Eddie Munson one-shots & such

بواسطة backtomyynera

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All my Eddie babies rise up and enjoy 🫡🥰 المزيد

Authors note
A gracious host
Not a date? (P. 1)
Not a date? (P. 2)
Not a date? (P. 3)
"Congratulations to the class of 1986!"
The Deal
Get Well Soon
Robin to the Rescue
Happy Anniversary (p. 1)
Happy Anniversary (p. 2)
Wish You Were Sober
I am once again asking
Holy shit: we're parents
A big (yet small) surprise
Knight in Shining...PJs?
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ride the Bus!
Its been a long time {A/N}
You Belong With Me


622 11 5
بواسطة backtomyynera

(Hey hey I wrote this a little different than others so you can get the full timeline without it being ridiculously long enjoy! Ps they have different titles but the next one I post is the part 2!)

"You doin okay in there??" You heard Robin call from outside the bathroom door. You couldn't find your voice to call back; you just sat on the cold countertop holding the test in your shaking hands. The two pink lines stared back at you: you were pregnant.

"(Y/n) I'm comin in!!" You heard Robin yell, the door flinging open shortly after. She stopped for a moment when she realized you were shaking and blankly staring.

"Are you okay??" She asked you. You responded by simply holding the test out to her. She snatched it from your hand and gasped. "Oh my god!! (Y/n)!!" She screamed excitedly. "I'm gonna be a cool honorary auntie!! Everyone's gonna spoil the shit outta this little nugget!!" You smiled up her her

"I'm not sure how I'm gonna tell Eddie, I mean we weren't trying or anything" you laughed, a single tear of happiness and nerves rolling down your cheek.

"Oh (y/n), he loves you so much. He's gonna be so excited for a little nugget" she hugged you and you relaxed and took a breath, excitement flooding in.

Robin sat with you until right before Eddie was supposed to be getting back from work. You wanted to be alone when you told him the news but you promised Robin you would call her to keep her updated. She gave you a hug and a soft fist bump on the stomach "for my niece or nephew" and headed out. You sat on the couch test in hand and took deep breaths while you waited. You heard the door click open only a few short minutes after Robin left.

"I'm home princess!" Eddie called out as he always did, but lowered his voice when he saw you on the couch. "(Y/n/n) are you okay?? You look really nervous" he questioned

"I have something to tell you" you said, his face dropped, and you didn't want to stress him anymore. "I was late so Robin and I got a test and..." you flipped the pregnancy test towards him "...it's positive I'm pregnant we're gonna be parents" you looked him in the eyes and waited for his response. He stood silent for a moment, obviously processing. You then saw a huge smile on his face, he walked over and wrapped you up in his arms.

"I thought you had bad news!" He laughed and kissed you

"I was so nervous you'd be upset" you admitted laughing

"Upset?? (Y/n) this is great! And you are going to be an excellent mom to whoever this little one turns out to be" he said, placing his hand on your stomach.

~first trimester~

Morning sickness had hit you hard. Eddie was incredibly helpful, always making sure your hair was tied back and a garbage can was nearby. One morning it was particularly bad, and he laid in bed with you rubbing your back while you puked consistently.

"I'm sorry" you said through tears, you hated being sick but especially around other people

"Don't apologize (y/n/n)" he whispered rubbing your back "you're growing a whole little person in there it's okay to be sick, you're incredible" you smiled at the kind words, he always knew just what you needed to feel better.

"I love you Eds" you smiled as you started to feel better

"I love you too" he kissed the top of your head

You felt more tired than usual, so when you two weren't working you spent most of your time laying in bed watching horror movies. "How young is too young for our kid to watch these?" Eddie questioned "Whatever age you're thinking is too young" you laughed in response

He came with you to all of your appointments and check ups, honestly he seemed more nervous than you did. He asked so many questions and wanted to know everything the doctors and ultrasound technicians thought about you and the baby. When it came time that you were able to hear the heartbeat, you began to cry out of happiness. Eddie grabbed your hand and you looked up to him wiping away tears, a huge smile across his face.

He took the first months to learn to cook so he could feed any weird cravings you had later on. He would make you any foods you thought you would be okay eating, so you could avoid getting sick as much as possible.

He also frequently talked to your stomach as he "just wants to say hi to the little guy". The two of you had a feeling it would be a boy, although you agreed you wouldn't want to know ahead of time.

~second trimester~

Once you were at the point where a small bump had formed, all you wanted to do was start telling people. Robin had somehow kept it all secret the whole time, proving herself to be an incredible confidant. There were a few people you wanted to tell privately, but everyone else you felt you could tell 3-4 at a time.

First on the list to tell privately: Wayne. Eddie's uncle had such an impact on his life, and had always been a huge supporter of both of you. You and Eddie had agreed that even though he wasn't Eddie's biological father, you wanted him to be the grandfather of your baby.

Wayne had invited you and Eddie over for dinner one night, and you thought this would be the perfect time to tell him. The two of you knocked on the trailer door and were immediately greeted with hugs and how are you's from Wayne. After the original catching up was done, you and Eddie looked at each other and nodded.

"We actually have something to ask you" you said smiling at him

"Okay? Is it bad?" Wayne questioned

"Well you know that even though you're not my dad you've been a huge part of my life, our lives, and we love ya" Eddie began and you finished his sentence

"So we were wondering if you'd be okay being called grandpa" you said with a smile, Eddie setting his hand on your stomach

"Oh my god....yes yes of course....oh my god" Wayne said, pulling both of you into a hug. "I can't believe it, I'm gonna have a little grand baby" he said, a huge smile on his face "I love you both"

Next on the list of people to tell privately: Steve. You had been friends with him since your first day of high school, and you had become very close over the years. When you were younger you would always tell him there was no way you would ever want to have kids, but he bet you would. When you married Eddie, the bet changed: Steve bet $5 that you would have a kid before he did. You denied this, knowing Steve wants six whole kids, but he had officially won.

"(Y/n)! I wasn't expecting you today!" He smiled as he opened the door and invited you in. Robin was here too, she excitedly waved to you. Robin and Steve hung out constantly and usually you were with them, however lately you had been too exhausted.

"I have something for you!" You exclaimed and Steve acted overly dramatic with his shock, making you laugh. You smiled, took $5 out of your pocket and handed it to him.

"Wait..." he said, trying to put it together

"It looks like you won Harrington" you smiled

"YOU'RE KIDDING!!!" He yelled with excitement and hugged you "oh my god I promise I'm gonna be the best honorary uncle ever I can't believe you're having a kid oh my god you're gonna be a great mom to the little guy!!! Who else knows??" Steve excitedly babbled at you

You laughed "actually Robin has known since I took the test" Steve turned to her and robin shrugged and went "surprise!" Earning a playful shove from Steve.

Last on the list of people to tell privately: Dustin. Eddie had asked if he could be the one to tell him and you agreed, you knew how close they were. Eddie invited dustin over to hang out, and you laid on the couch and watched some TV. Suddenly you heard a yell of "holy shit no way!! Congrats!!" Followed by Dustin bursting through the door of the room they were in and giving you a hug.

"You ready to be an uncle Dustin?" You laughed which caused such a surprise and happiness in his eyes.
"Really? You want me to be an uncle?" He smiled
"Of course we do Henderson, we love ya man" Eddie smiled back at him and Dustin nodded "I love you guys too"

The rest of the group was easy to tell and it was done in groups. At the wheelers you were able to find Lucas, Max, Mike, and Nancy. They were all extremely happy for you, giving you hugs and asking if you had any names picked out. You told them you had several in mind but you weren't sure what to pick yet. They have their suggestions and ideas as well and it turned into a baby name brainstorm.

At the Byers, you found Will, El, Jonathan, Argyle, Joyce, and Hopper. They were also very happy for you; Will and Jonathan immediately gave you a hug. Argyle just nodded and said "cool man you're gonna have another little dude around here". Joyce started helping you learn about parenting and what to do, while Hopper was giving his input on what not to do. You think you got the best parenting advice from El though, who nodded and firmly stated "do not be like papa". You felt like that was easy enough!

You began to experience some anxiety and mood changes, but nothing that talking to Eddie wouldn't fix. It felt like every question you had and every what if scenario he had an answer for, all which ended in the two of you being great parents. You also began to get weird cravings, and Eddie would get you whatever it was you wanted no matter what time of day. He truly was the best.

One day you were just lounging when all the sudden you felt movement in your stomach.
"Eddie!!! Eddie come here!!" You yelled
He came running to you "are you okay what's happening??" He frantically questioned
You grabbed his hand and placed it on your stomach so he could feel the baby kicking.
"Sorry I didn't mean to terrify you I just wanted you to feel it" you laughed and he sighed
"You scared this shit out of me, but thank you" he smiled and curled up to snuggle you, keeping his hand on your bump and talking to the baby while it kicked at him.

You and Eddie also set up a little nursery for the baby, keeping it very neutral since the gender was unknown.

~third trimester~

The last few months hit you harder than anything else. You were exhausted, sore, and honestly just tired of being pregnant. Eddie continued to be a model husband, giving you any type of massage you needed. You kept having cravings, and he would always make you whatever it was, no matter how strange.

The scariest thing was the Braxton Hicks contractions. It freaked you and Eddie out the first time, but the doctors assured you it was normal. When you were relaxing in bed with Eddie you figured what you were feeling was just a false alarm again. He saw you wince but you assure him you were fine and he just pulled you closer into his arms. Until you felt a rush of liquid down your leg.


"Yes? What's wrong?"

"My water just broke. We need to go."

"Oh hell yeah!! It's baby time!! You can do this!!"

And with that you headed to the hospital


{ps: what do we want the baby's name to be?? Leave boy and girl name suggestions!!}

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