Dragons Race to The Edge x Ma...

By Hauntez

47K 778 195

Y/n his dragon Bahamut and the rest of the dragon raiders find a object called the dragon eye that holds info... More

Love interests
Season 1
Ep 1: Dragon eye of the beholder, Part 1
Ep 2: Dragon eye of the beholder, Part 2
Ep 3: Imperfect harmony
Ep 4: When darkness falls
Ep 5: Gone Gustav Gone
Ep 6: Reign of Fireworms
Ep 7: Crushing it
Ep 8: Have dragon will travel, part 1
Ep 9: Have dragon will travel, part 2
Ep 11: Total Nightmare
Season 2
Ep 12: Team Astrid
Ep 13: Night of the Hunters, Part 1
Ep 14: Night of the Hunters, Part 2
Ep 15: Bad Moon Rising
Ep 16: Snow Way Out
Ep 17: Edge of Disaster, Part 1
Ep 18: Edge of Disaster, Part 2
Ep 19: Shock and Awe
Ep 20: A Time to Skrill
Ep 21: Maces and Talons, Part 1
Ep 22: Maces and Talons, Part 2
Season 3
Ep 23: Enemy of My Enemy
Ep 24: Crash Course
Ep 25: Turn and Burn
Ep 26: Buffalord Soldier
Ep 27: A Grim Retreat
Ep 28: To Heather or Not to Heather
Ep 29: Stryke Out
Ep 30: Tone Death
Ep 31: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Ep 32: Family on the Edge
Ep 33: Last Auction Heroes
Ep 34: Defenders of the Wing, Part 1
Season 4
Ep 35: Defenders of the Wing, Part 2
Ep 36: Midnight Scrum
Ep 37: Saving Shattermaster
Ep 38: Dire Straits
Ep 39: The Longest Day

Ep 10: The next big sting

598 16 2
By Hauntez


Dragons Edge - Cliff

(Y/n, Hicca and the other riders climb up to a cliff)

Tuffnut: Oh, my back.

Astrid: Okay Hicca, you dragged us all the way up here.

Tuffnut: Now what is it you have to show us? It better involve food or destruction. Or a combination of the two.

Hicca:  I bet you're wondering why I brought you here today. And the answer is, to show you my latest invention. Presenting the Dragonfly One.

(She takes out a wing suit and shows it to the others who are not impressed)

Hicca: Huh? Huh?

Y/n: Really? Dragonfly one?

(Tuffnut lifts up his chicken)

Tuffnut: The chicken is not amused.

(Tuffnuts Chicken clucks)

Snotlout: What is it?

Hicca: It's a flight suit. Don't all applaud at once.

Fishlegs: Hicca, I don't need to remind you that we already have flying dragons. Why would we ever need a flight suit?

(Hicca attaches the dragonfly one onto her back)

Hicca: Well, what if we were to get separated from our dragons mid-flight? We might need to solo fly until we catch up with them again.

Snotlout: When this doesn't work, and it clearly will not, can I have Toothless?

Hicca: Oh, for Thor's sake.

(She walks over to the edge of the cliff)

Y/n: What are you planning on doing here?

Hicca: Jumping. Unless someone has a better idea.

Astrid: I can't believe this.

Hicca: Guys, relax! Feel that updraft? That's why I chose this place. It'll pick up my wings and I'll be floating on a bed of air.

(She ppens Dragonfly One, and notices one wing didn't open completely. She grunts and chuckles awkwardly as she tries to open it)

Snotlout: Or crashing on a bed of rock.

(Hicca growls at him)

Hicca: Okay, everyone. Dragonfly One, maiden flight.

(Hicca jumps, and then screams as she begins to fall)

Y/n: Hicca!

(Toothless jumps after Hicca)

Tuffnut: I don't know about you guys, but I was under the impression that a flight suit was supposed to fly.

Ruffnut: Yeah, that looks more like a plummet suit.

(Toothless grabs Hicca and shields her with his wings as they fall into the water below them)

Ruffnut: Do it again.

-----Time Skip-----

Hicca: Okay, so I made a few tweaks. Now behold some serious flying.

(She jumps off again and this time she actually flies a little)

Hicca: Yeah, baby!

(She laughs which soon turns into screaming as she begins to fall. Toothelsss again jumps after her and the others cringe as they head thudding and a spalsh)

-----Time Skip-----

Hicca: This time, I absolutely know where I went wrong. You see, it's all in the timing. I just judged the updrafts wrong. I assure you, I definitely have it now. Wait, Toothless. Don't worry, bud. I've got this under control.

(The wind picks up to be strong enough to bend a tree)

Hicca: See? There it is. Okay, now!

(She jumps off. Y/n, Astrid, Bahamut and Toothless watch her with Y/n being worried)

Hicca: Come on!

(She screams as she begins to fall, but the wings catch the air and she starts to fly)

Hicca: Whoa! Wait! I'm flying? I'm flying! Woo-hoo! Excellent!

(She flies or glides around while the others smile at her)

Snotlout: I cannot believe that hunk of junk actually worked.

Hicca: Okay, right turn.

(She tries to turn but soon realizes that she can't)

Hicca: Okay, well, I might have to work on the steering a little bit. Toothless!

(Toothelss jumps off the cliff and starts to run towards Hicca while the others gasp)

Fishlegs: Oh, Thor! Oh, Thor!

Hicca: What the... Aaah!

(Toothless catches her befores he hits the cliff)

-----Time Skip-----

(Hicca coughs as she and Toothless get back onto the ground)

Hicca: Thanks for the save, bud.

(Toothless sprays water at her, pushing her to the ground)

Hicca: Whoa!

(Toothless laughs at her)

Hicca: Again. Well, it looks like our flight tests are probably over for the day.

(Y/n and Astrid fly in and land next to Hicca)

Astrid: Okay, that's it. You're done with this.

Y/n: Yeah, you are not doing that again.

Hicca: Sure I'm not...

Y/n: What did you say?

Hicca: Nothing!

(They suddenly hear screeching coming form the distance)

Astrid: What was that?

Fishlegs: It sounded like a dragon in distress.

Snotlout: Uh, guys? Something about that call seems strangely familiar. Not good familiar. Bad familiar.

(He hears flapping and notices the rest of the gang are gone)

Snotlout: Huh? Uh, guys?

Y/n: Snotlout, come on.

Snotlout: You've got to be kidding me.

(He flies after them)

Y/n: The calls are coming from up ahead.

(They hear screeches and Y/n sees a speed stinger on the ground)

Y/n: A Speed Stinger.

Snotlout: Speed Stinger. Why did it have to be a Speed Stinger?

Hicca: It looks like a young one.

Y/n: Why would it be out during the day? They're nocturnal dragons.

Snotlout: Ah. Poor little guy. Let's head home! It's starting to get dark, and where there's one Speed Stinger, there's usually a whole pack of them!

(The speed stinger tries to put weight on leg, but falls back over, clearly in pain)

Fishlegs: Hicca, Y/n, its leg is badly injured and Speed Stingers can't fly.

Y/n: That's why we can't leave it to predators'. Come on, Bahamut.

(He and Bahamut turn around and fly towards the speed stinger)

Snotlout: Is he seriously going back?

Astrid: Snotlout, meet Y/n. Of course he's going back!

Snotlout: Oh, come on!

-----Time Skip-----

(The gang are in front of the speed stinger who screeches at them)

Y/n: Hey, whoa, no, no. Easy there. Easy, little fella.

Snotlout: Y/n, it looks like it can defend itself just fine. Let's get out of here.

Hicca: Quiet down, Snotlout.

Snotlout: You quiet down.

Y/n: This little guy won't be a match for wild boars or dragons. A Speed Stinger without its pack is extremely vulnerable.

Fishlegs: He must've gotten separated from the others, and they had to go to shelter before the sun came out.

Snotlout: Sounds right. Let's go.

Hicca: Snotlout, we can't leave him like this. We'll bring it back to Dragon's Edge, nurse it back to health, then bring it back here.

(Snotlout groans)

-----Time Skip-----

(Y/n, Ruffnut and Tuffnut approach the speed stinger)

Y/n: Ruff? Tuff? You understand the plan, right?

Tuffnut: Yeah.

Ruffnut: Definitely.

Tuffnut: Of course.

(He pauses for a second)

Tuffnut: No.

Ruffnut: Nope. Nu-uh.

(Y/n groans)

Y/n: Alright. You secure the Stinger so I can set the splint with the broken pieces of Hicca's "Dragonfly One". And be careful! We all remember what these guys' stings can do to you.

Snotlout: You don't have to remind me. I know exactly what they can do.

(Speed Stinger snarls at them)

Snotlout: This plan is insane. You know that, right? If I'm saying it's insane, it's actually insane.

Tuffnut: Actually, it is insane. And for once, it wasn't our plan.

Ruffnut: I'm seeing a pattern here!

Tuffnut: First that thing with Gustav, now this. Could it be?

Ruffnut: Is Y/n coming over to our side?

Tuffnut: Oh, Loki, please let it be so! We will welcome him with open arms. Teach him the ways of the truly disturbed!

Hicca: Guys, please. Let's get this done.

(Both twins laugh. The Speed Stinger roars and tries to hit one of them with its tail)

Y/n: Whoa!

Tuffnut: Come and get me, Stinger. Fresh meat on the grill, right over here.

Ruffnut: No! Over here! I'm all yours. Turn me into a pin cushion! I'll give it to you as a target. Ooh. It's my butt!

(The Speed Stinger roars and tries to hit them again)

Tuffnut: Is that it? That's all you've got?

Y/n: Guys, what are you doing? I meant secure the tail!

Ruffnut: Hey! We know what we're doing!

(The Speed Stinger's tail gets her in the arm)

Ruffnut: Whoa! Whoa, whoa, what's happening to me? I can't...

(She freezes, unable to move the top half of her body)

Tuffnut: Talk? She can't talk! At least I think that's what she's saying.

Fishlegs: Hmm. Interesting. Only part of her is paralyzed. Since it's an adolescent, its sting potency must not be at full effect.

Tuffnut: And how do we get it to sting her lower half?

(He gets an idea)

Tuffnut: Here, Speedy. Come on. It's the whole lower half of Ruffnut. Come on. Don't you want it?

(The Speed Stinger tries to put weight on injured leg, but collapses and Tuffnut pounces on top of it)

Tuffnut: Ha-ha! Yeah!

(He notices the unpinned tail)

Tuffnut: Uh.

Y/n: Someone, help Tuff!

(Astrid and Hicca run over to the speed stinger and grab its stinger)

Astrid: Me and Hicca have the stinger.

Fishlegs: I got the head.

(Y/n rushes to Speed Stinger and splints injured leg)

Y/n: There!

(Hicca, Astrid, Tuffnut, and Fishlegs get off of Speed Stinger. It jumps up and runs at Y/n, but slows to a stop once it realizes he doesn't want to hurt it)

Y/n: Hey, okay. Okay. We're here to help you.

Fishlegs: Oh. He's gonna do the hand thing. Please tell me he's gonna do the hand thing!

(Y/n extends his hand towards the speed stinger while looking away. The Speed Stinger sniffs Y/n's hand, then presses snout into it)

Hicca: Okay, I think we're good. Now let's load him up and get him back to Dragon's Edge.

Astrid: You know the pack is gonna do everything in its power to find it, don't you?

Hicca: Yep. And that's why we have to get him back on his feet and back to this island as quickly as we can.

Y/n: Hicca's right. Let's go.

(The rest of the Stinger's pack watches Y/n and company take the injured youngster away. The leader of the pack roars at them)

-----Time Skip-----

Training Area

Fishlegs: Have a look at this.

(He opens cage and lets Speed Stinger out. The Speed Stinger runs around and roars)

Hicca: Wow. Nice work.

Fishlegs: Uh-huh. All thanks to the carefully designed rehabilitation program based on trust and understanding.

(Meatlug runs away from Fishlegs to play with Speed Stinger, leaving his arm dangling)

Astrid: Fishlegs, what's with your arm?

Fishlegs: Yeah, let's just say that the Stinger and I may or may not have had a few differences of opinion these last few days.

(Tuffnut plays with Fishlegs' paralyzed arm)

Tuffnut: Look at that! It's like a dead old fish.

Fishlegs: Okay, Meatlug, let's get back to work. And we'll bring this, just in case.

(He tries to pull a shield off rack, grunting. The shield drops and rolls away from him. He sighs in exasperation and grabs another shield with his good arm. He walks over to the Speed Stinger, where a mini obstacle course is set up)

Fishlegs: Come on, little fella, you can do it! Alright. There we go, little guy.

(The speed stinger starts to slowly do the obstacle course)

Astrid: Huh! Ornery and stubborn, but it seems like it's actually accepting Fishlegs and Meatlug.

Y/n: Well, makes sense, they are pack dragons. They can only function as a group. But if they accept you into that group then you have their allegiance.

(He rubs his chin with a smile)

Astrid: Wait. You're not actually thinking of trying to train it? Are you?

Y/n: What? No! No. I could never.

Hicca: Yes, you are.

(Snotlout enters the training area)

Snotlout: Well, well, well, lookie here. Our little friend can stand on his own two claws again. Only a matter of time before it's trying to sting all of us into oblivion.

(The Speed Stinger shrieks at him)

Snotlout: My vote is take it back to where we found it. I'll get the cage.

Y/n: Snotlout...

(The Speed Stinger roars at Snotlout. Snotlout screams, then hisses)

Hicca: Snotlout, he's staying here, okay? At least for the time being.

Snotlout: Having a Speed Stinger around is way too dangerous, especially for me.

(The Speed Stinger runs in front of him and tries to sting him. Snotlout dodges)

Snotlout: Not even on your best day, pal.

Ruffnut: Good news! The Stinger venom wore...

(The Speed Stinger stings her)

Ruffnut: Ugh! off.

(She falls to the ground)

Hicca: Okay, everyone. No sudden moves.

Ruffnut: Who's got jokes? Frozen from the waist down. Come on.

Y/n: Hey, settle down, big fella. I'm your friend, remember?

(Ruffnut grunts, trying to put her legs in a comfortable position)

Ruffnut: Ruffnut, one. Dead leg, zero.

(Her dead leg sticks out, kicking Tuffnut)

Ruffnut: Not so dead after all.

Tuffnut: Hey. What'd you do that for?

Ruffnut: Oh! Like I have any control...

(Ruffnut's other leg kicks Tuffnut too)

Hicca: Uh, guys? Quiet down. I think he's agitated.

Tuffnut: That makes two of us. You better control that butt before it gets kicked.

(The Speed Stinger stings them)

Tuffnut: Oh! Aah!

Y/n: Oh, I was afraid of this. Everyone take cover!

(Tuffnut runs away, but gets stung. Astrid grabs a shield and blocks the attack before it could sting her)

Astrid: Phew!

Fishlegs: Please, remain calm. Everything is going to be okay.

(Toothless jumps over Speed Stinger to avoid getting stung. It runs at Fishlegs and Meatlug, who run away from it)

Fishlegs: Remain calm!

(The Speed Stinger runs at Bahamut who jumps over it and it ends up stinging Barf & Belch, Barf's side goes limp)

Ruffnut: Barf!

Astrid: Stormfly, spine shot!

Y/n: Get him back into the cage!

(Stormfly, Bahamut and Toothless heard the Speed Stinger back into its cage. Speed Stinger screeches. Ruffnut struggles as she crawls over to Barf's side)

Ruffnut: Guys, a little help here?

Tuffnut: Uh, no.

-----Time Skip-----

(Astrid watches Barf & Belch walking out of the dome, with Barf's head paralyzed and dragging behind and continuously leaking flammable gas)

Astrid: That is really unsettling.

Snotlout: Mhm. Exactly as I thought this would end up. That thing is going to paralyze everyone on the island before this is over. And then there's going to be no one to take that stupid dragon back to where we found it.

Y/n: Alright. I'm too tired to argue with you. We'll talk about this in the morning.

(He and Bahamut walk away)

Ruffnut: Hey, if you want to get rid of that Stinger, I'm in.

(She grunts as she falls to the floor)

Ruffnut: I don't know how much more of this I can take. I figure it's him or me.

-----Time Skip-----

(Fishlegs, Meatlug and the speed stinger are at his hut)

Fishlegs: Good news, little guy. Your splint comes off today! Nurse Meatlug, if you would do the honors, please?

(Meatlug spits lava at the splint which melts it off. The speed stinger takes a few steps and looks up at Fishlegs)

Fishlegs: Yeah, you see? No more pain.

(The speed stinger starts to run around)

Fishlegs: Whoa! Wow! You sure had a lot of energy stored up, didn't you.

(He realizes the Stinger is heading to a deep pond)

Fishlegs: Oh, dear! Meatlug, quick, stop him! Speed Stingers can't swim!

(They try to stop the speed stinger but soon see that it can run on water)

Fishlegs: Whoa! How did you do that?

(Fishlegs looks at the speed stingers feet)

Fishlegs: Webbing. Of course. You can't fly, so you needed a way to island hop. You adapted, evolved. Oh-ho! That's incredible! I have to tell Y/n and Hicca about this right away!

(He runs off to find Y/n and Hicca)

Island - Beach

(At the beach of a island the speed stingers roar and start to run on water towards the dragons edge)

Dragons Edge

(The next day Y/n, Hicca, Fishlegs and Astrid are at the training area)

Hicca: This is enormous, Fishlegs. Finally, actual proof of dragon evolution.

Y/n: It's historic.

Fishlegs: I know, right!

Hicca: And the Stinger webbing actually inspired me to make a few changes on a little something I've been working on.

Astrid: If you say Dragonfly Two, I'm locking you up.

Y/n: Count me in on that.

Fishlegs: Oh, no. He's gone.

(They see the speed stingers cage empty)

Astrid: How could he have gotten out of this cage?

Y/n: He couldn't. At least not on his own. And I think I have a pretty good idea who helped.

-----Time Skip-----

(Ruffnut is holding the sleeping speed stinger as she flies with Snotlout)

Ruffnut: Oh, how cute! He's dreaming.

(Snotlout imitates a girl)

Snotlout: "No, he's not." He's waking up. It's almost sunset!

Ruffnut: Oh, great. Ruffnut gets paralyzed. Again.

Snotlout: Come on, Hookfang, fly faster!

(The speed stinger suddenly wakes up)

Snotlout: Oh, no.

Ruffnut: The ropes should hold.

(The Stinger breaks free and attacks)

Ruffnut: I tied them really... tight. Whoops.

Snotlout: "Whoops?!" That's all you got?! "Whoops?!"

Ruffnut: There's other things I wanna say, but none of them are very ladylike.

(The speed stinger stabs Ruffnuts leg)

Ruffnut: Uh-oh. Snotlout... Viking going... overboard.

(Ruffnut falls off hookfang but Snotlout grabs her leg in time. The Speed Stinger stings Hookfang and paralyzes his left side, causing him to crash)

Snotlout: Uh-oh. Hookfang!

(The speed stinger licks Snotlouts face)

Snotlout: Aah! Ew! Hey, watch the tongue!

(Hookfang light himself on fire as Y/n, Hicca, Astrid and Fishlegs land near them. Ruffnut speaks to Y/n and Hicca slurring)

Ruffnut: Hey, Y/n, Hicca. I got stung again. Just the right side this time. I tried to walk it off but I just keep going around in a circle.

Hicca: Dragon-napping, Snotlout? I mean, this is a new low, even for you.

Y/n: Well... Not really.

Snotlout: I was trying to save us!

(They all hear screeching in distance)

Astrid: Uh. You guys heard that, right?

Fishlegs: It was an echo. Please tell me that was an echo.

(They hear the screeching again but louder)

Y/n: The pack's come looking for him.

Snotlout: How is that even possible? Speed Stingers can't fly!

Fishlegs: Yeah, but we did just discover that these particular Speed Stingers can travel across water just fine.

Snotlout: What?! How?!

(Hicca covers his mouth)

Hicca: If we keep quiet, we might not give away our location.

(The speed stinger starts screeching which his pack responds. Bahamut, Toothless and Stormfly prepare to attack)

Ruffnut: I'm guessing that very soon I'm gonna wish I could run in a straight line.

(The speed stingers pack runs to them and surrounds them)

Snotlout: You! I knew you'd rat us out.

(They hear a loud screech and the leader of the pack steps forward)

Y/n: Guys! Stand your ground!

(The speed stingers start to run around them. As one of them is about to sting Ruffnut, Meatlug flies in front of her and takes the sting herself)

Ruffnut: Hey, girl, thanks.

Hicca: There... There's too many of them.

Y/n: Our only hope is to draw them away.

Snotlout: I'm not leaving anyone behind!

Hicca: Really? Since when?

Snotlout: Since right now! Don't ask me why, but I'm suddenly feeling selfless and heroic. Back! Get away!

(He swings a stick around like a maniac)

Ruffnut: Uh-oh. Gotta get away. Come on, leg!

(Snotlout picks up the friendly speed stinger)

Snotlout: Don't worry guys. I'll be back. Come and get me, Needle Butts!

(He runs away)

Ruffnut: Go get them, Snotlout!

Snotlout: Snotlout, Snotlout! Oi! Oi! Oi! Keep chasing.

(He stops at a small clearing and lets go of the speed stinger, he looks around and sees none of the other speed stinger behind him)

Snotlout: Gone?

(He hears rustling behind him)

Snotlout: And that's because they're all here for the big ambush. This was a bad idea.

(The young Stinger turns on the rest of his pack, stinging and paralyzing some of them)

Snotlout: What the... Wait. I'm never gonna get you, dragon.

(The pack leader arrives and screeches angrily and the friendly stinger roars back at them)

Snotlout: What?

(Y/n and Hicca arrive on the scene on Bahamut and Toothless)

Y/n: He's torn between his pack and the one that saved his life. Ours.

Snotlout: But he hates me!

Hicca: But you're one of us. It's his instinct to protect you.

(Bahamut blasts at the pack leader)

Y/n: Now get out of here before he realizes that he has to choose a side. Okay, bud. Let's get these guys back in the water.

(Y/n, Hicca, Bahamut and Toothless start to drive the pack away onto the waters when Astrid arrives)

Astrid: I brought backup.

(Tuffnut flies in riding Belch, while Barf is still paralyzed and spewing gas)

Tuffnut: Woo-hoo! Yeah! Nice, Barf. I mean, freaky, but nice just the same. Oh, no.

(The lead Stinger stings Belch, paralyzing him too and causing the entire Zippleback to crash)

Y/n: Barf and Belch are down. We need to get rid of that Stinger chief.

(The pack leader screeches at Toothless and Hicca who are flying towards them)

Hicca: Toothless, separate! Dragonfly Two, go!

(Toothless and Hiccup separate mid-air and the lead Stinger misses and crashes on the sand below)

Hicca: Excellent!

(The lead Stinger stands up and sees he is outnumbered as Stormfly, Hookfang and Bahamut roars at them. The pack leader runs off leaving the young Stinger behind)

Snotlout: Yeah! Swim away, Stingers!

(The friendly stinger growls sadly as he watches the pack run away. He looks at Y/n who extends his arm towards it but then moves his hand away)

Y/n: No. I'm sorry, but, little guy, you need to go back with your own.

(The stinger screeches and runs after the rest of the pack)

Snotlout: What are you doing? We can't let him go back with them!

Hicca: Snotlout, it's where he belongs. That's his real pack.

Snotlout: And just when we were starting to get along. Why does this always happen to me?!

Astrid: Can you believe what that dragon did for us? He helped us, over his own Alpha.

Y/n: For that little time, he was part of our pack. And we were part of his.

Hicca: Even Snotlout, somehow.

Snotlout: Scared? Ha! That Stinger was more scared of me than I was of him.

Tuffnut: Hey, look! Isn't that them swimming towards us?

Ruffnut: Maybe they're coming back for you, Snotlout.

(Snotlout looks back scared and runs away)

Snotlout: What? No!

(Tuffnut chuckles)

Tuffnut: They weren't swimming this way.

Ruffnut: Look at him run. Stupid.



It's nice to be back writing this story. I'll try to publish a new chapter daily or atleast every other day.


Word Count: 3405

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