The Only Exception:ETERNALLY


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"and that was the day that i promised I'd never fall in love cause it does not exist ..but are the... More

1. "love letter"
2 . Why me
3. visitor
4. Birthday Party
5. Him
6. His best friend
7. His apartment
8 . His best friend's friends
9 . Slept over
10. Run Away
11. Smile for the camera
12. The E.R
13. Home
14. Restart
15. Vanessa
16. Test run
17. Test run II
18. Introductions
19. Returned
20. Returned II
21. "date night"
22. Facetime
23. The aftermath
24. Intro
25. Nice To Meet You ... Beautiful Stranger
27. Friends Night Out
28. Undecided
29. His ex
30. Welcome back
31 Party Crasher
32. Come Back To Me
33. Forget me
34. Not over yet
35. Happy birthday
36 . Slumber party
37. Nice to meet you , Again
38 . Sure thing
39. Trend Talk
40. Pact
41. Screw the media
42. Screw the media pt2
43. I missed you
|CHAPTER 44|For us

26. Someone New

89 3 1

3rd person pov
It had been 2 weeks , two fucking weeks and nothing was getting better , between Hardin and herself. She had to bump into him almost everyday actually. Why wouldn't they , he worked there too. Each time they passed each other coldly , almost as if they didn't know each other . He never spared her a glance , not once. Never tried to text or call ,whilst Sydney desperately craved he'd do . Their relationship was already dead and she didn't want to accept that , it was too painful to acknowledge. She was trying , trying so hard to get rid of the memories , to forget his touch , his smile but that was impossible considering the several encounters , all ending in mute tenseness.  She was hurting , much more than she expected from a four month relationship as compared to the nearly three year relationship with her ex boyfriend . She couldn't help it . It was hard for her to see him act as if she didn't exist , like hell. She was hurting but at the same time she was mad , fuming with anger at the thought of what he'd done to her. What he'd said to her , slut-shaming her Infront of his friends , that and the torture he was delivering her by ignoring her.
When she opened up to her two roommates and told them what had happened , they too weren't the least bit pleased , especially rose since she had warned her friend not to indulge into recklessly loving a person with a scetchy friend group but nonetheless comforted her friend . Vanessa was disappointed, almost as devastated as her because she was quite fond of Hardin and believed he was better than Luca.

Maybe he'll apologize , Sydney had hoped but as time progressed with same stalemate, she was slowly begrudgingly accepting the dead-end of their shortlived romance. It was an unspoken break-up she hadn't braced for.

"Not gonna lie, even the parking space is legit,"Rose admitted as she pulled over into the private parking lot of Hybe .
Ever since the introduction video had been released on their official social media platforms , she was -according to Vanessa- trending . For security reasons by Adam himself , she wasn't allowed to come in from upfront , not risking getting mobbed by paparazzi , that was already hot on her tail as for the past couple days.
"I know right," Vanessa agreed with her friend as she unbuckled her belt in the passenger seat,"It is much nicer than our apartment, and it don't even got no furniture"she giggled.
"Tell me about it,"rose sighed as she glanced over to Sydney in the back , hurriedly untying her bundle of curls,"you gonna be okay ?" She questioned with concern.

Sydney looked back at her friend only to be met by a worrisome expression. Even she could tell that she hadn't been herself lately eversince the incident and knew her friends weren't prying because they didn't want to invade her privacy but they were worried and she understood.
"I'll try," Sydney sighed, managing a faint smile,"plus I got Vanessa with me. I'm gonna be just fine."
"You know I'd stay if I didn't have an afternoon shift" and Rose was honest about it . Everytime she wasn't caught up with work or other things, she'd visit and be with Syd at work. Adam didn't have a problem with it , not as if he could object even though he was her 'boss'.
"I know ,"she chuckled,"but I don't need babysitting mom ,"she teased her friend
"I know,"rose smiled,"Vanessa keep her safe okay?" She requested from her friend
Vanessa tried not to roll her eyes from the overprotective nature of her friend,"sure mom"she exhaled as she climbed off the car. Sydney did so too ,straightening her outfit. She leaned against the driver side window , "I'll see you later?" Sydney smiled.
"I'll pick you up later then we can go out,"Rose nodded ,reminding her friends of their plans for later
"Right "She nodded then waved her goodbye . She turned to Vanessa and caught up with her who was already walking ahead and they made their way to the reception
"Hey there,"Sydney greeted the girl by the reception . She'd seen her a couple times over the time she had been working there . She was small ,no tiny . Cute was the only word to describe the girl behind the counter . Sydney figured she was younger than herself , she looked like she had barely graduated highschool because of her youthful features.
"Hello there,"she chirped back with a wide smile . Sydney watched her carefully as the girl typed away on her computer, registering her into the system.
"There you go", she smiled handing Sydney the pass- key. "Thank you so much.".. Her voice traveled off as she realized", hey... I never actually got to learn your name."
Her head shot up as her eyes widened, her cheeks tinted slightly Pink as she said," cherry.. my name is Cherry "she stuttered nervously.

She's cute

"nice to meet you, "she said, "I'm Sydney. "
"Of course I know who you are," she beamed," you're Sydney richards.. everyone knows you," she spoke quickly.
" I wouldn't say everyone", Sydney waved off, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but exactly how old are you? You look too young to even go to work," Sydney stated," take it as a compliment."
" Thank you, "she gushed," I'm 17.. a trainee"
Sydney nodded slowly "again very nice to meet you". She spoke softly, "we should hang out sometime, "she suddenly suggested.
Cherry's eyes nearly fell off their sockets,clearly shocked as she said" really?!"  almost screaming.
"Yeah, "she chuckled in amusement, "really. "
"That would be awesome," Cherry spoke enthusiastically," I'd love that. "
Sydney checked her watch," I really enjoyed talking to you Cherry. I got to go but I'll see you later" she waved goodbye before walking away with vanessa.
They climbed onto the escalator as the elevator was already occupied.
"Syd," Vanessa called out subtly as she pulled out her cell phone.
"hmm?" Sydney hummed she pulled her eyes off her phone and turn to a friend who was already flashing a light at her face.
She forced herself not to roll her eyes", seriously vanessa? I don't think the idea of you being my personal paparazzi is the most pleasant"
". I just need a good picture of you", Vanessa shrugged, "plus don't you remember she-devil instructing you to be more active on social media" she snapped yet another picture.
" I don't think Savannah would be appreciative over the pet name you gave her, don't you think? "
"Just smile and look pretty for the cameras sweetheart "Vanessa mimicked Savannah's voice. Sydney sighed defeatedly as she looked over her shoulder and gave her best smile.



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singularitae: wow
guccitae:  :o! Wow
just now

There, Vanessa cheered contently as she got the perfect picture," she devil is going to love this." This time Sydney couldn't help but laugh as they got off the escalator on the designated floor
", there are nicer names for her you know. "
"They don't match her persona,"
Vanessa shrugged as they open the door into the photo studio- precisely Sydney's second home recently, because she spent most of her day there.
Just as they walked in, the person they'd been talking about was impatiently tapping her heels on the wooden floor as she went over the content from yesterday's shoot with one of the directors.
Savannah had been personally assigned by Adam as her manager - scratch the word manager and replace it with personal torture. It's not as if Sydney despised to savannah, just... Didn't adore how she was so precise on every detail from her Instagram feed to the diet she didn't even know she had.
Just as Sydney came into view Savannah walked up to them with the tight smile painted on her red lips. Sydney and Vanessa glanced at each other before turning to her and mirroring the forced smile.
" Morning ladies," Savannah greeted the two nonchalantly.
"Hi, "they responded in unison as they followed her to the directors stable. What's the management team settled into their seats, the usual briefing commenced. Vanessa, who proclaims to be Sydney's self-employed assistant, made herself comfortable in one of the chairs as well. The management team had become accustomed to her by then and accepted her presence there, after all, Sydney was much more comfortable with her around so she insisted on Vanessa's (and Rose) presence being allowed ,to Adam.

" Morning everyone", the head director greeted everyone with very usual gummy smile, "we're going to go straight into it. Over this past fortnight we've been doing solo shots of our model," she referred to Syd, "just shoots for the beginners  magazine,"Hybe beginners magazine was the virtual magazine uploaded on social media platforms, just a little bit of content to start off the beginners career -officially bringing them into the industry
", now that phase is over , we're getting into the real world, investors and brands have been calling in," Savannah chimed in", they've been offering to let our model over here advertise their brands with them."
" that's right, "the director stated", we did the mandatory background check on these brands, checking if there might have any offensives or red flags that might damage the label and the models  Fitmart's offer. Fitmart is a sports brand that focuses on fitness programs, sponsors trainers, organizes workout programs, they have sportswear, sporty gear and fitness foods. All of that stuff " she clapped her hands together", now today we're going to be taking shots of Miss Richards with some of the various items on different sets advertising Fitmart as a brand" she finishes explaining,
" any questions?" Her eyes browse the several people around the table
" are ads / commercials going to be included?" One of the other directors asked.
"Nope, "she answered," just a few skits to be posted on her Instagram stories"
",.. if they aren't any questions left then the briefing is over. You're all dismissed  ", once she said that, everyone dispersed to their designated areas.

"Good morning sweetheart," Margot greeted Sydney as she made her way to the dressing section of the studio
"hi margot, "Sydney mirrored her greeting, "I can't believe I'm actually shooting for fit Mart, "Syd said settling on the chair in front of the makeup table.
"You're going to do great baby," Margot said softly as she used to the makeup wipes to remove the makeup Sydney had already applied when she was at home.
" I'm freaking nervous," she admitted, tapping her nails against the armrest.
"It's completely normal,, "Margot chuckled",but once you're out there you're gonna do just fine "
Just as Sydney stood from her seat , her notification bell rang . It was a text message. Once she checked who it was , she couldn't help but smile a little once she read the name at the top of her screen

                                   -hie there
>I didn't see you come in
>You already here or .?
                                 -just came    from today's briefing
                                -im about to start today's shoot

She blindly entered the dressing room as she kept her eyes glued to her screen waiting for his reply

> Oh I see
>So I'll catch up with you later then?
                                 -yh sure
>Send me the pictures of the shoot? 😏

She wasn't surprised to find herself grinning like a child as she texted back and forth with him . Ever since that facetime after what happened with Hardin , he'd been talking and texting with her everytime he got the chance. It was a back and forth flirting game between the two and Syd was developing a little crush for this guy . To be fair who wouldn't - Dayn was hot , flirty but discreet ,a gentle man . He smelled heller good and his all black style aided to his sex appeal. he just had this element that attracted her to him- could be the tattoos that she couldn't help but drool over everytime her eyes lingered on his arm for too long.

                               -Will do:)
She texted back before she switched off her phone to begin the day's work.

Sydney tiredly wrapped the robe around her figure as she walked out of the dressing room. She had finished shooting an hour or so ago and had taken a shower to refresh. She bundled her straightened hair into a messy bun as she plopped onto the couch next to Vanessa and Leone -who had come by right after she was done.
"I'm exhausted" Syd sighed exhaustedly,leaning her head against Leone's shoulder.
He patted her head gently , "all you had to do was sit still and look pretty,"he chuckled,"how could you possibly be tired from that"
"That's a lotta work!"she whined,"and I had to do a couple of skits and random short videos . 'lights camera action!' "she waved her hands mimicking the flashlights of cameras ,"I think I'm gonna be blind "
Vanessa laughed,"you'll get used to the spot light baby,"she smiled,"I mean you were destined for this . "
"I don't know about destined buh okay"Sydney shrugged,"we had to go to several sets around the building and I had to look perfect . Savannah couldn't tolerate a hair out of place , and she confiscated my phone till I finished . Can you believe that"
Vanessa gasped loudly , faking shock,"you don't say?"
"But it was okay .. I guess. I gotta get used to it someday right?"
"She's not that bad,"Leone said calmly .
Sydney and Vanessa glanced at each other briefly before they broke into a fit of laughter.
"How would you know ? You never actually talked to the woman"she said , trying to catch her breath
"I would know actually,"he spoke confidently as he cocked and eyebrow in her direction,"I was all up in that the other night"
The two girls froze for a moment as they realized what he meant
"You're joking, right"Vanessa said with wide eyes as she looked at savannah by the directors table and watched her smile comfortably at Leone, too comfortable. She waved her manicured hand at him before focusing her attention back on the monitors .
Sydney nearly chocked on air,"oh my god ,you hooked up with she devil?!" She whisper yelled
Leone chuckled ,"yeah maybe a month ago or so, I didn't even know she worked here till she became your manager"
"We'll have to discuss your poor taste in women later " Vanessa pointed out before the three broke into another fit of laughter that quickly died down once they saw savannah walking towards them .
"Sydney," Savannah said with her usual forced smile ,reaching her hand out ,"here's your phone"she said monotonously as she gave the younger her cellphone back
"Thank you,"Sydney spoke through gritted teeth.
"Hie,"Leone said in a flirty tone as he smirked .
Savannah's smile for once seemed a bit more friendly as she looked at him.
"Hey,"she waved at him before prancing back to where she came from .
Vanessa eyed her best friend for a second before she let out a hushed laugh ,"I'll never see her the same."
Sydney waited patiently by the reception as cherry dialed her number into Sydney's phone.
"Thank you ,"Sydney smiled as she received her phone from the younger .
"You sure your management team won't mind you sharing your number ? "Cherry spoke out as she nibbled on her lower lip nervously . She did have a point though - Adam had already explained that she wasn't allowed to share her address or email or number with anyone outside her friend group and family - but Cherry was an exception for Syd
"Don't worry. Most  of them won't mind ,"she told her -clearly excluding her manager because she knows how Savannah would lose it if she found out.
"I'll have to take your word for it,"cherry shrugged,"I'll see you tomorrow"
"See you tomorrow" Sydney mirrored as she walked away from the reception heading for the backdoor leading to the parking lot.
Just as she disappeared round the corner , a familiar voice called from behind her. She turned around and as expected, it was Dayn in all his glory walking towards her. She took a moment to take him in . He was dressed in casual , all black precisely- black was definitely his colour.
"Hey there,"he greeted her once he was within a close distance. Close enough for her to smell his intoxicating perfume.
"Hie again"Sydney smiled nervously.. she could already feel her body heating up just by him looking at her .,"how was your day?"
"Busy as hell,"he answered,"but manageable..yours?"
"Same "she answered ,letting her eyes linger on his tattoos on full display in his short sleeved black shirt.
"I saw the pictures you sent me ," Dayn reported,"you looked nice .. as always"
He could've sworn he saw her blush when he complimented her.
"Thank you,"she gushed . She felt like a high schooler receiving a compliment from her crush at that moment.
"No need "he said,"where are you going now?"
"My friends and I are going out later tonight,"she explained,"you wanna tag along?"
"I would..."he paused,"but I can't. Tomorrow morning I have a flight to catch. Jorden and I are supposed to direct a music video for one of the artists here" he explained .
Sydney couldn't hide her disappointment , she really wanted him to tag along ,"oh I understand"
"Don't be all pouty" Dayn smiled at her cuteness,"will it help if I told you who the artist is?"
"Maybe" Sydney said as curiosity overtook her
"You're a fan of hers"
Sydney rolled her eyes,"wow you just narrowed it down to a 100 people"
Day laughed at her sarcasm,"Halsey"

Sydney's eyes widened as her jaw dropped,"oh my fucking god  ..Halsey? As in Halsey halsey?!"she beamed with excitement,"what's the song?"
"Now that I can't tell you"Dayn immediately shook his head.
Her shoulders dropped as she crossed her arms over her chest,"seriously?"she whined
"Yes seriously.,"Dayn spoke softly . He stepped a bit closer to her , less than a meter apart and the proximity wasn't doing any justice to Sydney's already burning cheeks.
He leaned closer to her and reached for her hands , interweaving them with hers.
"How bout I make it up to you when I get back"he spoke in a deep soothing voice
"How?" Sydney lifted her head looking right into his dark brown eyes before looking away once the eye contact was too much.
"We could hang out later,"he proposed ,"just you and me"
"You mean like...,"her voice trailed off as she nibbled her lip,"a date?"
"Yeah,"he said calmly,"if you're up for it "
Sydney's pov
A date?
I might have seemed calm on the outside but on the inside I was screaming my lungs out.
A date! With Dayn! I was over the moon . I was more than excited to be honest. We'd been hanging out as just friends but a date was a game changer for sure . It's not as if I hadn't thought about it - this man had me daydreaming lately .
I had zero doubts in my mind when I answered,"yeah im down ,"I felt all giddy inside when I felt him gently caress my hands in his . Just his subtle gestures were enough to sweep me of my feet at that moment.
"Then it's a date,"Dayn smiled .
He's gonna be the death of me

As much as I wanted to stay in this moment, the vibration of my phone in my back pocket told me my fairytale bliss had to be cut short.
I sighed as I pulled my phone out of my pocket , ofcourse it's Vanessa.
"As much as I'd like to continue talking , I've got to go. V is waiting outside."I informed him
"Oh it's fine,"he nodded as he stepped back ,"I guess I'll see you when I get back"
"See you when you get back" I answered .
Just as I was about to leave ,he placed a light peck on my forehead.
"Bye,"was all he said before disappearing behind the elevator doors.
I was left in a starstruck daze as i watched the elevator doors close Infront of me .
|Maybe a date won't be so bad after all|
I shook myself out of the trans and scurried off to my waiting friends.



Fitmart: @Hybelabels_official
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Hybelabels_official: @FitMart merchandise available now! Link  on our bio.
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kinkykimhj: I love the merch!

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