are fine at the moment."

"Good." Alex says, "I'm calling because we just got the alert of the attack at the mall, and I know that you, Kara and Lori were shopping there, from what Kara told me."

"Yes." Lena replies, "We were just about to walk out of the mall when the attack happened."

"Where are you guys now?" Alex asks, "I already know that Kara is currently chasing down a terrorist who ran away."

"Kara locked Lori and I inside a disabled bathroom in the mall. She said she'd tear off the handle, and use her heat vision to weld the door shut." Lena explains.

"Okay. That's good." Alex says, "You'll both be safe in there. Nia and I are almost at the mall. Once we arrive, we are going to do a sweep, just to make sure Kara got all the terrorists, and none of them got away. But once that is finished, we'll come to you, unless Kara finishes and gets there first."

"Okay. Thank you, Alex." Lena says back.

"Is Lori okay?" Alex asks, with some concern in her voice.

"Not really. She's crying at the moment. I'm trying to reassure her, but she wants Kara, understandably." Lena explains.

"Yeah, alright. Just hold tight. I'm sure everything will be over soon." Alex says.

"Okay. See you soon." Lena replies, and then ends the call.

Once Lena ends the call, she looks back down at Lori, who is still lightly sobbing.

"That was aunt Alex. She and Nia are on their way here. They are going to clear out the mall, and make sure none of the bad people got away." Lena says, "Then after, they will come and find us."

"What about mommy?" Lori asks, with a very worried look on her face.

"Mommy is chasing down a terrorist who ran away. She'll come back and find us once she catches him." Lena says.

Lori doesn't say anything in response to Lena saying that, so the CEO just hugs Lori tightly again.


Back outside the mall, Kara is currently hovering around, about 20 feet off the ground, trying to find the terrorist that got away. Kara only lost sight of him for about 20 seconds when he ran away as she fought the other terrorist, but somehow in that time he's been able to vanish into the crowd of people. Kara knows that she can't give up though. She can't allow for a terrorist to get away after what happened.

"Supergirl? Do you need any help?" J'onn asks, now appearing by Kara's side.

"J'onn." Kara says, "I subdued the other terrorists inside the mall, but the last one ran, and I can't find him."

"Right. Okay." J'onn nods, "Sentinel and Dreamer will arrive soon and help the police arrest the terrorists, and also sweep the mall for another other threats. I'll help you track down this last terrorist."

"Okay. Thank you, J'onn." Kara says.

"Of course." J'onn nods, "Now, what direction did you see he went in?"

"I didn't." Kara replies, "But I heard screams coming from this direction."

"Alright." J'onn nods, "I'll look towards the east side of the building, you take the streets to the west. Hopefully, with the two of us, we'll be able to find him."

"Okay." Kara nods.

Kara and J'onn then go flying off in different directions, now floating above all the buildings completely, looking down at everything below, trying to find the terrorist that ran. As they are doing this, Kara is starting to have worried thoughts in her head, because if this terrorist gets away, she will blame herself. Kara knows that she should have just been quicker about everything, and not allowed this to happen.

Kara and J'onn continue to search the area, with no luck, for the next several minutes. However, they are soon alerted by another explosion coming from two blocks away from the mall.

"What is that?" Kara says to J'onn, who is now floating next to her.

"I don't know." J'onn says, "But I'd say it's a good chance the terrorist caused it."

Kara and J'onn both go flying in the direction of the explosion, and they soon see the explosion came from inside a bank. It's one of the few banks that the alien robbers from the other day didn't target.

Kara and J'onn land inside the bank, and as they look around, they see several people on the ground, some of them injured, and some unconscious. Thankfully, none of them are dead. But it's clear they've all been thrown to their feet by the blast.

"What happened?" Kara asks one of the people on the ground, confused.

"Armed.... armed men.... rushed in..... with these strange looking weapons.... about 5 minutes ago..... They..... then took the bank manager..... and had him take them to the vault..... while some of the men stayed here.... guarding us..... But..... about a minute ago.... another man came running in..... and he yelled out that they needed to get the job done now, as Supergirl, you, were coming. After that, all of the armed men ran down, in the direction of the vault, and a few seconds later there was a blast." The person explains.

Kara and J'onn both now look at each other with worried looks on their faces.

"You think this is connected to the robberies from the other week?" Kara asks.

"It would seem likely." J'onn says.

"I guess we need to go down to the vault and see what is happening." Kara says.

"Yes." J'onn agrees, "But we need to be careful. If these people have those same weapons as before, it'll be a lot more difficult for us to avoid their blasts in such a confined space."

"Right." Kara nods.

Kara and J'onn then make their way towards the vault area, letting people know that police will be on the way to help them. Kara and J'onn then go through multiple doors, which eventually lead them to a spiral staircase going down.

"The vault must be down here." J'onn says.

"Yeah." Kara agrees.

"Can you see anything with your x-ray vision?" J'onn asks.

Kara uses her x-ray vision for a few seconds just to check.

"No. The walls are lined with lead." Kara says.

"That's strange." J'onn comments.

"Very." Kara nods.


Meanwhile, back at the shopping mall, Alex and Nia have completed their sweep of the building, and found no further threats that they need to take care of. At the same time, police and ambulance services have arrived, and are taking the terrorists into custody, while also helping any civilians that were injured in the blast, or gunfire that occurred thereafter.

Right now, Nia and Alex are making their way towards the toilets which they know Lena and Lori are still inside. They know exactly where the duo are because on their sweep of the mall, they came across the bathroom that was soldered shut, with the handle broken off, just as Lena described.

"Lena? Lori?" Alex calls out, as soon as she and Nia arrive outside the bathroom door, "You guys in there?"

"Yeah." Lena replies.

On the inside, Lori is still crying, but only a small amount, and Lena has still been continuing to soothe the 7-year-old.

"You guys still okay?" Alex asks.

"We're good." Lena says back.

"Okay. Nia and I will try and get you out now. But I'm not sure how to do this without Kara. Neither of us have super strength." Alex says, as she looks at the melted metal.

"I have an idea." Nia says, "Let me try something."

Alex nods her head at Nia, and takes a few steps back. Nia then uses her dream projectile abilities to wrap a dream whip around the part of the door that Kara melted shut with her heat vision. Nia proceeds to pull on her whip, and a few moments later, the door breaks open.

"Wow." Alex says, "I didn't know you could do that."

"Neither did I." Nia admits.

Alex and Nia now turn to look inside the bathroom, and see Lena standing there, with a concerned look on her face, still holding Lori close to her chest.

"It's okay now, guys." Alex says, as she and Nia take a step closer.

"Yeah." Nia says.

Lori now turns to look at Alex and Nia, with her mostly focusing her attention on Nia.

"Who are you?" Lori asks, nervously, looking at Nia.

Nia chuckles and then removes her mask, revealing who she is to the young girl.

"It's me, Lori." Nia says, with a small sympathetic smile, seeing the tears that have been running down Lori's face.

"Nia?" Lori says.

"Yeah." Nia nods, still smiling.

"I want my mommy." Lori says, looking at Nia.

"Oh.... OH." Nia says, realising that Lori is referring to Kara.

After hearing this, Alex gives Lena a surprised look, and the CEO simply responds by nodding her head.

"Don't worry Lori, I'm sure mommy will be back soon." Alex says, in a soothing tone, "But in the meantime, we should all get out of here. Mommy will meet us back at our base."


Back inside the bank, Kara and J'onn have now reached the bottom of the stairs, leading to the vault, and they can hear the bank robbers talking to one another.

"Hurry up! We need to get out of here!" One person says.

"Don't worry. We have our escape route already perfectly planned." Another says.

"You better, there's no way we'll be able to outrun Supergirl!" A third person says.

Kara and J'onn then walk down a corridor, which eventually leads them to the main vault area, where the robbers, and the terrorist from earlier, are stealing a bunch of items from safe deposit boxes.

"It's Supergirl!" The terrorist yells.

The bank robbers then aim their guns at the two superheroes, which Kara and J'onn both notice are the same alien weapons they have seen before.

"Get them!" One bank robber yells.

The weapons are then shot at Kara and J'onn, and the two both have to take evasive action. The duo does know, from previous experience, that getting hit by these alien guns will not hurt them, but even with that knowledge, they do not want to take any risk.

Over the next few moments, Kara and J'onn continue to evade the blasts from the alien guns, all while they get closer and closer to the bank robbers, and the terrorist from before.

"Do you have our exit ready yet?!" One of the people shooting Kara and J'onn yells.

"Yes. Got it!" Another replies, "Get down!"

Suddenly, all of the bank robbers, and the terrorist, jump to the ground, and a few seconds later, there is a large blast on one of the walls. Obviously, the blast does not affect Kara or J'onn at all, but the dust created from it does hamper their vision for multiple seconds. When the duo eventually are able to see again, they notice that there is now a large hole in the wall of the bank vault, which looks to lead into a sewer system, and already multiple of the bank robbers have run through the hole.

"You go after them!" J'onn says, "I'll get the stragglers here."

"Right." Kara nods.

Kara then zooms through the hole, and she is quickly on the first bank robber, who is carrying a large duffle bag. Kara has learnt her lesson from before, and she doesn't waste any time in knocking the robber out, before pursuing the next one. Kara then proceeds to do this multiple times until she sees that only two remain, one bank robber, and the terrorist from earlier.

"Shit! You told me this would work!" The terrorist yells, as he and the final bank robber continue to run through the sewers.

"It still can! But it would have worked better if you were able to stall her for longer!" The bank robber replies.

Kara soon catches up to the bank robber, and as she punches him, the alien gun he has in his hand goes flying. Kara then picks the bank robber up off the ground, and slams him against the large sewer drain pipe wall, knocking him unconscious. After this, Kara finally turns her attention on the terrorist, but as she does, she sees that he has picked up the alien gun, and is now firing it at her.

"Take this!" The terrorist yells.

The beam from the alien gun hits Kara, and the only thing it does, is offer some minor resistance. As Kara walks closer to the terrorist, who continues to shoot the beam from the alien gun at her, Kara just feels like she is walking into a strong wind or something. It feels like there is some resistance, but nothing that is going to hurt her, or knock her off her feet or anything.

Soon Kara is on top of the terrorist, and the first thing she does is place her hand at the end of the barrel of the gun, and squeeze it shut. She then aggressively snatches the gun from the terrorist's hands, and snaps it in two, almost as if it were a twig. Upon seeing that, the terrorist gulps in fear.

"You know, if I wasn't as nice as I am, right now I would do some pretty horrible things to you. In fact, I have a few friends, who are also superheroes, who might viciously beat you until you're half dead. So, consider yourself lucky." Kara says.

Kara then punches the terrorist in the centre, sending him crashing into the wall. The terrorist falls to the ground soon after, and lets out a groan of pain before going unconscious.


It has now been about an hour since Lena, Lori, Alex and Nia arrived at The Tower, and have been waiting for Kara and J'onn to show. Thankfully, they have heard the news that Kara and J'onn were able to catch the final terrorist, along with some bank robbers that the terrorists seemed to have been working with. However, Kara and J'onn are now taking a while because they are working with the police to try and find out the connection between the bank robbers with the same alien weapons as before, and these bank robbers. They want to be sure that there is a connection, and these alien weapons are not just something that are now being wildly sold on the black market or something.

On Lena, Alex, Nia and Lori's front, while they have been waiting, all of the adults have been doing their best to keep Lori's mood up, as while she has now stopped crying, she has been very fidgety, and has constantly asked how much longer Kara will be until she returns.

Eventually, after much waiting, Kara and J'onn land back on the balcony of The Tower. As they do this, Nia, Lena, Alex and Lori all turn and look at the two heroes.

"Mommy!" Lori yells out, with Lena letting the 7-year-old out of her arms, allowing her to go running towards Kara.

"Baby!" Kara says, now with some tears in her eyes, with how emotional she feels at Lori calling her mommy.

Kara and Lori soon meet, with the blonde taking her daughter in for a big comforting hug. As they hug, Lori begins to cry once more. While this happens, Alex, Lena, J'onn and Nia watch on with sympathetic looks on their faces.

"I was scared that you were gone." Lori sobs.

"I know, baby." Kara says, as she hugs Lori tightly, and kisses her on the top of her head, "But I'm back now, and I love you, so so much."

"I didn't like you leaving, mommy." Lori says.

"I know." Kara replies, "And I'm sorry that I had to. But everything is okay now. I won't be leaving again."

After this, Kara and Lori continue to hug for a long while, and all the other adults leave Lori and Kara to it, allowing them to have this moment between the two of them, without anyone else getting in the way.

Eventually, Kara and Lori's moment alone comes to an end, and everyone at The Tower decides that they'll all order some burgers for their dinner, which J'onn will go and pick up for them. They all then do just that, with them all settling down in the living room area of The Tower, sitting on the couches together. As they do this, and eat their food, Lori stays very close to Kara, sitting right next to her, and noticeably, to Kara, pressing her body weight into the blonde. Kara knows that over the next few days Lori will probably be very clingy to her, and she doesn't blame her daughter one bit.

Once the group all finish their food, they begin talking with one another about everything that happened today, making sure to avoid certain topics which they don't want Lori to hear. After about 30 minutes of this conversation though, Kara notices that Lori has fallen asleep, snuggled into her side.

"I should probably take her home." Kara says.

"I can give you a ride." Alex says back.

"Sure. Thanks." Kara smiles, and then turns to look at her girlfriend, "Do you want to come back to my place with us?"

"Yes, I'd like that, very much." Lena nods, with a happy smile.

After this, the group all say their goodbyes to one another, and Kara, Lena and Lori all then get into Alex's car, with the redhead driving, and Lena sitting in the front seat next to her, with Kara and the still sleeping Lori in the back.

"So, how do you feel about today, Kara?" Alex eventually asks, as they drive along.

Kara sighs, knowing exactly what her sister is asking her.

"Honestly, it was both the best day ever, and the worst day, all rolled up into one." Kara says.

Alex nods her head.

"I get it. It must have been tough for you, with Lori calling you mommy for the first time, and then you having to leave her to be Supergirl." Alex comments.

"Yeah. It was." Kara says back, "But, Lee, I'm so glad you were there. You were absolutely amazing today. I can't thank you enough for taking care of Lori for me."

"Of course, Kara. You don't ever have to thank me." Lena says.

"I do." Kara says, "You were put in a bit of a tough spot today, with how I had to leave Lori like that, but you were incredible with her, and offered her all the love and comfort she could need. You were truly amazing."

Lena now slightly blushes at Kara's continued compliment, not being used to receiving them.

"Thank you, darling." Lena replies, not having any other words to say in response.


If you would like to see some of my other content, check out these links: https://linktr.ee/Rstories

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