What you mean to me

By SweetTiana15

10.9K 149 11

THIS IS A RANDOM BOOK I WROTE, WASN'T REALLY SERIOUS ABOUT THIS ONE. ************************************ "I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

955 10 1
By SweetTiana15

It's the next day, I woke up and got out of bed, and walked downstairs into the kitchen. My mom was making breakfast "Good morning honey" She greeted me.

"Good morning mom." I sat down at the kitchen counter.

"How did you sleep?" She scooped some eggs on a plate.

"I slept okay." I poured myself a glass of orange juice.

"Did you enjoy yesterday?" She asked.

"Yeah, I was just happy for school to be done with, and then I went to go chill with some friends." I lied.

"Well good, I don't want you staying inside all summer." She put some waffles and bacon on the plate and handed me it.

"Thank you." I poured some syrup on the food and then began eating "Mom, I have a question."

"Yes?" She sat across from me and started to eat.

"What do you do if you have a crush on someone that's in a relationship?"

"I don't know, I guess tell him and see how he feels about you in the end, if he likes you then he'll break up with his girlfriend to be with you"

"Do you think I'm attractive enough to have someone break up with their girlfriend just to get with me?" I set my fork down.

"Sweetie, you're beautiful so don't ever second doubt yourself."

"Thanks mom." I stared down at my food "It's just I like someone but he's in a relationship, I don't know if I should approach him and let him know or not."

"Well I think you should, if you're not the honest type then I think you should wait for him to approach you."

"Okay, thanks mom."

"Of course sweetie."


It's later on in the day, I was sitting down in the living room watching some TV while waiting for Luke to get home.

Finally, he walked into the house followed by Rell, you could tell they had both just come from working out cause both of them had sweat dripping down them.

"Hey Ash." Luke walked into the kitchen and grabbed two water bottles from the fridge and handed one to Rell.


Rell walked over to me "What's up?" He sat down next to me.

"I'm just chilling watching some Manifest." I replied.

"That's cool, have you been in the house all day?" He sipped his water.


"I'm gonna go wash up real quick." Luke said then walked off upstairs.

I've never been alone with Rell before, so it was a little bit awkward.

"You should come out with me, Luke, Sabrina, and one of my friends Sam later, we're going to the movies." He said as he pulled his shirt over his head, showing off his perfectly chiseled abs "Sorry, I'm just a little bit hot."

"Um, it's fine." He was sitting so close to me I could feel the heat coming off of his body.

"So what do you think?" He asked.

"Sure, I'll come along."

"Great, Also what would you rate 1-10 for the dance I did for you yesterday?" He asked with a laugh.

I returned a laugh "If I'm being honest, most definitely a 10."

"Damn, Well I didn't know that I'd score that high" He chuckles "Thank you."

"Of course, you did pretty well."

He smiled, Luke came jogging down the stairs "You should go home and change, we're leaving in an hour and you don't wanna go to the movies all sweaty."

"You're right." Rell stood up "I'll see you later." He waved at me and then left.

"And if you're coming along you should get ready too."

"Okay." I stood and walked off upstairs and into my room, I closed the door behind me.

"So what should I wear?" I looked through my closet, I grabbed this knee-length black dress and my black flats then changed into my outfit.

I was glad to be getting out of the house and being around Rell, only thing I didn't like was that Sabrina had to come everywhere with him.


Me, Luke, Rell, and His friend Sam were all at the theater waiting on Sabrina.

"Where is she? I don't wanna miss the movie." Luke asked.

"Let me check." He dug into his pocket And grabbed his phone and called her then walked off.

I watched as he started to speak, from his body language I could tell that he was pissed. He talked on the phone for a few more seconds then hung up and walked back over to us "Well, she's not gonna be able to make it."

"Why not?" Luke asked.

"Her parents won't let her."

"Damn, that sucks."

Inside I was smiling, I can finally get some somewhat alone time with him, without her being around.

"Let's just try to have a good time still." Sam said.

"Of course." We paid for our tickets then walked onto the line, we got our tickets scanned then walked to find our theater.

"Do you wanna come with me to get the food and drinks?" Rell asked me.

"Uh, sure."

"We'll meet you both inside."

"Alright." Luke and Sam walked off into the theater, and I followed behind Rell onto the snacks line.

"So what are we getting?" I asked.

"I was gonna get them a large popcorn, do you wanna share one?"

"Sure." I smiled.

"Okay." He returned a smile.

We got two large popcorns, 4 large drinks, and some mini Reese's then we made our way back to the theater. We walked inside and found our seats next to Luke and Sam, me and him were sitting right next to each other.

The movie has started already but luckily it was still in the beginning.

"Here you go" Rell handed Luke and Sam their drinks and their bucket of popcorn. I leaned a little bit closer to him as we started to watch the movie.


It's about an half-hour later, It was starting to get a little bit cold in the theater, I probably should have never worn a dress.

I ran my hands up and down my arms to make myself a little bit warmer. Rell looked at me "Are you good?"

"I'm just a little bit cold."

"Should have told me, here." He pulled his jacket off of him and wrapped it around me.

"Oh, thank you." I smiled.

"Of course, I don't want you to be cold." Suddenly he wrapped one of his arms around me and pulled me a little bit closer, I was loving every second of it.

"Babe!" I heard a familiar voice, I turned to look at the end of the seats and there Sabrina was. Of course.

She walked down the aisle "Hey Ashley, can you please sit in the empty chair?" I slid over to the empty seat.

"Thank you." She sat down next to him.

"What are you doing here baby?" He leaned in kissing her.

"My parents wouldn't let me out at first but they ended up changing their mind." You could tell that she was annoyed, she was frowning.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked.

She leaned over and started whispering something in his ear "Babe, it's not that serious" He whispered.

"Whatever, I don't wanna talk about it." She crossed her arms and began watching the movie.

I don't know what she could be pissed about, whatever it is must be a stupid reason, just like yesterday.


"That movie was okay, Not really worth it." Luke threw his garbage out.

"Right, Movie was straight ass to me." Sam said.

We all walked back towards our car "I'm gonna go home, I'm a little bit annoyed" Sabrina stood there with her arms crossed.

"Baby, Like I said it's not that serious." Rell pulled her towards him and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Whatever, I'll text you later" She removed his arms from around her "If I feel like it." She got into her car then drove off.

"What is she so annoyed about?" Luke asked.

"I'll tell you about it later, let's just head home." We all got into the car, then Luke drove off.

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