King Maker: Revelations. (Par...

By kudz12

2.6K 376 65

Power; the ability to control people. "Ma'am your afternoon appointment is here," she heard Lisa say via the... More

1 - Confession
2 - Consumate
3 - Taking care
4 - Morning Glory
5 - Past & Present Problems
6 - Wealth ~ Power
7 - Blood For Blood
8 - Love & Lies
9 - Lose control
10 - Revelations
11 - I'm Sorry
12 - Oksana or Command
13 - Next time we meet
14 - Yes Ma'am

15 - Trouble is coming

178 21 4
By kudz12

"Baby make sure your parents don't step foot on this premises ever again," she said through clenched teeth as they watched them leave.
"Yes ma'am," he murmured wearing a frown as he watched the said people leave.
"Be it that I don't talk back to my elders or in-laws, with them I am willing to cross that line," she said turning in his arms as the car left their premises.
"Ignore what they said. I don't even speak to them not after what they did to me all those years ago," he sighed holding her close as he kissed her head.

Two weeks later

"Ladies," T said walking into the room finding Lisa already at the meeting venue.
Madam Claris sat nursing a glass of wine by the bar as the other ladies enjoyed their chosen beverages.
"Mistress," she heard some acknowledge by mouth as others nodded their heads towards her.
"Pregnancy does suit you my dear," said Vivian, wife to a senator who was friends with Greg.
"Thank you," T smiled placing a hand on her stomach as they all knew what had happened to her son.

"I called you here because I need Salazar and his friend on a leash," she stated.
"That is not a problem," Madam Claris said as T looked at her in question.
"Your Shadows know where they are," Vivian said making T smile.
"The said man came to my husband looking for weapons. I threatened my husband to not sell them anything or there would be hell to pay," Nicky the wife of a weapons dealer added as she swirled her red wine before bringing the glass to her nose taking in the scent.

"My husband managed to get two of his men employed for their services recently so soon all their movements we will know first hand," T said before drinking her orange juice. "They should report to my Shadows with any intel they might have," she said.
"If you may. Please forward their details. They will be compensated immensely for their efforts," she heard one lady say as the others nodded in agreement.
"I am tired of Salazar  ladies. May you please help me," T said as she saw smiles around the room as they nodded their heads in approval.
"And they say it's a man's world," Madam Claris chuckled nodding towards T as they had an understanding.
"Clearly the men are incompetent in finding one of their own," one said making the other ladies laugh.
"We always clean up their messes," another added in a bored tone as T smiled looking at the different women in the room. Her eyes caught Mr Tanaka's wife as she played with a blade in her hand before she slowly peeled the apple in her hand not saying a word.

"Madam. Tell us about your fiancé I hear congratulations are in order?" T said lightening the mood as Claris smiled.
"Only if you tell us how it is that you caught Gregory Rhymes in your net," she smirked as the other ladies agreed.
"Last I heard Oksana was his plaything. I never thought of him as the settling type," Vivian murmured.
"We all know Oksana is a very difficult woman to please and for her to be so strung up on Mr Rhymes it says a lot about the man.
"I hear Oksana wasn't the only one. The man has an insatiable appetite I heard," Nicky added.
"The man has a reputation. Many women have fallen prey to his sweet tongue," another added.
"I can vouch for that," Lisa blushed making everyone laugh as she remembered how he would complement her each time he came to see T and how T would hide her true reaction to his words.
"Let's just say fate had a mind of its own," T said looking away from her friend.

"Fate made me lose a client," Claris mumbled faking disappointment as T chuckled.
"The man is damn scary out there. My husband doesn't even want us to cross paths with his when we dine out," they heard another say.
"My Greg? Why he is the sweetest," she said in mock outrage making the others chuckle.
"This coming from a woman who can be as equally ruthless. You two deserve each other clearly," Claris said saluting her with her glass.
"We understand one another," T said wearing a smirk as she sipped her juice before asking Claris to tell them what they wanted to hear.


Next day

"Sweetheart," Greg said barging into her office unannounced.
"Yes my love," she said turning towards him as he came to a halt finding two other ladies in the room as they slowly placed their cups of tea on the table.
"Apologies ladies," he said his eyes narrowing seeing madam Claris. "Wait you know her?" He said shaking his head in disbelief.
"She is a client," T smirked as he moved towards them helping her up.

"Now what is so urgent you had to interrupt my meeting?" She asked as he pulled her into his arms after placing a bag on the table.
"I just got word that Ridley is dead. He had a heart attack. Salazar should be beyond terrified by now," he said.
"Hmmm. That is good news indeed," she said wearing a smirk as he looked at her in question.
"You did this?" He asked as her reaction told him she knew of the news already.
"Did what?" She asked feigning surprise.
"Oh, you are good," he said wearing a coy smile. "Really good baby," He said. "Just Leave Salazar for me. I want to kill him myself," he said.
"That can be arranged. I will just have to inform the ladies," she said as he looked towards the two women who nursed their cups of tea as though they were not there whilst they made small talk in hushed tones.

"Thank them on my behalf," he said.
"Depends on how you thank me," she said looking at him as he got the hint.
Taking her lips he kissed her slowly as though having the urge to learn the shape of her lips whilst his tongue asked for permission which she allowed. He smirked hearing her let out a moan as he pleasured her. His tongue stroking hers in a teasing manner before he played with her lips. Pulling back he smiled finding her eyes still closed as she held onto his coat not moving back.
"Hmmmm, I like the sound of that," she smiled making him chuckle as she released him.
"I will leave you to your meeting love," he said kissing her cheek before wearing his gloves. "I got you something," he said his eyes moving to the box. "Ladies," He said realizing both women where looking in their direction as they acknowledged him before he left.
"Don't say a word," T said just as Lisa walked in fanning her face with a sheet of paper.
"See what I told you," Lisa said. "The man will have you feeling embarrassed and blushing at the same time. She got a good one I tell you," she added as T turned to her phone dialing a number.


A few months later

"Are the bags in the car?" She yelled as she waddled to the door.
"Everything is in order. Now we just have to get you to hospital," Greg said as she looked at him.
"You are too organized," she chuckled as he helped her into the car.
"I'm sure that's one of the qualities you fell for," he said as Eli passed her a packet of popcorn before Greg could notice.

Happily munching she watched Greg open his mouth about to speak before he shook his head in defeat as they left for the hospital.
"Let's get this pair out of me. I need my body back," she said as the doctor chuckled.
"I like your positive attitude," he said looking at her lab results as a nurse walked into the room.
She watched as he prepared to induce her into labour. She was now at the eight month mark and the babies were putting a strain on her back. Having had experience with three kids before Gregory was ever supportive as he sat behind her rubbing her back during the first few hours of her contractions before things took a different turn.


"Get out of here you cruel, cruel man. I hate you for this. Matter of fact come push these kids out yourself you you!" She screamed throwing a pillow in his direction as he caught it standing by the door. "I said get out Gregory Rhymes," she said grabbing an orange as he opened the door ducking his head as the fruit misses him by an inch. "And stay out!" She screamed.
As he looked at her in shock.

Eli and some of the men tried so hard to hold in their laughter as Carter walked down the hallway laughing in tears.
"Where the hell have you been hiding?" Greg asked.
"Well between business kicking my behind and my own family issues I couldn't possibly just leave everything knowing you had everything handled," he said. "So how's the little Mrs," he asked as Greg ran a frustrated hand through his hair.
"I'm too old for this," he said watching Fiona and Lisa walk towards them.
One look at him they burst out laughing as Fi picked up the orange heading into the room.
"Come on man. You are young. You should have more kids," he said as Greg looked at him angrily.

"Don't," he growled as Carter was about to comment.
"So are you ready to meet the baby?" Carter said shoving his hands in his pockets.
"I'm always nervous at such times. Anything can happen," he said looking troubled just as the door opened as Fiona walked out of the room.

"She said to call the doctor and tell him to come cut her open and deliver her from your demon spawn," she said trying to not laugh as she crossed her arms over her chest whilst he lost all color looking at her just as a flash occurred making him realized she had just taken a picture of him.

"Fiona!" His voice boomed as she rushed back into the room laughing as he stopped at the door seeing Lisa rubbing her friends back as all anger disappeared instantly seeing her taking deep breaths as sweat covered her face.
Another contraction had her closing her eyes as she reached for Fiona's hand gripping it as he smirked watching her face contort to that of pain as T took slow deep breaths.

Releasing Fiona's hand she looked at her worriedly as Fiona took a step back not wanting to offer her hand again.
Turning to look at Greg she simply beckoned for him long forgetting that she had chased him out of the room.
"I called for the doctor. He should be here in a minute," Greg said wiping her forehead as she simply nodded her head yes as he took her hand in his whilst another contraction made her cry out in pain.
"Please make it stop," she whispered as he held her.
"It will be all over soon," she heard the doctor say.
He was asked to change his clothing as Lisa was informed of the same just as her mother arrived.
Mama Chuma was beyond excited as she went into the delivery room against hospital protocols telling the older doctor that she would call his mother and tell her of his behavior.

Supporting her through the labour she smiled hearing the second cry as both her sons filled the room with their cries.
"They are beautiful T," Lisa whispered as she looked at her friend holding one of the boys whilst a doctor examined the other before bringing the child to her.

"You are unbelievable," Greg whispered kissing her forehead as she simply smiled at him before they were asked to leave.
Finding everyone waiting in the waiting room he smiled seeing them all seated looking worried.
"Who wants to see the boys first?" He asked as Cindy jumped up in glee hugging her father in excitement as the others gave their congratulations surprised to hear they had twins.

He went to the reception to find out where the twins where as a doctor rushed past them heading towards his wife's room.
"What's going on?" He said as the doors swung open as her doctor walked out informing the other doctor to go to the next room.

He watched as his wife was wheeled out of the room to her private suite fast asleep as he sighed in relief. Taking everyone else to see the twins.


5 years later

"Mama," she heard taking the offered bowl of chopped potatoes from Gregory Jr whilst his brother helped Cindy out.
"Thank you baby," she said with a smile of gratitude.
Their father walked in whilst on a call. Speaking rapidly to whoever was on the line as he walked past Cindy kissing her head high fiving the twins before he reached her.
"Excuse me," he said placing the phone on his shoulder. "Good evening love," he said giving her a slow tender kiss.
"My love," she whispered as her eyes moved to his phone. Holding out the phone she saw the caller ID. "All the best," she mouthed before he spoke into the phone as she turned back to the stove with him behind her. Resting his head against her shoulder he gave the Spaniard instructions.
"Tell the technician to fix the machine. I will have money wired into his account. We can't lose good wine because of a minor glitch," he said in finality as his lips landed close to her ear.
"Where are the others?" He asked.
"Living room I believe," she murmured with a smile.
"You need any help?" He asked.
"We are done here. Dinner will be served in the next thirty minutes," she said turning to look at him. "Go freshen up," she said giving him a slight nudge knowing he would not leave unless otherwise.

Sitting in bed going through a file she frowned hearing multiple beeps on her phone just as Greg walked into the room from his shower.
Closing her file he placed it beside the bed as she opened the message frowning at the images she saw. Greg was busy kissing her neck moving down at a leisurely pace. Unbuttoning her shirt in the process he smirked finding her wearing lingerie underneath it.
"Aren't we full of surprises," he smirked looking down at her as she lay before him wearing a knowing smile.
"Just a little," she murmured zooming in on the images as Greg frowned at her lack of attention.
"Ari," he said in a warning tone as she looked at him.
"We've got trouble baby," she said showing him the images as he shrugged taking her phone tossing it aside before he took her lips as she smiled running her fingers through his hair kissing him back.

I do hope you enjoyed the story. Book three is already in the pipeline. So worry not lovely people.
Thank you for the support ☺️

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