Tumblr Requests (Girls)

By FunVibesAndSexyTimes

90.1K 1.4K 43

Requests from Tumblr for Natasha, Wanda, Yelena, Kate, Carol, WandaNat, and PeggyNat (some stories have g!p r... More

Natasha (part 1)
Natasha (part 2)
Natasha (part 3)
Natasha (part 4)
WandaNat (Original Ending)
WandaNat (No Reader)

WandaNat (Alternate Ending)

1.5K 45 4
By FunVibesAndSexyTimes

You're awakened the same way you had been for the past five years, by your surviving girlfriends sobs. Hopefully this would be the last night she suffered like this. You quickly sit up and pull her into you, her shaking arms wrap around you to help ground her.

"It's ok baby. It was just a nightmare, I'm here" you whisper as she tucks her face into your neck

Ever since the snap and witnessing Wanda disintegrate in your arms the Russian was petrified of losing you too. She had nightmares every night of you also disintegrating, leaving her completely alone. Yelena and Wanda were gone, and after losing his family Clint practically was too. You were all she had left, her lover and her rock. Her heart and mind simply couldn't handle that fear.

She sniffles and you can feel her warm tears against her shoulder, "I have to relive watching our lyubovʹ(love) get dusted only to watch the same happen to you. Over and over again."

"I know. They always feel so terribly real."

Her brows furrow as she looks at you, "You have nightmares about it too?" A stupid question she knows, I mean why wouldn't you. You'd seen the same events she had, you were the one holding Wanda. But in all these years you'd never said anything to her about them so stupidly she assumed that you were spared the heartbreak and fear.

You nod, "I do"

Her brows furrowed further, "Why did you never tell me detka(baby)?"

"Mine aren't as bad as yours" you shug not wanting to admit to how your survivors guilt usually had your friends and lovers dead bodies blaming you and you were worried that she would agree, "They aren't as frequent"

"That doesn't mean they don't matter. You're struggling too, you should have told me so I could help you. Be there for you, like you are for me."

"I didn't want to add to your worries or stress." you explain, "You mourn for Yelena and Wanda, you lead the remaining Avengers, you have nightmares every night, you look for hope everyday. I couldn't add to that."

She shakes her head, "I'm your girlfriend, I'm supposed to take care of you. I'm supposed to help you through things. Please don't hide from me."

You sigh, "You're right, I should have said something. I'm sorry."

Her eyes search yours, "It's ok detka(baby). Just no more secrets ok? Isn't that what you told me when we first got together."

You smile at the memory. Sometimes, with everything that's happened it felt like decades ago instead of only eight years. Then your heart sinks, and your expression matches your grief. How had the two of you only had Wanda for a mere three years. It wasn't fair.

"Y/n?" Nat cautiously calls, obviously sensing the change in the atmosphere

"I miss her" you answer, tears dripping down your face

"I do too. So much." She releases a shaky sigh, "But thanks to Scott and Tony today things might change"

You nod, "I hope so."

She snuggles into your hold once more, "We'll get her back. We just have to"


Hours later the team had assembled and the time had finally come. You were all going to get the stones back, and the ones you'd all lost. Time to reverse the snap. Time to bring everyone back.

Natasha walked beside you, hand in yours as you and all the other heroes approached the large pad in the center of the room. She sent you a loving glance and a smile as Steve went over everyone's roles one last time. She was to accompany Rhodey and Nebula to Morag in 2014, while you and Clint were to go to Vormir in 2014. While you were each excited to see space neither of you could deny the lump of anxiety and worry for the other you each had in your chests.

She gives your hand a squeeze once Steve finishes talking, urging you to turn to her. Her eyes search yours as she cups your face, you give her a smile as you lean into her touch and bring your arms around her waist. Your lips meet hers in a gentle kiss, her forehead rests against yours once she pulls away.

"Be careful detka(baby), please." she pleads

"I will be, Clints got my back." you reply, glancing over at him to see him giving you two thumbs up, "We're getting them back Tasha. We're getting her back. I promise, whatever it takes."

She nods before pulling you in for another kiss. This one fueled with more emotion than the last, "Whatever it takes. I love you so much"

"I love you too baby." You reply, hearing the machine begin to power up, "I'll see you in a minute"

The trek up the mountain was harder than you and Clint had anticipated, but finally you had reached the top. You had expected to be alone, however that was not the case.

"Welcome" You both turn, weapons drawn to face the creature who spoke, "Y/n, daughter of Edith. Clint, son of Edith" Your brother spares you a glance "You can consider me a guide. To you and to all who seek the soul stone"

"Oh good." you reply, "Tell us where it is and we'll be on our way"

You follow as he leads you to the cliffs edge not far from where you previously stood "What you seek lies in front of you. In order to take the stone you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul, for a soul."

The two of you ponder over his words, both pacing as you stare at the cliff. You understood him. You knew one of you must die to get the stone, afterall Thanos came here with his daughter and left alone. And now it appeared Clint would be doing the same.

You wanted nothing more than to return to Natasha. To hold her in your arms, tell her how everything would be ok and bring Wanda back. But you couldn't do that at the expense of your brother. His wife and children needed him, you couldn't do that to his family. Natasha and Wanda needed him too, he was their best friend and mentor. You couldn't do that to so many people.

You stop your pacing, and his by grabbing onto his hand. He quickly turns to you and can read your face like a book, "No. Don't you dare say it"

"Clint" you sigh, "Thanos left without his daughter. A soul for a soul. It's the only way"

"You don't know that! There has to be other options, other ways!" he shouts

You shake your head, "There isn't"

"Why not?! Because the floating shadow said so!?" he counters, "We don't even know if we can trust him!"

"Why would he lie?" you question, "He's the keeper of the stone. He has nothing to gain by withholding anything from us"

Your brother's brows furrow as he looks away into the distance of space. He's quiet for a few minutes trying to come to terms with the whole idea.

"If we don't do this, billions of people stay dead. Laura, Cooper, Lila, Nathaniel and Wanda among them"

Finally he looks back at you with tears in his eyes and nods before pulling you into a bone crushing hug, "Tell Laura I'm sorry. And make sure the kids don't hear about what I've done." he asks, "And tell them I love them"

You shake your head, "You'll tell them yourself"

His answer comes in the form of a gasp as your knee meets his gut, knocking the wind from him. You desperately run for the edge, glimpses of your two beloved redheads flash through your mind as you go, and you can't help but smile. This was for her, for Wanda.

The sound footsteps bring you out of your thoughts and you tumble across the cold stone with your brother. He manages to pin you down, looking at you like you'd lost your mind.

"Let me do this!" you shout, sitting up on your elbows

He sighs, his gaze softening as he looks at you, "I can't do that. I can't. You're the only family I have left and I'll be damned if I'm about to watch you die."

Before you can say anything he's pushing you down again before he's sprinting off. You know he'll jump before you reach him so you ready the grapple Natasha had given you for the mission, she had wanted you to be prepared and have anything you might need.

You sprint after him, aiming the device. He turns before jumping to see you catching up and quickly jumps. His victory is short lived, you collide with him mid air and attach the grapple to him. He barely manages to grab onto your arm.

"Son of a bitch" you mutter, looking up to meet his gaze, "Let me go!"

"No!" he shouts, "What about Natasha!?"

Your eyes shut tightly as you think about your girlfriend. Her warm embrace and kind heart. Her fiery hair with the blonde ends and her deep green eyes. Her soft skin and her plump lips. Her radiant smile and her lovable laugh.

"She needs you Y/n! She's already lost so much, losing you would kill her! You can't leave her alone!"

You open your eyes again, "She won't be alone. She'll have Yelena and Wanda and you back."

"She needs you!" he counters, "She loves you for godsake! You're just as important to her, don't you know that!?"

"Of course I know that!" you fire back, "But we all agreed to do whatever it takes and I promised her we would get Wanda back so if this is the only way- "

"It's not the only way! Let me do this instead" he begs, reaching his other arm out or you

"I can't do that. I let Thanos get past me to Wanda and Vision, this is my fault and I'm going to make it right."

"It's not your fault. Everyone needed to do better, we were all to blame." he replies, "I've done terrible things since I lost my family, if anyone deserves to die for humanity it's me."

You give him a sad smile, "Your children need you Clint. So does Laura. My girls will need you too." You pause to collect yourself. A few tears escape down your face as the realization of you never getting to see your beautiful Wanda again sinks in, "Promise me you'll take care of them. Promise me you'll tell them I love them."

He shakes his head his other hand mere centimeters away from yours, "Please don't do this"

"I have to. I love you big brother. Tell my girls they meant the world to me" you push off the cliff with all your strength, smiling to yourself as your arm frees itself from his grasp. Your brother's shouts are drowned out by your memories, Wanda and Natasha voices coming through clear as day before you hit the rocks with a sickening thud.

When Clint awakes in a pool of water he frantically looks around for you, his baby sister. He's hoping and praying it was all a dream or hallucination. That the image of your body lying so many feet below in a pool of red was some cosmic joke. But deep down he knows it isn't. He knows you're really gone. The weight in his hand confirms this when he opens his grasp to see the soul stone. He angrily shouts as he punches the water. Tears roll down his cheeks. Truthfully he doesn't know how he's meant to face Natasha now, without you. But he returns to his timeline nonetheless.


The heroes look around at each other sharing large smiles at their success, until Nats eyes fall on her best friend. He's soaked to the bone, a look of despair on his face and now she sees that you're not beside him.

"Clint, where's Y/n?" she asks, barely above a whisper. Deep down she knows the answer, but her heart can't bare to accept it

His tear filled eyes meet her concerned ones, "I'm sorry Nat" he chokes out

She shakes her head as her feet carry her to him, "Where's Y/n!? Where is she!?"

"She's gone, Nat. She sacrificed herself for the stone."

Natashas world stops for a moment as her brain attempts to process his words. To help her realize the truth Clint brings his hand to eye level and opens it to reveal the stone.

"A sacrifice was needed for it. She wouldn't let me- " His explanation is cut off by a scream. A primal one full of loss and sorrow.

"No!! No!!" she shouts before shoving Clint, "You were supposed to keep her safe! You were supposed to bring her back to me!!"

Steve quickly walks closer, ready to intervene is necessary. But Clints gaze keeps him at bay for now. "I tried Natasha. I tried so hard but she...she was determined to do whatever it took to keep her promise of bringing Wanda back"

"No. I didn't mean...." she says as she furiously shakes her head. Clint attempts to hug her, to show her it wasn't her fault that you had taken those words to heart and that you knew she wouldn't trade you for Wanda. Your survivor's guilt had simply been too much to bear, but she resists his embrace and pounds her fists against his chest.

"I trusted you!!" she screams at him, "You took my heart with you and you returned without it!!" Her tears blurr her vision as sobs shake her and in her grief she doesn't realize she's implying she wishes her best friend had died instead of you.

Her knees give out and Steve manages to catch her before she hits the ground, "My Y/n, my detka(baby), please! She can't be gone! She can't leave me!!"

"I'm so sorry Natasha" the soldier replies holding her as she sobs

Clint's guilty face comes into her view once more, "I'm so sorry. If I only could switch places with her I would. She...She said she loves you. You were her world. Wanda too"

A cry rips through her so hard that even Steve shakes, "I didn't mean for her to trade herself for anyone! This isn't what I wanted!!"

"It's not your fault." Steve tries to reassure her, looking to the archer for help

Clint nods, "She knew that's not what you meant, believe me I made sure of it. But she blamed herself for not stopping Thanos, for letting him reach Wanda and Vision. To her, this was how she could fix things."

"Who's going to fix me?!" the Russian shouts back, angry at you for leaving her. She fully collapses in Steve's embrace and Tony finally makes his way over. He lets his hand run through her hair in a comforting manner he has seen you do hundreds of times.

He doesn't want to ask this next question but he knows he has to, "Where is she- her body?"

Natashas body freezes. In her panic she hadn't even thought to ask that. Why wasn't your body at least brought back to her? Why did he leave you there

Clint shakes his head, "Gone. Like she was never there"

Natashas heart clenches. You were her everything these past five years and her loving girlfriend of eight years, but now just like Wanda, she had nothing of you. Her nightmares became a reality, and she would trade anything to be back in bed with you.

"I want my Y/n, please I want her back. Someone bring her back!" she pleads to the universe rather than the people that surround her. No one knows what to say, or if there is anything that could comfort her.

Thor breaks the short lived silence, "Why are we putting Natasha through this?" he questions, making everyone look at him, "We have the stones, we have all of them. So why can't we use them to bring Y/n back?"

Clint shakes his head, "That's not how it works. The deal was a soul for a soul."

"When I said whatever it takes I didn't mean this." Steve says feeling guilty, "We don't trade lives, that's not what we do"

"Not even one for billions?" Tony questions, making the Russian glare at him, "I'm sorry Nat. I'm just being realistic. If losing one brings everyone back then I think the trade was worth it"

"But we don't even know if this will work. Her sacrifice could be for nothing." Bruce decided to add in

"Stop! Just stop!" Natasha begs as she pushes herself to stand, "I just lost the other half of my heart, the only half I had left...so don't fucking argue about her death being worth something!! Don't you dare!"

The room goes silent as Bruce, Tony and Steve refuse to meet her gaze. Clint still holds the stone in his hand, afraid to let go of something that tethered your presence to this world.

"I have nothing now. No little sister and no girlfriends, so if this doesn't work....you can consider me one of the casualties." She chokes out before quickly leaving the room

As soon as she's gone Clint's legs give out. He hits the ground with a sob as he continues to clutch the stone. The memories of the event play over and over in his mind....how could he have let you slip through his fingers. Steve crouches next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder so he knows he's not alone.

"It wasn't your fault either"

"Like hell it wasn't!" He shouts through tears, "She was my little sister! I was supposed to keep her safe! But instead I watched her die!"

The Captain sighs, "It was an impossible choice. One that shouldn't have had to be made....I'm so sorry"


Somehow, despite being blinded by tears, Natasha had made it back to your shared bedroom. She hesitates at the door, not quite ready to let your absence sink in. It had been so hard for you and her to come back to this room after Wanda died, how was she supposed to face that grief a second time? How was she supposed to face it all alone?

Finally she forces her shaking hand to open the door and she rushes inside to collapse on the bed. She cries as she takes in how empty the king sized mattress now feels without anyone to hold her. She grabs at your pillow, pulling it in against her chest. The smell of you surrounds her then, like it would if she had been curled into your chest. And for a brief second it's almost like you're there with her like you were this morning, talking about Wanda. She had a chance at coming back, even if it was a long shot the chance was there. You didn't have that however. You were gone. Grief hits full force then and she screams into the pillow.

You were never going to hold her again. Never going to calm her after a nightmare and sing her back to sleep. She would never hear you laugh, hold your hand or feel your lips ever again. Never again would she see you looking at her with a tender gaze, nor would she hear you tell her how much you loved her. And if Wanda came back, you wouldn't be there to greet her. What was she supposed to tell her?

She screams into her pillow, struggling to breathe as her chest heaves due to her hyperventilating. Her hold on your pillow tightens, the fabric of the pillowcase threatening to rip under her intense grip. She more than likely would have continued to spiral like this, had her phone not began to ring, American Pie filling the silent room.

"Natasha" the familiar voice calls out, "Sestra(sister), are you there?"

"Yelena?" she asks, a mix between a sob and a whisper

"What's wrong, what's happened?" she asks, hearing the brokenness in her tone

Tears fill the redhead's eyes as she realizes what this means. If Yelena was back that meant everyone else had come back as well. That meant your sacrifice had achieved something. That meant...Wanda.

"I uh, it's too much to explain over the phione. Can you meet me at the compound as soon as possible?"

"Of course. I'll pack my bags and fly out at once." she replies

Suddenly Natasha can feel the ground beneath her begin to shake and an explosion sounds, "Actually, make the flight for tomorrow. I gotta go deal with some things"

"Yeah, ok. Go kick ass, I'll be there."

"YA tebya lyublyu(I love you)" she rushes to say, not wanting to go another second without her little sister knowing that

Yelena pauses for a moment, not used to having her older sister be so open with such things, "YA tozhe tebya lyublyu(I love you too)"

As soon as the phone hangs up Natasha is bolting out of her room and through the compound. Not only to find the others to tell them what they did worked, but to also figure out what was causing everything to shake.

She doesn't need to wait long to receive her answer, as she looks out the large windows she sees an all too familiar ship in the distance. And there, approaching the compound in his armor and holding his blade is her worst nightmare.

"No, that's not possible. He can't be here. He died." she mutters to herself as fear fills her. She can't lose Yelena and Wanda again. Not after just getting them back, losing you in the process.

"Natasha!" Steve yells, gaining her attention and she knows she's needed for battle. He can't win again.


Dust and rubble settle around her as she looks around the battlefield, and if she's being honest things don't look good. Tears build in her eyes as fear of losing a second time washes over her. She lost you, and it might not even have been worth it.

Steve stands, tightening his broken shield on his injured arm with a grunt. She quickly joins him, standing by his side as she reloads her guns. She's ready to die by his side if it manages to stop him and let Wanda and Yelena live, besides that wouldn't be terrible would it? Because at least then she could be with you once more.

They're about to charge The Mad Titan, but a small crackle in their comms makes them freeze. They stop moving and remain unearthly quiet as they focus on the sounds, trying to decipher if what they just heard was true.

"On your left" Sams voice tells them

They both watch in awe as multiple portals open behind them. Warriors of Wakanda, the Asgardians, sorcerers, and all of their teammates that had once been lost now pour through them. They both smile as a few tears fall from the Russians eyes, then their attention falls back on their enemy.

"Avengers!" Steve shouts out

"Assemble!" Natasha finishes

The battle commences and Natashas sole focus is on keeping the enemy from gaining any ground and grabbing the stones until a wave of red magic catches her attention in the distance.

She runs towards the area, heart in her throat as she prepares to see her girlfriend for the first time in five years. Any alien that gets in her way meets a quick demise, she won't let anyone get between them. And when she finally finds her, seeing her there in her red jacket, her heart almost stops.

"W-wanda" she whispers, almost afraid to say her name out loud

The other redhead feels a familiar presence and spins around, "Tasha!"

The Russian stumbles, nearly falling to her knees as she runs into the arms of the other woman, "You're back. You're really here."

"I'm here malysh(baby), I'm home.. Wong told us how long we've been gone....I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what you and Y/n have been through." Wanda takes a moment to look around for you, thinking you'd be right behind Natasha to greet her, "Where's Y/n?"

She shakes her head, tears cascading down her cheeks as she lets out a sob, "She....she's gone Wans"

Natasha looks at her, thinking loudly about what happened letting her see everything. Wanda sees the conversation Nat shared with you that morning in bed, she sees the speech Steve gives and then the conversation Nat shares with you before the time heist. And then she sees Natasha witness Clints return. She sees, hears and feels how Natasha handles the news that your broken brother relays to her. She hears how the other heroes comment on your sacrifice. She can't bear to see more.

"No!" she shouts, clutching at the strong arms that hold her as tears stream down her face, "Not our lyubov'(love)! Not Y/n, please!"

Natasha holds her closer, letting Wanda fall apart in her embrace for a brief moment. Until the sound of the battle around them brings them back to reality. She hears the purple man bark some orders and her expression hardens. She pulls back from Natasha, scanning the surrounding area for the monster responsible for all of the pain and suffering Natasha and you had gone through over five years. The monster responsible for taking you from them. She's going to make him pay.

Her eyes begin to glow red, swirls of her magic building around her arms and legs as a growl takes over her features. Before Natasha can say anything the witch is gone, flying in the direction of the so-called conqueror. The Russian quickly runs in that direction. She knows she probably isn't much help in a fight against someone like him but there was no way she was going to let Wanda fight him alone. She couldn't risk losing her again.

Wanda lands in front of him, dust and a mist of her magic forming a cloud around her. She eyes him angrily, full of hate and rage. He eyes her curiously, not seeing her for the threat she is. Natasha manages to catch up in time to see red energy swirling in her girlfriend's hands as Thanos smirks at her.

"You took her from me. From us." she venomously tells him, her accent heavy in her anger

He scoffs, "I don't even know who you are."

"You will."

He charges at her, wildly at her, but she uses her magic to block every hit. He takes a few steps back, bringing his blade up and over his head before swinging it down towards her. She stops it with her magic, holding it there as he struggles to gain control of his weapon. Before he can even blink she's snapping his blade in half and sending him flying backwards. He quickly stands only to be engulfed by red tendrils of magic that hoist him into the air.

Natasha watches in awe of her girlfriends sheer power as she begins to crush the armor Thanos currently wears. Sounds of it crunching and him grunting in discomfort are all the two women currently hear, the rest of the battle is simply background noise as they relish in his suffering. The Sokovian shouts as she lets her powers ramp up and to his horror his own armor begins to squeeze the life from him. He can feel how it tightens around his chest and neck and fear overcomes his features as he realizes how strong she truly is. He opens his mouth, ready to call his troops to action, but he doesn't get the chance to do so. In one swift movement of her hands, his armor folds in and crushes his ribcage with a sickening crunch. When she's sure all life has left him she lets her powers fade and his body hits the ground with a thud.

The battle around them slows as the children of Thanos attempt to regain their berings after witnessing what they thought to be impossible. The Mad Titan lies dead, defeated by mere humans. Humans who still have the six Infinity Stones.

"Get the stones! We make them pay for this!" the woman shouts

The heroes frantically look around to see which of them has the gauntlet only to find it in the possession of their resident genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. His gaze lands on Natasha and her eyes widen as she recognizes the look of sheer determination on his face. She watches in horror as he begins to remove the stones.

"Tony! Don't!" she shouts, making everyone else's attention go to the man as well

He smiles at her, "One for billions Romanoff. It's worth it."

"Tony!" Steve shouts as he rushes towards his friend. But it's too late. The stones attach themselves to his armor, forming a new gauntlet and as he looks at the aces of his friends that surround him, he snaps.

The army around them turns to dust as Tony collapses onto the ground. Pepper, Rhodey and Peter are the first to surround him, but they're quickly joined by Steve, Natasha and Wanda.Everyone manages to get their goodbyes in to the beloved men before he passes and the rest of the heroes honor his sacrifice by kneeling in silence.


Nearly two weeks after Tony's funeral, three women find themselves in a cemetery in Ohio. They gather under a tree with pink blossoms, around a newer headstone. It reads: Y/n Barton. Sister, girlfriend, Avenger.

At its base rests a small plush hawk with a picture of you and Clint, a bouquet of flowers beside it indicates he was here recently to see you. He likely hadn't wanted to stay long, not wanting to risk facing Natasha and the guilt about his failure to save you, or risking Wanda seeing his thoughts which have been of your death on replay.

Yelena lights a small candle for you before brushing a few stray leaves off the picture of you and your two girlfriends. When she's satisfied she places her hand on the stone before standing and walking over to where her dog Fanny waits by her truck. She knows the other two women will need a moment.

Natasha moves off to the side and rests her forehead against your cold stone. Tears fall down her face as she lets her fingers trace the carving of your name. All she can think of is your face. How you had smiled at her that day, for the last time. How you had kissed her so softly yet fiercely. How your hand felt in hers before you said your goodbyes.

Wanda sniffles as she places a small plush bear next to the photo of the three of you. Its fur was the same color as your hair and it was holding a heart that was your favorite color. She knew you had to have it....you would have loved it.

"Why?" Natasha croaks out, "Why did it have to be you, detka(baby)?"

"You should be here with us. We miss you so much lyubov'(love)." Wanda adds as tears roll down her cheeks

Fanny watches over the two women, whining when she knows they're upset and Yelena looks down at her dog, "I know. I don't like seeing them so sad either. But without Y/n, I don't think they'll ever be the same." The dog looks at her, tilting her head as if asking a question, "You would have liked her."

A few minutes go by and the two redheads know it's time they go. They like visiting you, well, you're headstone. But they know it isn't healthy for them to stay too long here, dwelling in their sadness.

"I love you" Natasha mumbles, her forehead still against the stone, "I love you so much. I don't know if I told you that enough these past five years, but I really hope you knew. I'm so sorry I didn't realize you were suffering with so much guilt. I should have taken better care of you, should have been there for you. I'm so sorry"

Wanda brings her forehead to the stone then too, "She knew Tasha, and this wasn't your fault. You were both suffering and you both did the best you could"

"Well my best wasn't enough was it! She left us!" she shouts, overwhelmed with guilt of her own, "She left us Wans."

"Oh Natty, this wasn't your fault my love" Wanda says, quickly wrapping her up in a tight embrace, "This wasn't your fault"

"Why did she leave us Wan?" the Russian asks, sounding more broken than ever

"She...she wanted to bring me back, and she thought that was the only way to do it."

Natasha shakes her head, "There had to be another way. Because having one of you without the other, it's not right. It's not how it's supposed to be."

"I know, baby. I know." Wanda agrees, running a hand through her girlfriends hair

"This isn't how it's supposed to be." she sobs into her girlfriends shoulder, the arms around her the only thing holding her together.

Wanda continues to hold her as she falls apart, and Wanda can't help but cry as well. The two of them stay embraced for several more minutes until Natasha is able to calm down. She pulls back from her girlfriend, looking at your stone again as Wanda tucks a few stray hairs back behind her ear before stroking her tear stained cheek. Wanda looks back at your stone then too, waiting for Natasha to give you her signature goodbye, the one she and Yelena had come up with as kids on their Ohio mission.

She whistles and when a whistle replies both womens heads quickly snap to look at Yelena, ready to chastise her for butting only to be met with a very surprised and wide eyed blonde looking like she's just seen a ghost.

Suddenly Fanny barks and with a wagging tail she takes off in the direction of Yelenas stare. The two redheads look to see what has made the blonde so paralized and the dog so worked but what they see was something they were not prepared for. There in front of them is none other than their girlfriend. Their dead girlfriend. It wasn't possible, and yet there you are. Getting closer and closer as the seconds pass, but both of them are too stunned to move.

Finally you stand right in front of them with tears brimming in your eyes as you look at the two women you love most in this world. The two women who never thought they'd see you again, at least not in this lifetime.

"Hi moi devochki(my girls)"

Natasha is first to her feet, tackling you in a bone crushing hug that leaves you sitting on your ass in the soft grass. She sucks in a deep quivering breath from the crook of your neck before pulling away. Her tear filled eyes study you as her shaking hands cup your face.

"Y/n? Tell me it's really you. Tell me you're really here, please" she begs, afraid her grief has broken her mind more than she thought

You smile, wrapping your arms tightly around her waist, "It's me Tasha. I'm here. I promise this is real"

Your words finally kick Wanda into gear and she all but throws herself into your lap next to the assassin. You let out a watery laugh as your hand caresses her cheek before moving it the back of her head to pull her into your shoulder as she begins to sob.

"I never thought I'd see you again" you croak out into the top of the Sokovians head before looking over to the Russian, "Either of you"

"Neither did we" Natasha admits, resting against your other shoulder

"We thought we lost you" Wanda adds as her hands clutch at your shirt to keep you from disappearing

You nod, "You did for a little bit there"

You continue to hold them as they sob, their tears that were once grief are now tears of relief. Yelena continues to watch you, disabelif still evident on her features as an oblivious and excited Fanny prances around as she welcomes the other person that no one has noticed yet as their focus has been on you. After a few more moments Wanda can contain her curiosity no more and she finds herself needing answers.

"How?" she finally asks, "How are you here? Everyone said you were dead."

"I was dead." you reply, not missing the way Natashas arms tighten around you, "As for the how, better ask stars and stripes back there."

It's then they notice Steve lingering back near Yelena's truck, and you wave him over so he can explain what all occurred. He nods in greeting to the still stunned blonde as he passes and he pats Fanny on the head a few times before he finds himself in front of you and your girlfriends.

"Steve, you did this? You brought her back to us?" Natasha questions, slightly confused to how the man out of time managed a feat that was more fitting of the late Tony Stark

"I did, though I admit it wasn't an intentional thing. I wasn't aware it would happen, but I'm certainly glad it did." he answers

"How?." Wanda again asks

"When Clint came back alone he told Natasha the deal was a soul for a soul and that's why it couldn't be undone using all six stones." he says and again you can feel Nats grip tightening on you, "Well what he didn't know was the trade apparently works both ways. I only found that out myself when I went back in time to return the stones to their rightful places"

"I don't understand." Natasha admits looking from him to you

"A soul for a soul." you repeat, "When I died at the bottom of that cliff, my life was traded for the stone. So when Steve gave the stone back, he unknowingly traded the stone for me."

"Thank god he did" Wanda says burying her face into your neck

"Thank you Steve, thank you so much" Nat tells him, looking at him with pure appreciation and happiness, "You brought our detka(baby) back to us."

"And the suka(bitch) better not ever do something like that ever again!" Yelena suddenly shouts causing you all to laugh

"I won't." you tell her, holding your two redheads close, "I'm not ever leaving my girls again."

This, Natasha thinks, this is how it's supposed to be.

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