Love me like you do (Gwaine x...

Por xFoxtailx

19.5K 806 213

Lancelot should enjoy finally being a knight of Camelot but his previous experience means he's having a tough... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

1.2K 56 19
Por xFoxtailx

Of course pretending to not be with someone you were madly in love with was easier said than done. Lancelot almost blew it on the first day when he'd hugged Gwaine at training and very nearly kissed him. lucky for him Gwaine seemed to be much better at controlling his desires and quickly redirected his face and whispered to him.

'I know I'm irresistible but remember what we decided? '

This had made Lancelot blush considerably and he was distant for the rest of the day in an effort to not rouse suspicion from the other Knights who continued giving him questioning glances for an annoying amount of time.

But as the days went on it only got worse,  if anything it was harder now then it was when he wasn't with Gwaine. Now he knew he could kiss Gwaine if he wanted but he wasn't supposed to, only making the idea of it seem so much more appealing.

After two weeks of struggling with Gwaine kissing him in empty corridors and slapping his arse when no one was looking, Lancelot had decided to spend an evening in and make something for Percival's birthday to help take his mind of this whole ordeal. He sat at the table in Gaius' chambers with several pieces of parchment laid out before him. 

He'd decided to write something for him.

 Percival still visited often and him, along merlin and Gaius, were the only ones that knew about his and Gwaines relationship. He knew Percival was still reading but Lancelot wasn't sure what kind of stories he enjoyed most and he wanted to keep his idea a complete surprise. He laid back in his chair and chewed the end of his quill thoughtfully, wondering whether Percival would prefer a tragic tale or a comedy.

While Lancelot was still deep in thought the door swung open and Gwaine came clattering in noisily.

'Hey Lance, what are you doing?' He asked chirpily and looked over Lancelot's shoulder.

'It will be, when it's finished,  a present for Percival.' Lancelot informed him and began writing an introductory paragraph, introducing the main character to his story who had decided to name 'Fendral.'

Gwaine stood quietly by his side for a moment before wondering off to browse through the cupboards in search of food.

Lancelot carried on writing for a few more lines and then sat back again to examine what he'd written and decide what to write next.

He had come to the conclusion that a comedy would be good, Fendral would be a lone warrior roaming the earth and getting into all sorts of mischief. He leant forward again and began scratching out a full page of story,  being careful to not make any spelling mistakes. Lancelot looked up from his writing a moment when he heard Gwaine humming to himself and smiled at him. 

He was leaning lazily against the wall,  twining a piece of hair round his finger and reading one of Gaius' books. He was wearing black trousers,  a loose fitting grey shirt and brown boots identical to his own. Gwaine glanced up and grinned when he saw Lancelot looking at him and placed the book down on the side carefully. Lancelot smiled back and tore his gaze reluctantly from Gwaine and went back to his writing.

'What's the story about? ' He heard Gwaine ask as a pair of strong arms wrapped round his neck.

'It's a man named Fendral.' Lancelot told him. 'He's just wandering around and getting up to loads of different shenanigans. '

'Sounds like me. ' back int' day.' Gwaine said gruffly

'Well perhaps you were of some inspiration. '

'I would like to think i've had some sort of impact on you.'

He felt Gwaine nuzzle his neck and Lancelot reached up with a hand and gently ran it down Gwaine face.

'How long will it take to write?'

'You can't rush art Gwaine. '

'Writing isn't an art.' Gwaine snorted.

'Yes it is'

'Drawing is an art. Can you draw Lance?'

'Not really. '

'I bet you can. Try it! I'll be your Muse if you want?'

'Not now Gwaine.'

'Pleeease Lanceyyy!'

Lancelot ignored him and went back to his writing, quietly scratching down another page of text. Gwaine persisted at trying to get Lancelot's attention. He hummed loudly, pressed his face into Lancelot's back, ran his hands through Lancelot's hair and finally settled down on Lancelot's knee.

He sat quietly for some time,  reading through the things Lancelot had already written and made approving 'hmm' sounds although He eventually grew restless and lifted his feet up and began turning on the spot on Lancelot's knee. when that failed he climbed on to Lancelot's shoulders and started singing as loud as he could.

'Gwaine! Could you sit and be quiet for five minutes!' Lancelot hissed and threw down his quill which narrowly missed his page and instead splattered ink over an empty page of parchment.

'But I'm bored! '

'Stop being childish. '

Gwaine huffed and climbed down and instead draped himself over Lancelot's knee. He lay on his back looking up at Lancelot's who was desperately trying to ignore him. After writing five pages Lancelot set his quill down  and Gwaine quickly sat up to examine the work he had done.

'I like Caten.' He said. 'He reminds me of Merlin.'

Gwaine laid back into lancelot who wrapped his arms round his waste and placed his head on Gwaine's shoulder.

'That's who I based him off.'

'is there going to be one based on you?' Gwaine asked curiously.

'Maybe, I don't know if it would be a very good character though.'

Gwaine turned to face Lancelot,  placing a leg either side of Lancelot's and wrapping his arms round his shoulders.

'What did you say?'

'I don't think it-'

'No! It would be a brilliant character! '

'Gwaine let's be serious here. I'm not a good man,  I lied to become a knight and I spent a year of my life in a cage killing people for money. I'm a cursed man'

'Lance you are the most perfect person I know!'

'I'm really not.'

'Yes you are!

You're always nice to everybody. You get angry but instead of arguing you walk away and calm yourself down because you don't want to upset people. You don't bother people with your problems because you don't want to annoy them. You could have hated Gwen and Arthur for doing what they did but instead you accepted it because you put their happiness before yours. You're utterly selfless and god damn perfect Lance and don't even dare tell yourself otherwise. '

Lancelot's jaw dropped as Gwaine finished speaking and they sat in silence for several minutes. Gwaine was looking at him with a firm gaze and Lancelot didn't know what to respond with. Eventually he settled with am action rather then words.

He pulled Gwaine towards him and gently kissed him,  nothing like the urgent first kisses near the lake. It was soft, warm and loving and for some reason Lancelot felt like crying. They pulled away and Gwaine gently rested his forehead on Lancelot's.

Lancelot still didn't quite believe this was happening. He'd actually got Gwaine and he never wanted to let him go. He wouldn't give up so easily like he had with Gwen, he'd fight. Gwaine was worth fighting for.

The increasing sound of approaching footsteps drew the two apart,  Gwaine stood up quickly while Lancelot remained seated on the chair. Moments after, Gaius and Merlin entered both looking equally exhausted.

'Are you alright?' Lancelot asked, getting to his feet.

'There's been an outbreak of an infection in the village, we've been all day since the crack of dawn trying to control it.' Merlin told them and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

'Just the two of you?'

'Gwen helped and some of the uninfected villages assisted with some of the simpler stuff like getting water and making sure the ill were kept cool. It shouldn't be fatal if people are strong enough though so i'm not worried.' Gaius replied and placed his satchel down on the table.

'I'm off straight to bed.' Merlin yawned. 'wake me up when we need to go gaius.'

'if Arthur doesn't need you.'

'Arthur can wait.'

Merlin gave Gwaine and Lancelot a nod and headed sleepily to his chambers, yawning again as I went.

'Right, I guess i should leave then.' Gwaine said and Lancelot felt himself sadden.

'I'll see you at work tomorrow then Lance? 'Gwaine said and planted a quick kiss on Lancelot's forehead.

'yeah,  I'll see you tomorrow. 'Lancelot replied and gently ran a hand over Gwaine's face.

Gwaine gave a small wave to Gaius and left without another word. Lancelot sighed and bid goodnight to Gaius, feeling an early night world be the best thing to ease his longing. He put on his white sleeping shirt and a pair of loose grey trousers and clambered into bed,  laying on his back and pulling the covers up to his chin. He held the sheets tight,  bunching them up into a shape that he could hold against him and imagine was Gwaine.

He hated keeping his relationship a secret, he hated that he proposed the idea in the first place, it was just more heart ache after weeks of pining and even though he knew the pain would be worth it in the end, right now it just felt overwhelming.

Lancelot lay awake, watching as the sky grew darker outside his window. He could hear shuffling outside his room and some almost silent cursing. He sat up and reached for his sword, more out of instinct then anything else and directed it towards his door. There was a moment of quiet before his door opened and someone stepped in and closed the door behind them.

'Gwaine? '

'No, it's Uther coming to give you a good night kiss.'

'Gwaine!' lancelot dropped his sword and scrambled out of bed and leapt into Gwaine's arms, wrapping his legs around the knights waist and burying his face in the crook of his kneck.

'Woah steady on! I know I'm gorgeous but...'

'Sorry.' Lancelot mumbled into his shirt. ' I missed you. '

'I've only been gone an hour.'

'That's an hour too long. '

Gwaine laughed and carried Lancelot over to his bed where they both untangled themselves from each other and got into the covers. There wasn't much room so it ended up with Gwaine taking up most of the room and lancelot tucking himself into his side. It was comfortable though, Gwaine was laid on his back and Lancelot curled in next to him and rested his head on Gwaine's chest, the gentle sound of his heart beat in his ear.

'So.' Gwaine said.

'So.' Lancelot repeated.

'How are you? ' Gwaine asked.

Lancelot laughed 'I'm fine thanks.'

It. was very nice what you said to me earlier. I didn't know you thought that about me. '
Gwaine had his hand in Lancelot's hair and he gently moved it in small circles as he answered.

'How could I think any different? '

'Well, the things I've done.'

'You regret the bad things you've done, that shows you learnt and that you wouldn't do then again. I won't judge you by a past that does not show the type of man you are now.'

'I won't judge you for who used to be then.'

'Which was what? '

' a drunk who slept with just about everyone in Camelot.'

'You what lance.' Gwaine scoffed.  'I didn't sleep with everyone!'

'Okay...maybe not me, Gaius and Pervival.'

'You think I've slept with Isen?! I have standards'

'Isen is an attractive man.'

'Excuse me I'm the good looking one lance, we'll have none of that.'

Lancelot smirked and closed his eyes, he turned over so his back was to Gwaine who then moved to fill the space and wrapped his arms around Lancelot's waist.

'I'm going to sleep. ' Gwaine yawned and pressed his face into Lancelot's neck.

'Good night then.' Lancelot whispered.

Gwaine mumbled what Lancelot assumed was a good night back and his breathing grew slow and steady. Lancelot relished the feeling of being Gwaine's arms and reached up gently with his left hand and ran it down Gwaine' s face.

After several minutes Lancelot could feel himself growing restless. He couldn't sleep. 
Lancelot turned round in Gwaine's arms so that he was facing him and ran his gaze over Gwaine's soft sleeping features. Sleeping being the important word here. 

He was determined to say how he felt but when Gwaine was awake everything just seemed so much scarier. Gwaine being asleep was the first step at being able to voice his emotions out loud. Lancelot brushed Gwaine's hair out of the way and lent over to his ear,  he took a deep breath and paused before he whispered softly.

'I love you. '

He jerked his head back quickly to check for any reaction and grinned to himself when Gwaine's face remained expressionless. He snuggled back down Into Gwaine's arms and closed his eyes; feeling much happier and also more sleepy than before. He could feel his senses dulling when he felt Gwaine stir behind him and a moment later a voice in his ear.

'I love you too. '

Okay!  So that's your last happy chapter. I am writing one more but it will be a bit angsty.
Anyway hope you enjoyed,  comment and vote if you did. Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes.
Hope to see you again!  =^-^=

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