Jungkook's Betrayal????

Від jkpancholi1

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Junkook suddenly announced his relationship with V on stage ..All the members especially Jimin was in shock... Більше

part 1- on the rainy day
part 2 - rain goes on
part 3-we don't talk anymore
part 4 - But I still want youuu...
part 5 - looking for future with past in a heart
part 6 - To the moon
part 7- jealousy
part 8- hellucination or existence??
part 9- clear
part -10 turning point
part - 11 buddies
part 12- Taehyung
part 13- truth
part 14- Jungkook
part 15- Jimin
part 16- Faded
part 17- The beginning
part 18 - when jimin met rest of members
part - 19 Year 2012
part 20-year 2013- debut year of BTS
part 21 - Unbearable hurt💔💔
part 22- Too much hate to handle
Part 23-surprise!!
part 24 - Enough is enough
part 25- Getting strong
part 26- I hate love
part 27- self acceptance
part 28- And the game begins 😉
part 29- consequences
part 30- please forgive me
part 31-wounds you gave are deeper ..
part 32- you are my only desire
part 33- confessions.
part 34- evolution of Jikook -1
part 35- evolution of Jikook-2
part 36- evolution of Jikook-3
part 37 - Beginning of the ending
part 38- your voice still gives goosebumps
part 39- Story from Jungkook's side
part 40- destiny had different plan
part 41- LIE
Part 42- what actually happened on that night
part 43- He deserves to know.
fly high
part 45 - when they met.
part 46- I need just ... YOU.
part 47- you pull me like a magnet..
part 48- Truth will lead to dawn or dusk??
part 49 - Distance I didn't want .
part 50- when destiny plays..
part 51 - U-turn or dead end??
part 52- stronger than you think.
part 54- Wish I could turn back time..
part 55- He loves me? loves me not?
part 56- I was there for you.. Always
Part 57- Prayers do miracles..
part 58- Friends??
part 59- Running, running just to keep my hands on you..
part 60- YOU are my strongest craving..
part 61- You are me, I am you.
part 62- Love?? hah! it doesn't matter.
part 63- Yes, we do!
part 64- Epilogue -1
part 65- Epilogue -2
Author's note..

part 53- My love gave you the power to hurt me

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Від jkpancholi1

"You know what is the irony army", Tae said and cheers calm down suddenly. Everyone was listening to Tae with curiosity and confusion.

" Irony is that Jungkook and I... are NOT boyfriends. It was a lie..."

Everyone gasped. Jimin was confused if he heard right or not. He was looking between Tae and Jungkook.

Tae continued, " Yes, that's true. We are NOT boyfriends. I love hobi.."

Hobi almost fell after listening this. Saying that he was shocked would be an understatement. Yes, he was noticing Tae's behaviour since a long time now,but he was letting it pass just as playful flirting. Never ever, even in his wildest dreams he imagined that Tae would confess his love to him , that too infront of thousands of people.

"People, I am completely aware of what I am saying and what I am doing. Hobi..., whatever I said, is real , even more than my existence. I really love you. I don't know since when but I do... I was suppressing my feelings from quite a time now but my recent experiences have taught me a lot.." Tae took a pause and quickly glanced at Jungkook and spoke again,

" And I am NOT stupid enough to let my love go away from myself. I don't want you to give answer right now but just know that if... it would be in my hands I would not spend even a second without you in my life , No matter what happens. " Tae finished, not looking away from Hobi even for a second.

Many cameras and eyes of Army were recording the expression of Jungkook when Tae was confessing to Hobi but to their surprise and also kind of shock, Jungkook was all calm , composed and more than that... Happy. He was looking absolutely happy for the new couple.....

" Your BTS is better than any drama movie" A man said while smiling widely and looking at his wife while munching his popcorn. Next thing he knew was his popcorns were all over the floor and he had earned himself a smack on his back .

That man met fuming eyes of his wife and said in a low voice, " what baby! I was just admiring them " and pouted.

That lady replied nothing and started watching the members again with puppy eyes and murmuring awww my babies....


Hobi was total mess at that time . He knew that thousands of people were looking at him, he was aware that his every expression would be analysed by Army to the core , still he couldn't mantain his straight face . He felt confused to be honest, utter confused. Should he be happy that someone loves him so much that he confessed it infront of whole world or it should and could have done in much more privacy?

Members were surprised too or rather should say shocked? Only Jungkook was aware of the truth as Tae has already told him about his feelings few days back and Jungkook couldn't be happier.

" I know it should be a private moment hobi" Tae said as if he was reading Hobi's mind. " but I am so done with the treatment and hate Jimin is getting without any fault, that too using my name. I had to clear it out ..

Army... If you want to love, love all seven of us...Otherwise don't love. " Tae said in a firm voice.

"and also If I have a chance to shout about my love for Hobi, infront of the world, there is no chance I am missing it ."

Hobi blushed a little..Tae went near him and hold his hand very gently.

" Okkkk.. so it's done for the night .. it was a wonderful night. See you guys..we love you. take care.. go home safely. good night " said RM panicking from the situation, AGAIN...

He rushed to end the concert. They bowed at the 90° and fireworks started. They ran to the every corner of the stage to wave goodbye to the very confused army and left the stage soon.

Not only audiance but staff and members were also still processing what just happened .

Members reached at their dressing room and RM requested all staff to stay out of the room. Now they were only seven in the room . No camera. No staff.

" What the hell was that Tae? " Asked RM ,still panicking.

" What??? I was just confessing to my love" said Tae still holding Hobi's hand and looking fondly at Hobi .
Hobi instantly looked away to avoid the blush he was keep on getting.

" Confessing? Really? Why you have to do this infront of thousands of people. First Jungkook and now you? Is it a joke to you guys? Our career, our reputation, army, media, the company... Everything.. Is it a jock?" RM shouted.

"Do you have slightest of idea what impact it's gonna have ? On you, on us... We merely recovered from what Jungkook done ... Now you too Tae ? I am really disappointed by the unprofessional behaviour of you guys" RM sighed .

"What do you guys think the stage is for? Is it for your stupid love confessions? Nooo..ITS NOT YOUR PERSONAL SPACE. The stage is for perfomance done by PROFESSIONAL people. " He said angrily.

" I AM professional joonie hyung. But I HAD to do this. I needed to do this. Aren't you aware the hate tweets Jimin is getting since two days because of me and Jungkook? And what happened today , was horrible and totally unacceptable. How could I not react?"
Tae said in a same angry voice .

"I think he is right joonie, I have read somewhere, We should be very careful of what we tolerate because by that we are teaching people how to treat us ." Jin said.

" Yes, I know. I am with Jimin too but this is NOT the way Tae . We could have find another solution. And also that lady is also being taken care of. Cops have already arrested her. How could you thought we'll let the person go so easily." RM said .

" What solution hyung? These type of people are never gonna understand... They'll got a "warning" by the cops and they'll be free again to hurt Jimin as always.. I have absolutely no regrets for what I have done. That's it. And Jimi-.."

Suddenly he remembered that Jimin was in the same room too......

As if a cue, everyone looked around for Jimin, only to find him sitting in a corner with a painful face.

"Jimin I jus-" Taehyung went near Jimin to talk but soon got cut by him.

"How could you Tae? How could you?" Jimin said in a low voice.

" Hmmm???" Tae got confused.

"How could you leave Jungkook at such a stage when he needs you the most? You know his health condition better than any of us, right? Then how can you just break up with him and Start a new relationship? He needs your love" Jimin said.

" Noo... He doesn't need my love minie.. HE . NEEDS. YOU." Tae shouted emphasising each word. Jimin looked at him with shocked eyes.

" Jungkook please please I beg of you.FOR GOD'S SAKE, Please clear everything NOW. it's really the limit now. " Taehyung rushed to Jungkook and shook him grabbing his shoulders.

" What are you talking about?" Jimin asked in confused voice.

Jungkook slowly sat near the feet of Jimin , held his hands and started to speak in a gentle voice..

" You are free to hate me after listening this ,minie........"


" I am not in a relationship with Taehyung. I was never... It was a lie"

"What?" Jimin was shocked.

"Yes, actually...." Jungkook took a deep breath and started to speak again.

"When you went to Busan, I was not feeling well and fainted. Taehyung just happened to be there at that time so he took me to the doctor and you know as well that after two days and several tests, I was diagnosed with 4th stage brain tumor."

Jimin didn't replied. He was just looking at Jungkook with confusion. He feared that something is definitely coming, he gonna hate to listen..

Jungkook never left looking into Jimin's eyes. He softly carresed Jimin's hands and continued,

"At that time I was afraid minie, very afraid. I didn't want to go this early. I didn't want to leave you behind.I want to spend so many years with you when we ACTUALLY have enough time for eachother without worrying about cameras, about our public image, about the never ending schedules.. Just me and you can be together peacefully.. I have so many dreams to be fulfilled, With you..

And my destiny snatched that away ...in a matter of seconds... "

Jungkook's voice shook as tears started coming out from his eyes. That sight make everyone's heart melt. Jungkook had always been baby for members. Seeing him broken, broke everyone's heart too.. Jimin felt sting in his heart.

He was still processing whatever was being spoken .

"You and my parents were the only people came to my mind at that time.

I was broken, frightened and lost.. I couldn't understand what to do and I... I just .."

" I wanted to tell you everything, wanted to be in your arms to calm myself and cry my heart out..."

Jungkook took a pause and let out a deep sigh , " but... other half of me was pulling me back , thinking you would not be able to take the shock..

I know how much you love me, how much you are attached to me, everything related to me effects you so deeply.. So I didn't want you to be hurt and sad. And what scared me the most was , what after me?? I thought you might not be able to survive and would do something bad to yourself.. that was something I really didn't want to happen.

So I decided to lie..."

Jungkook's hung his head low after saying that. He didn't had strength to look into Jimin's eyes.

"A lie that would broke you but may be help for your future..

A lie that will definitely bring me to hell but might get better situation for you..

A lie that will make you hate me so much that after sometime even if I die , you have only one emotion left for me....pity. "

Jungkook tears were uncontrollable now..

Jin and RM was caressing his back. Hobi gave him a glass of water to calm him down.

Jimin was now.... poker faced....

" So ...

I lied that I am in love with Tae and behaved horrible with you so that you start to hate me and move on... Move on in your life and be happy with someone else and I can leave... peacefully.... Knowing that you have someone in your life who'll take care of you and love you...after me..

I was wrong.

I was terribly wrong.

Now I understand that You are the strongest person I have in my life.. My all assumption were wrong, minie.. Only if I have told you right on that time, situations might have been different, may be better. We both suffered a lot in past months only because of my stupidity. I wish , I really wish I could turn back the time minie...But now.... I can only regret my foolish actions.

One other thing I want to confess Jimin. I still can't see you with anyone else. My blood starts to boil even if anyone touches you casually. I want to punch everyone to the death who even tries to get near to you. There is not a single chance I can see you with someone else .."

Suga smiled softly hearing this.

" I can't explain how horrible I felt when saw your clip kissing that girl. I just wanted to pull you away from her and-.."

Jungkook stopped when he noticed Jimin's piercing gaze.

Inspite of being afraid of now changed emotions on Jimin's face , Jungkook continued,

" Jimin-ah, I know I am not in a place to apologise but that's the only thing I can do now.. Please forgive me.. come back to me.. I need you baby ... please.. I jus-"

Bam... A loud sound of a harsh slap echoed in the room...

Jungkook fell on the ground after getting a really strong hit on his face. His face was clearly showing prints of five fingers. Jimin was working in the gym since many days now and has become a really strong person, physically too , so the slap came out harsher than he intended. Everyone in the room gasped in shock. Jin instantly supported Jungkook and made him stand .

" Jimin?" Jungkook still called him in a soft voice.

"SHUT UP.. JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP" Jimin shouted , making others flinch.

" How many, hmmm? How many lies have you spoken to me? Just tell me" Jimin said in a furious voice.

" No Jimin-ah it's- " Jungkook tried to speak getting near to Jimin.

"DON'T YOU DARE COME NEAR ME.." Jimin shouted again..

Hobi went near him and said , " calm down Jimin-ah listen t-"

" You know this too hyung, don't you?" Jimin asked in a broken voice.

Hobi nodded, looking to the floor.

" You all knew right?" Jimin asked.

Nobody dared to look at him.

"Wow! Just wow! " Laughed Jimin sarcastically.

" Few minutes back, I was trying to prove to the strangers that I am a strong person. I am proud of myself. How foolish of me! "

Jimin laughed like a maniac.

" My own love thinks that I am really weak person who can't handle anything so he decided to tell the everyone about his disease... Everyone.. except me... And I was thinking you didn't tell me because you don't want me to include in your life anymore.. may be hate me... but no he hides because I am bloody weak.. softy.."

Jimin hit the punch on a near by wall causing blood drops on his knuckles.

" Jimin-ah..." Jungkook tried once again to go near him..

"I SAID STAY AWAY " Jimin shouted again making all flinch once again .

Jimin rarely got angry so it was totally different sight for everyone . They have never seen Jimin so much furious. They were all kind of afraid now .

" And you Tae?? How did you controlled your laugh when I was trying my hardest to make both of you always stay together? Did you laughed internally on my foolishness? When I said everytime that I support your relationship, I will be for both of you always, You made a great couple.. didn't it make you laugh on me? " Jimin asked looking at Taehyung who was not able to make an eye contact..

" Or when Jungkook found out that I am such a Thin skinned person who can't take any challenges in life and chose YOU to share his problem, to accompany his treatments, did you feel pity for me? Or You thought the same? I am not capable, hmm?"

Tae shook his heas crying..

"When I cried for nights thinking my lover and my best friend betrayed me .. I cried for.. Nothing?? " Jimin's voice was not broken anyone.. It sounded angry.. dangerously angry..

" Hyungs?? You all thought the same? Nobody cares to tell me? Hobi hyung...?? Yoongi hyung...?? I share my every, each and every thought and emotions with both of you and you said .. nothing??"

Jimin laughed again, now bitterly.

" How stupid I must be looking..when I cried ...when I was supporting Tae and Jungkook with my words, my actions.. I am feeling so embarrassed right now..may be fool..or cheated? "

" It's not exactly what it seems Jimin-ah. Let us explain." Suga said in a low voice.

" Oh please hyung! I think it's enough now. I am tired now ... Tired of everything.. I just .. just wanna go home ." Jimin really looked life less.

Nobody dared to stop him . Jungkook stood there with his head still low and tears still flowing without any break.

" Jimin.. please?? " Jungkook still tried and held his hand.

Jimin looked at him with such hurtful eyes that Jungkook felt shattered. Jimin took has hand back and Jungkook couldn't say a word.

Jimin rushed out of the room avoiding the questionable gazes of staff members.

Hobi went after him .

"Hoba, please take care of him . Don't let him stay alone ." Suga told him and hobi just nodded before almost running after Jimin.

"Jimin-ah.... Jimin-ah..." Hobi shouted and Jimin stopped and turn around.

" Wait for me Jimin-ah, I am coming too.." hobi was panting..

" It's ok hyung. You don't need to worry. I am going to home only. You...stay... I think you should stay here.. with Tae , may be? " Jimin said .

" Oh shut up Jimin-ah. I know you are angry with me but let me explain.. it's alright if you don't want to listen to me today . I understand. But please don't push me away from yourself.."

Hobi had tears in his eyes.

" What the hell hyungie? Why are YOU crying now? " Jimin said softly and wiped Hobi's tears with a warm hug and said,

"Ok .. come with me.. let's just get out of here. It's suffocating " in a cracked voice..

" Yeah Jimin-ah, let's go to my home today .. "

Jimin just nodded.

Hobi and Jimin went to the parking area. Hobi informed Jimin's driver that he will go with hobi today. Hobi took the car keys from his own driver as he decided to drive himself. They left for Hobi's home.


" Sir...Sir ...You must see this .It's important. " A staff member rushed towards RM handling him the phone which was showing live news telecast.

" It's their dirty game again . They knew that they are at a guilty place and can't win against us. So BTS has done again what they have done in the past too ..They used their members for a fan service to divert the attention from plagiarism case. Even attack on one of their members, Jimin was planned, just to get sympathy of people... It's sickening..They should know they can't be saved by such tactics . Stop playing with people's emotions BTS and Bighit..." A spoke person from the company that had filed a law suit was giving his opinion on recent event at concert on National news.

" So that was the spoke person of the company.. That's all for today's news. We will be back tomorrow.. Good night." The news anchor finally wrapped up the show.

All the remaining members were looking at RM holding their breath and with worried faces, who glanced sharply at Jungkook and Taehyung and put the phone down . RM rubbed his forehead quite harshly and let out a deep sigh..


Hobi was driving silently. Jimin was also quiet and deep in thoughts.

" Jimin-ah??" After some time Hobi dared to call him ..

" Hmmm?"

" Please don't think too much. First please listen to me.. "

" Don't tell me hyung, there still something left that only I don't know. Is that so?" Jimin asked bitterly.

" No ..I mean yes.. Noo.. but.. aaaahh ...what should I say? I mean Jungkook told you everything but you still don't know the efforts he was making to inform you since last few days .. He really wanted to tell you. And we also scolded him and made him understand where he was wrong and yoongi hyung almost beat him when we came to know.." Hobi tried to explain..

" So ... He agreed to tell me after you guys scold him and tell him to do so? Not at his own? " Jimin asked calmly but still bitterly.

" Yes but he is an idiot Jimin-ah ,you know that. Also he was kind of shocked after he knew about the tumor so he was mentally disturbed and couldn't take the right decision. Even elder people lost their ability of thinking straight in such a hard situation and he is so young. He did wrong. We , being his hyungs made him realised and he understood his fault... that's it.." Hobi answered.

" And since days hyung? We all have been together for atleast 15 days now and you are telling me he couldn't find right time in all those damn 15 days?? That's bullshit." Jimin was becoming angry again.

" He tried but the circumstances were-" hobi tried to explain but was cut by Jimin

" Oh please hyung.. Just leave it. " And he started looking outside of window.

They reached at the parking space of Hobi's appartment. They both got out of the car and started walking towards the elevator when Jimin's phone started to buzz .

Hobi took a quick glance and surprised to see the name of caller.

Jimin thought for few seconds before answering the call.

" Hello?"

" Hi Lily."

" Hey Jimin . How are you?"

" I am fine dear. Anything urgent?"

" Ummm .. actually I saw some clips and now I know that Jungkook is.. what should I say .. he is not in relationship with Tae.. so...umm... So now you .. I mean.. do you want to quit? Or we are still-...?

" Offcourse not darling. I am a man of words. I won't quit. We are still on " Jimin said with a smile .

Hey my dearest readers... How are you all? I am sending all the good wishes and positive vibes towards you guys..May you get everything you want.. stay blessed always 😘😘

Please don't forget to share your views..

Also happy 100k reads to us😊. I would like to specially mention the person who was the first ever person to comment on the story. Their just one word in the comment section gave me hope and confidence to write further. Thank you so much @sum_Mithsie.. For believing in the story and me from the very beginning.. 💜❤️

And all the readers who give their opinion and views about the story, trust me you'll are very precious to me.❤️💜.. Thank you so much all of you..

Lots of love..

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