Not Your Edgy Bitch (ROTTMNT...

By Toddels

128K 4.8K 25.3K

Are you a simp for Donnie??? Awesome. Me fucking too bro: Ever since (Y/n) witnessed an oozequito turning th... More

Unexpected Ally
Ninja Stalker
A Spark
Nightly Foes
Dr. Donnie
Stay Bitchin'
Heating Tension
Growing Feelings
The Purple Dragons
The Art Fair
Make Amends
Two Geniuses Hand in Hand
The "Exterminator"
The Exterminator Returns

Not A Café Date

4.9K 217 830
By Toddels

I patiently waited for Donatello to return. I was joking about eating his hoodie before but I might fucking consider it given how long he is taking...

Just as that last thought slipped into my mind, he finally returns and my jaw slightly drops.

He was wearing the exact hoodie I was wearing!

"How many purple hoodies do you have?" I ask.

"Only 2." he says, "It was a buy 1 get 1 free— and I will never miss out on such a great deal!" he explains. We begin walking.

"Hey wait, if you guys have to hide down here mostly; then how do you get money in the first place?" I ask.


"What?" I question.

"That's our dad."

"Oh, so you do have parents..."

"Yep! It's just him and my brothers and I down here." he explains.

"Wow, who would've thought five mutant turtles lived underground..." I remark.

He chuckles mockingly, "Splinter isn't a turtle— he's a rat."

"I honestly can't even tell if you're joking or not..." I admit.

"No— he's literally an oversized mutant rat..." he elaborated.


"Deadass." he confirms.

"Meh, I'll believe it when I see it..."

"Oh I so can't wait to see you get proven wrong!" he says enthusiastically.

"I'm not saying it's impossible... but..." I shrug.

He shoves his hands into his hoodie pockets and leans into me, "Would I lie to you?"

I stare at him momentarily before putting my hand on his chest and shoving him away, "Yes, yes you would..." I say.

"Well not this time!" he says while jumping in the air.

I roll my eyes. "Mkay then..."

When we arrive to the ladder Donatello extends an arm out, "After you~"

I scoff and start to climb the ladder. He chuckles underneath me. I'd appreciate it if he didn't joke around while I was starving but whatever. He wants to be annoying? You bet I can match his energy.

When I climb out of the sewer, I lower my hand for him to grab. "If I may, your majesty?" I say with a plastered smile.

"Uhh..." He stares at my hand, then me, then back at my hand, and then back at me.

I snatch my hand away and tuck it into my now crossed arms as I let out a sly chuckle. "That's what I thought..." I say with a smirk. I turn around and continue walking.

"Hey—" he says as he climbs up to the surface, "You thought nothing! I knew you were joking the entire time— that's why I didn't grab your hand." he explains as he closes the sewer lid.

"Riiight..." I say teasingly.

"Hardy har har..." he says sarcastically. "You see, you're not funny. I'm funny! Not you!" He points to himself; "Funny." He then points to me; "Not funny."

"You comprehend?" He says as he catches up to me.

Once again, I roll my eyes. "Sorry what? I started tuning you out again..."

"Ugh would you stop sassing me?" he complains.

"I'll be a bit nicer once I have food in my stomach." I promise.

"Okay, where are we even eating?" he asks irritated.

"I don't know..."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I mean I don't know!" I yell in defense.

"Why would you even go through the trouble of coming out here if you don't even know what you want?!" he yells back with a twitching eye.

"I don't— ugh! I will eat at the first damn place I see!"

"Then why don't we go to that stupid millennial café across the street?!" he hollers while pointing in that direction.

"Fine! That'll be fucking spectacular!" I shout.

A few people passing nearby look at us like we are crazy. When we realize of how much of a scene we are creating we back down timidly and continued walking as if nothing happened. Usually the crowds in New York didn't give a shit about things like this, must've been tourists...

We waited at the crosswalk awkwardly. I tapped my foot impatiently and Donatello just started scrolling through his phone.

When it was finally our turn to cross I nudged Donatello. "It's our turn."

I take a step and I'm immediately pulled back onto the curb by Donatello who is still on his phone.

I open my mouth to complain but a biker zooms past right in front of me.

"You can thank me later." he says with a smug smile while tucking his phone away.

I pull away from his grasp and shoot him an annoyed glance. I would've thanked him if he weren't so cocky about it.

Another bike zooms past us and splashes water onto us. "Outta the way grapes!" they shout.

"Oh you JACKASS!" I call out to them as I brush the water off. I pull out my blaster and aim it at them but Donatello lowers my hand.

"It isn't worth it (y/n), don't even waste your time..." he says calmly.

I exhale in defeat, "Okay fin—"

This bastard then snatches away my blaster and shoots the person himself. They tumble off the bike and yell in distress.

"TASTE THE WRATH OF JUSTICE YOU FOUL WALNUT!" Donatello shouts at them. He snickers evilly to himself.

I look at him disapprovingly and completely shocked— I was not expecting that. I snatch my blaster back and stare daggers at him. I was speechless, I didn't even know where to begin...

He looks at me and reveals a nervous smile, "Sorry, I couldn't help myself..."

I sigh as I put away my blaster. "Whatever..." is all I could manage to choke out. "Let's... let's just go already..."

"Rodger that!" he says.

We cross the street and enter the café. The cute little bell dings as we make our way to the counter. It was surprisingly empty in here.

"Hello, may I take your order?" the barista asks.

"Good morning, I'll take a boba tea—"

"What the fuck is a boba tea?" Donatello whispers.

I turn to him and whisper back, "It's like a really sweet tea and it has chewy tapioca balls at the bottom..."

"Oh you meant bubble tea— because last time I checked, that's what it's called..." he whispers cunningly.

"Are you seriously doing this now?!" I whisper angrily, "It's the exact same thing!"

"Make that two bubble teas!" Donatello tells the barista teasingly. I narrow my eyes at him and he innocently smiles back.

The barista presses a few buttons on the cashier, "Alrighty... anything else?"

"What's the fastest thing you can make?" I ask.

"I can heat up a muffin and have it out in less than five minutes..." the barista says.

"Perfect. I'll take two."

"Hey wait, I'm not craving a muffin..."

"Who says it's for you?" I spit.

He rolls his eyes, "In that case, I shall have a personal pizza..."

"But it's not even lunchtime..." I say tiredly.

"And your point is?" he says.

"Does that complete your order?" the barista interrupts.

"Sorry, yes!" I say.

"Alrighty your total is $12.99" they say.

I pull my credit card out and swipe the machine because I know damn well Donatello doesn't have any money.

"Will that be to stay or to go?" the barista asks.

" To stay" I say while Donatello says "To go."

We both shoot each other looks.

"I wanna eat now. I'm hungry!" I complain.

"Fine. To stay." Donatello corrects.

"Wow you both fight like an old married couple..." the barista chuckles, "How long have you been together?"

We both snap our heads to them.

"WE ARE NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP!" I shout in a panic while waving my hands around. I can feel my face warming.

Donatello laughs nervously, "Y-YEAH! I DON'T— WE'RE NOT— I'm so outta their league..." he rambles. 

"Oh I'm so sorry... the matching hoodies... I just thought— never mind! I will bring the food to the table you plan to sit at... " the barista says while walking away.

I turn to Donatello, "Out of your league huh?" I question annoyed. We walk over to a table and sit down.

"Uh well duh obviously!" he retorts while refusing to look at me.

"I knew it!" I say as I lean back into my chair with crossed arms.

"I don't follow..." he says.

"You think you're better than me!"

"Oh sweetheart, I don't think I'm better than you..." he says.

I cock my eyebrow up knowing exactly what he is implying. "Just when I thought you couldn't get anymore narcissistic..."

"Don't call me a narcissist because I'm right..."

"Edgy bitch..." I mutter.

He finally looks at me. "Seriously, what is with you and name calling all the time? It's getting old!" he complains.

"Donatello is boring to say— I'm doing everyone a favor by bringing more jazz into each statement. I like to be crafty."

"Edgy bitch isn't jazz at all!" he says. He begins to count his fingers, "It's idiotic, irrational, invalid, impudent—"

"I hope you know I'm waiting for you to run out of fingers..." I say with a half-assed smile.

"Now that's offensive... real mature." he says.

"Aw did I hurt the wittle turtle's feelings?" I mock, "Actually— pause that; what kind of turtle are you?" I ask.

He rests his face in his palm and ignores me.

"Helllooooo?" I say while waving a hand in his face, "Are you actually mad at me or do you just not know what kind of turtle you are?"

He looks over to me unamused, "I'm not a fucking idiot (y/n), I am well aware of what species I am."

"That's awesome—" I say sarcastically, "What are you then?" I repeat.

"I'm a softshell turtle..." he finally says.

"Oh, I guess that explains why you get offended so easily..." I joke.

He furrows his brows at me, "That isn't what that means..."

"It is now..."

"I should've let you get hit by that bike." He looks up, "Please give me a do-over..."

The barista walks over to us and places our boba teas and food in front of us.

"Thank you." Donatello and I say synchronized.

They nod. "Enjoy!" they tell us before walking off.

I sip my boba tea happily. I look over to Donatello who quietly sips his tea while on his phone.

"Look— I feel bad for being mean to you before..." I say.

He looks back up at me with the straw in his mouth and then back at his phone. "I know you don't mean that. You're only saying that because you are happy you got your food."

"Damn you right." I aggressively bite into my muffin.

He scoffs and puts his drink down. "That's not even how you're supposed to eat it..."

"I don't remember asking but thanks?" I continue to eat.

"Ugh you eat like an animal!" he complains as he eats his pizza.

I lower my muffin, "I know damn well your reptile ass did not just say that..."

He leans slightly over the table and takes a bite of his pizza, stretching out the cheese... When it breaks, he slurps it up and says "Well, I did so..."

"I want to say something really mean... but I'm not going to..." I finish my muffin and pick up my other one.

He smirks, "Say it sweetheart... I like really mean." And this fucker winks at me!

I almost choke on my muffin— Hell, I almost drop it. I gently set it onto the table and stare at him baffled. Was he trying to be annoying or was he flirting with me? Ain't no way...

"I'm going to ignore that..." I tell him. I look down and sip my boba tea.

He laughs smugly and leans into his seat.

That was weird.

When I look back up at him he is staring at me with that stupid smirk.

"Cut that shit out..." I say.

"I have no idea what you are talking about..." he says as he deepens his smile.

I suck up a tapioca ball from my drink and slightly lift my straw up. I blow as hard as I can into the straw and shoot it at Donatello.

"Agh! My eye!" he complains as he comforts it, "Why did you aim for my eye?!"

"Oh shit— I'm actually sorry... I meant to hit your other eye..."

He wipes his eye and reaches for his straw.

Oh no.

I quickly duck as he sends a tapioca ball to me. I lift my head back up, "Ha! You missed bitch!"

"Did I?" he asks. He effortlessly shoots another one at me.

"Ew!" I say as I wipe my forehead. That bastard secretly had an additional one in his straw! Strategic.

He chuckles, "Get losered!" he shouts.

I gasp horrified, "That's MY line!" I reload my straw and fire another ball at him.

He catches it and flicks it back towards me. I tilt my head to dodge it and I spit more tapioca balls at him.

This goes on until we both run out of tapioca balls.

"Truce?" I ask.

"Truce." he confirms.

Despite (y/n) and Donatello claiming to hate one another, they certainly did secretly enjoy each other's company.


Shortly after, we left the café and were strolling down the busy streets of New York.

We were heading back to the hideout until I got a notification on my phone for once. I whip it out anxiously wondering who it was and read it.

Oh, it was my landlord.

"Hey (y/n), where are you?" the message read.

That's weird since I already paid my rent— oh fucking shit...

My heart sinks into my stomach and I freeze. "I-I need to go back home!" I stammer out.

Donatello stops walking and looks at me slightly concerned, "Why? What happened?"

"My landlord texted me and I already paid him!" I explain.

"So?" he questions.

"He has no reason to be contacting me! And I just remembered my closet lock is broken— I think he might've discovered everything in my room—" I gasp, "What if something bad happened with those luminous vermins?!" I say panicking.

"Okay, calm down (y/n)!" He holds me by my shoulders, "I can quickly escort you to your residence so you can investigate, alright?"

I nod my head. "Okay okay!" I say. He pulls me into an alleyway to hide from the crowd. He takes off his hoodie and ties it around his waist. His shell then turns into that same special seat I rode on last night. I hop on and he lifts into the air.

When we arrive, he flies down next to my building. "You head inside, I'll wait out here in case you need backup."

I jump off his back and run to the door. Before I open it, I look over to him. I appreciate him actually being helpful.

"Thanks Donnie." I say before heading inside.

Although Donatello shoots back a sympathetic look, he is worried... and he can't understand why...

I run up flights of stairs until I reach my floor. I dash to my room and bust open my door.

Everything was normal? I walk around and inspect the place, everything was just as I had left it...


That was until I made my way over to the kitchen.

A fresh rose laid on my counter.

"I was wondering when you'd show up~" my landlord says from behind me.

Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me right now...

MMMMMmmmmm it's getting spicyyy (¬w¬) huehehehe Donnie isn't gonna be happy— imma try to have the next chapter out regular schedule (like 2 days) but ngl it's gonna be challenging this time around bc I have worK and my dumbass accidentally took out the wrong student loan to pay for trade school so now I have to fix that QuQ heLP—

Oh and take this incorrect quote of Donnie I made on Roblox lmao:

But omg I just found out that damn article of rottmnt LIED to me and we may not even get a season three— imma cry and pass out. Still having hope tho

*proceeds to watch the rottmnt movie 5x a day to increase the ratings*

Anyways,, have a great day y'all <3

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