The Red Knight Season 2 (Rive...

By Dre0726

17.1K 590 146

After the shooting of Fred Andrews at POP's. Scott Wilson,AKA The Red Knight,will have to find out who is res... More

Chapter 14: A Kiss Before Dying (Part 1)
Chapter 14: A Kiss Before Dying (Part 2)
Chapter 15: Nighthawks (Part 1)
Chapter 15: Nighthawk (Part 2)
Chapter 15: Nighthawks (Part 3)
Chapter 16: The Watcher in the Woods (Part 1)
Chapter 16: The Watcher in the Woods (Part 2)
Chapter 16: The Watcher in the Woods (Part 3)
Chapter 17: The Town That Dreaded Sundown (Part 1)
Chapter 17: The Town That Dreaded Sundown (Part 2)
Chapter 17: The Town That Dreaded Sundown (Part 3)
Chapter 18: When a Starnger Calls (Part 1)
Chapter 18: When a Starnger Calls (Part 2)
Chapter 18: When a Starnger Calls (Part 3)
Chapter 19: Death Proof (Part 1)
Chapter 19: Death Proof (Part 2)
Chapter 19: Death Proof (Part 3)

Chapter 14: A Kiss Before Dying (Part 3)

958 32 5
By Dre0726

   Hours later, as evening begins to fall ,even more people arrive at the hospital. As Scott, Veronica, and Jughead are sitting, Betty walks up to her three friends to inform them of what her mom just told her.

Scott: Wait, Archie's where?

Betty: My mom said he's at the sheriff's station, doing a line-up.

Veronica: Well, that's gonna be traumatizing for him. We should all go down there.

Betty: Also, my mom said something about Mr.Andrew's wallet is missing. Archie thinks it might be still be at Pops

Veronica: That, or the guy who shot Fred might have

Betty: Well, if it was just some rando robbing Pop's, then he probably took the money and then got rid of the wallet.

Jughead: Unless it wasn't just some rando.

Scott: Unless it was premeditated in some way.

Betty and Veronica's eyes widen and immediately darts toward the two.

Veronica: What? Is that an actual theory?

Scott: Not according to Sheriff Keller, but if you ask me, people have grudges and enemies.

Jughead: I mean, think of where we live. Fathers are kill their sons. It's entirely conceivable this was a hit.

  The girls wanted to believe it was ridiculous theory, but deep down there was a part of them that possibly believed it to be true.

Betty: Okay, or the wallet's just at Pop's. So the three of us will check it out. Vee, will you stay here and wait for Archie to come back ?

Veronica: Of course, Bee.

Scott: We won't be long.

    Scott leans in to give Veronica a quick kiss, before he heads out with Betty and Jughead to look for Mr. Andrews wallet. Once the trio walks outside, Betty is shocked to see Jughead's new motorcycle.

Betty: A motorcycle?

Scott: Yeah, can you believe it? Our little Jughead has gone full Easy Rider.

Jughead: Shut up. Hop on.

Betty: Without a helmet?

Jughead: You can use mine. Or we can walk. or we could all ride together, in Scotts car. or... we can call your mom...

Betty: Oh. No.

   Betty walks around to back of motorcycle, with Scott watching all this. He gives a slight chuckle, before hopping in his car.

Betty[cont.]: Just go slow, okay?

Jughead: Oh. No, no, no. It's actually much more dangerous if we go slow. You are gonna need to hold tight.

   As Jughead revs up, his motorcycle ,Betty holds onto to him tight. Scott notices this and looks over to the couple.

Scott: Don't worry Betty, I'll be right behind you two.

Jughead nods as he peals out of the parking lot, shortly followed by Scott's red Cadillac, as they all head over to POP's.

- - - - POPS CHOCK'LIT SHOPPE - - - -
   Once the three friends arrive, they walk through the entrance of the local Riverdale diner to see a grizzly scene. It was as quiet inside the diner, the only thing, seemingly, left was a giant pool of blood was at the middle of the restaurant

Betty: Oh, my God.

   As the three teens examine the carnage, Pop Tate comes from behind the back, with a mop and a bucket.

Pop Tate: Sorry, kids, we, uh... We're closed today. There was, uh...

Betty: Pop, we heard about what happened. We just got back from the hospital to look for Mr. Andrews' wallet. It's missing. -

Pop Tate: Is he... -

Betty: He's out of surgery. We'll know more when he wakes up.

Pop Tate: All right. The police have already looked. But if you wanna double-check, he was in that booth, there.

      Betty and Scott head off to check the booths, to try and find Mr.Andrew's wallet.

Jughead: So, uh... What happened, Pop? From your point of view?

Pop Tate: I wish I knew. As soon as that gun turned off me, I... God help me, I dove. I don't even remember calling the police, but I guess I did.

Scott: How much cash did the bastard take?

Pop Tate: Not a penny.

Jughead: I knew it. What kind of thief shoots up a joint and then doesn't take a single dollar bill? He wasn't a thief.

Pop Tate: Over the years, this place has been robbed many times. Bricks through the windows, even, during the riots. I've looked plenty of thugs in the eye, but this man... His goal was something else. Darker. It was like the Angel of Death had come to Riverdale.

   As Pop says this, Scott listens in and hears the seriousness, in POP's voice. From the way Pop was talking, Scott feel the fear and desperation. This was more serious than he thought.

Jughead: Jeez, Pop, lighten up. You sound like the cranky old guy in the Friday the th movies. "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

Betty: The wallet's not here. [Betty looks over at Scott] Any luck?

Scott: Nope.

Pop Tate: Hey, you kids hungry? -

Betty: Oh, no, we're good, Pop. Jughead: Oh, I'm always hungry, yeah.

Scott: You guys go ahead. I'm gonna take a nap, in the car.

Scott walks out of the diner and heads for his car. Once he takes a seat in the front seat, he begins to doze off when eventually he falls asleep. Once he's asleep, he dreams of a time from his past. Back in San Francisco, an 10-year-old Scott is chasing after his 17-year-old brother Aaron, who has a duffel bag over his shoulder. As Aaron is walking down the stairs, Scott is doing what he can to stop him.

Scott: Wait Aaron, please.

Aaron: No, Scotty. I've made up my mind.

Scott: But you can't just leave me with him!

Aaron: Look, I'm sorry. But I can't stay here anymore.

Scott: Wait Aaron...

Aaron: Goodbye, Scotty.

    Aaron walks out the door, leaving Scott to watch his older brother walking away, in the pouring rain. As Aaron gets farther way from Scott's vision, a booming voice comes from behind him.

???: Anata ga yatte?!?! :What are you doing?!?![Translated in Japanese]

   Young Scott is yanked away from the window, which prompts present day Scott to wake-up, from that terrible memory. He looks up to see Jughead, knocking on his window. Scott rolls his window down, to see what's going on.

Jughead: Hey, you okay?

Scott: Yeah, I'm fine. What took you guys so long?

Jughead: Pop made food for everyone, at the hospital. Can we put it in the backseat?

Scott: Yeah, go ahead.

   Scott hits the back door button, which unlocks it, giving Jughead the opportunity to put the food in the backseat. Before Jug heads back inside, to get the rest, he notices Scotts face, that was clearly troubled by something.

Jughead: You sure you okay?

Scott: Yeah, I promise.

   Still not sure if he's telling the truth, Jughead walks back into the diner, to finish helping Betty bring out the rest of the food. Leaving Scott alone to realize that he's clenching the steering wheel, for what seems to be dear life.

   Back at the hospital, as more people have arrived, including Josie and the Pussycats and Reggie Mantle, Betty, Jughead, and Scott come in bags of food, from POP's, for everyone at the hospital.

Jughead: Who's hungry? We've got burgers and fries and onion rings.

Archie Nice, Jugs.

                - - - - HOSPITAL CAFETERIA- - - -
Later that day, the group of five friends are all gathered together, enjoying their meal. As there all gathered together, the other four try there very best to cheer Archie up.

Betty: Your dad would be so proud of you, Arch.

Jughead: Yeah, you've really been just a rock-star god through all of this.

As there all talking it was very clear that it wasn't phasing Archie, not in the slightest. The four could tell that something deeper was going on, with Archie.

Veronica: Archie... What is it? Talk to us.

Scott: Yeah, maybe we can help.

Archie: Guys, there's something I haven't told you, 'cause I'm... So... I'm so ashamed. After the guy fired, I should've rushed to my dad straight away. Or I should've tackled the guy,but I was... I was paralyzed. I didn't move, not even when the guy walked up to me,and he held his gun to my head. And I just closed my eyes, I don't know how long. Long enough for the guy to have taken my dad's wallet, I guess. But I didn't open them until I heard the bell. Pop's bell. Which meant he was gone.

As Scott is hearing this, he begins balling his fist in anger. Hearing how all of this went down he now knew, without a doubt ,that this wasn't just a simple robbery. This was something more dark and evil, something only he could stop.

Betty: There was nothing else you could've done.

Archie: That's not true, Betty. I could've done anything to comfort my dad. To get the gun away from the guy. I was a coward. And now, me and my dad were witnesses, Pop Tate too. This guy may have my dad's wallet, all his information. What if he comes back?

Scott: That won't happen.

All eyes then turn to Scott, who has a sudden serious tone in his voice. There was something different, that the others couldn't put there finger on.

- - - - THE PEMBROKE- - - -
After hearing that Mr.Andrews is awake, the four friends all leave the hospital. Scott drives Veronica back home where throughout the drive, Scott was basically on Auto Pilot. Once they arrive at the Pembroke Scott barely notices, he just continues looking through the front window. Veronica notices this and she starts to concern for her boyfriend.

Veronica: Scott?

Scott: Yeah?

Veronica: Are you okay? You've been pretty out of gives it, almost all day.

   Scott didn't know how to answer that question. He wanted to be honest with her, but he also didn't want to worry her as well. So he did what he did best, bottle it up and act like everything was okay.

Scott: Yeah, I'm good.

Veronica: Are you sure?

Scott: Yes, I promise you.

Veronica: Ok. You know if you need to talk about anything, I'm always here for you right?

Scott: Yeah, I know. And I'll always be here for you too.

     Veronica, now feeling better from Scott's reassurance, leans in and gives him a passionate kiss. After they part Veronica gets out the car and hurries inside. Scott watches her go in and after she closes the door, his entire mood changes. He drives off, with a whole new attitude, as it starts to rain. Unknown to Scott, Veronica was also gonna run into someone from her past.

     Later that night, during a now stormy and rainy night. a group of Southside Serpents are trying to break into a electronics store.

Serpent #3: Hurry up, man!

Serpent #1: I'm going as fast as I can, alright.

Serpent#5: Guys, I don't like being out at night.

Serpent #2: Why, because of him? We have more of chance of running into Santa Claus than that freak.

Serpent #5: Yeah but... you heard about what happen to Poker. He had to eat out of straw for almost a month.

Serpent #4: Will you shut the hell up?!? Alright, he ain't real.

   Suddenly, a chill hits the Serpents like a dump truck. They begin to hear a booming thud, in the distance. They turn around and realize the noise is coming from the shadowy part, of the alley. The sound grows closer and louder as the cause of the sound emerges from the darkness, revealing The Infamous Red Knight.


     The Serpents slowly stand to face the mysterious hero. Some tensing up, for a fight, while others are getting ready to high tail and run.

Serpent#4: Well I'll be damned.

    The Red Knight continues to stand there and just stares at the local gang, not saying a single word.

Serpent #4: What do you want huh? You got a death wish or something?

   The Red Knight still stands there, just staring at them. This frightened most of the Serpents, as he was almost more of a specter than he was human.

Serpent #4: I'll take that as a yes.

   Serpent#4 grabs a nearby bat and rushes toward the Red Knight, when suddenly The Red Knight proceeds to give the Serpents the beat down of his life.

Once he finishes beating the Serpent, to a bloody pulp, The Red Knight leans in closer, making sure The Serpent can hear him.

The Red Knight: Am I real now?

After saying this, The Red Knight slowly rises up facing the remaining Serpents who all have the same mood, fear,

JUGHEAD VO: Once Mrs. Andrews got to town,and Mr. Andrews was back at home, recovering in his own bed,Archie's true vigil began. He made a promise,a vow to protect his father from harm. And as long as the man in the black hood is out there in the night,Archie intended to keep that promise. Never imagining that the Angel of Deathis stalking different streets tonightin the small town of Greendale, just on the other side of Sweetwater River.

While all this is happening, in Greendale, Ms.Grundy is giving piano lessons, to a high school boy. Once the lesson is over, and Ms.Grundy kisses the boy bye, she locks her door and is now alone. She looks around and feels that something isn't right, she is then suddenly chocked from behind, with a cello bow ,by the same guy who shot Fred Andrews, at Pop's.

The hooded criminal chock's Ms.Grundy long enough, until her body becomes lifeless. Her dead body is dropped on the ground, leaving the Hooded Criminal to look down at her lifeless body. A new evil has plagued Riverdale, an evil unlike any before, that will change the small-town... forever.

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