Hawk/ Eli Moskowitz Images

By lovefictionalpeople1

5.7K 67 4

Taking Requests! Smut Warning! Will write whatever story anyone wants as long as it does not involve the ch... More

Eli... Part 2
Angry Hawk
School Fight
School Fight Part 2
Party time
I like Eli
The Video

Who are you?!

645 9 4
By lovefictionalpeople1

"Eli I don't have the money to join with you, I can't afford it." Eli had been bugging you to join Cobra Kai with him but seeing as you lived on the poor side of town and can only ever wear clothes that you find at the thrift store, you just could not afford the price.

"Hey if it means I get to keep you with me then I will talk my mom into paying for both of us, and do not say you don't want her to do that. You know she loves you." he said grabbing your hands and looking into your eyes. You felt butterflies in your stomach just by him looking at you.

"IDK I don't think I'll ever be able to pay her back." you said looking down at the ground embarrased about your families financial situations. You never use to have this problem but your dad had lost his job a few years back so you had to move to the cheapest apartment you could find on the worst side of town. Before your dad has lost his job you guys use to live right next to Eli, you grew up together and eventually fell in love with one another once you got into high school...even though you knew you had feelings for him since 4th grade.

"Don't worry about it, so does that mean you'll join??" he said smiling. You shook your head yes and he started jumping up and down like a little kid. He pulled you in and kissed you. It surprised you actually because it was the first time you guys had actually kissed and not just little pecks on the check. When he pulled away you both were blushing like crazy. Oh how hard you had fallen for this boy.

~time skip~

It had been about a couple of months since you guys had joined Cobra Kai and you weren't sure if you liked it anymore. Your friends were turning into a bunch of duchebags who you didn't even reconize anymore and of all people Eli.. well I guess Hawk now... has changed the most. He has his hair spiked up with it dyed blue and a big hawk tattoed on his back. It wasn't just his appearance that changed, it was his attitude as well. He treated Demetri terribly and didn't treat you like he use to. He use to act like you were the only women in the world and now he seems to act like showing his emotions towards you would kill him. Sometimes you just don't think you can put up with it anymore especially now that Sensai's sensai came into town. He seems to have an affect on everyone and it's making their attitudes worse.

All of these thoughts were running around in your head the entire practice, you were putting everything back into your bag and started walking out of the door. You saw El..Hawk on the phone with someone.

"Stop being such a bitch Demetri, you know what happens to snitches" he turned his head to see you and Miguel coming out of the dojo. You couldn't quit hear what Demetri was saying on the other end. "Snitches get stitches.... don't do anything stupid. You'll regret it." he hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket then put his arm around your shoulders.

"What happened" Miguel asked him. You didn't think what he said next would have made you so mad.

"That pussy Demetri couldn't handle traing with Mr. Kreese. He's not Cobra Kai material" thats it you snapped. You pulled his arm off of you and faced him.

"That's it! I have had enough of this little tough guy act. You know you and Demetri use to be best friends. We all were and he was sweet to you when no one else was, when everone else would make fun of you. But now that you think you're all big and bad because you know a little bit of karate that you're better than him. And what about me huh? You use to treat me like nothing else ever mattered and now I only get attention when you're not thinking about this damn dojo. Which is almost never! So guess what maybe i'm not Cobra Kai material either, because I quit. I'm done, I can not do this anymore. And don't think that just because I'm not coming here anymore doesn't mean I still won't learn karate. I'm going to Miyagi Do, it's free so I won't have to pay for it and I can actually have nice friends would will care about me for me. When you're ready to stop being an asshole I'd love for you to join." you turned around and sped walked away. The tears streaming down your face uncontrolably. You still cared alot about Eli but you couldn't be with someone who would easily turn on anyone just to be popular.

~3 months later~

It had been a few months since you and Eli had talked, school starts today and you knew you were going to see him so you had to prepare yourself. You picked out your outfit that would hopefully make him jealous.

When you got to school you instantly saw Eli standing by the trophy case with Miguel and a few others guys from the dojo. He spotted you and you could see the smile fade fast from his face. That made you felt good. You kept your stance thought, stood tall and walked right past him not even looking at him. You made it to your locker when someone came up behind you.

"Hey uh can we talk?" you turned around and Eli standing behind you.

"I don't really have a choice do I, I mean you're at my locker." you said while trying to open your locker but kept getting distracted.

"Look I am really really sorry for the way I acted with you, I knew deep down that I was being a jerk but I thought if I wasn't you would have lost feelings for me, but I saw that I did that anyways. Please I will do anything for you to forgive. I will even join Miyagi Do just so I can be with you all of the time. I love you alright and I don't want to lose you forever." you were shocked

"Wh-what did you say" you said looking at him like he just said he killed someone.

"I mean it, I love you and want to be with you." he said grabbing your hand. You put your other hand to his cheek and kissed him. He kissed back instantly and you knew things were going to be good again.

"I love you too" you said smiling. After school Eli did end up going with you your dojo and quite Cobra Kai. Honestly the best day you had had in a long time.

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