To The Moon ☪︎⋆|| Seungmin x...

By JasmineNoir21

2.8K 103 398

Seungmin always said that he wanted to go to the moon but no one knew the true meaning behind his words. He w... More

˚ ◍₊ * intro ⋆◍ 。
˚ ◍₊ * 1 ⋆◍ 。
˚ ◍₊ * 2 ⋆◍ 。
˚ ◍₊ * 4 ⋆◍ 。
˚ ◍₊ * 5 ⋆◍ 。
˚ ◍₊ * 6 ⋆◍ 。
˚ ◍₊ * 7 ⋆◍ 。

˚ ◍₊ * 3 ⋆◍ 。

334 14 33
By JasmineNoir21



I opened my laptop, wincing at the amount of messages I saw. Why is Felix like this? Why does he find the need to send me over three hundred messages? I let out a strained sigh as I read through the messages which ranged from 'Where are you?' and 'Are you alright?' to 'I'll violently bite your toes off if you don't answer me right now'. I took a deep breathe in preparation for the earful I was about to receive over text messages.

'HEY I SEE UR CRUSTY ASS ONLINE, DON'T IGNORE ME', The most recent text read. I still can't believe he texted me non-stop for over five hours. I let a breath escape through my nose as I replied, typing away at my keyboard.


OG idiot <3

Perfect grammar and perfect spelling.
Who is this? Give the phone back to its owner.
Just look for a goofy looking kid with blonde hair near-by,
it's most likely whom the phone belongs to :)

OG idiot <3

Ok mister serious. What's up

OG idiot <3

Alright, alright fine.

OG idiot <3

Ok, ok jeez.
I left my phone at school.

OG idiot <3
That literally explains nothing

You want a life story or something? ;-;

OG idiot <3

After you left , I was bored out of my mind and so I
decided to go outside and take pictures but the lighting was off
So I ended up sprinting pass the security guard and
going to the park .
 I realized that I left my phone at school only after I got home.
Oh and I also met this weird ass kid at the park, he
was kind of fine ngl. He looks my age so I just hope I'm
not catching a case by saying that.

Before I could type the rest of my sentence an incoming video call popped up on my screen. Without a second thought I accepted  and to my dismay a Felix graced itself onto my screen with a confused mixture of emotions expressed upon his face. My eyebrows knitted in playful disgust at the mere sight of the creature.

"Fix your face, you look like you're taking a shit and trying to solve a calculus question all in one." He stated, the phone static echoing through my room.

"Okay, first of all that was oddly specific. Secondly, why are you outside? Where the heck are u? That doesn't look like your house." The obscure amount of  questions tumbled out of my mouth, noticing that the boy was indeed not at his house. 

"Calm down Catherine. I'm at Hyunjin's. You were supposed to be here as well but you were busy flirting with a minor apparently." Felix tutted, my eyebrows furrowing at the comment.

"You're making it seem like I was perving on the kid or something. He came to me for your information." I stated matter of factly with a sassy roll of my eyes.

"Oh shit you actually pulled somebody? Honestly, I didn't think you had it in you." Felix said in false bewilderment.

The line went silent on both sides. I muttered an 'I'm hanging up on you', before pressing on the red 'end call' button, throwing my laptop to the edge of my bed.

Barely a few seconds had flown by before my ringtone blasted through the empty silence. I sighed and stretched to reach it, my fingers just barely grazing the touchpad, before gripping on to it, bringing it closer and pressing the green button, not even bothering to check the caller ID.

I brought the laptop towards my face as I rolled over onto my back, scowling at the giggling boy on my screen. Letting out a groan I ran a hand through my hair, trying my best to give him my undivided attention.

"Okay Okay, what was he like?" Felix asked with a sly smirk and an odd wiggle of the eyebrows.

"He was..." I paused, trying my best to find an accurate word to describe the unusual kid, "...cute? I don't know." I finished with a shrug if my shoulder.

"You are not serious. C'mon give me something more than that." He whined, slurring his words in his weird 'Felix' fashion.

"I seriously don't know what else you want from me nor do I know what you were expecting." I truthfully stated as I sat up, scratching my scalp, relieving an itch that I was too lazy to itch before.

"Oh my gash. At least describe the dude, what he looked like?" Felix desperately tried to get some sort of info out of me but that's all there was too it, the kid was just....cute.

"Listen, he was just cute, ok? He had like really unique eyes, almost like a fox? And he has a bright smile as well. Oh! And he has braces which are so adorable. And dimples. And-"

"Okay! I said describe the dude not give me each and every detail of his genetic make up." Felix cut me of with a hearty giggle.

"Omg ew why do you sound like me if I were in your position. Don't pick up my sense of humour, it's one of a kind, and certainly doesn't suit low-lives like you. Aren't I supposed to be the one who is condescending? Don't patronize me." I said with a accusing point of my finger. Before he can retaliate I continued "And you act as if you aren't a million and twenty-five times worse with the way you act when Changbin does so much as look at you." The boy on the other side went quiet.

"Knees be buckling and shit. Dang." I added to lighten the mood, making sure the sensitive boy knew that I was joking.

Felix couldn't help but laugh at the last part.

"Fine, I'll admit that I be tumbling and fumbling every time I see him. Have you seen those triceps? But, key word 'but', that's normal behaviour for me. What's your excuse?" Felix expressed with a cock of his chin.

"I find it funny that you consider that 'normal' behaviour." I sad with a scoff and a shake of my head.

"Speaking of Changbin I saw him today and Oh my lordie lord I could have been in the hospital due to cardiac arrest." Felix dramatizes while kicking his legs like a high-school girl with a crush. I mean that's technically the case but Felix is almost 18 and is going to be in college next year.

"Yes Felix we all know you'd fold without hesitation if the one and only Seo Changbin asked." I scoffed

"Stop trying to change the subject I wanna know how this mysterious kid enchanted you." Felix whines with a pout.

"He didn't enchant me. He just came up to me and we started talking."

"Oh so he seduced you then?" He teased.

"Naurrr." I sulked whilst simultaneously mocking the other.

"Stop hating on the aussie accent you know you love it." Felix grinned showing his rather pointy canines.

"Naurrrr." I continued

" You know you love it when this deep voice with an aussie accent tickles your brain and makes you shiver in delight." He said, exaggerating the bite of his lip and hooded eyes

"Your mom." I said with nonchalant face.

"She's hot, I know. But that's not the point, the point is that you are trying to change the subject. I wanna know about your crush." Felix said with a pestering whine.

"Dude, did you just call your mom ho-" I questioned, but before he can continue his sentence, Felix interrupted him.

"Stop changing the subject!" Felix exclaimed.

"Okay, Okay." I sighed as he put up his hands in surrender.

"Now," Felix paused for dramatic effect, "What's his name?" he finished with a pursed smile

I froze. Did I seriously forget to ask his name? I looked around my room trying to avoid Felix's eyes staring straight at me.

"You didn't get his name. Did you?" He said and I looked down at my lap in response.

"I knew it! I got my hopes up! Why did I have faith in you pulling somebody for once!" He exclaimed through the screen. 

"Listen, we were just talking and it started raining so we had to leave and I just didn't think to ask his name." I rambled with a shrug.

Before Felix can retaliate a loud clash was heard, followed by shouts, all from various different people. 'Han Jisung no! It really wouldn't.' was the most prominent in the bunch.

"Dang, the whole government name and everything." I joked with a snort.

Felix scoffed out a laugh and turned his head in the direction the commotion was coming from and shouted, "What did Han do this time!". Heavy feet were heard stomping and shuffling towards Felix.

"Han said that blue hair would suit him!" A voiced exclaimed, which sounded much like Hyunjin's.

"It would though!" Another whined, presumably Jisung. 

"It seriously wouldn't!" The other voice retaliated.

"Honestly, I feel like blue would suit him." I intervened.

"No!" Hyunjin shouted as he came into frame, his strikingly good features on display. 

"Not like a bright blue, more of a midnight blue, it'll complement his eyes nicely." I argued "Plus the dark colour would suit the emo style he oh so desires." 

"I'm not emo!" Jisung said as he stole the phone out of Felix's hands. A 'Hey give me back my phone' being the last thing heard before Han dashed to God knows where.

The picture not being in focus as Han ran for his life. Sooner or later Felix caught up to him and tackled him to the ground, the phone being dropped in the process making the ceiling the only thing seen as I heard the string of curses and the cackles that were most likely coming from Hyunjin. 

I sighed as I hung up the call knowing that it was no use staying, those two would most likely be at it for another thirty minutes at least. I directed my gaze over to my nightstand, looking at the clock. '9:42' it read. I sat and contemplated on what I should do at that moment. Should I just go to bed or should I finish my architectural model on the house I'm designing, which is due next week. I decided on the latter and immediately got to work. Trudging to my desk I pulled out my chair and plopped down on it, getting my materials from the drawers. I set off to work, sticking cutting, placing, rearranging and even getting small cramps here and there from the continuous positioning my hands were in.  My eyes drooped, my body daring to sway me into a slumber and before I knew it, my head lightly rested on the table and I dozed of with the open glue tube still in my hands.

I woke up to the morning rays shining brightly in my room and a piece of paper comically stuck to the side of my face. I looked over to my infamous digital clock. It was still early. Well that's a first. Why the heck did I wake up at four a.m.? I grumbled as I shuffled towards my door, peeling the piece of paper off of my cheek. I dragged my feet to my bedroom door as I made my way to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water. I padded down the stairs, the hard wood sending chills up my spine. It was always rather chilly in my house around this hour.  I grabbed a cup from the cupboard and made my way to the water dispenser, watching as the room temperature liquid streamed into the cup. I quickly gulped down the beverage, finally realizing how thirsty I actually was. I made my way over to the sink to quickly rinse of the cup and put it on the dish rack to dry.

I'm not sure how but the stove magically turned on and I got possessed and started to make egg rolls, rice making it's way into the rice cooker by witch craft. Yep, that definitely happened. I turned off the stove seeing that my eggs were done. It was so early and I had absolutely nothing else to do so I thought 'why not make myself lunch today'. I put the perfectly cooked rice into my lunch box and topped it with the beef my mom made last night. Then I put the eggrolls I made, and am proud of, in one of the small compartments and threw some leftover steamed tofu in the other. I put the lunchbox in a bag together with a pack of gummy fruit snacks and a vanilla milk box. 

I put the bag at the end of the counter so it'll be there when I'm ready to head out. But before I could head back upstairs, I paused on the very first step and turned to look at the left over rice in the rice cooker. Should I leave it there for my sister or should I pack it up for Felix? I decided on the latter, mainly because I'm petty and she doesn't deserve my love but also because Felix has not been eating well these days. Every time I tell him to eat he either says "I already ate" or "I'll eat later". He might have everyone else fooled but he can't get past me. I've probably lost count on how many times I've told that idiot to take care of himself. It has gotten to the point where I have to remind him how to function like a normal human being when he has normal human interactions, cough Changbin cough. Jokes aside, I try my best to make sure the idiot doesn't collapse when the day comes. Remind me why I'm being caring towards Felix. Dare I say, motherly. I visibly shivered at the thought. Seemingly trying to shake it off. 

"No egg rolls for him." I said aloud as I started packing an extra lunch for him. There was no way I was going to waste time making egg rolls, again, for him.

I sighed as I placed the bag with the lunch box and his favourite strawberry milk next to mine. And somehow Felix's lunch box miraculously conjured egg rolls and placed itself into the lunch box. It was the ghost who possessed me before, I swear. I cast my gaze upon the fancy clock that hung in the living room and saw that it read '6:12'. I smiled as I sprinted up the stairs. I had more than enough time to have a relaxing shower and do my daily routine that I almost forgot I had. 

Wasting no time I hopped in the shower and got to scrubbing, indulging in the sweet scent of my peach and honey almond shower gel. People say that it's too 'feminine'; 'people' being Felix. Hate to break it to you 'sweety' but there is absolutely nothing feminine about wanting to smell good. That being said, I happily grabbed my bath sponge thingy and massaged the soap into my pores. 

I have absolutely no clue how much time have passed whilst being in the shower but since I don't care I got started on my mourning routine. I brushed my teeth, moisturized my face, gave my hair a much needed brush, etcetera etcetera.  Once that was done I waltzed into my room and checked the time.


You seriously don't know how much I hate life. I scrambled to get my uniform and hurriedly threw it on, being somewhat grateful that I don't have to worry about picking an outfit out every morning. I grabbed my bag and raced downstairs, skipping steps on the way. I snatched my keys off it's hook as I headed for the door, my pointer finger pointing onward as I did so. I slipped on my shoes and shuffled out the door.

I was halfway out the pathway when I remembered the lunches. The lunches! With my finger still pointed forward I sped walked straight back into the house. The door flung open as I aggressively grabbed the two bags and stomped my way back out the door, not even bothering to close it behind me since I saw my mom standing in the hallway with a sleepy expression on her face. She's probably questioning my very existence right now but that's the least of my issues. 

With little time to spare I arrived at school and a sudden 'What are you pointing at' startled me in the process. I looked down and smacked my pointed finger with my other hand and looked back up to greet the person before me.

'Morning Felix," I said.

"Morning." he said with a questioning tone "How come you're here on time? that's a first." He finished.

"I got possessed and somehow woke up early. During that possession a fairy broke into my house and made us lunch. This one is for you." I said as I basically threw the bag into Felix's arms, him barely catching it. If that lunch had fallen, there would have been a crime scene and I would have made it look like an accident.

I looked at his blinking eyes for some seconds and turned to enter the school, Felix trying his best to process the situation and catch up with me at the same time. I made my way through the school with a smile plastered on my face as I heard shouts coming from a certain blonde asking for an explanation. I opened my locker completely ignoring him as I shoved almost half the books from my bag into the locker since I didn't need them, keeping my lunch in hand. You are crazy if you think I would leave my lunch in a smelly ass school locker. My locker isn't smelly but you get my point. 

I went to go sit in my class early as I had nothing else to do. Felix still desperately trying to get my attention. 

I finally gave in and asked "Hey Felix, how come you're here by yourself? didn't you stay the night at Hyunjin's?" 

"Oh! The fairy gave me a ride to school." He said cheekily. I couldn't have been upset since I had it coming.

I sat down and since the universe was clearly against me the silence was filled with rowdy teens and their loud voices. Specifically Jisung and friends. 

"I'm telling you, blue hair would totally suit me!" Jisung said as he carelessly placed his bag next to his seat.

"Jisung, for the last time, no!" Hyunjin retaliated, "Want me to say it in Spanish, 'No'." He continued. Felix and I couldn't help but laugh at their childish banter.

Apparently that last comeback struck a nerve within the shorter as he gasped dramatically, taking in as much air as he possibly could muster. The rest was history. I'm not recalling that pointless throwing of words between those two hooligans. 

Time flew by smoothly. Classes went by like a breeze, Felix barely talked during class, which is indeed kind of concerning, I finished writing all my notes during the period and overall my morning calming. Now I had lunch. Shit never runs smoothly at lunch. 

I hurriedly made my way to the cafeteria because Felix had asked me to sit with him at lunch and mainly because he was literally pulling me the entire way there. We both sat down and took out our lunches.

"Ooo Minnie did you make this? It looks so good!" Felix said before taking a bite of it, immediately going for the eggroll. Doing his signature happy dance when he is enjoying something.

"Minnie?" Was the only thing I could have said before I was rudely interrupted.

"Minnie? Minho? where!?" Jisung pipped up from behind me.

"Not Minho you dimwit. I'm talking about Seungmin." Felix chirped, not bothering to look at the other as he was preoccupied devouring the rice.

"I like that your first thought was Minho." Hyunjin chuckled "Speaking of Minho, Jisung literally ran into him and fell right on his ass." he continued as his chuckle turned into a hyena cackle.

"Oh come on, you promised you wouldn't tell!" Jisung exclaimed as he lightly hit Hyunjin's shoulder repeatedly.

"Bro, I'm just saying. If I were you I would have gotten up, turn on my heels and run away unlike your dumb ass who just sat there with blinking eyes looking like a puppy who lost it's owner." Hyunjin tutted.

"Okay first off, Seungmin already has the puppy title. Secondly, How the fuck do you turn on heels?" Felix questioned with genuine confusion.

"What do you mean 'How?'. You just turn on your heels and walk away." I stated as Felix blinked his eyes in confusion.

"It's an expression." I said with disbelief "You just turn...on your heels." I said as I physically turned to demonstrate the action.

"Oh so you just turn around?" Felix questioned, making sure that he was indeed correct.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Oh ok." The Australian said before turning back to his lunch box. "I thought you meant like electric high heels or some shit."

"I- What?!" I whipped my head towards him almost giving myself whiplash, "Honey, not turn on like a fucking light switch. Turn on, as in the action word. Technically they are both action words but that's not the point!" 

"C'mon Felix, not even Jisung is that stupid." Hyunjin chuckled.

"Yeah Felix not even Jisung is that stupid." there was a pause as the boy spoke. "Wait. Hey! I'm not stupid!" Jisung smacked the taller's shoulder clearly offended by his words.

"No but I thought you meant you'd spawn a skateboard and roll out or some shit like that." Felix defended.

"What? Felix? Do you hear yourself right now?" I was flabbergasted at the amount of stupidity oozing out of this faux blonde idiot. "I feel like all that bleach is seriously getting to your brain." I closed my eyes and inhaled and exhaled steadily. 

"Felix? Love? I don't mean to say your stupid but you're really fucking dumb." I deadpanned.

"Listen." Felix started.

"There is no 'Listen' in this. How did you not get that Hyunjin meant a 180 degree turn?" letting my head rest on the cafeteria table, which I really shouldn't but I don't have time to think about sanitary practices at this point, I looked at Felix and awaited an answer.

"It's this good food that is making me go dumb. The flavours are literally melting on my tongue." shoving a piece of tofu in his mouth, Felix gave his signature gremlin grin.

My mouth hung open at his statement. "You know what I can't even be mad at that." I said before I went back to finally eat my lunch.

"Fucking electric heels." Hyunjin tsked, "I guess Minnie and I are the only smart ones in this group."

"First of all don't call me 'Minnie'. Secondly, Don't deride me. I've definitely been precocious towards my knowledge unlike you."

"Ouch. Don't gotta make me feel stupid by using words I don't know the meaning of." Hyunjin sulked as Jisung laughed at him. 

"Don't be sad Hyunjin. That's how Seungminnie shows his love." Felix chirped and Hyunjin immediately brightened up, sending soft coos towards Seungmin.

"Don't call me that!" I blurted out.

"See! He didn't deny it!" Felix barked.

A fraction of lunch was spent with me chasing Felix around the cafeteria and him bumping into Changbin, turning to a jumbled mess. Served him right. That'd teach him to not mess with me. After that predicament we sat back down, tired from all the running we did, and laughed at our silly behavior. The rest of lunch was spent with laughter being emitted from the four of us and a few whacks to Jisung's head as he had tried to steal my eggrolls. 

It was now the end of the day and I felt free, finally being able to escape that hell hole disguised as a so called 'school'. I happily walked out of the gates with my clowns following behind me.

"Hey anyone wants to go to the supply store with me?" I questioned. Suddenly remembering the opened and dried up tube of multi purpose glue on my desk. 

"Nah sorry my mom wants me home early today." Felix said with a pout that I almost found adorable. Key word. Almost.

"Me neither, my mom is making me go grocery shopping today." Hyunjin sighed with a slouch of his shoulders.

"Oo! I'll come! I'm in desperate need of a new pencil." Jisung exclaimed excitedly.

"Pencil? Can't you just get that at the stationery store at school?" Hyunjin muttered confusedly.

"Yeah but I'm not gonna pay seven hundred and sixty-eight won for it here when I can get it for two hundred and ninety-five at the store." He argued, "Plus they don't have the pink sparkly ones that glides across the paper like butter." He finished with a fold of his arms.

For the umpteenth time for the day I was left dumbfounded and before I could even let a single word fly out my mouth, I felt that I was being dragged by the shorter brown haired male down the street. Hyunjin and Felix's snickers faded into the air as Jisung and I made our way down the slightly crowded streets, soon getting concealed by the mass of students.



˚ ◍₊ Sorry for the late update. Life is just not it rn but hope u enjoyed!
˚ ◍₊ The electric high heels part was an actual conversation I had with my friend T-T

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