Lucky Sweetheart (Version 2)

By Missfanfic16

30.7K 532 125

Emma is Charlie's aunt who loves Chocolate just like her nephew. When Willy Wonka let 5 kids come to his fact... More

About Version 2
Additional Characters
I: Where The Story Begins...
II: Father's Stories
III: Interesting News From Willy Wonka
IV: Charlie's Birthday
(SC🎵) V: Cheer Up Charlie
VI: Third and Fourth Golden Ticket
VII: The Fifth Golden Ticket
VIII: Welcome To The Factory
IX: The Chocolate Room
X: The Purple Candy Boat Ride
XI: The Inventing Room
XII: The Nut Room
XIII: The Glass Elevator
XV: Up and Out
XVI: Heartbroken But Got Better
XVII: Reunited Again
XVIII: Meeting Wilbur Wonka
XIX: Everyone's Happy Ending

XIV: The Television Room

915 18 2
By Missfanfic16

Once the elevator reached the bright, white Television Room, everyone stepped out of the elevator. "Here!" Willy said, grabbing a pair of thick white rimmed goggles. He put them on. "Put these on quick, and don't take them off whatever you do. This light could burn your eyeballs right out of your skulls." Everyone else put their goggles on while Willy grabbed a second pair. He placed the goggles onto Emma. "And we certainly don't want that, do we?" He whispered, brushing her hair out of her face. He then gently stroked her cheek with his thumb. "Especially not your pretty eyes."

Emma smiled at him. Willy turned around and began leading everyone down a white walkway as he began to explain about the room. "This is the testing room for my very latest and greatest invention: Television Chocolate. One day it occurred to me, "Hey, if television can break up a photograph into millions and millions of tiny little pieces, and send it whizzing through the air, then reassemble it on the other end, why can't I do the same thing with chocolate? Why can't I send a real bar of chocolate through the television, all ready to be eaten?"

An Oompa-Loompa was sitting in a chair with a remote in hand. He clicked through the various channels on the television set. "Sounds impossible." Norman said.

"It is impossible!" Mike agreed arrogantly. He then began to spout out information that was just useless. "You don't understand anything about science. First off, there's a difference between waves and particles. Duh!" Willy's lips curled in annoyance. "Second, the amount of power it would take to convert energy would be like nine atomic bombs!"

"Mumbler!" Willy turned around and yelled in Mike's face, Emma slightly jumped by Willy's outburst. It was clear he was fed up with the boy. "Seriously, I cannot understand a single word you're saying." Willy straightened his posture, facing forward again. "Okie dokie. I shall now send a bar of chocolate from one end of the room to the other by television." He put his hand up to his mouth. "Bring in the chocolate!"
About six Oompa-Loompas waked over carrying a very large Wonka Nutty Crunch Surprise Bar. "It's gotta be real big 'cause you know how on tv you can film a regular-size man, and he comes out looking this tall?" He showed using his index finger and thumb, measuring three inches. "Same basic principle." Once the bar was placed on a platform, Willy pressed a red button. The bar was levitated into the air, and encased in glass. There was a blinding white flash and the bar was gone.

"It's gone!" Charlie exclaimed.

Willy looked at Charlie. "Told you. Now, that bar of chocolate is now rushing through the air above our heads in a million tiny little pieces."

He waved his fingers in the air. He turned around and urged everyone to follow him. "Come over here! Come on! Come on!"

They all walked over to the television. The Oompa-Loompa that was watching it had it stopped on a channel with gorillas. "Watch the screen!" Willy said excitedly. "Here it comes." A smile played on his face as the chocolate bar came into focus. "Look!" He tapped Mike on the arm. "Take it."

Mike looked incredulously at him. "It's just a picture on a screen."

"Scaredy-cat" Willy faced Charlie instead. "You take it!" Charlie seemed unsure, but Willy encouraged him further. "Go on, just reach out and grab it."

"Go ahead, Charlie." Emma told her nephew, also trying to encourage him. "Take it." Charlie stepped forward and reached through the screen. He grabbed the bar and pulled it out of the television. "Holy Buckets!" Emma muttered, amused.

Charlie looked at the bar and then smiled up at Willy. "Eat it." Willy urged him. "Go on. It'll be delicious. It's the same bar. It's just gotten a little smaller on the journey, that's all." Charlie started unwrapping the bar. Willy kept on encouraging him, even biting his own teeth together.

Charlie took a small bite into the bar. "It's great!" Charlie smiled.

"It's a miracle." Emma said amazed.

Willy walked over and stood by the Oompa-Loompa in the chair. "So imagine, you're sitting at home, watching television, and suddenly a commercial will flash onto the screen, and a voice will say, "Wonka's chocolates are the best in the world. If you don't believe us, try one for yourself." And you simply reach out," Willy reached his hand out, and then retracted it back, as if he was grabbing something. "And take it!" He grinned, specifically at Emma, and tilted his head. "How about that?"

"So, can you send other things?" Norman Teavee asked. "Say, like breakfast cereal?"

"Do you have any idea what breakfast cereals are made of?" Willy retorted, his voice full of disgust. "It's those little curly wooden shavings you find in pencil sharpeners." That made Emma almost chuckle but smile.

"But you could send it by television if you wanted to?" Charlie asked Willy curiously.

"Of course I could." Willy answered proudly.

"What about people?" Mike asked, obviously wanted to break some rules or at least what Emma believes.

"Well why would I send a person? They don't taste very good at all." Willy says.

"Don't you realize what you've invented? It's a teleporter!" Mike shouted. Willy and Emma shared annoyed glances with each other, both of them done with the little snot. "It's the most important invention in the history of the world. And all you can think about is chocolate." Mike spat out the word like it was poison on his tongue.

Norman Teavee told his son in a calm voice. "Calm down, Mike. I think Mr Wonka knows what he's talking about."

Mike argued with his father. "No, he doesn't! He has no idea. You think he's a genius, but he's an idiot! But I'm not." Mike made a mad dash for the platform, jumping over the Oompa-Loompa in the chair, and pushing two others out of his way.

"Hey, little boy." Willy warned in an irritated tone. "Don't push my button!" He meant it both literally and figuratively.

It was no use with Mike as he pushed the button and hopped onto the platform. He levitated into the air, doing disco dance moves and waved at everyone before he disappeared within the flash of light.

"He's gone!" Norman Teavee exclaimed.

"Let's go check the television, see what we get." Willy said. Everyone went back to the television. "I sure hope no part of him gets left behind."
Mr Teavee looked at Willy. "What do you mean?"

"Well, sometimes only half the little pieces find their way through." Willy looked at Mr Teavee, a grin on his face. "If you only had to choose one half of your son, which one would it be?"

Mr Teavee looked at him again but with shock. "What kind of a question is that?"

Willy looked at the television again. His smile turned into a pout. "No need to snap. Just a question." He turned to the seated Oompa-Loompa. "Try every channel. I'm starting to feel a little anxious."

Willy turned forward again, and the Oompa-Loompa began channel surfing. Like various channels flashed on throughout the song including the news channel, a cooking channel, two Oompa-Loompas playing with Rockem Sockem Robots, the shower scene from the movie Psycho, and the Oompa-Loompas as a rock band.

"There he is!" Charlie said as the television landed on a news channel.

"Mike!" Mr Teavee gasped. The Oompa-Loompas broke out into song again, this time to a rock number.

🎶The most important thing That we've ever learned The most important thing we've learned As far as children are concerned Is never, never let them near The television set

Or better still just don 't install The idiotic thing at all Never, never let them Never, never let them ever, never let them

The Oompa-Loompas were dancing behind the group in front of the TV and they were watching and this time Willy wasn't dancing but just watching.

Never, never let them

The group looked back to the TV.

It rots the senses in the head It keeps imagination dead It clogs and clutters up the mind It makes a child so dull and blind (So dull, so dull)

He can no longer understand A fairy tale, a fairyland (A fairyland, a fairyland)

His brain becomes as soft as cheese His thinking powers rust and freeze He cannot think, he only sees

Regarding little Mike Teavee We very much regret that we (Regret that we)

Things were now getting intense on the screen.

Shall simply have to wait and see (Wait and see, wait and see Wait and see, wait and see, wait and see)

We very much regret that we Shall simply have to wait and see If we can get him back his height But if we can't It serves him right🎶

The song ends with the newsman smacking his folder on Mike Emma cringed but slightly smiled at it knowing that he was annoying Willy the whole day and Willy got disgusted. "Ew! Somebody grab him."

"Help me! Help me!" Mike shrieked through his now high-pitched voice.
Norman Teavee reached into the television and grabbed his one-inch son. "Oh thank heavens, he's completely unharmed." Willy said. He meant it sarcastically but Norman didn't understand that.

"Unharmed!?" Norman said, completely appalled. "What are you talking about?"

"Just put me back in the other way!" Mike squeaked.

"There is no other way!" Willy told the tiny boy. "It's television, not telephone. There's quite a difference."

"And what exactly do you propose we do about it?" Norman Teavee asked.

"I don't know." Willy answered, with a little shake of his head. "But young men are extremely springy. They stretch like mad." Willy gasped and a smile came across his face.

"What about a Taffy Puller? Do you have a room of that?" Emma asked Willy and he got a big smile on his face.

"Let's go put him the the Taffy Puller!" Willy suggested Emma's request.

"Taffy Puller!?" Norman Teavee was mortified at the suggestion.

"Hey, that was Emma's idea!" Willy said, his smile dropping. He looked at little Mike. "Boy, is he gonna be skinny." He then quietly repeated to himself, "Yeah. Taffy Puller." Willy turned to the Oompa-Loompa. "I want you to take Mr Teavee and his..." Willy paused a moment, taking another look at Mike "little boy up to the Taffy Puller, okay?"

The Oompa-Loompa bowed to Willy. He then tugged on Norman Teavee's pants, and lead him out of the room. Willy let out a relieved sigh once the Teavee's were gone. He turned to Charlie and Emma, the two remaining guests. "On with the tour. There's still so much left to see!"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 🍫 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

​​Question: What's your favorite CATCF song?

My Answer: Violet Beauregarde is my favorite cause it's come off as a rock song and my Emo heart is coming out.

Words: 1, 863

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