King Maker: Revelations. (Par...

By kudz12

2.6K 376 65

Power; the ability to control people. "Ma'am your afternoon appointment is here," she heard Lisa say via the... More

1 - Confession
2 - Consumate
3 - Taking care
4 - Morning Glory
5 - Past & Present Problems
6 - Wealth ~ Power
7 - Blood For Blood
9 - Lose control
10 - Revelations
11 - I'm Sorry
12 - Oksana or Command
13 - Next time we meet
14 - Yes Ma'am
15 - Trouble is coming

8 - Love & Lies

122 25 3
By kudz12

"I told you she is tougher than she appears," Andrew whispered to his brother looking at T during their flight to Italy.
The ride to the airport had been silent as no one knew what to say.
"I grew up on a farm remember? Baba always took me hunting when a wild animal threatened our cattle," she said as she relaxed in her chair leaning back before she closed her eyes. Greg narrowed his eyes not buying it.

"Where is he?" Greg asked after making sure she was fast asleep.
"Having lunch with some man," Derrick frowned confirming his suspicions. The puppy had finally gone to the master.

"Won't we have any problems with the police?" He heard Andrew ask.
"We have full jurisdiction everywhere. Get some rest," he said as they reclined their seats.


The marble floor shone to perfection as the hotel manager greeted them with a wide grin falling into step with the Rhymes family as several men went to position themselves around the hotel.
"The entire floor is closed off," the manager said as they walked through the lobby. Several heads looked in their direction as they recognized them.
"I see my guests have started to arrive," he said as Eli handed him a tablet showing the list of people and their room numbers.
"Make sure the floor beneath us is not occupied," he told the manager.
"Very well sir," the manager smiled.

His eyes glanced at the unfamiliar face in the group in question. Starring at her curiously he heard Mr Rhymes switch to Italian.
"Smettila di fissare mia moglie," he muttered.
The manager's cheeks turned red having been caught as he said, "Apologies sir," bowing his head.

Pulling out keycards he handed them to Eli as he directed them to a private elevator. Derrick scanned the keycard as an alert told him upon completion before he tapped on his tablet as the wristbands they wore lit up.
T frowned as she was the odd one out as she tugged Gregory's coat making him look at her as it dawned on him. Reaching into his pocket he secured the band around her wrist before taking her hand.

"I'm sure you have other guests to attend to," Gregory said wearing a stone face as the manager stood at the door about to enter the elevator.
T turned to look at Andrew as he coughed trying to cover up his laugh. Derrick and Cindy wore knowing smirks.
"Is he always like this when you travel outside the country?" She whispered as Eli tried to hold back his smile failing miserably as he stood next to his boss. They both stood like human shields blocking the elevator door.
"Worse," Derrick whispered as the elevator doors closed leaving the manager looking lost.
"You won't need a keycard, just tap your wrist on the scanner and the door will unlock," he instructed as she inspected her band.

Reaching the penthouse Gregory informed Eli he could go freshen up and rest. Eli nodded his head knowing the drill as he called a few men whilst Derrick updated their bands.

Just then the elevator pinged making them turn to see who had arrived.
"The things I go through because I was once married to you," Fiona said as a butler appeared. Throwing the fur coat toward him the man caught it turning to look at Greg who waved him off.
"The safe house was compromised. That's why you are all here else I would have handled this alone," he said as T looked at him in question hearing this news for the first time.

"Which way to my room?" She asked the butler who smiled politely showing her the way.
Stepping into the room she shrugged off her coat placing it on the chair as she took in the room. Simplicity at its best she saw appreciatively. Never being the one for too much flash she touched the bed feeling the comfort as she went to the closet to take a look.
A maid was already there unpacking her things. Informing her to stop, she saw fear written all over her face.
"You may leave," T said assertively as the girl left quickly just as Greg walked into the room whilst she packed away their clothes.

"You are angry?" He said as she scoffed.
Turning to look at him as he stood at the entrance blocking her only exit.
"Move," She said as he stepped aside following her out of the room at a slower pace.

She walked down the passage seeing the others going into their rooms and inspecting them.
"Is everything okay Cindy?" She asked as Cindy turned to smile at her.
"Everything is good in here," she said as T continued to check on the others.

Moving to the other side of the floor she found Fiona talking in hushed tones with her husband before she smiled at her.
"Hope everything is to your liking," T asked as Fiona smiled at her telling her all was well as she walked towards her holding a glass of whiskey.
Leaning towards her she whispered, "How was my entrance?" As T smiled at her.
"Perfect," she smirked. "He still thinks that I didn't know you were coming or that you told me about the safehouse and everything," she said recalling when Fiona had called her to check on her before telling her she would be joining them.
"I have never seen the man sweat the way he does just to please you," Fiona said. "Love is indeed funny," she said.
"How long were you married?"
"For fifteen years. I lived with him till the children were in their teens as I set up my fashion line," she said as T looked at her in wonder.
"And you mean to tell me you never had feelings for him?" She said.

"Oh, honey. None at all. I had these children through IVF and brought them into this world via c-section. I wasn't about to go through that whole sexual connection with the man. He was always a gentleman with me. Even allowed me to see other people and I met my husband along the way," she said as T looked at her in surprise.
"You mean you never. Not even once?"
"Ours was a marriage of convenience. I carried his children as payment for my family's protection," she said with a shrug as T looked at her hard watching her.
"Hmmm, you should go," Fiona said spotting Greg as he looked in their direction before he walked up to them.

"Ari," he whispered behind her as she smirked before she turned to look at him just as Fiona left. "Baby," he whispered tilting her head up to face him as she brushed his hand away.
"How would you feel if I were to invite an ex of mine to live in the house?" She spat.

He opened his mouth to speak looking murderous before he clamped his mouth shut for fear of what he would say.
"Safe house? You have a safe house. Every day I'm learning something freaking new about you Gregory Rhymes!" She said in fury as he looked at her in shock making the others walk out of their rooms to see what was happening.
"Look who is talking," he muttered under his breath turning away from her wearing a frown.
"Looks like this marriage is built on lies," she spat as Greg saw the fear in Cindy's eyes.
Greg sighed as he said, "Please not in front of the kids."

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