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It's felt like so long since you have actually talked to Eli.. well Hawk now. He use to be Demetris and your best friend until stupid Cobra Kai came along. Now he acts like you two don't exist and threatened to beat up Demetri for being " a pussy." He never use to talk this way, he barely use to talk at all unless you guys were alone.

You and Demetri now train at Miyagi Do Karate to protect yourself from the assholes that terroize the school now. Sam and Robby invited you and Demetri to go to the mall with them to try and get to know each other better. You decided to go after pushing past the fact that Eli use to go with you to the mall all the time whenever you just wanted to get out of the house. It was actually pretty fun though with Sam and Robby, you were all enjoying yourselves at the food court when Demetri gasped.

"Oh my god what day is it?" he asked "Is today wednesday?"
"Oh shit the new issue of Dungen Lord came out!" you said getting out of your seat
"Do you guys want anything from the comic book store" he said boucning
"No we're good" robby said smirking
"Okay we'll be right back make sure no one throws away our chicken!" you said running with Demetri to the book store


"I can't wait to finally read this" you said flipping it over to read the back cover. You and Demetri didn't even notice Eli and his goons coming up behind you guys.

"You two just couldn't wait to read that new issue could you?" Eli asked. He made you jump, he hasn't come this close to you in weeks and you didn't know how to feel seeing him standing in front of you, not looking very happy. Demetri seemed unamused.

"Nice hair, what is this your red hulk phase?" he asked clearly over the amount of changes Eli keeps going through.

"I saw your Yelp review" Eli said stepping closer to us "Take it down" he said through his teeth

"And ruin my journalistic integrity, I'm sorry but someone had to say something. And besides taking it down could affect my Yelp review status" Eli then shoved Demetri back knocking him into a book rack.

"Eli what the hell is the matter with you?!" you yelled after going to make sure Demetri was okay. You could see Eli tense up after being called that.

"It's Hawk y/n why can't you two except that?" he said clearly very annoyed. "I said take it down" as he continued to walk closer to Demetri and you.

"You think we're afraid of you? We know who you really are, Eli." Demetri said putting an emphise on his name. You saw Eli look away for a second then see that stupid angry look reappear on his face.

"Why don't you just leave us alone, there's plenty more idiots who want to join your dojo of bullys. One bad review isn't going to keep people away, even sensai made it very clear that no matter what happened Cobra Kai was always going to rain terror on the Valley." You said stepping in front of Eli. You two go two turn around to leave when you saw 2 more of the Cobra Kai students behind you blocking your only other way out of the store.

"So this is what it's lead to? Gang assault??" Demetri said
"Come one Eli, just let us go please" you said starting to get scared about all these guys coming after you two

"No, take it down or we'll take you two down" he said stepping closer. You looked into his eyes as he looked into yours, your eyes started to fill with tears. You could tell Eli saw because he started to back down until he remembered all of the guys that were with him.

"You would actually hurt us?" Demetri said sounding hurt. Gaining some confidence he said "Well guess what you're not the only one who knows karate, we're in Miyagi-Do now."

"Alright lets see what you got" as soon as the words left his mouth he kick Demetri in the stomach. You went to push him away when the boy behind you grabbed. You elbowed him in the ribs and he dropped you as Demetri got up off the floor. The boys got destracted when the owner yelled "Hey what's going on back there?"

That was your guys clue to book it. You both ran as fast as you could to try to get back to the food court before Sam and Robby left. Maybe they could help you two handle these guys. You ran until your lungs felt like they were going to explode when you finally made it back to the food court.

"Great, of course they left" you said out of breath. Suddenly the boys appeared all around you two.

"It didn't have to be this way. You both could have joined Cobra Kai, if you weren't such pussies" Eli said closing in the space between you.

"At least it's better than being an asshole" Demetri said grabbing your arm to pull you behind him. He treated you like a little sister even though you were only a year younger. You could Eli get mad seeing Demetri touch you. You knew he liked you but being in Cobra Kai made him such an asshole that he would never ever admit it. Two of the boys came up behind you, one grabbed demetri and the other grabbed you. You both started struggling to get away but their grips were too strong on your arms.

"You're dead meat" Eli said getting close to Demetri again. All of a sudden out of no where Sam came kicking the two boys holding you as she leaped above one of them kicking the other in the side making the other let go of you. Robby then appeared and started to take care of Eli and the othe three boys. You were so angry that you didn't even realize you were using the moves that Sensai Larusso had taught you helping Sam. You both knocked the two boys out. You saw Robby stuggling so you went after Eli.

"Eli... please don't make me do this" you said standing in front of him with your fist clenched.

"What are you going to do babygirl?" he said smirking. He went to swing at you but you blocked it by grabbing his arm and flipping him on the ground. You then punched him the face and stood up.

"Leave me and Demetri alone. Don't think about me, don't talk about me and don't even look at me until you are willing to stop being a dick. Understand?" you said leaning over him. He just looked at the ground. You knew he'd leave you alone, not so much Demetri but he wouldn't even fight back when you hit him, he just let it happen.

"Goodbye Eli.." you said walking away with Sam, Robby and Demetri.
Hey so I know this chapter is long but if you want another part where Eli appoliges or where you join Cobra Kai realizing you can't be without him then let me know in the comments. I have an idea for both.

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