King Maker: Revelations. (Par...

By kudz12

2.6K 376 65

Power; the ability to control people. "Ma'am your afternoon appointment is here," she heard Lisa say via the... More

1 - Confession
2 - Consumate
3 - Taking care
4 - Morning Glory
5 - Past & Present Problems
6 - Wealth ~ Power
8 - Love & Lies
9 - Lose control
10 - Revelations
11 - I'm Sorry
12 - Oksana or Command
13 - Next time we meet
14 - Yes Ma'am
15 - Trouble is coming

7 - Blood For Blood

151 26 8
By kudz12

"You sent men for my daughter?" He said as the man remained silent all laughter gone as Greg looked at his iPad scrolling through the footage he had requested.
"Wait a minute," he said zooming in on an image as he saw a familiar car.
"You sent men for the boy?" He said as the man's expression changed whilst he handed the device back to Eli in exchange for the gun.

"Where is Salazar?" He asked as Dominic kept quiet making Greg smirk.
"Do you think your wife and children are safe? I know you arranged for them to leave the country but you see, I found them," he said as a man walked in with the said individuals watching the man's eyes widen in horror.

"If you are not going to tell me where Salazar is then I will make you talk," he said watching the man before him tremble in rage.
"Take the boy first," Greg said as the little boy was pulled away from his mother.
"Just tell the man what he needs to know Dominic!" The woman yelled.
Firing his gun he watched Dominic buckle over trying to grab ahold of his foot as he swore in pain.
"You shot my foot!" He yelled.
"I will shoot the other if you do not tell me where Salazar is," he said as he fired another shot.

A loud scream was heard in the next room as Dominic looked toward the direction yelling, "Okay, Okay. I will tell you. Don't. Don't do anything to my boy," he said as his wife glared murderously in his direction. A loud bang came from the room as he became still in shock.
"If he doesn't kill you Dominic. By my hand you will die," the woman said shaking in rage.

Lifting the pistol towards his wife he froze.
T on the other hand slowly rose to her feet as she went to stand beside her husband.
"He is the one who took my son?" She whispered looking pained as he reached for her hand.
"I. I. I didn't know," Dominic stuttered as she slowly grabbed ahold of the gun in Greg's hand.
He looked at her not bothering to ask.

"Salazar just requested for my help over some job. He said a lawyer was giving him problems and D'Angelo required my expertise. Then. Then. He. He asked I take care of a problem for him. Mr Rhymes I didn't know it was your family," he said looking towards the room his son has gone to as it was now silent.

"I do not know why you would stay married to a child killer," T said looking pained.
"I didn't know," Dominic's wife said bitterly.
"I'm sorry," T said as she raised the gun pointing it towards Dominic her hand shaking in anger.
"It's alright," Dominic said with a smile. "I knew messing with Salazar would come to this. Had I known it was your family I wouldn't have dared," he said.

"You don't need to do this T," she heard her husband whisper as she shook her head tears running down her face.
Pulling the trigger the bullet pierced his chest hitting her intended target.
Greg moves towards Dominic as the man whispered something into his ear.
Pulling her towards him he shielded her from watching the man take his last breath

"Mommy!" They heard as the little boy ran towards his mother who hid him away from the sight of his dead father.
"Your husband knew what he was getting himself into," Greg said as he held T watching the woman nod in understanding.
"Come," he said indicating the woman follow him as the housekeeper walked in taking her son from her.

Walking into the room the man who had taken the boy smiled playing a tape recorder of a scream.
"Always works," he said making Eli scoff.
"Clean this mess up," Greg said as he pulled T out of the house.

His men had rounded up all the security details in the house as they now stood before his.
"She is now your boss," he simply said as the men looked at each other turning back to look at Gregory and Dominic's wife. "If anyone has any objections say so now," he said as he looked at them seeing some resistance.
"You will obey her. Die for her. Else you will be replaced," he said as he heard one of them curse.
The next thing they knew he fell to the ground making them step back in fear.
"You will submit to this woman," he said pointing at her. "She is after all your new Donna," he said turning on his heel as he walked away from them.
"I will send one of my man to help you with the transition," he said walking away.
"No need Mr Rhymes. I have been running my husbands business all this while," she said as Greg acknowledged the fact.

He called his son over telling him something into his ear before he got into the car as T sat staring into space. There was no need to exchange words as he pulled her into his arms allowing her to cry knowing this was the best solution.


"How's your Italian?" Greg asked looking at Andrew who smiled as he responded in an unrecognizable tone. One could almost think he had been speaking the language all his life as Cindy chuckled cursing in the language. Greg turned his phone off having received information that Salazar was in Italy.
Derrick was on his laptop all the while before he murmured, "Found him," as he tapped away transferring the feed to the tv screen.

"There he is," he said as they saw a live feed of Salazar leaving a hotel.
"Is that him?" They both heard as T walked into the room having freshened up.
"Yes," Derrick said as she took her seat.
"Doesn't look like much. He doesn't even look like he will be able to handle a position of power," she said lifting the bottle of water to her lips as the others chuckled.

"Call the manager, let him know we will arrive in a couple of days. Also activate the chip and find out if that little puppy is in Italy alongside his master. I have something that needs taking care of before we leave," he said to Derrick after he updated him on Damian as he sighed. So many issues and not enough time.



"You girls are looking mighty fine," Damian grinned as drinks where placed on their table looking at the ladies surrounding them.
"Dude how did you score VIP tickets," one of his friends said seeing women moving around on the rooftop as music played.
"Let's just say I made a new friend," he said as he took a shot of tequila from the waitress as she made rounds giving all a glass.
"Nice. Very nice," one of them said as another waitress walked up to them holding a box of cigars.

The elevator chimed as Damian swore under his breath seeing Gregory stepping out fixing his cufflink before shoving a hand into his pocket as he looked around. Behind him his sons followed exact copies of their father.
Several men appeared from the staircase moving as though they had all the time in the world before moving to their designated position.

"Enjoying the party gentlemen," he said as all laughter died, his friends looking towards the intruder. "Why am I even asking. You lads look like you are having fun. Don't they?" He said as his sons responded whilst the girls quickly ran for the stairs after Eli had a word with them leaving them alone.

Damian made a move to stand but stopped as Greg stopped him.
"Do not stand on my account," he said holding up his hand before moving to undo his jacket button. Pulling off his jacket they all sat up seeing the shining silver of his gun in the shoulder holster.
"What do you want?" Damian asked clenching his teeth.

"Now," he said moving towards Damian. "Oh excuse me please," he said as the guy who had been sitting next to him stood up quickly.
"You, you, you leave. Now," he said as the said individuals left in a hurry.
"Oh gentleman. You were never here," he said as they nodded their heads before leaving.

Pulling out his phone he held it out to Damian watching the man take the device.
"05...," he murmured. "You recognize that date don't you?" He said as the phone unlocked. "Let me refresh your memory you see. Press play," he ordered.

A video started playing showing him and his friends laughing as they sat in a room.

"Where are you Damian? Oh there you are," he said as Damian walked into the room with T.
"See at first I thought you might have drugged her for what you did," he said pressing pause. "But guess what I found out Damian. You had been dating her for over six months," he said looking at him in shame as he pressed play.

"Umm I think I should leave. I can always come back tomorrow to help you study for your midterms," T said wearing an innocent smile.
"Have a drink with us," one of the guys said.

"See this is where is gets interesting," he said as Damian grabbed ahold of her before she could reach the door.
Damian looked away as Greg tsked close to his ear tapping the gun against Damian's forehead.

"Don't you dare look away from your handiwork. I mean just the other day you were bragging about this," he said hearing Derrick crack his knuckles looking beyond pissed.
"Oh I forgot to introduce you gentlemen. Those are Tawananyasha's sons," he said. "I'm her husband as you might have figured out," as they looked at them troubled.

"It's a lie," one of them said in disbelief watching the boys removing their jackets.

"Sir, we were just kids. We didn't know," one of them said as Andrew scoffed looking at the three men before him.
"He didn't know he was raping a woman he says," Andrew murmured in disbelief as he pulled out a gun watching the man become pale.
"Let us continue," Greg said in a cold tone. "Care to see gentlemen," he said standing up.

"Move," Greg said as the grown man moved towards Damian looking at the phone.

Damian closed his eyes as the video continued to play whilst they heard her pleading voice.
"You defiled a woman who had never been touched by a man," he said in a grave voice as he watched them hearing their laughter in the background as she begged them.

"She begged you to stop but you just couldn't help yourselves until she passed out. I read her hospital report," he said as Damian looked at him in surprise.
"I thought your father buried the report," he spat looking at one of them angrily.
"He. He did. I don't know how he got it," he spat terrified.
"You must be young Timothy. See daddy can't fix this problem for you. You have a nasty habit of beating up women don't you Timothy," Greg said as Timothy made a run for it but was stopped by Derrick. Timothy made the mistake of trying to fight off Derrick before he found himself feet off the ground as Derrick held him by the collar.

"May I," Derrick said looking at his father beyond furious.
"Not yet," Gregory said.

"Weakling," Derrick muttered as his eyes met with those of Damian as he let go of the man.
"What happened that night Damian?" Greg said seeing that they now understood he meant business.

"She wasn't supposed to be the one," Damian murmured as Gregory looked at him in question.
"Let me break down the subject at hand. Feel free to correct me where I'm wrong will you?" Gregory said.

"T was dating dumbass over there. Now upon defiling her she reported you lot to the police. Damian's father was the commissioner at that time. Timothy's father is a medical doctor. Let's not forget the former senator's son Clark over here. The other three are nonessential," he said.

"Senator didn't want a family scandal so he paid the good doc to misplace the files and for the police to drag the investigation thus making sure the case never reached the courthouse. Am I right gentlemen?" He said.

"Now. After she passed out where did you go dump her body?" Greg asked looking too calm.
"At some dump site," Damian whispered as Greg asked him to speak up. "We thought she was dead," he whispered.

"Who has the original file?" Derrick asked as one of them raised their hand before he pulled out a keychain with multiple memory sticks.
"Seriously you carry it around," he said as Greg scoffed.

Taking the keys he removed the drives. Plugging it into his phone he tapped the screen looking for the file.

"Does anyone have a copy?" Derrick asked. They all remained quiet as Andrew scoffed raising the gun and firing a shot that missed one of them by an inch.
"My brother asked a question. The next bullet will be buried somewhere," he said lowering his arm.
"Heed his word. The boy never misses. Trained him myself," Greg said in a cold tone as they all quickly mumbled their no's.
"Are you fellas sure? Think hard," Derrick said.
"That's the only copy. We. We used my phone," he said.

"I hear you settled down Damian," Greg said watching the man's eyes widen as he sat down next to him. "Relax I won't touch them. We are just making small talk after all," he chuckled slapping his hand onto the man's shoulder and holding him in a vice grip as the man tried to look stronger than he was.

"Such a shame your little girl will have to grow up without a strong role model. Not that you were fit for the job and all. But just imagine someone doing to your princess what you did my wife. I personally am not a forgiving man. I do bear a grudge when someone wrongs me or those I love," he said as though he was chatting with a longtime friend.

Damian looked at his remaining friends.
"I'm sorry," he suddenly said breaking down into tears.
"Come again," Greg said as Damian looked at him saying he was sorry.
"When you were tormenting my wife in her office you didn't seem sorry. I mean in her condition I need to make sure she is relaxed and happy. But see you took that relaxation away from her. The happiness I so love seeing radiate from her," he said releasing him as Eli walked up to him looking worried.

He looked towards the elevator as it chimed indicating someone had arrived revealing his wife and daughter.
"I tried to stop her daddy," he heard Cindy say as Andrew and Derrick shifted on their legs with Andrew hiding the gun behind him.

"Here, now!" She seethed as they all watched the boys go to her looking like they had been caught with their hands in the cookie jar avoiding her eyes.
"Gregory Rhymes," she said giving him a questioning look.
"T listen. We had to take care of him," he said in explanation noticing Damian had grown paler.
"Listen you can do all you want. But don't be putting my family in danger," she said grabbing ahold of Derrick and Andrews' hands and pulling them behind her as he looked at the boys in question watching them smirk as they stood behind her.

Her height and the boys' had him smirking as they appeared like her bodyguards yet in that moment she was the one protecting them.
"Give it," she said holding out her hand before Andrew deposited the weapon into her hand.

Walking past him making sure to brush up against him as she moved towards the three fools. Greg followed her moving to stand in front of her blocking them from seeing her. Cupping her face in his hands he spoke to her in a low tone.
"You don't have to see them. I will take care of them," he said as she looked at him her expression shifting from pain to the look she had back at Dominic's house.
"Move out of my way baby," she murmured tilting her head slightly to the side as he slowly stepped aside watching her.

"Damian," she said with a sadistic smile as she raised the gun before she pulled the trigger killing his friends before they could say anything. Slowly moving towards him as he sat back moving away from her in fear. "You should have stayed away," she whispered into his ear as she rested the barrel of the gun underneath his chin before pulling back the trigger as his body slumped back whilst she stood straight turning to hand over the gun to her husband as she walked towards the elevator indicating with a finger that the children follow her.
"Are you coming?" She asked as Greg stood looking at her in shock.

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