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(A little back story: you and Eli had been dating since 9th grade. You grew up together and grew closer as the years went on, you two did everything together. You even joined Cobra Kai together. It was a few months since Miguels accident, Sensai Kreese brought Kyler and his right hand bully, Brucks,into the dojo and Eli volunteered to fight next)

I do not like that look on his face at all. You said to yourself as you watched him walked to your side of the mat. He took of him top and tossed it to you. You saw sensai motion to the kid holding the flags to put them down. This was not going to end well.

"Fight!" Kreese yelled. Eli wasn't Eli or even Hawk anymore. Now don't get me wrong you didn't like the kid either, he always picked on the two of you together, saying Eli was your charity case and that you needed someone like him. Eli never liked those remarks but was always to scared to say anything. But now he's not. He had knocked him down looking successful when sensai piped in.

"Finish him"

Elis eyes seemed to turn black. He was beating the kid senseless. There was blood all over the mat and on Eli. You turned your head away noticing Kyler doing the same. You felt sick, you wanted to run away and hide. Never in a million years did you ever think Eli was capable of something like that. You looked back at him to see him spitting on the mat and walking back to his spot next to Kyler.

"Don't mess with the Hawk" he said with an evil grin.

You couldn't focus the rest of class. Thankfully there was only 20 minutes left. As soon as sensai dismissed you, you grabbed your bag and walked out not even bothering to change.

"Yo babe where are you going?!" You heard Eli yell to you. You could hear him running to catch up to you. Once you got to your car you tried to unlock it but dropped your keys. Eli bent down and picked them up for you.

"Babe seriously what's wrong" he asked looking at you worried. It's really like he was a different person. He looked so innocent compared to what he did back there.

"Why'd you go all beast mode back there? You could have killed him you know, where would that have gotten you but jail?" You yelled at him. "Did you learn nothing from Johnny? Kreese is making you into someone who scares me you know that right? You're scaring me." You started to tear up. His expression softened more.

"I'm sorry alright but I just finally got the courage to do what I've been dying to do. Payback for everything he ever did or said to you and me. Don't think I forgot what he did to you last year." You had actual forgot about that because of everything that had been going on, Brucks had grabbed your ass and made some lame joke about taking you away from the nerd with the lip. Eli didn't let it go for months.

"I thought you had gotten over that. Plus I slapped him anyways for it" you said looking at him again.

"Yeah but I didn't do anything, and I was right there with you" he said getting mad again. "This was payback and I'm not sorry for that. But I am sorry for scaring you. I'll try to be better and from now on I won't go as far as I did back there. My emotions just took over. I promise babe, I'll do better. Now can I please hug you." He said smiling. You shook your head yes. He pulled you in for a tight hug, he pulled away only to bring you in for a kiss.

"I love you" you said smiling

"I love you too beautiful"

Hawk/ Eli Moskowitz ImagesWhere stories live. Discover now