Curing More than Cancer

By Nerdyyyyy1

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"Dr. Kieran is ready to see you," Jess says politely. "Thank you," the blonde responds. She moves to follow t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 18

1K 31 6
By Nerdyyyyy1

Author's Note: This story is coming to it's end. There is only an epilogue to follow. I hope I'm giving you all an ending worthy of these characters.

Lena resists waking up. Her lips twitch into a small smile as she feels soft fingertips delicately tracing her face. When she brings herself to open her eyes, she finds blue ones already staring back. She lets out a rumble. "I can't tell if this is sweet or creepy."

"Definitely sweet," Kara whispers.

"Mornin'." Lena lets her eyes slide closed again.

Kara lets out a contented, soft sigh. "Good morning."

"How'd you sleep?"

"Amazingly. I woke up half convinced that last night was just a dream."

Lena hums with a little smirk. "If it was a dream, I'm sure your mind would've wandered a bit further if previous experiences are to be trusted."

"So... no regrets in the sober light of day?" Kara can't keep the tinge of uncertainty and vulnerability out of her voice.

Lena's eyes pop up, suddenly very alert. She studies the woman that is still wrapped up in her arms. "Not a single one."

Kara lets out a breath of relief. "Good. Me either."

"In that case," Lena says with a bit of seduction. She closes the miniscule gap between them to let her lips explore. She can feel the woman melt under her attention.

Kara hums. She lets her tongue trace those soft lips. She feels the loss when Lena breaks it, but the woman presses their foreheads together. Lena's hands run up and down the blonde's strong back.

Lena whispers, "We should talk about all of this."

"Can we do it over some food?"

Lena gives her a knowing smile. "Of course."

They are both reluctant to move out of their warm and happy little cocoon, but they get moving anyways. While Lena starts prepping some bacon and eggs, Kara starts the coffee maker. They share soft smile and innocent touches as they move around each other. It's only after they sit down in the living room do they start to talk.

"So..." Kara starts.

Lena smiles as she takes a sip of her coffee. "So. How're you feeling?"

Kara's face blushes. She twirls her fork around before stabbing some eggs. "Happy. Very happy."

"Good, darling. Do you want to elaborate more on that given everything that happened yesterday?"

Kara thinks a moment. She tries to organize her disjointed thoughts and focus on more than just the two of them kissing... repeatedly. "I'm relieved that Nia decided to come obviously, but mostly relieved that they all seemed to take it in stride. You were right. It went better than what I conjured up in my head. I- I think we will still have to work through things as a group, obviously. Their anger didn't just disappear because of their relief, but... I think I'm in a better position to handle it now."

Lena nods her head in agreement. "You know you can come to me if it gets to be too much."

"I know. Thank you."

"I think we also need to talk about why you were upset when I paid for things. Given our... mutual interest... I'd rather get in front of whatever this is than just let it fester."

Kara let out a sigh. "I agree. I- I'm sorry about all of that yesterday. I think- I think it was a combination of a lot of things yesterday. I was obviously very nervous, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that we were using you."

Lena reaches her hand out and rests it gently on Kara's thigh. "I've noticed that you use that language a bit: using someone, taking advantage. I guess it begs the question... do you feel like I - or anyone else for that matter - take advantage of you?"

"No, no. Absolutely I do not think you take advantage or use me. Honestly, it's been me using you. And then Alex started by encouraging you to pay for things. I- I just don't like it when friendship and relationship start out with... unrealistic expectations. I don't want you to pay for everything all the time. I don't expect you to drop everything if I'm struggling with something. I- I just want us to be just us."

Lena hums and thinks it all over. "I think I understand what you are saying, but I also want you to know that I'm going to try to be there for you. And I will frequently buy you things. It's how I share my love. I never thought that you expect it from me, but if it genuinely makes you uncomfortable, I promise to try to keep that into consideration. And it doesn't even matter that Alex encouraged it because the sneaky little shit left money behind. I think she used it as a tactic to lull me into a false sense of security."

"I'm glad she did. I'm not here for your money, Lee."

"You made that abundantly clear on day one. I had to convince you to let me even give you a ride," Lena smiles.

Kara smiles back. Her hand wraps around Lena's and squeezes. "I will do my best to adjust. I- I'm not used to accepting help... especially like that."

"Neither am I, darling. I promise to do my best, too. I think we just need to talk about it whenever it comes up, alright?"

Kara nods her head before pulling Lena's hand up to kiss her palm. "Thank you," she mumbles.

"Anything else you want to share with me? Or talk about?"

Kara shakes her head. "I take it my dream isn't an issue then?"

Lena gives her a sultry grin, "Not in the least. Although, I am going to demand each and every detail of future dreams of that nature."

Kara's face burns red.

"Was there another one already?" Lena teases.

Kara is quick to shake her head no. "I- I just... I'm not sure how I'll handle any... future dreams."

Lena moves herself closer to the woman. Her eyes drop to Kara's lips. "Well, I expect you to handle it by telling me about them. And if we are both in agreement, maybe we can even make those dreams come true."

Kara surges forward, closing the gap. Lena holds back her chuckles to return the kiss eagerly. Her hands hold either side of Kara's face to pull her in closer as her legs move to straddle the blonde again. This time, these kisses turn rushed, heated. Kara's big hands fall to Lena's waist, fingertips digging into soft flesh. Lena starts to lean in to get Kara to lay back fully. Her teeth scrape against that lower lip before she moves her mouth along that jawline. Lena's tongue traces down that tendon from Kara's ear well into her neck, nipping as she goes. Kara's hands slip under Lena's shirt, dragging up her bare back, touching as much skin as possible.

When Lena's progress is halted by the annoying fabric that's hiding more of that warm flesh, she treks up the other side of that long neck to whisper in Kara's ear. "Maybe we should move this to the bedroom. If you want to take this any further, that is."

Kara's panting heavily. She wants nothing more than to feel that mouth continue its venture. She nods enthusiastically and sits up, forcing Lena further back in her lap. Her arms slide down from Lena's back to scoop the woman up from under her thighs. Kara stands with minimal difficulty and smirks when she hears a whining whimper escape from the woman.

"Fuck," Lena whispers as her arms tighten around Kara's shoulders and neck. She finds herself breathless when Kara presses her back into the wall in her bedroom. Kara wedges herself firmly between Lena's legs as her mouth starts exploring that pale neck. Lena can't stop her hips from jogging against Kara's torso. She throws her head back with a thud as it hits the wall. Her chest heaves as Kara's hands start to venture further up the back of her thighs.

Lena moans out, "Bed. Bed, bed, bed."

Kara smirks up at her, proud that she was able to unravel the woman with a little show of strength. She makes a mental note to really start buckling down and going to the gym more. Lena should see her when she is back to her usual physique. Kara carries her and tosses her playfully onto the bed.

Lena slides herself up the bed and crooks a finger to beckon the blonde. Kara climbs slowly up to the woman. The doctor uses one of her legs to hook one of Kara's and twists them both so she's hovering over the blonde. Kara goes breathless at the sudden change. Lena leans down to place a quick kiss on those pouty lips. "This still okay?"

"Yes," Kara moans.

"Any boundaries I should know?" Lena nips at Kara's ear.

The blonde shakes her head. "Any recent partners? STIs?"

"Not from me. You?"


Lena nips at her other ear. "If you want me to stop at any time, just say so."

"Same goes to you." Kara surges up to capture Lena's lips again. She moans when she feels Lena's hands start pulling up her shirt. They only break their make out when Lena needs to pull the shirt off Kara's head. She sits back as she tosses it off to the side without a care. Lena licks her lips as her hands trail up from Kara's belt line until they rest just beneath her bra line... except Kara wasn't wearing a bra. Lena's eyes flit up to blues to make sure it was okay. When she gets a small nod, her hands inch forward to envelope the soft swells. Her thumbs rub over pebbled nipples as her leans down.

Kara groans in frustration. She expected that warm and wet tongue to be all over her nipple, but instead Lena chose to start with licking and kissing her sternum. Lena's hands switch from kneading to twisting and pulling erect nipples, teasing them to fully sensitivity. Her mouth starts to move to one of with swells, capturing soft flesh between her teeth lightly. Kara groans again because the moment that Lena's mouth gets close to where Kara wants her, she switches sides to start the process all over again. Kara's hands dig into her waist in complaint. Her back arches because her nerve endings just won't let her sit still. She can feel Lena smirk into her skin at the reaction.

Lena wants to savor this. She wants to have Kara unravel before she even gets near her final destination. Judging by the reactions she is already pulling from the blonde, it won't take very long. She's not sure if she's pleased or disappointed by that. Lena's tongue starts to venture very close to the nub that is trapped between her thumb and index finger. She gives a sharp pull before she lets it go to wrap her mouth around the flesh. Her tongue lashes up and down as she sucks on it, loving the mewls that are escaping Kara's mouth. Her teeth toy with her nipple as she bits down slightly.

Kara unleashes a filthy moan as Lena expertly plays her body like a fiddle. In the back of her mind, she feels like it might be torturous to let that talented mouth any further south. If she can wind Kara up from just this, the shear pleasure might be too much. But she can't wait to find out. Kara's hands paw at Lena's back. She rucks up Lena's shirt unintentionally, but the moment she gets a flash of those breasts, Kara is doing everything she can to tug the shirt off the woman. When she is finally successful, she's only minorly irritated that it forced Lena's mouth to detach. Kara's jaw drops when Lena leans back to let her drink in the view. Kara raises a hand tentatively, almost in disbelief. Lena wraps her hand around Kara's to press it into her chest. Sighing when she feels Kara's fingers get to work at squeezing and massaging her flesh.

Lena drops her hands down to Kara's abs. She toys with the band on the blonde's shorts, snapping it randomly. Lena smirks down at the woman. She leans down to capture those lips again, sucking on them. Her tongue explores that eager mouth while her hands work on slipping down her shorts. She can feel Kara kicking her feet to expedite the process in getting them off, clearly impatient. Lena digs her hands into Kara's hips, pining her down. In one smooth movement, she winks at the woman before sliding herself all the way down to lay between those long, tan legs.

Kara's breathless. One minute she was being kissed within an inch of her life, the next, Lena's weight just disappears as the woman smirks from between her legs. Kara sits up on her elbows, but Lena's hand trails up from her stomach to her chest to press her back down into the mattress.

In a husky voice, Lena mock scolds her, "Now, now, darling. Patience."

Lena's tongue laps up her inner thigh. She follows it up with blowing cold air along the trail she left behind. She smiles at the goosebumps that raise up on Kara's skin. She does this a few times on one side before switching to the other. On her last pass, she pulls Kara's panties tight against her labia and extends her path of blowing cool air straight across her heated cunt. Lena's not surprised when she feels Kara's thighs try to trap her head there.

"You're so wet, darling."




Lena hums. "Please, what?"

"Lee, please. Please, please, please."

Lena chuckles lowly, "I think I rather like the sound of you begging." She pulls the panties even tighter and blows again.

Kara gasps sharply. Her back arches. Kara's fingers lace in that block hair, trying to pull her where she wants her.

"Do you want my mouth on your pretty little pussy?"

Kara moans. Her grip tightens.

"Oh, I think you do. Say please. Just one more time, darling." Lena's dark eyes flit up Kara's heaving body. Kara's head is thrown back with her neck on full display with corded muscle. A hint of abs peak with every exhale, and those perfect tits with littered red patches bounce with each breath.

"Please, Lee. Please. Make me cum."

Lena doesn't hesitate to tear the flimsy fabric away from her prize. One hand scoops under Kara's knee to pull her leg up and out, spreading that hot, tight cunt for her. Lena licks and bites her lower lip as she takes it all in, just for a moment. When she hears Kara about to start begging again, she rushes forward and licks a broad swipe right between her glistening folds. Lena hums at her first taste. She spends time exploring every part of that heated flesh. She sucks on one lips before trying the other. She laps at the narrow opening, tasting the fresh arousal leaking. She stiffens her tongue as she trails it up to lash at her exposed clit. Lena alternates between licking and sucking the sensitive little button.

Kara gasps and moans and writhes. Her hands grasp the sheets only to let go to pull on her own hair before moving back to Lena's head. She cannot stay still and she doesn't know what to hold onto. Just like she thought, the pleasure is overwhelming. Her orgasm sneaks up on her. Before she can even think about letting Lena know, she lets out a high pitched scream with her muscles tensing throughout her body. She doesn't breathe for what feels like a full minute before she can remind her body that she needs oxygen. As she slowly relaxes back into the bed, she quickly realizes that Lena's not stopping. She's not even slowing down. If anything, she's speeding up.

As soon as Kara's ridden her first orgasm through, Lena plunges two fingers in her pulsating hole as her lips move back to kissing her inner thighs. Kara came a lot quicker than Lena anticipated, but it was most welcome. Lena spends time pumping her fingers in and out before she hooks them to find that spongey spot. Kara's moans get higher when she finds that sensitive spot. Lena smirks to herself, enjoying the view of Kara's cunt clinging onto her fingers. She licks those engorged lips around her fingers, enjoying the taste of the fresh wetness. She speeds up her fingers when she can tell the blonde is over her initial shock and squirming again.

The tension that is building in her stomach has Kara nonstop moaning. When she feels those fingers speed up, it makes her breathless. "Lee, oh god... Lee."

Lena's lips wrap around Kara's pulsing clit and applies gentle pressure before sucking... hard. It launches the woman straight into another orgasm. Kara's foot digs into Lena's thigh as her back arches even more than the first time. Her scream is silent as wetness gushes around Lena's fingers. Green eyes drink in the sight. Muscles are flexed everywhere. Lena's free hands rub up and down those abs, applying slight pressure with each pass below that cute belly button. It intensifies and extends this glorious orgasm.

Kara flops back onto the bed, fully limp and barely conscious. She whimpers as she feels Lena slowly pull out of her. She registers movement out of the corner of her eye. A very smug doctor crawls her way up and cuddles into her side.

"You are absolutely gorgeous when you are coming undone for me."

Kara has a lazy and fully satiated smile on her face. She mumbles, "Kiss me."

Lena is quick to oblige her. Kara can barely muster the energy to kiss her back, but she hums as she tastes her own cum on those lips.

"Rest, darling."

"Gonna.. get you.. back," Kara mutters just before she slips into sleep.

Lena spends her time grinning like and idiot as she watches the woman sleep. She feels her ego swell that she practically fucked the woman unconscious and she didn't even break out any toys. She enjoys the company, her blinks getting slow and heavy. She tries to keep herself up to bask in this moment, but she quickly succumbs to sleep as well.

When Lena wakes up, she pleasantly surprised to find the blonde still fast asleep. She looks over her shoulder to see they've been out for about a half hour. She takes her turn tracing Kara's face as she sleeps. Kara's nose scrunches up adorably as she slowly works her way back to the land of the living. Lena keeps tracing along that jawline.

"Hi," Kara whispers with her eyes still closed.

Lena giggles. "Hi."

"That definitely wasn't a dream."

"No, it was not."

Kara smiles dopily as she opens her eyes. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Not long. Just a power nap."

"Let me wake up, and then I'll be making you moan."

Lena gently boops her nose. "I think we need to get some water in you and then maybe a shower."

Kara gasps in faux offense. "Are you telling me I stink?"

Lena laughs. "I'm thinking we avoid any UTIs, darling."

Kara hums with her eyes narrowed. Lena can spot the moment she comes up with a devious idea. "I'll agree to the terms if we change it to a bath..."

The doctor mockingly gestures as if she's thinking about it. "I think you'll find that I'm agreeable to that."

Kara smiles salaciously before practically dragging Lena out of bed and throwing her over her shoulder.

They don't emerge from the bathroom for a couple hours. When they do, Lena is a bit wobble legged, and Kara is overly smug. Kara is toweling off her hair as she watches Lena walk out to the kitchen. Kara's phone chimes a few times, drawing her attention. She hoists herself on the counter as Lena grabs them both glasses of water. Kara squeals as she scrolls through her phone.

"What is it?" Lena asks with a confused smile.

Kara holds out her phone to show her the message.

I don't know what is keeping you from answering your damn phone, but I suppose a text message will do. The NC office is recruiting me to join their team. In a couple weeks, I will be moving back here - permanently. Call me when you can.

"Alex is moving back here?" Lena asks excitedly.

"Seems like it!" Kara exclaims.

"I'm so happy for you, darling. That's great that you will have her back in your life."

Kara lets out a happy sigh. She pulls Lena between her legs and wraps her into a tight hug. "Everything's working out."

"Do you want to bet how long it takes for Alex and Sam to get together?"

Kara's brow furrows as she pulls back to look Lena in the eye. "What do you mean?"

"You were probably too distracted, but they were getting cozy during game night. In fact, I would put money that Sam already knows that Alex will be based in National City."

Kara shakes her head. "No way."

Lena smirks. "So are you accepting the bet?"

"Fine, but we aren't wagering money."

Lena hums. "Fine. We will wager who gets to wear the strap for the first time. If I win, I wear it."

The blonde's jaw drops and she flounders a bit. She wasn't expecting that. She squeaks out, "Deal."

Lena practically skips to grab her phone. She doesn't hesitate to call Reign. "Hey, Eve. It's Lena. Sam in yet?" Kara tilts her head. "Oh, she just got in, did she?" Lena's tone confuses Kara. "What has you rolling in so late, Sammy." Lena is clearly teasing her. "Sure... blame it on game night. Not the person who you conveniently left with." Kara's eyes widen. ""So, have you heard?" Kara gulps. This doesn't seem to bode well. Although, with the terms of the bet, maybe it is. "Thought so. Thank you, Sammy. You just helped me win a bet." Kara hides her face in her hands. "Oh, don't worry. We will have to go out for girl's night soon so you can tell me all about it. Bye, Sam."

Kara lets out a groan in defeat, shaking her head. Lena comes back, wiggling her way back between Kara's legs. She pulls Kara's hands away from her face so she can look up into those blues. "I win."

"I can't believe Alex didn't let me know first," Kara whines.

"Well it looks like she's called you several times this morning when we were... busy. I'm sure she meant to." Lena rubs her palms up and down Kara's thighs.

Kara blushes furiously. She wraps her arms around the woman and pulls her in closer. Lena rolls up onto her tip toes to kiss her briefly before plopping back down flat on her feet.

Lena giggles lightly. "You better respond to her so she doesn't send a SWAT team over here."

Kara returns her attention to her phone as Lena gets them more water. She texts furiously with her friends and her sister. Thanking everyone and celebrating with them all that Alex will be here to stay in just a couple weeks. Every time Kara doesn't think she can be any happier, life proves her wrong. She hasn't felt like this... ever. Her health is back; her friends are back. Her sister will be staying; and she has this wonderful woman in her life. She watches the doctor as she moves about her home, picking up the last few remnants from the night before.

"So," Kara mutters to grab her attention. "I just want to make sure we are both clear as to what we are since we seem to be doing things out of order. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Lena turns to give Kara her full attention. A smile slowly fills her face as she wanders back to the woman that is still sitting on her counter. "Absolutely."

Kara's goofy grin is back as she holds out her hand. Once Lena slides hers into it, she pulls lightly, bringing the woman in for a slow and loving kiss. "Good."

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