|| BLOOD MOON || Kurapika x R...

By dangitjasmine

2.3K 70 32

Kurapika oneshots !! TW: MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE TOPICS โš ๏ธ - slightly spicy, fluffy, and angst - guaranteed bu... More

Did You Know How That Made Me Feel!?
You Look Just Like a Dream..
What's Stopping Him?
You're in Pieces
Cotton Candy Skies
I'm Just Tryna be Wasted (PART 1)
I Love You. (PART 2)
Golden Hour <3
Do you Promise?
I Want to Talk About You.


145 5 5
By dangitjasmine

(#) = year number/grade (school)

You woke up one morning. It was 7:00 AM. It was time for you to get up and ready for school. Your first day of school. Your best friend, (F/N), was going to pick you up at 7:30 AM everyday because you two kept talking to each other about how you both needed to arrive at school together, eat together, talk together, and leave school together. You two have known each other since elementary school. You two said that you would stay friends forever. It was a promise.

You finally decided to get ready. You didn't wanna be late on your first day. As you finished getting ready, you checked your phone to see if (F/N) texted.


hey bb omw

k i'll see u in a bit
Read 7:08 AM

(F/N) pulled up to your place a few minutes after texting you. You got inside and proceeded to head to school.

"Shit.. this place is huge as fuck...." you say dreadfully, "How are we supposed to find our way around?"
"No clue, bro. I literally wanna leave already??"
"For real." you said glumly.

You ended up going your separate ways while on the way to class. You hugged before leaving each other for a few hours.

"You better not fall in love with someone on the first day!!" (F/N) yells as she runs to her class laughing.
"I won't! The guys here are all gross anyways!" you laughed while rolling your eyes.

You had math first. As you entered the class, you noticed that everyone was really loud besides a boy that was sitting near the window in the back. He had blonde hair, longer than the other boys', pale-ish skin, glasses, and when he went to stand up, he seemed around 5'7".

He was the only person, besides you, that was quiet in that very moment. He seemed to be working on some schoolwork. You caught yourself staring at him for a bit too long and hastily walked to your assigned desk... which was right next to his.

'He's pretty cute.' you thought, 'I wonder if he's well-known around here.'

The mysterious boy seemed to pause what he was doing and turned to look at you.

"Do you need something?"
'Shit.' you thought you were screwed, so you had to come up with a quick response, "O-oh no. Sorry. I'm new, so I don't really know how it works around here."
"Oh, you're good. I just kind of noticed you staring at me... so I was just kind of confused."
"Shoot, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything..."
"Like I said, you're totally fine. What's your name?"
"I- I'm (Y/N)."
"That's a pretty name. I'm Kurapika. What year are you?"
"I'm a (#) year."
"Oh? I'm just a year over."

You two smiled at each other. You both got so carried away that you didn't notice the teacher waiting for you two so she could start class. As soon as you booth realized, you both blushed and apologized.

During lunch, you sat with (F/N) and talked about everything that happened in the day so far.

"So... any guys you're interested in...?"
"C'mon.. spill??"
"Uh.. there's this one guy in my math class?"
"Wait, wait, wait... who??"
"His name's Kurapika."
"Wait... the blonde guy that everyone's talking about?"
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
"You don't know? Everyone's been talking about him since we got here! He's apparently really popular."
"Oh.." you were a little bummed to hear that Kurapika was popular.

All the guys popular guys you've met in the past were either assholes, or they just wanted to get in your pants. You've always been the type to avoid them as much as possible to avoid a heartbreak.

"He didn't seem popular when I talked to him this morning.."
"You talked to him?!"
"What's he like??"
"He's really sweet, quiet, and doesn't seem like someone who just wants to get in your pants..."
"No way."
"I'm not pulling your nuts, b."
"Shit... Alright, I believe you, but how are you gonna try and make a move, or whatever, if he's constantly surrounded by girls??"
"I'll try to talk to him again later..."
"Are you sure? What if-"

Your best friend was unintentionally interrupted by a familiar voice. A voice that you heard this morning. You turned around to see a crowd of girls being appalled by what their male idol was doing with two new girls that came out of nowhere. Some girls gasped, groaned, complained, gossiped, and whispered.

"Hey, (Y/N)?"

Kurapika came to talk to you.

"Hey... are you free later tonight?" he said while whispering to you.
"Yeah! I'm free tonight..."
"Great. I'll wait for you by your locker?"
"F-for sure!" you said surprised as Kurapika walked away smiling at you.

You then heard whispering. You felt like you were being swarmed by bees, wasps, hornets, flies, or anything that makes a buzz; including his "fan group".

"Why the hell is he hanging out with her??"
"There's no way he just did that."
"Why her?"
"She's literally not even that pretty."
"Do you guys know where this chick lives? We could ambush her or something.."
"She's not even valid."
"Kurapika, wait! Tell us why you want her!!"
"She's not worth it!"
"She'll just use you! I won't!"
"Kurapika, it's not too late to tell her that you're busy!"

Everyone was whispering and yelling at Kurapika to come back and tell you that the plan wasn't gonna happen. He didn't. You ended up getting away while everyone was distracted with Kurapika. Your best friend didn't notice you leave either. You ran to your next class and finished the day fast. You went to your locker after your last class completely forgetting that you and Kurapika had plans.

"Hey (Y/N)."
"Shit! You scared the hell out of me."
"Don't you remember? We had plans."
"Shoot, yeah. Sorry. I was just caught up with-"
"Paparazzi? Yeah, I'm sorry. I don't know why they're doing this. I-"
"We can talk in a bit. There's more fan girls over there."
"Shit, alright. Follow me."

You two drove together in Kurapika's car to a small park that was empty. The park was covered in fallen leaves of dark reds, greens, yellows, and browns. He took you under a tree and you both started talking more.

"Hey... This place is really nice. How'd you find it?"
"I go here a lot to study. It's also a good way to avoid the other people."
"Why do you not wanna be around them? Didn't you wanna get popular?"
"Me?" he laughed, "Absolutely not. I didn't even realize that I was popular until recently. I was new a year ago. Apparently my 'good looks' got me to where I am now."
"Let me get this straight. So, you don't like being popular."
"Yes ma'am."
"I don't like attention to begin with. I only came here to finish my education. I didn't come here to get swarmed by girls just because they think that I look 'hot'."
"For real?" you laughed, "Hey, I thought you would be a total asshole, no offense."
"Why's that..?"
"Well, a lot of the popular guys I've met have only wanted to get in my pants. They also are just a shit ton of assholes."
"Do you ever let them..?"
"Do you ever let them... get in your pants?"
"Hell no," you yell, laughing, "I'm not like that. I hate people like that."
"I'm not like that either."
"I noticed. You seem really quiet and calm for a popular guy."
"It's not a bad thing though... I think guys like that are kind of... cute." you said while you both blushed.
"Hey... Why did you bring me here in the first place?"
"I... actually don't even know. I just thought you seemed really nice. You were also not super loud and obnoxious like the others, so I wanted to get to know you better... If you're okay with that."
"Y-yeah... of course."

You two talked for hours. You both also did homework together and got dinner together. You had so much fun with Kurapika. In your opinion, he was such a gentleman. Holding doors open for you, being horribly sweet to you, and always asking if you're okay with something or if you wanted something else. He ended up dropping you home. You went inside with a red face, a happy heart, and... Kurapika's number... To say the least, you were already crushing on the blondie.

For the next few days, you and Kurapika talked a lot. You also decided to tell (F/N) that you liked Kurapika.

"What did you wanna tell me?"
"I like Kurapika."
"Girl what.."
"Yeah. I like him... a lot."
"How did this all happen..?"
"We hung out after the first day of school... remember? We talked a shit ton and I got to know him really well."
"I'm honestly really happy for you. I mean all the other guys you've liked... looked like... rats..?"

Everything was great. Months went by without problems, you and Kurapika hung out all the time, and you were happy. You and you best friend also talked pretty much 24/7. You were closer than ever.

One morning, you waited outside for your best friend to pick you up. She never did.


hey where r u?
Read 7:10 AM

hey r u ok??
Read 7:11 AM

why arent u answering my texts?? r u ok?
Read 7:15 AM

You knew that she wasn't gonna answer. You just decided to walk to school. On the way there you saw a familiar looking car, but kept walking. The car ended up slowing down and the window rolled down.

"Need a ride?"
"Kurapika! Hey!"
"Come in." he said while reaching over to open the door for you.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. (F/N) hasn't been answering any of my messages.."
"On that note, she's been talking to me a lot recently."
"She's been sort of clingy for the past few days."

You were quiet the rest of the ride. You wanted to know why your best friend was talking so much with Kurapika, but decided to ignore you today. You saw her talking to the girls who whispered about you hanging out with Kurapika..? She seemed to be having a fun time. Kurapika sensed how anxious and antsy you were and tried calming you down.

"Hey, it's okay. You can try talking to her later."
"It can't wait."

You approached (F/N) and asked if you two could talk. You could already tell that something was wrong just by seeing the way she looked at you. She looked you up and down pretending like she didn't know you. She turned back around to talk to her new friends. You were paranoid and confused. You couldn't think for the rest of the day until your best friend told you what was wrong. After school, you went up to her again.

"Hey, you need to tell me what's wrong."
"There's nothing wrong...?"
"You're lying. C'mon. We've been friends for years! How could I not tell??" you said, but your friend walking away before you could finish.

You ended up walking home and threw yourself on your bed. You were contemplating about what it is you could've possibly done to hurt your friend's feelings and what you could do to help. You thought of nothing. The only think that you could think of, was what Kurapika said earlier.

Kurapika <3

kurapika, r u busy rn?
Read 4:13 PM

a little, why? I'm w/ someone rn.

oh, sorry. Another time then
Read 4:16 PM

i got a bit of time to talk. What's up?

it can wait. It's kind of important.. so it'll take a bit longer than just a few minutes
Read 4:18 PM

You wanted to try and talk to (F/N) again. You couldn't let this day go by finish without having a proper talk with her. You walked to her house, which wasn't too far from where you lived. You reached the front. All of a sudden, you were feeling nervous. You told yourself to not be a wuss and just ring the doorbell. It took a fee minutes, but someone opened the door. It wasn't your friend.

"Hello- (Y/N)! What are you doing here?"
"Me...? What are you doing here?"
"I'm- I'm with a friend..."
"I'm here to talk with that friend." you said, as a familiar figure joined the conversation.

"(Y/N). Please stop trying to talk to me. I'm a bit busy right now."
"No. We're going to fucking talk, (F/N). You've been ignoring me and you acted like I was nothing to you this morning! What the hell?? Then, I come here to have a proper talk with you just to see that you're with Kurapika?!"
"Bitch? Say something!!"
"I.. Well.." she muttered as the realization hit you.
"Don't fucking tell me-"
"You're with Kurapika because you like him." you whispered in her ear.
"You knew how I felt about him. You fucking backstabber."
"No- wait!"
"Save it, you bitch."

You walked away in anger, sadness, and confusion. Why was your, now, ex-best friend with your crush? The next day, you ignored both of them. You couldn't even look at them. (F/N) tried talking to you, but all you did was walk away. There was no way in fucking hell that you were talking to her after what she did to you. After school, you saw Kurapika leaning against the wall outside.

"(Y/N). Let me explain."
"You're just like every popular guy I've ever met." you yelled, but then you caught a glance of his neck; a hickey.

You walked away, but he grabbed your arm.

"Let go of me. I can't believe I thought you were different!"
"We aren't together."
"(F/N) and I are not together."
"Maybe not, but she likes you."
"I know that. She confessed last night."
"I rejected her. I don't like her like that."
"So... she called you over to confess??"
"She's my best friend. She knew- just- what the fuck?"
"You literally have a big ass hickey on your fucking neck."
"That wasn't meant to be there."
"Then what was??"
"Not her. I don't like her like that. Especially because she pushed herself onto me."
"She tried to kiss me after she confessed. She knew I didn't like her back, but she still proceeded."
"So, she assaulted you."
"Basically.. I ran out of there as soon as it happened to try and find you, but you were long gone.
"I'm gonna fucking kill someone."

You ran to find (F/N). You saw her with a group of girls. You pulled her aside and started yelling at her.

"Who the fuck are you?"
"Did you try to fuck Kurapika?"
"N-no! I don't know what you're talking about.." she claimed as whispering starting.
"Then why did you give him a fucking hickey?"
"What? I-I don't know what you're talking about." she said as she looked around to hear people gossiping about her, "Are you guys seriously gonna believe her?? She's a fucking loner!"
"Fuck you, (F/N). I regret ever calling you my best friend. Fuck you. You're the one who broke our promise, not me."

You walked away. Your friendship with (F/N) over. You walked home, then ran while in tears. Kurapika saw you and went over to you.

"(Y/N)- Shit, are you okay?"
"Isn't it kind of... obvious?"
"Hey.. I'm sorry I didn't text you or tell you anything earlier."
"No- it's- I'm sorry. I jumped conclusions n' shit, but I had no idea (F/N) was into you like that.."
"If I were you, I'd be pissed off too. Don't apologize."
"Why didn't you tell me- or anyone after what she did to you?"
"I- I don't know. I'm not the guy to really talk in general."
"That's not a valid reason, Kurapika. You could've been in serious danger!"
"I know! I was being stupid and I-"
"Kurapika, you're not stupid.." you said while looking up at him, remaining eye contact, "it's hard to speak up about these things. I'm sorry I yelled." you then walked away.
"(Y/N)! Wait!" he grabbed your arm,"I.. need to speak to you about something else.."
"I have all the time in the world for you."
"Holy shit." he said blushing.
"Nothing! Just uh.. let me drive you back to my place."

As you both arrived back at his place, he had your favorite snacks prepared for you in the living room.

"How did you know that I liked these??"
"Eh.. just a hunch." he winked, "Anyways, I.. uh.. like I said earlier, I wanted to talk to you about something.."
"It that 'something' bad..?" you said clearly worried.
"No no. My bad. It's not anything bad.. at least I don't think so.."
"So tell me! I'm getting fucking anxious, dude."
"So.. um.." Kurapika grabbed your hands and you let him. His hands were surprisingly soft and the fact that you had a thing for hands AND his hands were slightly veiny gave you major butterflies. "(Y/N), I like you- no- fuck- I'm in love with you. I have been since you first hung out with me. When I met you, you were different than the others. Completely different. You gave me a calm, kind, and honest aura. An aura that I'm clearly into. The way you smile at me, laugh with me, and how you treat me.. just- fuck- I can't even put that shit into words. I just know that I fucking love you."
"Holy fuck. Kurapika, are you being deadass?"
"Yes." he said while remaining eye contact with you, which again, gave you immense butterflies.
"Shit. Fuck. Kurapika, I love you too- I can't even fathom what you just said to me- holy shit-" he then interrupted by saying, "You don't have to." as he put you in his lap and cupped your face, caressing it gently with his thumb. You felt so loved to the point that you could've melted right then and there."
"Kurapika..." you whispered.
"Yes, love?"
"Fuck. I need you so fucking badly."
"Yeah?" he said and then leaned closer to your face to kiss you.

You slightly whimpered as he lovingly kissed you. You obviously kissed him back.

"Fuck.." he whispered, "Keep making those noises for me, princess."
"I love you."
"I love you even more, (Y/N). You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." he then continued to kiss you. His hand then moved from your face to your neck and slightly held your neck where you felt the slightest bit of pressure, but it wasn't going to hurt you. You whimpered again.
"Yes, baby? You like that?"
"Mhm.." you hummed as you both continued to makeout.

The Monday after your not-so-little sleepover with Kurapika, you both showed up to school together, hand-in-hand and you had totally forgotten about Kurapika's fan girls. They all looked at you in horror while wondering why you were walking with "their man". You also saw your now ex best friend. She also looked at you in horror and disbelief.

"Baby, do you wanna take the hidden route that no one takes..?"
"Anything for you, babe."

A/N: yall went crazy in my other comment section... and i owe u all a prize...

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