Our little brother

Af kmayk12

574K 13.7K 2.1K

Noah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 ol... Mere

Intro/characters and all that fun stuff
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Characters pt.2
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
New/Updated Brothers Descriptions
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapted 35
Chapter 36
Thanksgiving special!
Character aesthetics!
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Not a chapter again sorry lol
Chapter 39
Halloween special!
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Bonus1- Reids Letters
Chapter 46
Christmas and New Years Special!
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Valentines day special!
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61- part one
Chapter 61-Hunter
Chapter 61-Nicholas
Chapter 61-Alexander
Chapter 61-Sebastian
Chapter 61-Reid
Chapter 61-Spencer
Chapter 61-Noah πŸ₯Ή
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Bonus2- Hunters Therapy Session
Chapter 77

Chapter 25

7.2K 163 10
Af kmayk12

Noah's POV:

When we get home, Hunter let's me look at the big box with moving pictures! He called it a tv, I thought it was just a nice looking square they used to decorate, but then he made it light up and play pictures and sounds! He put on something called blues clues and I like it lots! Have to help the blue doggy find the blue paws, and there's a pink doggy too!! Reid is looking at it with me, and every time I find a clue I show Reid in case he didn't find it yet. When Blue goes away, Hunter comes back holding papers and a bag, and a bowl with fruit, yummy!

Hunter puts all his things down and gives Reid the bowl, and then he shares with me! He picks up two fruit and then asks me what it is, "s-silly R-reid, that's a-a nana, a-and that's sperr-ry!" (He's trying to say strawberries) I tell him, maybe he forgot. "Oh right! Thanks for telling me I couldn't remember which one was the apple." He says. "S'ok, N-noah mem-ber f-for you!" I tell him. Reid and I share the yummy fruits and Hunter puts on something called Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Hunters POV:

Grabbing my laptop and some paperwork, I make a quick call to Nicholas to see how things are at the office. Heading to the kitchen to cut up some fruit, Reid will definitely snack on it, but I want to try and see which fruits Noah likes and which he doesn't, so far he eats anything we give him, the only problem is that he'll eat it even if he doesn't like it. Until he's comfortable enough to tell us, we'll just have to look at his expressions as he eats, although I did hear he didn't like Alexander's breakfast smoothie, I don't blame him though, they're disgusting.

Giving them the fruit, Reid quizzes Noah about the fruit and I look through some emails. I turn on the Mickey Mouse clubhouse tv show and Noah is completely hypnotized by it, he loves it and it's only played the theme song so far. I guess we'll be seeing a lot of this show.... I sigh, thinking about how this stupid Mickey Mouse theme song will be stuck in my head all day now and then get to work. Noah seems to like bananas and strawberries, keeps calling them sperrys though. He doesn't like blackberries at all, or raspberries. Reid gives all the strawberries to Noah, and eats all the blackberries and raspberries, really only sharing the banana slices. Once they finished, Reid pulls out his work and finishes it all in just over an hour, plus getting a head start for the rest of the week, honestly, smart kid problems.

I get a call from the school, an automatic voice saying that Spencer was absent in all his morning classes. I shake my head go to the kitchen and start calling him, it's almost lunch time where the hell is he? He doesn't answer but I text him a bunch, asking for just a response so I know he's okay, and he texts me back "👍🏽" rolling my eyes I text him telling him he's going to be in deep shit if he doesn't get his ass back to school now.

Noah's head starts dropping every so often, but I want him to try and stay awake until 11:30 at least before I put him down for a nap. Before a third episode can play, Reid brings out his triangle and maracas, which I look oddly at him. "Noah look do you wanna learn to play music?" Oh. That's why he got them out. Silently I thank him because this wakes Noah up a little, but also mentally throwing all the instruments out the window because the last thing I want to hear right is maracas.

Reid's POV:

I hand Noah the maracas and tell him to shake it, when he does it rattles and startles him. "No it's okay, it's supposed to make that sound, see?" I show him shaking the other maraca. His eyes open so wide they look like they'll pop, and he shakes his maraca again. He laughs and has the biggest smile on his face and I give him the other maraca so he can shake both. Hunter takes a video and tells us to say wake up Nicky and wake up Atlas in a second video, so he can play this loudly for them when they're asleep. I laugh wanting to see them wake up to this audio. I toss Hunter the triangle since he can't play music to save his life and this is the easiest instrument I own, and open my keyboarding app on the iPad. "What song should I play Noah?" I ask, and he says "M-mickey!" Obviously he chooses Mickey, I was planning on him choosing that song. Hunter closes his eyes probably annoyed but how could I deny Noah?

I search up the music sheets on my phone, I'm gonna play this a hundred times just so it can get stuck in his head! Setting my phone where I can read the notes, I start playing, and Noah starts shaking his maracas and wiggling around, I guess that's suppose to be dancing? I can't even comment though because I can't dance either, I've got two left feet and zero coordination. When I finish the song, Noah and I both look at Hunter. He sighs and picks up the triangle, hitting it once, looking me straight in the eye with a look that says "you're gonna pay for this". I just smile at him and Noah cheers quietly to play it again.

After playing it five times, Hunter gets up, eager to never hear this song again. "Noah are you feeling sleepy now?" He nods and raises his arms to Hunter. Hunter picks him up and sits down in the rocking chair with him, while I run my instruments upstairs. Noah falls asleep instantly, since he's asleep before I even get back to the living room and Hunter lays him on the couch with his blanket and Oli tucked in his arms.  I settle myself on the rocking chair with a blanket as Hunter sits back near his laptop and paperwork. "I wish I could never hear that theme song again" he says quietly as he shuts his laptop. "I actually really like that theme song." I say trying not to laugh, and he just nods. "I know, I heard it a million times when you were obsessed with it when you were younger!" He says stressing on the million times.

Hunters POV: (again yeah lmao sorry)

Rolling my eyes at Reid, knowing he's gonna play the stupid song over and over again and claim Noah wanted to hear it, I text Atlas and Nick. I let them know Spencer wasn't in class and for Atlas to keep an eye during lunch to make sure he's back. Nick says he'll be leaving the office just now and they both ask how Reid, both not even shocked that he's already finished all his school work for the day and is getting ahead too.

"Reid?" He hums looking up from his phone. "How are you feeling about the meeting we had today? Is there anything else I can do?" I ask. He hesitates for a second. "It's whatever I guess, I mean the semester just started so maybe the principal will switch them out of my classes and give them detention, but I don't know, I just—. It probably won't really help outside of school... You know sometimes I just wish I went to another school." he says. "Thanks for letting me stay home today though, Aaron's not even at school today but he was texting me saying how kids are talking about me and how we had a meeting today, word travels fast apparently." He continues while rolling his eyes. "Oh yeah, when is Aaron getting back from the tournament? Is it tomorrow or Wednesday?" I ask. He tells me Aaron'll be back tomorrow but won't be back at school til Wednesday.

"We can look into another school if you really want too, but I think you'd miss being where you are now, with Atlas, Spencer, Alexander and Aaron too, plus the music program here is pretty hard to beat." I say slowly, not wanting him to think I'm shutting down the idea completely. He nods after a minute, "you're right, but umm...there's actually this other thing that maybe I wanna try?" That sounds ominous as fuck, so I just wait wait for him to continue. "It's this like split learning kind of thing, I'd have some of my classes in school but some would be online, like I could do it at home or even at your office, it's a new program, and I have all the information if you wanna read it?" He says really fast, staring at me anxiously for a response while I try to process what he said. I ask for the information to read and tell him that we can talk about it more with Nick and Atlas. He nods and thanks me and says he's gonna go call Aaron since he's on lunch now. I let him go, and finish up some more work, until Nick gets home.

Nicholas POV: (I wasn't going to add this in but I want next chapter to be when everyone else gets home from school)

Hunter said Noah was asleep on the couch so I open the front door quietly, not wanting to wake him. I hang my coat up and put my keys down on the table, and almost have a heart attack when I turn around and feel a tiny lump run into my legs. Stopping myself from swearing I look down and see Noah attached to me and looking up at me smiling. God he's so quiet even when he's walking, it's like a ghost moving about. "Hey Noah" I say taking a deep breath trying to calm down my heart rate, and ruffling his hair gently. "M-miss y-you" he says and I pick him up smiling. "I missed you too, but I thought you were sleeping?" I ask him, walking into the kitchen to Hunter. He nods his head and leans down on my shoulder, making me wonder what even woke him in the first place? Hunter sees us and questions why I woke Noah, but Noah says "sc-scary!" "Ah did you have a scary dream?" He asks and Noah nods before closing his eyes falling asleep in my arms. I guess we'll have to ask him later?

As if Reid can smell the food Hunters cooking, he comes into the kitchen cheering for mac and cheese, before he sees that I'm here. After taking a bowl he turns around and sees me, "oh you're home!" He says with a big smile. "Yeah I just got in, only half days this week for me" I say. And he nods, his smile dimming slightly. "So you'll be back to working late evenings next week then?" He asks taking a seat at the table. I frown, at the question, I didn't think I worked late that often, but lately I guess I had been. "Actually I'm gonna try out a new ish schedule, I'm still working out the hours if you wanna help me later though?" I say kind of on the spot, but wanting to reassure him that I'd be home a bit more, it'd make him feel better if he could help me do that by helping work out the schedule too. "Really? You're gonna be home more!" He practically squeals at me, and I nod."Reid we're gonna go sit in the living room if you wanna eat there too?" Hunter says and Reid follows us, but not before getting another spoonful of food. We see a couple pamphlets on the floor and realize that those falling is probably what spooked Noah. I settle him on the couch again where his blanket is, and his eyes slowly flutter shut and he falls asleep. I pick up the papers briefly skimming the first page, and I look at Hunter. Before he can say anything Reid starts rambling. Hunter nods to me to read it more and it actually sounds like a good program at least from this first page. "It's stupid I don't have to do it I just —" I cut Reid off saying it's not stupid, and that I wish I had this program when I was in school. "It looks pretty good, but if this is something you wanna do, we can read more into it." I say and look at Hunter hoping he had said the same, he nods saying that when Atlas gets home we'll talk more.

Hunter gets a call and takes it in his office while I stay in the living room with Noah asleep and Reid telling me about the meeting they had today at school. He tells me that his principal is Hunters old friend which is crazy cause we haven't heard from him in years, since he moved away actually. "They acted like best friends again even after not seeing or talking to each other for year! Do you think Aaron and I will still be friends when we're that old?" Reid says and I laugh throwing a macaroni at his face. "Hey watch it we're not that old, but yes I do think you and Aaron will still be friends at 25." I say laughing, as Hunter walks in. "Who do you think you're calling old huh?" He says sitting down beside Reid. We all just hangout for the rest of the day until Noah wakes up and tells us all about his dream with purple ducks and blues clues, and then tells me everything they did today, literally everything. We make a snack for the others since they'll be home soon, and then wait for them to arrive.

Lmao long chapter! I hope you all liked this one! Idk I'm like having writers block but at the same time I'm not having writers block? Does that make sense? Like I have chapters written, and I'm still writing, but yeah? Anyways lol next chapter the boys will be back home, and there may be some yelling from Spencer that scares Noah, idk we'll see where it goes yeah?

*Update I don't actually have writers block never mind lmfao all good now I think I was just feeling too lazy to think of what to write 😂😂

May xx

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