The UnWanted Passenger #YourS...

By intotheunknown_123

232K 11.9K 1.9K

Mahaya Roy is an independent lady of twenty-four, working as a lawyer in a successful firm in Mumbai. One ni... More

Fate intervenes
Guy in the backseat of the car
Getting to know each other part.
Unwanted Collegue.
Male egos and competition.
For Paul.
Unknown jealousy
That Awkward Moment
Fair game
The End.
Permission granted.
Territorial b*tch
Oblivion is a bliss.
Getting into character.
Secret reveals
Birthday dinner
Love Guru
Naive Yashraj
Opening up
Best wedding ever.
Patience is a virtue
Blast from the plast
Betrayal stinks
The one where he knows it all. (Collaboration)
The one with the goodbyes.
Author's note.
The one with tieing lose ends.
BONUS: Married With Benefits.

Kiss seals the deal

6.5K 352 32
By intotheunknown_123

The best kiss is the one that has been exchanged a thousand times between eyes before reaching the lips.


Chapter Eighteen: Kiss seals the deal.

The next day Mahaya got up, she had a huge smile on her face.

Last night had been wonderful.

The time with Yashraj had been the best.

When Yashraj kissed her, Mahaya immediately responded.

She kissed him back and they ended it only when they had to breath for air.

It was electrifying, the kiss.

And Mahaya was surprised how spontaneously she reacted.

Sure, in the past few days she had dreamt of kissing Yashraj but she didn't believe it was going to happen anytime soon.

In fact, Mahaya decided to make a move on him within two weeks. And now, she was happy, would be an understatement.

But she decided not to think about it much. She had time for overanalyzing the situation later.

So she enjoyed the moment. His taste on her tongue was more delicious than the Biryani.

Without saying another word, Yashraj led her into the elevator, holding her hand tightly.

The lift stopped at the eighth floor but she didn't get out.

Yashraj slowly kissed her again.

"Get a good night's sleep. You'll need it tomorrow." He winked again and Mahaya chuckled.

"Why? Are we going somewhere?" She asked, hinting at a date.


A smile lit her face.

"To work."

She frowned but then maintained a poker face.

"Alright. Be ready at sharp eight." She warned him as she stepped out of the elevator.

The doors of the elevator closed, leaving a now smiling Yashraj alone.


The following morning, Yashraj tried to look his best.

It's not everyday you get a first day with your new girlfriend.

He paid extra attention to his usually messy hair. He made sure there were no crinkles on his shirt and he even thought of ironing his jeans.

He washed his face twice, after having a bath.

He rushed down to the dining area but Mahaya wasn't there. Her aunt told him that she was already waiting in the car.

Great. He was late on the first day.

Don't make it sound like a job. Yashraj chided.

When he reached the ground floor, Mahaya was waiting in the car listening to songs.

"You're tardy again." She said, not looking at him as he sat in.

Well, at least look at me! He wanted to scream out but he just replied.

"Had to look good on the first day." He grinned even though she couldn't see.

Mahaya then smirked, still not looking at him.

"First day of what?" She asked teasingly.

Now, if it was a month ago, he would have played the game but now, he decided he had enough of this.

He liked Mahaya and Mahaya liked him too. He wanted for them to be together so he was done playing games.

"Our relationship of course." He replied, making sure his accent was evident.

"I don't recall you asking me to be your girlfriend." Mahaya replied smoothly.

Why do girls always want to define what they have? Why cannot they be happy with what they just have, feel it, cherish it, enjoy it?

Yashraj took a deep breath.

He could answer two ways.

Either being angry and asking her if she went around kissing every other guy or being calm and mature and asking her if she didn't already know.

"Kiss seals the deal, baby." He said.

Mahaya chuckled.

"I suppose it does." She agreed.

Both of them were silent for a while.

"So when did you realise you like me?" Yashraj asked.

"Um...I don't know." She lied smoothly.

"Let me guess, it was the time when you stuck up those Justin Bieber posters, wasn't it?" Yashraj smirked.

Mahaya grumbled.

"And when did you realize you liked me? What is when you threatened Arjun to stay away?" She smirked wider.

Yashraj looked at her in surprise.

"You knew about that?"

Mahaya nodded, smiling.

"It was quite...entertaining to watch." She replied.

She then parked the car.

Both of them got into the elevator.

"Well, it had to be done. He is...irritating." Yashraj grumbled.

"He is wonderful. You were jealous." Mahaya told him as both of them waited for the elevator to move.

Yashraj could have accepted it but somehow, that wounded his ego so he decided to misdirect.

He leaned towards Mahaya, dangerously close to her face.

She was thanking her lucky stars that there weren't any cameras in the elevator.

"Yashraj, we are at work. Please step back." She pleaded though she didn't actually want him to.

This new feeling that she was feeling since yesterday felt so good that she never wanted to stop feeling it.

"Do you want me to?" He asked, smirking.



He nodded and then, kissing her quickly on the lips, he stepped back.

Mahaya didn't know what happened.

She could feel his lips on hers but it happened so fast, she didn't get time to respond. And she really wanted to respond.

"Bloody tease." She muttered and Yashraj smirked.

The doors opened to his floor and he stepped out, giving Mahaya a smile.

Mahaya tried to suppress the smile on the way to her office.

Though this game was childish, Mahaya enjoyed playing it.

"Here's your coffee." Bhavna said as soon as Mahaya stepped in.

"Thank you." Mahaya gave Bhavna a smile.

Bhavna was shocked. Her boss thanked her, everyday, but it was more out of courtesy than gratitude but today, when she said it, Mahaya actually meant it.

"Anytime." Bhavna said before handing over the files.

Then together, both of them laid down the paperwork for their next case.


It was lunch time and Mahaya quickly rushed down to the cafeteria. She couldn't wait to see Yashraj.

By the time she got there, Yashraj was buying his lunch.

She walked upto him, ignoring people's stares.

Mahaya Roy didn't eat in the office canteen mainly for two reasons: She didn't have anyone to sit with; secondly she hated the way people judged her because she was the CEO's daughter.

Though, there had been no discrimination, it doesnt require much for the people to talk and judge.

Kartik always said that the office food was sh*tty, so he always went out for lunch.

But today, she had someone she could actually eat with.

She sat down and smiled at him.

Yashraj looked gloomy.

"What's up?" She asked, concerned. Yashraj had always been a cool temperament guy. He hardly lost his cool. Easy-going attitude was one of the things that attracted Mahaya to him as she didn't seem to have any.

"You know a new chief was going to be appointed because Arun was retiring?"

Mahaya nodded.

She knew about it before the staff knew.

"Arun retired today and then made Rakesh the new head! I mean, I give so many new ideas and Rakesh gets the spot!" He grumbled.

"Well, he does have seniority, don't you think?" She said, trying to ignore people's stares.

"Yeah. I guess you're right." He sighed then smiled sadly at her.

"I guess, I am just not used to be lead by someone. I was the chief back then."

"But you've worked for only four and half months here. Give it some time. For all you know, they might be considering you as a newbie still."

Yashraj nodded.

Then he caught Mahaya's hand and rubbed her knuckles softly.

"Ain't you hungry?" He asked her.

"Cant. Have a meeting in five." She grimaced.

"Alright." He nodded. Then smiled mischievously.

"Maybe I can give you a good bye kiss." He suggested, smirking.

"Maybe my father can sue you for sexual assault and guess who'll be the lawyer." She smirked as she stood up.

"I'll see you later." She said, leaving.

"Later." He agreed.


This lawsuit was extending for as long as possible and it irritated Mahaya.

Mainly because the opposition lawyers had no evidence or even any circumstantial agreement and yet they wanted to have another meeting.

She despised slow cases.

She sighed as she and Rashi stood in the elevator.

"So...I saw you with Yashraj today, at lunch." Rashi began.

Not the greatest ice breaker, mate.

"what about it?" Mahaya asked nonchalantly.

"Well, are you two a thing now?" She asked.

Mahaya didn't answer right away.

She wasn't sure how to answer when your now boyfriend's ex-girlfriend asks you that question.

"And what if we are?" Mahaya asked, testing the waters.

"I'll advise you to breakup. He's in the closet."

Though knowing what she meant, Mahaya pretending to be innocent as confused.

"I mean, he do I say it? He's not straight. He prefers the other sex." Rashi whispered.

"You mean, he's gay?" Mahaya asked, amused.

Rashi nodded.

Mahaya began to laugh.

"He's not." Mahaya assured her.

"Trust me he is." Rashi replied.

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Is too!"

"Honey, just because he broke up with you, doesn't mean he's gay." Mahaya replied, stepping out.

She had enough of this.

All she wanted to do was meet her totally straight, totally not gay, handsome boyfriend.

Hello everyone!

I suggest you all to read She Fell by the_desi_writer because a) It's awesome. B) it's important in near future.

Also, sorry I've been a bit tardy on the updates, I'll update as soon as possible.

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