By Einalemgift

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Leena is living proof of perfection at its best. She has it all. A good husband, a stable career, a happy mar... More



244 2 0
By Einalemgift

Ding Dong

Leena wondered who could have been at her door. She was not expecting anyone that morning, and Jonathan was at work as always. It could have been a delivery guy. Perhaps Jonathan had ordered something. He did that sometimes.

She made her way to the door, and was shocked to find who was there. She stood by the door staring in surprise but some part of her jumped at the sight. It was like she was doing a somersault in her head.

"Good morning Mrs Miller."


It was clear from her expression and her tone that he was an unexpected guest, but he explained that Jonathan had called him saying she had agreed to a meeting to discuss the designs that morning. She however did not recall doing any of that and her mind went back to the previous day, later in the night after Michael had left.

"I met him at the conference I went to last week. He's a really nice guy, and funny to."

"Yeah," was all Leena could say in response to Jonathan as he yelled out the words while in the bathroom.

He was right. Shawn, or Micheal as he liked it now was funny. That was one of the first things she had noticed when she first met him, aside from his good look and incredible form.

He was the last guy she had dated before finally settling down with Jonathan. Well, it was not exactly dating. They did not even know each other's real name, but from lack of a better name, she called it dating. Dating him was wild, crazy but from what she could remember, it had been the most incredible two years of her life.

He was supposed to be her rebound from her ex. Her ex who had gone ahead and gotten married to someone else a week after proclaiming her the love of his life. She just needed a bounce back from the terrible feeling and this guy came along.

She did not even know why it ended, but while it lasted, she was certain she would marry the guy. They had lasted longer than most non-relationships did.

She was falling for him, and there was no doubt he was falling for her too. That was of course, until he disappeared without a word after their 'breakup'. She thought it was going to be something real till he gave her the shocker. She was not exactly broken, but she somewhat still thought or hoped they would talk things out. It hurt her that he gave up on what they had so easily.

She changed a lot after he was gone. All the fun dating and games ended after him, and she got ready for something real. Something stable, which she found with Jonathan. In a span of a year, she had tied the knot already without looking back. Now this was happening to her.

That was the thing with 'no strings attached' right? They always attached. Sometimes more bonded than you would expect.

"That's okay with you right?"

"Yeah, absolutely."

She had no idea what Jonathan was talking about, but he was holding up his clothe so she agreed, thinking that was what he was asking her.

That must have been when he asked about the meeting. God:! She had not prepared anything besides her old design plans. There was no way he would love that. Her mind had been all over the place since his arrival yesterday. She was too deep in thought to do things like she normally did.

She then noticed she was still putting on her night dress. Her very revealing night dress with an exposing V-neck line and a height that made sure to expose her smoothly shaved legs.

She felt naked standing at the door, but Micheal did not even gawk at her. Most men would have and she had been victim to awkward stares more than she could count.

Michael however did not stare but she would not mind if he did. His focus was on her eyes the whole time making her slightly red with embarrassment seeing how inappropriate this must have seemed. Meeting a client in a night dress. It was highly unprofessional.

She had woken up to find Jonathan gone and had been too lazy to do anything. Her hair was a mess, and she had a bit of a chocolate smudge on the side of her face. She had her secret stash of candy that she had woken up craving for. She could not let anyone see her like that, aside from Micheal who already had.

She welcomed him into the house, deeming it wrong to send him off without anything. He was there for work so she might have well gotten started. When she followed him into the living room, she noticed his eyes focused on her favorite couch.


He was staring at her pink vibrator. How could she forget that she had it there since morning. She woke up feeling so horny she did not think twice before using her toy in the living room. She was a bit high too after having had some edibles from her stash. Her curtains were all closed and she could only imagine what he thought of her then.

She quickly grabbed the toy, trying her best to hide her flushed face, finally diverting his attention to her and composing herself before his scrutinizing gaze.

"I'm sorry Mrs Miller, did I come at the wrong time?"

What was wrong with him? Why was he still acting like she was a stranger to him? The only reason he had to do it before was because Jonathan was around. Why was he still doing it?

"What are you doing?" Leena asked, folding her arms over her chest and directly looking at Michael.

She still had the toy in hand, and for a split second, she noticed his attention move to the shouting pink color in her hand. He hid it though, in such a manner that if she was not keen enough she never would have noticed.

"I don't understand..."

"Stop the act already Shawn."

"I don't think I'm acting out anything Selene."

"Don't call me that..."

"Then don't call me Shawn either."

He was serious. He looked like he was too and what should have been a talk was becoming an argument. Why was he even mad at her? She was the one supposed to be mad at him.

"Why are you acting like you don't know me?"

"Coz I don't... I knew Selene and you're not her. You're Leena."

Leena was getting irritated. Fine! He was not the only one who changed his name,she did too. But she did not make him feel like a stranger like he made her feel. She looked at his over composed posture and face and decided two could play the game, and she would do it perfectly.

"You know what, you're absolutely right. I'd prefer it if you called me Leena and not Mrs Miller...and we- we're going to keep this as professional as possible. I don't know you, and you do not know me."

"I couldn't agree more."

He said with a bit of a nod making Leena even angrier than she already was.

"I'm sorry I did not remember you were coming but I'll ask for some time to go make myself presentable before I get back. In the meantime, you can have a seat anywhere you'd like."

Leena smiled at him sweetly, hoping in the slightest way to make him angry. To see him flinch even once but he did not. If that was not going to work, she knew what would. She was going to make sure she got under his skin like he did hers no matter what.

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