Fire and Flight

By c-cshorty

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Dabi x reader x hawks Mature rating: Language Violence Lemons Limes Abuse Book 1 I own none of the characte... More

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The interview
🍋good girl

Real selves

1 0 0
By c-cshorty

"Great, you again." I turned around and saw him with a serious face on for once.

He took a couple steps toward me, "You know, I have never had someone turn me down in public before. It kinda sucked."

"Well if you're trying to hit on me it's going to keep happening." I tilted my head and did :/

He put a hand on his chest in a fake hurt way, "Wow, and I really thought you were going to be nice in private."

I put my head upright and gave him a full tooth smile and squished my eyes nearly closed, "Get used to the disappointment Hero." I turned to walk to my car and he flew in front of me again.

"You intrigue me. Why don't you let me take you out to dinner and we get to know each other better?"

I pushed his shoulder, "Listen here chicken boy, I'll give you one chance and if you disappoint you'll never see or hear from me again."

"Wait really?"

"Yeah, be at the park across the street here at 7pm tomorrow night. Remember, disappointment means no more contact."

He pulled his arms to his chest, "Yes! You won't regret it! See you then!" He flew off before even asking my name. What an asshole.

I drove back home and made dinner for the boys and buzzed their rooms to let them know it was done.

"I'm not coming."

"Me either."

I smashed the buzzer, "Fuck you then!" I portioned myself some food and put it all away and did the dishes before I ate by myself at the table.

Suddenly my phone buzzed.

'I realized I never got your name.'

I thought back to the boy at hot topic. I smiled to myself and texted back.

'That is for me to know and you to never find out.'

'Why don't give at least give each other fake names so we have something to call each other?'

I thought for a moment, 'Call me Alice.'

If your name is Alice I'm sorry, it's a reference to her quirk.

Three dots kept appearing and disappearing. Finally a response came through.


I didn't respond and just put my plate away and went to get ready for bed. As I laid down to sleep my phone buzzed again.

'Don't ignore me Alice.'

'Or what pretty boy?'

'Pretty boy? Oh you are such a brat.'

I smiled as I texted back.

'Aren't brats so much more entertaining?'

'Only if they like being punished. Even though you seem the type, I'd rather find out in person. Dinner tomorrow?'

'Can't, I'm busy. What about the next day?'

'You better show up. Meet me here at 6:45 exactly and wear something formal.' •Coordinates dropped•

'You shouldn't tell me what to do pretty boy.'




Seen 9:47pm

I smiled and clicked my light off for the night.

6am came quickly and I struggled out of bed. The same thing everyday. Wake up at 6, get ready and fight people until lunch. Then square up against new recruits. Then fight Tomura and some of the rejects who seemed mouthy. Then I'm free after 6pm.

Quite frankly, I'm glad we didn't have many new recruits today. Some looked like promising lackies and one of them caught my eye. He had a blue collared shirt on over a white tank top, blue jeans and black boots. He had a scar on his forehead and was switching between personalities. I thought he was straight up psycho. But was excited to see what he could do.

The buzzer rang and everyone ran at me. One by one I knocked them on their ass with my hallucinations but the blonde guy with the scar was unfazed and kept coming at me. Suddenly a replica of me appeared and he has me surrounded. He swung and I shrunk down. I came back up and knocked out my clone as it turned to mud, I turned around and he pounced on me. He pinned me to the ground and held a knife up to my throat.

I coughed from the impact on the ground, "You pass!"

"Oh thank god I didn't want to actually hurt you. I want to rip you to shreds!" He got off me and helped me up. "What did you do to them? You killed them didn't you!"

I shook my head laughing, beginning to understand his personality thing. "They are hallucinating so hard they can't get off the ground. You are the only one it didn't work on. Once my quirk wears off on them, they will have to go hand to hand with my brother. What's your name?"

He shook out his hand enthusiastically, "My name is Bubaigawara Jin! Call me Twice, it's easier!"

"You got it man. I'm going to introduce you to my father myself. Also let's get you a villian suit if you don't already have one. Your face will be too easy to recognize."

"You got it boss! Don't fucking talk to me."

Tomura came out of hiding as the first couple of people started to wake up from my quirk and started picking them off one by one. About five of them passed, four were sent home and two were picked to be eliminated.

I walked Twice back to the base and introduced him to Father.

"This is twice. Don't be alarmed by his brash words. He is very strong. He over powered me. And didn't fall pray to my quirk."

"Nice to meet ya! Who is this guy anyway?"

"This is All for one. The big boss. My father."

"Oh sir what a pleasure! I want to go home!"

"He certainly is brash. I saw through the cameras what he did. He should be in the inner circle with you, Tomura and Kurogiri."

"That's exactly what I was thinking Father." I smiled and patted Twice on the back. "Now let's get you a suit."

"Ohh can I choose the colors? Let me pick the colors!"

"Yes you can design it yourself. I'll have our seamstress make it for you. Unless you prefer to make it?"

"I have an idea! Let me take full control."

"You got it man. I'll take you to the room for costumes."

"Thank you! Fuck off!"

I giggled and once I dropped him off I left the seamstress in there and explained to her how he is and she was totally cool with it. I went to grab a sandwich and saw the list of recruits I'd be fighting hand right hand today. They didn't seem to threatening.

When I was done fighting Tomura and the pesky elimations, I got a reminder in my phone about my meet up with hawks.

"Oh fuck me. Alright what do I even wear to something like this?" I dig through my closet and pulled on black jeans and a striped black and white shirt and put a black tank top over that and tucked my shirt in. I put on a black belt with a chain on it and pulled my hair out of my face.

I put on my black combat boots and headed toward the park I told him to meet me at. I got there two minutes early and sat on the bench staring at the pond that had a couple of ducks swimming in it.

I looked at my watch and saw the time was 7:01 and I still didn't see him. Thinking I got stood up I started to walk home. But before I hit the boundary of the park Hawks flew right in front of me.

"I am so sorry, got caught up with a villian and I came as soon as I could!" He had a cut in his cheek and his jacket was slightly burned. He was also holding his hands behind his back.

"Yeah I told you not to disappoint me and you're late. That's a negative two points. One point for every minute."

He look to the side and back to my face, "I hope these make up for it!" He held out his hands and there was a single daisy and a box of Reeses pieces.

I smiled at the gesture, "I guess you are back at a neutral score." I put the candy in my purse and held the daisy in my hand. "Let's see what you have planned."

"Okay, I do have to ask... Are you scared of heights?" Oh no he wants to fly me somewhere. "It will be much faster if we fly. I promise my grip is strong."

I shook my head, "No I'm not scared of heights. If you drop me, you're dead though." I walked up to him and put my arms around his shoulders and he grabbed my waist smiling.

"You won't regret this." We shot into the air and flying was the most amazing feeling I have ever felt before.

It felt so free and all the lights of the city were beginning to turn in and they looked like little fireflies. It all went by so fast and suddenly we were on top of a tall building. I could see the entire city from up here.

"It's so.." I started to say.

"Beautiful." He finished but he was looking at me.

I turned to face him. "Yeah it is." I noticed the picnic behind him. It was all set up with a basket and a bottle on white wine and some fake candles. "Are those... fake candles?"

"Yeah the wind kept blowing the real ones out." He put his hand up to the back of his neck and he looked nervous. "Are you hungry?"

"Starving." We sat down on the blanket and he broke out the food he prepared.

"So I'm not the best cook so I made some sandwiches and packed fruit and I tried to make some cupcakes but they turned out ugly. I think I didn't wait long enough for them to cool down before I put the frosting on them."  He started mumble ranting about how the food look subpar but he swore up and down it tasted great.

"Hey, I'm sure it'll be fine. You really made all this yourself?" I picked up the bottle of wine, "How did you know I hated red?"

"I didn't. I just figured a girl who had so much attitude liked sweet things. So I got a moscato." He nervously smiled, "I'm sorry if that was too brash."

"It's all good hun," I realized what I called him and it hit me that he still didn't know my name. I looked away back at the city lights. If I reminded him he didn't know or even ask it would prompt him to ask. I wanted him to ask in his own.

As if reading my thoughts, "After I set this all up and I was on my way to pick you up, I realized I never caught your name."

I perked up at that but I couldn't give him my real name. He'd know I was a villain. I'll give him the same name I gave Dabi. "Alice."

He smiled, "Alice, that's a pretty name. Pretty name for a pretty girl." He turned his goddamn swagger back on. I hated his swagger.

"You know you don't have to put on your hero persona on for me." I looked down at the wine again and grabbed the empty glasses and poured some for each of us. I handed him his glass.

He raised it, "To being our real selves the rest of the night."

"To being our real selves." If he wouldn't give up his real name, neither would I.

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