By LamaXebecs

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He knew he was free, with Pops and his family by his side, travelling the seas was never unpleasant. She thi... More



901 56 66
By LamaXebecs

The next week, Javaaid sneaks Shila out the castle and leads her to that same cottage from before. She was baffled by it's sudden appearance since she had come searching for it several times only for her attempts to return futile. Javaaid sent her a wink and proceeded to open the door of the vine-covered cottage. The next thing Shila saw was several guns and swords pointed at her.

"Passcode." One demanded, a long sword pointed at Shilas neck. She began to sweat when no memory of a passcode registered in her mind, but Javaaid seemed calm so she relaxed as well. Low and behold, Javaaid spoke the passcode in her place.


"Yellow or magenta?"


And all of a sudden all and any tension snapped and several people began crowding Javaaid with grins, hugging and kissing him on either cheek. Her mentor was seemingly unbothered by the attention and even seemed to enjoy it with his grin.

"Listen, everyone!" The captain attempted to call but several kids jumped on him. There were so many kids that Javaaid fell over and all she could see we're his feet. Admittedly, it made her give out quite the loud giggle.

And then the room grew silent and all attention was on her. Awkwardly, she waved. 

"Hello. I'm Shila."

"We know who you are," A man she didn't recognize spoke before falling to a knee in respect for her, grasping her hands in his own large one. She was confused but let him proceed until everyone else was mimicking his actions without the hand-holding.

"Queen Shila." One if the little girls grinned. "We've waited years for you."

Dumbfounded, Shila pointed at herself in shock. "M-me?"

Familiar brown eyes approach her, and her eyes widen.

"Don't take your time, princess." He said in such a chilling way. "We're all waiting. If you need to find me, go to the cottage."

"It's you!" She brightens up. "What are you doing here?"

"You know the master?" Javaaid, who was dusting himself from the dirt of the floor, spoke behind her on the ground.

He receives a confused expression in response. "The what?"

"The master," he begins, "he's-"

"I taught him a few tricks on fighting." The man cut off her mentor before he could continue. His eyes wander to her waist where the beautiful blood-absorbent sword lies tucked in a sword belt lent to her by Javaaid. She sees his mouth move to utter some quiet words but she fails to hear them.

"What?" When she leans closer to hear he purses his lips and uncrosses his arms.


That sparkle in his eyes said otherwise.

"Anyways," Javaaid send his own mentor a strange look before guiding Shila to behind him where a golden door reveals itself.

"I'm liking all of the gold I keep seeing lately."

"You'll like it a lot more when you retrieve your kingdom."

They smirk at each other, and the door slowly opens itself, amazing Shila once more. Beyond the beautiful door, is an even more beautiful blessing that makes the sparkle in her eyes increase.


"Someones touching her again. A lot of people are, yoi."

Thatch lets out a low whistle. "Wild girl you've got there, Marco."

The brunette narrowly dodges blue and yellow flames launched at him, only to fail when Marco tackled him. They wrestle for a bit before Izo tells them to knock it off. Pop's stares at Marco for a few seconds before letting out a little laugh.

"Gurarara, you're not the sharing type."

Marco flushes with embarrassment and anger. "Pops!"

"See, even pop's is thinking the same thing!"

"Well, you're wrong!"

It surprises Thatch and Izo to hear such words since Marco has only ever followed and agreed with pops without question. Loyalty at it's best. "Relax, Marco. We're only kidding. I'm sure they're all innocent touches- I mean, she could be in a crowded village for all you know."

"You're right," Marco admits and sits down, ruffling his hair. "I'm usually so rational, why didn't I think of that?"

"Yep, love'll do that to you, gurarara."

"Pop's" Marco looks at the man with glittering eyes. "How did you ever stay rational with your wife?"

"I was never once rational with that woman."

The blonde sulks. "Nevermind, yoi."


There were creatures she'd never seen before, flying around her chirping and singing kindly, offering her happiness that she quickly accepted. There was a beautiful stream where land animals she had and hadn't seen before we're drinking from. Deer, horses and sheep that she recognized and green, red, and pink creatures that she didn't. 

One of the creatures ran up to her, circled around her while nuzzling against her leg, purring with happiness. It made tears collect in her eyes, how easily this creature trusted her even with her being so different.

That's the kingdom she wants.

"Welcome to Amanuddin, where warriors are born and armies are created. This is all for you, Shila."

The princess gapes and turns to find Javaaid bringing his hands to her face, cradling her with warm and caring eyes. "For... me?"

"For you." He says it so firmly that it convinces her so quickly. 

"You're saying...?"

"Princess- no, queen Shila. This is your army, this is the beginning of your kingdom, of everything."

A familiar creature slithers along her leg and Shila grins at it, lowering to cradle the little Basilisk.  A joyful sound escapes the duo as they embrace each-other tightly.

"My queen," A little girl tugs on the brown cloak she was wearing. Shila places the basilisk in her embrace down, and crouches down to see what the little one desired from her. She's honoured and surprised to find the girl presenting her with a flower. She's about to accept the little gift when another boy appears with the exact same intention as the girl but with a different coloured flower. Then only so many children appear after that.

At first, Shila thinks they're going to argue about it but is pleasently surprised when they team up together and create a flower crown. Javaaid by her side lets out a soft laugh at the disastrous difference in colours on the crown but Shila loves it.

"Thank you!" She opens her arms as wide as she can to hug all of the children and they squeeze into her embrace happily. The princess gushes when the children leave giggling and high-fiving one another.

"You don't understand how happy your arrival makes us." A woman speaks behind Shila and the ravenette turns around to meet the brightest blue eyes she's ever seen. Theres a few moments where she's captured in them and fails to snap out of the gaze until the woman is embracing Javaaid. Or rather, she'd assumed it was an embrace until Shila actually looked and saw them kissing.

Respectfully, she looked away with a blush.

"No! Why are you blushing? Who's making you blush, yoi?"

"Yoi-guy?" She blinks confusedly, "It"s nothing."

"Don't tell me it's nothing! Why have you been blushing and getting touched all day? It's driving me crazy!"


"Why?! come on, princess- don't ask me why. I thought it was obvious, yoi!"


"You're not kissing anyone, right?"

"Of course not."

"Nevermind then."

"Earth to Shila."

"Huh..." The finger in front of her eyes pauses and Javaaid appears in her vision with a grin. "You day-dreaming about your little king?"

Bright red surrounds her face. "H-huh?!"

"Why are you blushing again?!"

"Queen Shila," a hand is offered to her and she gladly takes it. The brunette in front of her offers possibly the kindest smile Shila has ever seen. "It's an honour. I'm so glad you're here- welcome to your new home."

"My new home..." The idea of living here doesn't sound bad at all. It's a good source of food, water, and it's got plenty of shelter as well. From what the kids have told her, theres also only a month of winter time which would make heat a rather minor issue. "I like that idea."

"Don't get her hopes up, my love." Javaaid places a hand on Shilas shoulder. "It isn't your destiny to stay here."

Her eyebrows scrunch together, "What do you mean?"

"He means nothing." The same brown eyed man from before appears and suddenly her mentor is all quiet. They're hiding something from her and she confronts them about it.

"It's things we interpreted from the poem, but you must experience it."

"What poem?"

"You know it."

She knows instantly which poem he speaks about. 

Fire magenta and orange flames...

"I see..." She bites her lip while thinking. With her thoughts so jumbled she eventually finds herself wondering what both of their names we're.

"My name is Shaquanna Iburi. That's my father, and though he might be a bit reserved at first he's one of the kindest people you'll ever meet."

"I can introduce myself," The man rolls his eyes. "My name is Anwir. I'm the army trainer here."

"Thank you for saving me that day, sir."

He shudders. "Don't call me that. You're my queen."


"Don't do that either."

"Father," Shaquanna gave the man an exasperated look. "Stop being annoying."

He huffed and crossed his arms, looking away. Shila insisted she didn't mind but Shaquanna already possessed so much loyalty for her that she wouldn't tolerate any ill attitude to Shila. Really, Shila hadn't noticed anything from the man but apparently his daughter did. 

They took her to the training grounds next where a group of boys and girls we're sparring with their fists and legs, while the adults were doing the same with the addition of sword-fighting. Shila passed by them until she recognized one of the soldiers and ran straight up to him.

"Hey! You serve my father at the castle!"

The soldier smiled and nodded, "I've been undercover since I joined, my queen."

"That's crazy..." She awed.

"Captain." The man nodded at Javaaid who nodded back with a smile. Come to think of it, Shila had never seen Javaaid smile so much. It was a refreshing sight to see.

"If I may, my queen," Shaquanna began speaking as soon as they walked away from the soldier, Shila bidding him farewell with a bright and broad grin. "How do you plan to escape this island?"

"I don't." They paused. "I mean, I'll defeat my father here and then worry about it."

"That wont work. You need experience from outside this kingdom, queen Shila."

"But..." she sent them nervous looks, one very obviously directed at Javaaid.

He replied with, "What a caring queen you are. I'll be fine, I've survived this long with everyone after all, a couple of years wont do too much."

"Fine," It didn't take much convincing for her to give in. She knows how important all of this is and that many many sacrifices should and will be made. Then came the hard part. "How will I escape?"

"We'll use this as an opportunity to frame one of the other lords. It'll distract the king as well as get rid of a lord, hopefully."

"No, not a king." Shila thought about it. "None of them are as powerful as the duke. My father has never once not taken that mans advice and, admittedly, it's always very good advice."

"How do you know that?"

"My father has fought in many, many wars and each strategy is created by the duke."

Shaquanna perked up. "And if you can get rid of the strategist, it'll make this all easier for us."

There was a moment of silence between the four of them. Shila, for the reason that she was still processing all of this. It was only three months ago that she discovered her whole life had been a lie, and now she was crafting plans to leave her kingdom. The kingdom she had once loved so much. 

Perhaps she can- no, she will return stronger and smarter to save all of them. If she could gather allies as well in the end it would be quite useful for all of them. She expressed her thoughts on the matter out loud.

"With all due respect," Anwir began, "that's a stupid plan. Do you truly believe there are people out there who care about our kingdom? We wouldn't even be in this situation if that was the case."

"Theres people out there who care. I know it."

He scoffed, "And how is that?"

Red filled her cheeks and Shaquanna whistled while Javaaid clenched his sword. "Th-theres this man. He tells me stories, we talk, and we're family now. He want's to help."

"Oh yeah?" Anwir narrowed his eyes. "What's his name?"

And she blushed harder when she realizes she doesn't know yoi-guys name.

"I... don't know."

Anwir practically began crying from the stupidity, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Unbelievable..."

"Tell me you at least know his age?"

Another stretched silence.

"Well to be fair I've only seen him in my dream."

Shaquanna brightened up. "What colours does he look like?"

Appalled, Shila questioned where she'd gotten such information but the woman only grinned and urged her to answer. Hesitantly, the princess complied.

"Usually, blue and yellow." The thought of yoi-guy makes her blush.

Shaquanna seemed content with her reply, murmuring something under her breath "If I may accompany you on your journey, my queen, I'm sure it would reassure all of us."

"I'll go." Javaaid quickly stepped up only for his father-in-law to surprisingly silence him. 

"You're our army general and the closest spy we have to the king. Do you honestly think any of us would allow you to leave? Besides, it's better if another woman accompanies Shila, being stuck with a man as a woman must be overwhelming."

The general frowned. "I doubt-"

But Shaquanna quickly cut him off. "It is."

He looks at his wife with wide eyes and silently points at himself, to which she chuckles and shakes her head.

"You're an exception."

"Excuse me?" Her father frowned.

"If I may," Shila raised her voice slightly to dispel any coming arguments. "I think your role here is important Shaquanna. You're the banker, you collect money for resources such as food or military weapons. On top of that, you're also the head blacksmith. Your role here is far too important for you to leave even for a week."

The three of them still disagreed with the option of her traveling alone, but before any of them could object once more she lifted her palm and revealed burning purple and orange. It spread until it covered her arm. Then her chest, then her face, and so on until she was glowing with flames of purple and orange. It was so beautiful already, and they failed to blink when fire wings sprouted on her back. 

"I can care for myself. It's time I learned how the real world works." She whispered. "We need allies in this war. We need tricks and tactics. Anwir, you may be our strategist, but we need people who can go through with your plans. I'll come back in hopefully months, maybe even years. But I will not forget."

Anwir was the first to speak, a small and soft smile lifting his lips. "I guess if our queen desires it, she shall receive it."

Javaaid and Shaquanna could only nod silently.


"By the way, the last time I came here a woman trapped me and showed me something. I think it was a vision of the future but... I'm not sure. Is she apart of the army as well?"

The three adults faced one another, confused expressions donning their faces. Finally, Anwir speaks up. "Queen, there isn't a single man or woman here that could sense the future. Either way, we've never seen you here before."

"What are you talking about?" Shila chuckled. "I was here a number of days ago."

"What was the vision?" Javaaid stepped forwards. Perhaps it was a dream.

"It was simple really. Someone was sitting on a throne atop a mountain of gold and all I could see was their grin. There was... a lot of gold."

"I see." Shaquanna grins at her husband and playfully links arms with him, squealing like a little girl while he snickers.

"I cant wait for you to meet him!"

Shila sends her a confused look.

"To meet who?"

"Your soulmate, of course!"

And suddenly everything makes sense.


"Those dreams you have together are one of a kind," Shaquanna explains with a grin. "My great grandmother once had a similar situation, and it led to my grandfather being born."

"Who was your great grandmother?" Shila perked up. Was it who she thought it was?

A sad smile spread across Anwirs face as his daughter spoke the woman's name, as if the mere mention of it made his heart break apart in pieces.

"Her name was Maki Iburi. But thats a story too heartbreaking and long for me to explain right now."

"I recognize that name. From a book, I think." Shila spent a moment thinking and trying to remember. "Oh! 'A Sea of Kindness!'"

Before she could continue speaking her little basilisk interrupted her with a happy growl, followed by another growl from a fellow basilisk. Then, suddenly, several other grown and young basilisks crawled towards her. 

She felt fear crawl through her skin. Had they found out about her killing the basilisk in the dungeon? 

Instead, they circled around her before wrapping their tails around her and growling happily. Some of them were definitely dragons and others were either wingless or not.

"These ones," Javaaid scratched one of the dragons chins and it purred, tremors forming as it stomped its foot against the ground. The captain laughed and continued. "Are our flight army. This girls mine."

With the fire still burning on Shilas back, she approaches the dragon cautiously. Theres a growing smile on her lips that blossoms as soon as her hand makes contact with the surprisingly soft scaly skin. The dragon nuzzles her head against Shila and the princess envelops her arms around the dragons head in a hug.

She doesn't realize it, but her fire wings envelope the both of them together.

"They're both so beautiful," Javaaid can only admit. 

"Javaaid..." Shaquanna quietly whispers, that smile on her face growing more concerned as their queen runs and plays with the basilisks and dragons. "The king is growing suspicious, isn't he?"

"Thankfully not of us." His wife breathes in relief. "I've set up things to make it seem like the lord of the east, Luca Anworth, is plotting something."

"Why, Anworth?"

A grin grows in the captains face. "The king enjoys the kings-games more than anything. And when his swimming champion was murdered because Oli Lockhart grew jealous, a strong hatred began to form between them both. Tensions are already high with those two and if we can make the same situation happen with Luca Anworth it'll be like killing two birds with one stone."

Shaquanna finds the smug look on his face so attractive that she's tempted to kiss him right there. Though she'd rather do such acts in private.

Of course, her father didn't find the scene so amusing. "At least you didn't marry an idiot."

"Father." She frowns.

Javaaid takes no offense, laughing the old mans insult off.

"But really," Anwir speaks up, voice and eyes softening as the topic switches to their queen. "She's so innocent. It upsets me that that'll all be gone soon."

"She'll have the same heart." Javaaid answered.

"Yes. Yes she will."

"How did you even come to meet Anwir, Javaaid?"

"Good question," Javaaid begins to explain as they take a walk. "He raised me. And most of the adults here, actually."

That causes the princess to gasp. How old was Anwir truly?

"I know what you're thinking. How old is this man?', and to answer that he's sixty-three. He's been doing this ever since he was twenty three and he had Shaquanna when he was twenty four."

"So he just started raising kids out of no where?"

Javaaid goes to reply but then pauses with a chuckle. "Not really. The thing with master Anwir is that he used to be a hero well-known in this kingdom and in the seas. When he tore an important ligament in both of his knees and his powers were stolen from him, he just couldn't heal."

 He paused to give her a moment to process everything before continuing. "Master Anwir isn't the type to give up though, and he persisted through his physical pain and grief and eventually began to help orphan, abandoned, and kids who were neglected and abused in their homes."

Blood drains from the princesse's face and Anwir lets out a sigh, his next words an attempt to reassure her. "I was in the category of all three. My mother and father we're both abusive. They would regularly abandon me until I was finally orphaned and taken in by Master Anwir. He saved my life."

Hesitantly, Shila spoke up. "Who stole his powers?"

Javaaids face grows grave. "The king."

And her heart breaks. "And everyone in this army...?"

"Everyone here is not only fighting for you, but for our master." The captain grips his sword hilt tightly. "For freedom."

And she was never more sure about something before.

"You said master Anwir was a well-renowned hero. Who was he?"

Javaaids eyes flash with something and it reminds her of her brothers when they read their stories about superheroes and villains.

"He was prince Adl, the one who opposes injustice."



"Javaaid!" Anwir quickly appears. "Come help me pick something up."

The captain of the guard sends her a war smile. "It's not my story to tell."

And she understands that. She truly does. And she lets him know that, to which an appreciative smile is returned. 


"You've always disliked me, Lockhart. Explain yourself."

"I've no clue as to what you're speaking about, your highness."

"Don't take me for a fool. You first seemed to think allowing the execution of my champion was appropriate. Then you proceeded to try and have my daughter courted to your son. Your actions have angered me."

"Your champion kissed the princess." The lord of the east argued.

"And who made these claims?"

Confidently, the blonde haired man replied, "My son saw it with his own eyes."

Apalled, the king's eyes widened. "Really? Your son did?"

The poor fool was grinning. "Yes, my king."

"Like father, like son. Fools, both of you!" Suddenly, guards begin surrounding the lord of the east. He looked around in confusion, wondering what was happening and why he was being approached even by his own personal guards. They grabbed him by his arms and seized him on his knees, one of the guards hands firmly placed atop of his head keeping it down. 

Fear struck through the lords veins as the gravity of his situation really came to him, and at once he began to beg mercilessly. 

"Forgive me! I was in the wrong, I'll repay you however you like, my liege!"

The king, Noxus, stared at him with cold eyes brimming with annoyance. He was half-tempted to slaughter the man right here and now, and there wouldn't be any consequences save for some strong tension between him and the next-in-line. But Oli is childish and easy control, and it takes him awhile to consider what he should do.

But with a flick of his finger, Arthur Lockhart's head rolled towards him, cleanly sliced.

A grin grows on his face as he takes sight of the blood, something inside of him excited by the thick red liquid. He hasn't realized that he desires to see more of it with the lack of war in the past few years. Perhaps this may do him some good.

"Summon Javaaid." He demands from the duke who nods and obediently call's the captain. As soon as the captain appears, hair messier than usual, the king leans on his palm and kicks his foot against the decapitated head of the lord of the east.

"I have no need for any nuisances. Disguise yourself and kill the rest of his family by tonight."

"Yes, my liege." He turns to walk away, just barely a foot away from the exit before the king calls him back. Javaaid even senses some anger in the man's voice but he forces himself to remain calm.

"You've forgotten something."

The captain knows exactly what it is. "Forgive me. I have this injury-"

"I don't care." And he sees that dangerous flash in the mans eyes. That look he sees whenever the king goes to hurt Shila be it physically or mentally. It almost makes him shudder with fear. "Bow down before me."

Javaaid slowly lowers his head, whispering words in his head.

'Forgive me Allah.'

But he cannot lose his position as a spy.

Suddenly, the intense look in the kings eyes disappears and everyone collectively sighs in relief..

"Next time, I won't be so forgiving."

"Yes, my king."

When he's out of the palace, Javaad unsheathes his sword, stabs it into the ground and leans against it, panting as sweat rolled down his face.

He had almost been caught.


"My daughter. How I've missed you. Have you missed me?"

No, she hasn't. But even if she could say that out loud, that glint in his eyes tells her the result wouldn't be so great. So she smiles at him and goes to hug the man, nearly crushing his bones as she tries her best to control her anger.

"Good. You've been exceeding in all of your studies as of late. I was thinking of rewarding you." He sits on her bed. "Is there anything you may want?"

'Say it, Shila. Come on. You want to visit another island.'

She swallows heavily and links her fingers behind her back when fire begins burning at the tips of them. Yoi-guy had been sending them for support whenever she grew stressed and while the idea of him calmed her down, it wasn't what she needed right now.

"I... would like more training sessions with Javaaid."

"Consider it done. Now, explain your reasoning."

"I want to be like the marine fighters. Like Garp the hero or Akainu."

She doesn't know how he can tell she's lying, but she doesn't comment further in hopes that he may dismiss himself. Thankfully, he does. Per usual, he pauses at the doors and closes the lights.

"Oh, and Shila." His green eyes glow. "If you ever sneak out again. I will kill you."

She's never felt her heart drop so fast, and it almost stops when she hears the sounds of several clicks. The princess hastily runs to the door and tries opening it only to find her effort's fruitless. She yells in fear, slamming on the door and begging him to release her.

"Did you truly believe I would reward you, my dear daughter?" She hears his dark laugh from the other side and pauses. And then, silence. 

"I love you, daughter."

Her heart squeezes with confusion. 

"I said, I love you, Shila."

"I-I love you father."

He taps the door with satisfaction. "Good girl. Stay in there until I see you as fit to come out."

The echo reaches until her room as his laugh fades, dark and chilling. Shila falls to her knees against the wall, tears forming in her eyes. 

"How did he know?"

"Why are you crying? What's wrong, yoi?"

"Everythings over. I failed. He found out."

Yoi-guy is silent for a few moments. 

"Don't give up. You've gotten this far you might as well take another step forwards."

"But how?"

"Princess, I think it may be time for you to get out of there, yoi."

Shila had been expecting this, but not as soon as this. A part of her breaks when she realizes she has to leave her kingdom. Her birthplace, the land she met her friends in, her home."

But perhaps this never was home. Perhaps home is more of a person rather than a place.

"You're right, yoi-guy."  She stands and grabs a bag, stacking clothes all-too fancy for travel in the bag along with some other items.

At midnight, Shila leaves her kingdom.




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