The Players Club

By _lataavia

60.9K 5.7K 1.5K

Yazmin Nyla Robertson and Sean Jackson come from two different worlds, despite living in the same city. Two w... More

The Players Club
twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty three.


1.2K 144 54
By _lataavia

The hospital TV was at its highest volume as Drake faced it with his face stoic. He'd been laying in the hospital bed for days and wanted to jump out the window regardless of his fractured foot. But, he couldn't. He couldn't because he was on supervision.

He could barely even move an inch without Benji or Sean jumping to his rescue.

"I'm fine, guys. Y'all can go."

"You look like shit. You're not fine," Benji chuckled as he leaned back into his seat.

"I can move my hands a bit, my eyes and my mouth. I'm good."

Sean scoffed and shook his head. "We good."

"Oh, you talking to me now?" Drake frowned.

The boys still hadn't spoken to each other since their altercation. Sean had barely even left the hospital since Drake was admitted. Whenever he was done with work, he would head straight to the hospital to see about his best friend. He was there for him for whatever he needed, and still didn't speak to him.

Sean held grudges and when he was mad, he spent a lot of time in his thoughts. He was a big overthinker. Although he came across as someone that didn't care much and had little to no reaction about everything around him, when the doors were closed and he was in his safe place he expressed the most emotion.

His mind was filled with ongoing thoughts. Most of them negative. He was always worrying about something.

"Man, go somewhere."

Sean smacked his lips and slouched into his seat.

"Shit, I would if I could."

The boys looked around at each other as they tried to stifle their laughter. Benji sputtered out a loud laugh causing Drake and Sean to break.

Sean shook his head and sighed heavily. "I'm sorry for the way I was acting the other day. The shit was unnecessary. But you know how I get."

"I get it," Drake nodded. "But you gotta understand that I didn't ask for this shit. I didn't ask to be here."

"I know. That shit was wrong of me to do. But you know that I got you."

"You're good."

Benji nodded with approval as he took a sip of his water. "Now that you guys are done acting like little girls."

"I oughta throw you out the damn window," Drake scoffed.

"I'd love to see you try."

"Enough with that...How did this shit happen?"

Drake leaned further into the bed and sighed tiredly. Thinking about what he had been going through wasn't the easiest for him. It wasn't that he owed it to his friends to share that information, but he felt and knowing that he'd gone through so much and left his friends concerned.

"When my mom brought him home I was cool with him. Seeing my mom being single for so long after my pops left and then finally settling with someone, it made me feel good. Soon after, a bit shit started to change. He started getting a bit aggressive in arguments and that made me a bit iffy, cause everyone gets mad, but he looked like he was trying to control himself, but he was having a really hard time doing so, ya know?"

"Yeah," The boys nodded simultaneously.

"It didn't take long before he couldn't control himself. There was this one day he slapped my mom, because she had planned a trip for me to see my godfather across the country. He was pissed that she was even in contact with another man. From there it just continued. We had a routine and expectations to live by, and if we didn't succeed he'd be hell bent. But, he'd never hit me...just my mom." Drake shook his head, his lips turned up with disgust at the thought of the man. "Until one day my mom wasn't home."

"He couldn't get ahold of her. She was with Ms. Jackson and he flipped. Destroyed the whole living room, the kitchen, fucked up my moms belongings. Then he came to my room. He didn't say anything, you know? Just yanked me off the bed and started punching me anywhere he could. Imagine someone just beating on you for no reason- just cause they wanted to- for the fun of it?"

Sean and Benji could barely even keep themselves straight as they sat in their chairs with their legs shaking.

What Octavia's boyfriend was doing was a different type of evilness that they didn't want to experience. They couldn't even imagine what else Drake had been going through.

"I don't trust nobody cause these men that be wanting my ma... they don't fuck with me," He scoffed. "They just want my mom. The only thing they see is some kid that doesn't have his dad around and they wanna act and play that role just to get her. And when they get her they treat her like shit. She falls for it everytime." His voice broke.

He apologized for the tears that cascaded down his light brown cheeks. Quickly, he wiped them away.

"You got nothing to apologize for," Benji tapped his knee.

"I hope that this makes her see how serious it is. That it's not only hurting her by being with him."

Sean couldn't control the anger bubbling inside of him. He couldn't just sit there and listen to all of the things that his friend had put him through. Something had to be done.

"Look, just know that we got you. We're always going to be here, regardless if you have too much pride to accept it," Benji explained.

"I'm fine. I just need to get out of here, but I might need a place to stay for a bit. I don't think I could look at my mom right now."


"Part of me feels embarrassed. I'm not even gonna lie."

"There's nothing to feel embarrassed about. You were the child in the situation and you didn't deserve that."

Drake nodded and looked down at the remote in his hand intensely.

Sean looked off at the TV and pursed his lips as they all sat in silence.


Sean looked over at Drake questioningly.

"Did you talk to Nyla?"

"About what?"

"About the way you spoke to her a couple nights ago? I heard your mom talking to my ma about it."

Sean rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Yeah, you were a bit rude, not even gonna lie." Benji winced.

"Damn you know, too?"

"She told me. She was a bit bothered about it."

"I didn't think that I was doing too much."

Sean knew that he wasn't the nicest person, but he didn't think that he had been rude to her.

"She was looking out for me and she wasn't wrong. I think you just be in attack mode all the time, because that's all you know."

Drake was right.

He always had to defend himself, his brother and his family. He had gone through a lot when his brother had been stabbed, dealing with the financial issues, and troubles he was dealing with within himself.

"You gotta apologize to her, bro."

Despite the fact that he didn't think he was being an ass, he was raised with manners.

"I'll apologize to her when I see her."

"Why don't you like her?" Drake asked. "I mean, she's cool and hasn't really given us a reason to not like her."

Sean ran his hand over his chin and looked off. There was something off about her and he just couldn't put a finger on it.

"I just don't think she's genuine. I don't get that vibe from her."

Benji looked at him as if he had two heads.

"She's one of the most genuine people that I know," He scoffed. "I'm bout to link up with the girls later on at the mall. You're coming."

"For what?"

"You know Ryan's parents are out of town for the weekend, so he's having a party. Perfect moment for my ass to get drunk."

"Damn, I need it," Drake muttered.

Benji and Sean looked at Drake as if he had lost his mind.

"You can't even move," Benji shook his head with disbelief.

Drake hated being in the hospital. There was nothing to do and the food was terrible. There were times where he even tried to sneak out of his room and walk around without supervision, but they didn't allow it because of his leg.

"Bro, the doctors said I'll be out of here by the end of the week. I'm gonna be on crutches, but that's not about to stop me from getting drunk."

"Look at this guy," Sean nodded towards him and shook his head.

"We 'bout to head out. We'll see you in two days, alright?"

Drake sighed heavily, "Yeah. Thank you guys for coming."

They would always be there for him even if it meant dropping everything to be there.


The mall was one of Sean's least favourite places. The crowds were too big, he always saw someone that he knew and his social battery depleted quickly whenever he was at the mall.

Instead of meeting the girls there, he decided to head over to Alex's house and wait for them there. Fortunately Alex's older sister Sage was home to let him in.

He sat on the couch and looked around at the pictures that decorated her living room. The brown coloured pillow kept his back straight and kept his legs spread out.

The house wasn't as quiet as the sound of music came from the basement. Sage had just finished with a client and was now closing shop.

From the corner of his eye he could see Sage walking into the kitchen.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

"Water is fine," He called out quietly.

A couple seconds went by before she walked out with a glass of water for him and herself. She placed hers on the coffee table and sat down beside him.

"Thank you."

He inspected the glass before he took a sip.

"What you doing that for?"

"To see if you laced my shit or something?" He joked.

"Don't play with me," She smacked his arm and laughed. "So, how've you been? I haven't heard from you in a while."

"I've just been busy with work. I see you got the salon going with your ma."

"Yeah, we've been boomin' lately. I'm tired though."

"I feel that."

Sage smiled and crossed her legs. Involuntarily, Sean's eyes lingered towards her shiny slim legs. Sage was taller than her sister by a lot and she had a nice slender figure. He couldn't deny the fact that she was beautiful as well with her dark brown skin, her short cut hair that was styled perfectly and her light brown eyes.

She was only three years older than him and he didn't mind getting sexual with her again.

But, he didn't see himself with her. He didn't see himself with anyone at all. He loved being alone, because when he was alone he wasn't interfered with.

"To be honest I miss talking to you."

Sean nodded and smirked.

"Last summer was fun."

"It was," He said simply.

She leaned further into him with a cheeky smile. Her hand caressed on his chest and slowly made its way down to his lower region. She gave him a light squeeze and palmed him.

He hadn't gotten play in a while and he needed some type of release. He was stressed with work, home, school and everything that was going on with Drake. He was sure that Alex would understand.

Leaning back into the couch, he stretched his arms out behind him and slouched a bit more. He closed his eyes at the feel of Sage's lips against his neck and ran his hand down her body towards her ass.

As she continued to lower her lips and unbuckle his pants, her movements came to a halt at the sound of laughing from outside.

"Shit," Sean sighed and pushed her off. "You gotta chill."

Sage rolled her eyes and pulled away. She grabbed her glass of water and looked down at him.

"Time for me to go upstairs. I'll see you when I see you."

The front door opened and the girls walked into the house.

"Bet," He nodded.

"We're home," Alex yelled out. "Sage?"

"In here."

Sage walked out of the living room and faced her little sister.

"Oh, I was just checking if you were home. Where's ma?"

"She went out grocery shopping."

"Oh. Nyla's here by the way."

Sage looked behind her sister and noticed the beautiful girls behind her. Her hair was out like a lion's mane crowning her face. Her low dark brown eyes were set on her. Her makeup was done perfectly bringing out her features. She gave off a 90s beauty that made you want to look at her.

"Hey, girl."

"Hey," Nyla waved shyly and looked around the house.

"Are you done accompanying Sean?"

"Sean?" Nyla muttered to herself.

Sage smirked and walked off towards the stairs.

"She's a hoe," Alex said, loud enough for her sister to hear.

"Your dad's a hoe."

"Fuck off."

"Don't you guys have the same dad?" Nyla looked over at her.


Sean smirked at the sound of the sisters' banter. He rested his cup down and watched as Alex walked into the living room with Nyla in tow. His eyes raked over Nyla. Her hair was more defined than usual, her shorts clung onto her slim figure along with her crop top that brought out her small chest.

Alex plopped onto the couch beside Sean while Nyla headed for the chair furthest from him. She sat her bag beside her and crossed her legs.

"Why didn't you come to the mall with us?"

"You know how I feel about malls and shit."

Alex rolled her eyes. She looked him over when suddenly, her eyes widened with shock. Her hand reached out to grab the cushion on his lap when he smacked her hand away.


"You're dirt," She scoffed. "What are you doing here anyway?"

He nodded towards Nyla, who was scrolling through her phone.

"I wanted to talk to Nyla."

She looked up from her phone with a stoic expression. "About what?"

"Can I talk to you outside?"


"What?" He looked at her with shock.

"I said no. Since you don't know how to speak to people, I don't want to speak to you."

The Sophia was coming out of her.

"Nyla," Alex smirked. "I think Sean here wants to apologize."

Sean shook his head and looked down. "Fuck off." He stood up and nodded towards the front door. Nyla watched as he walked off and gasped.

He really thinks I'm gonna follow him, she thought.

And that she did.

Slowly, she followed him outside and closed the glass door behind her.

"I just wanted to apologize about how I reacted the other day at the hospital. I was looking out for Drake and maybe I got a little too heated."

"Maybe?" She whispered.

"But, yeah, I'm sorry."

"For now..." She pursed her lips. "I don't accept it."

His eyes widened. "What?"

"From the moment I met you you've been rude. So for now, I don't accept." Nyla shrugged. "I have to go."

Sean watched as she walked back into the house. He crossed his arms and scoffed. The only person that was able to speak to him like that was Alex. Maybe she was rubbing off on her. Or maybe his assumption of her trying to be someone she wasn't, was not just an assumption.


The teenage boy's long strides were the least that could be heard as he walked down the sidewalk in his neighbourhood. Looking around, he noticed that a few people were outside playing music and playing ball in the street.

The sun was beginning to set and soon the street lights would be on.

Sean groaned at the smell of home cooked food.

He locked the door behind him and walked further into the kitchen where his mother stood pouring soup into each bowl.

"Goodnight, mama."

Jennifer smiled and watched as her youngest son neared her. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek.

"How was your day?"

"It was alright."

"Did you-"

"Yes, I apologized to her. She didn't accept it."

Jennifer smirked, "Really?"


"I like her already."

Sean shrugged, "She alright."

Jennifer smacked his arm and moved over so that he could wash his hands. He grabbed one of the bowls and made his way to the island table.

"Jared and Ivan, food is ready!"

Without hesitation, Jared walked into the kitchen. As Sean took a sip of his soup, an arm wrapped around his neck and began to choke him.

"Bruh. What the fuck?" Sean choked.

Reaching back, he punched Jared in the head and glared at him.

Jared plopped down beside him and said a quick prayer before they began to eat. The body began to devour their food as if they hadn't eaten in days.

Jennifer frowned with disgust as she watched her sons and her husband finish their meal.

"There's too much testosterone in the room," She shook her head and walked out.

Sean shrugged and looked over at his brother. "Yo."

"What's up?"

"You still talk to Rodney?"

Jared nodded, "Yeah. That's my boy."

Rodney and Jared had been friends since birth. Rodney was the man that mostly everyone feared. He had a temper and he didn't play around when anyone played with him or the people he cared about.

When it went around that Jared had been jumped and stabbed by the upper class teenage kids, he went on a rampage. He and his friends went out and jumped every single person that was involved.

Everyone knew that it was Jared's friends who retaliated. But they wouldn't dare snitch.

"Why? Tryna get a hold of him?"


Jared stared into his brother's eyes and frowned at the seriousness, anticipation and the determination.

Whatever he wanted to speak to Rodney about it was serious and it was gonna get done one way or another.


I love writing this book.

I didn't do a diary entry for this chapter, because I was too lazy. but they will be back.

discussion: what do you think? thoughts on Sean? him and Drake made up. was he wrong for the way he reacted? thoughts on Drake? what should he do about his situation ? Sean apologized to Yasmin. thoughts on her not accepting the apology? was it an asshole move? who's ready to meet Rodneyyyy?

to interact with me more, follow my writers ig; Lataviawrites

if you'd like to read more of my content you can check out my site;

love you all!

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