To seek and to find

By EmrysAmbrosius17

1.5K 68 0

Earth has the gift of sight and is able to see ghosts or at least feel their presence, Mix is a beacon, a per... More

An unusual Case and The beacon
First meetings
The first Victim
Brighter than light
Puzzle pieces and some sweetness
Final goodbyes (Mature content)
Chaos part 1
The aftermath and a vacation

Chaos part 2

94 7 0
By EmrysAmbrosius17

The others hear it too then. Loud bangs like a hammer were being hit on the other side of the wood, cracking and splintering it. Jan did all she could to stop Boom and Phuwin's head injuries from bleeding any further, they remained laying under the stairs. Their injuries were too dangerous if they were to stand up and let gravity increase the bleeding. They had to hope that it would be enough with just the rest of them. She took her position next to the others, collectively waiting and holding their breaths. What followed next was the rattling and shaking of the door and then a blast knocking it down.

Earth took a deep breath in, taking a step back and clutching tighter to the amethyst stars in his hand, his palm already red from gripping the railing earlier. The spirit had finally revealed itself, it looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen that face even though disfigured before. Neo gasped then realisation hitting him, Jan's eyes glowed too on the same wavelength as him. "It's you, "she said into the stillness that had settled. "What could have possibly made you resort to this, to being possessed by a powerful demon?".

The entity in front of them just laughed, an ugly excuse for a chuckle. It looked human but not quite, the skin tethered off and hanging off into bits, flesh evident in its arms and legs, pieces of bone sticking out. The skin covering its fingers was missing, and parts of the flesh dug in looking like it had been chewed. Its eyes were red, and hair matted black in clumps. Jan and Neo knew it couldn't be anyone else. It was the previous owner's body and face but butchered to a pulp. It made sense to them now why the furniture was placed to one side, probably to make space for the owner to draw up a sacrificing circle in blood on the floor and along the walls, summoning an actual demon to possess his body. What made the owner sacrifice his body in such a violent matter was not important now, they were losing time. They had to act now while it was still in their line of sight, Jan signalled to the others quickly. They had to do it now.
Following her signal Earth, Luke and Neo both took to the sides encircling the possessed owner, the door at its back with Jan in the middle and Mix hanging back going to help Boom and Phuwin, his amulet safely on his neck now that spirit had no intention of disappearing again. The red eyes looked at them curiously as they threw the stars at it, attaching to its flesh. Clearly having never encountered something like this before as it let a deafening muffled scream due to the stars binding to it and tethering it where it stood, glowing a bright purple as they activated. Jan yelled then urging the others to start the banishing script while they had the chance, voices growing together in sync together steady and powerful. All the while it continued to shriek twisting its neck at an impossible angle the more that they chanted. They were close, so close, almost at the end of the verses.

The first person to fall to the ground clutching at his abdomen from the sheer amount of pain was Luke. Followed by the spitting and coughing up of blood in front of him unable to stop. Next followed by Neo and Jan both with the same symptoms, the pain so huge it rendered them voiceless with no screams coming out except tears flowing down their faces. Earth panicked, stopping mid-verse rushing to their sides not knowing what the hell he was supposed to do to make them feel better. He took a look behind him only to find the spirit not there anymore, it was gone. Earth looked frantically around but couldn't feel its presence anymore, except the next moment he could feel something cold around his neck. A strong grip attached to him from behind, Earth chocking on his spit in surprise clutching with his hands at his neck but there was nothing there. It was choking him, his feet almost leaving the ground, the heel of his shoes in the air as he was being suffocated to death.

Mix was panicking ever since Luke first collapsed, the ensuing carnage happening right in front of him, he sees Earth gasping for air, his lips already turning a deep blue. He knows what he needs to do, he can't see Earth dying right in front of him, he can't bear the pain he feels right now and will feel for his entire life if he ever makes it out alive. He takes out a small, silver knife that he had hidden inside his long shirt, not any knife but a knife from his father's collection before leaving with Earth that morning. If his father was right this small little blade was able to penetrate a dead man's flesh and harm it. He had to take the chance; it couldn't see him while he was still wearing the amulet giving him a small window of opportunity after he removes it to dig the blade into its neck while it was distracted.

He's right behind them if he calculated correctly trying to not let the screams of anguish Earth is letting out distract him as he inches a tad closer. He takes a deep breath in, rising the knife in his right hand while his left-hand grips the chain of his amulet hard enough to rip it from his neck, the amulet scattering to the side, no time wasted to unclasp a lock. Mix sees what looks like a neck forming in front of him and plunges the knife in deep twisting it with the force he used. The arms gripping Earth's neck tightly let go, going to the blade stuck inside the flesh trying to remove it in its agony. Earth falls on his knees, clutching his neck, loud coughs erupting from him, his diaphragm doing its best to get air back in his lungs. Mix breathes a sigh of relief almost crying from joy, walking towards Earth on the ground. Earth smiles at him even though he's in pain, outstretching his arm for Mix to take. His fingers are close to touching Earth's but still far, Earth's smile suddenly drops, and his eyes widen, he screams Mix's name to get away, his face ashen. Mix feels it then, he feels wind surrounding him, entering through his back, he sees Earth getting up from his knees screaming, calling his name out but he can't hear him. Mix can't hear anything, as his head is turned to look up against his will and his eyes turn white.

Earth sees it happening right in front of him and he was too weak to do anything about it, he saw Mix in his joy walking towards him, it was finally over Earth had thought at that moment. Only for his hope to be snatched away the next instant as he saw the spirit abandoning its host body, the corpse falling to the ground like a sack. So quickly it happened, it felt like a matter of seconds. He saw it enter through Mix's body, he saw it happening and he was powerless to do anything. The one thing he needed to protect Mix from, and he failed, and the reason was Mix saving him. Fearless Mix did everything that he could to save Earth only for him to fail to do so in return. He watches as Mix's eyes become vacant, his orbs white, his skin looking sickly. Earth wants to scream and cry for failing Mix. Jan, Luke and Neo having recovered thanks to Mix's intervention, walk up next to him in sympathy, they knew that there was nothing that they could say to remove the turmoil and devastation Earth was feeling at that moment.

They all looked on as Mix stretched his neck from side to side as if that abomination was testing this new body's properties. Mix grinned at them then, Earth chocking up on his sobs as his Mix would never look so malicious, his smiles precious and lighting up the room. None of them knew what to do now, they could always start the banishing script again, but they knew it would be useless, they would surely be killed easily. Despair hung on them, Earth was starting to accept that this is it, a part of him had died anyways.

Mix's arms went up to his neck next encircling it the next moment and then pulling back, only for his arms to return there once again almost fighting them. The others looked on in shock as it looked like Mix was trying to grip his neck tightly and squeeze it himself. "He's fighting it" Jan screamed as Mix was seen thrashing about, his legs unsteady as he seemed to be fighting himself. "He's fighting it from fully possessing him, now's our chance, Mix is giving us our chance", Jan continued already encircling him. Earth didn't have to think twice, he wiped the tear streaks on his face with his sleeve, eyes now determined as he walked up to where Mix was trying to get a hold of his neck, almost falling to his knees from how unsteady his legs were as they swayed from side to side. As soon as his back was in view, Earth embraced him from behind, his arms coming around Mix gripping him tight stopping him from thrashing around too much. He whispers apologies into Mix's ears as he starts screaming hoping that it's not actually him right now that is feeling the pain. Luke, Neo and Jan restart the script, Earth following suit, holding on to Mix with all his strength to not be thrown off. He can feel his tears restarting again as he holds Mix as tightly as he can unwilling to let him go with only the last verse to go. The thrashing increases as do the screams reaching a maximum, now in more agony than ever. There is a split moment where the screams are so loud that Earth can feel his ear vibrating before it all quietens down to nothing. It's deadly quiet again and Mix hangs limply in Earth's arms, his legs give out and both of them crumble to the ground. Earth then puts Mix's head gently on his lap looking frantically at his face for any signs of him walking up. He shouts his name, patting his cheek gently, calling out his name repeatedly as he holds him. The others gather up slowly, even Phuwin and Boom gather helped by the others to stand, waiting for any sign.
Earth closes his eyes next; he doesn't want to look at Mix's unresponsive face, it's too painful, and he doesn't have any more tears to give. His eyes remain closed, but he doesn't want to move, he still wants to hold Mix for as much as he can. Maybe he's dreaming he thought, maybe all that he went through has finally gotten to him and he collapsed causing him to dream this. He feels touch and a caress on his cheek, he definitely must be dreaming. If he opens his eyes he will no longer feel that touch on his cheek he's sure, a part of him doesn't want to try to find out, but if it's real, he would rather choose the real thing over a dream every single time without hesitation. Earth opens his eyes slowly, please let this be real he prays. He looks down and the first thing he sees is Mix's eyes looking at him. Mix's beautiful eyes opened wide and no longer closed, Earth was wrong, this wasn't a dream, Mix's hand was really on his cheek cupping it looking at him like he didn't just fight a literal demon out of his body, Earth could laugh at him right now but instead he whispers Mix's name gently to confirm that this is indeed real.
Mix smiles at him then, lifting himself up a bit up from where he was laying on Earth's lap "Did you really think you could get rid of me so easily". Earth laughs for real then.

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