Rishton Ka Manjha - MaAn

By PranjaulJhaveri

22.4K 1.2K 617

Anupama is devasted by the betrayal of Vanraj and Kavya. She picks up herself again for her kids and her fami... More

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1K 51 8
By PranjaulJhaveri

Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise - Victor Hugo

The room was dimly lit which was emanating from the P-shaped letter lighting on the bedside indicating it was almost late night. Anupama woke up with a start recalling the deception. She was gasping for breath and started hyperventilating as soon as she saw the family photograph which was adorned on the wall. It was like as soon as she saw Vanraj's face she would recall the worst nightmare. She walked out of the room, towards the kitchen, despite breathing heavily, and felt the need to quench her parched throat if that could help her feel better. The jolt was so big that she did not know what to feel. She was clueless for this household had been her world for years now. Numbness was a small word to define her feelings and thoughts at the current moment. The exhaustion and weakness made her tumble through her steps yet she kept on walking through the darkness. She stopped for a moment and took the support of the wall when her eyes fell on the anniversary decoration and the wedding dais. The ceremonies kept on flashing in her mind and now she was able to see through the lies.

Whilst walking she missed a step and she fell near the fire altar. The altar was a witness to the holy union that had taken place today. The circumambulations felt like the strings of deceit that had entangled her life along with her relationships. She painstakingly with her trembling hands lit up the altar and kept on looking at the blazing flames. The blazing ambers symbolized destruction just like her life. Her hands went to the holy symbol of marriage, the mangalsutra which bound her to Vanraj Shah, felt like a burden. It was like a noose that was beginning to suffocate her. She pulled it out harshly and held it above the fire to burn it away.

Devika held her hand and pulled it back. She hugged her tightly coaxing her to open up and share her feelings whereas, Anupama was still hyperventilating albeit at a slower pace. A change in atmosphere or even place would help Anupama voice out her feelings and with that thought, Devika held Anupama gently whilst moving out of the house. The drive to the cliff was a silent one as she as saw Anupama easing out. The hands that were tightly clasped had loosened up a bit. Anupama was feeling the cool breeze on her face as if it was nature's way of giving her solace. The car stopped at the hill which was known for its picturesque views of the city and Anupama begrudgingly got out with Devika in tow. The few moments of silence were endearing when Devika spoke up, holding Anupama's tender yet warm hands as a gesture of love and strength, "Anu, I am your friend and you can tell me whatever you want to. I'll listen to you. Do whatever you want. If you want to scream, then scream it out. If you want to cry, then cry it out. Whatever you do you'll find me by your side and today do it to your heart's content. " Anupama simply stared at her whereas Devika waited for her to react or even do something. She jerked Anupama as a last resort as it was necessary for her to vent her feelings. Anupama took a few steps backward and screamed as many times as she could. The agonizing screams brought tears to Devika's eyes. It was a tear-jerking sight for her. She could see the extent to which her best friend's heart had been bruised and shattered. All she could do was listen simply. Anupama screamed and went towards the edge of the cliff wanting to end her life when Devika held her tightly trying to stop her and ultimately ended up slapping her.

That was it for Anupama, she fell to the ground with a thud and broke down into tears. Devika sat down beside her and comforted her. "I thought I was living a happy life, a colorful one but it was an illusion. A delusion that broke today and brought me to the harsh reality. I was faithfully maintaining the relationships and my house was intact. But who knew that the relationships had cracked up long ago and my house had crumpled down like a pack of cards? The relationships were hollow from within." She further continued sniffling a bit, in a hoarse voice, " I devoted myself to this house and made sure that all the needs and wants are fulfilled. I did more than what was expected of me balancing the responsibilities and duties together. That too with dedication. I made sure that my kids got a better education despite me being less educated. He used to say nasty words, or even get angry at me, but not once did I back-answer him. Now I realize that it was his sugar-coated lies. Pure lies. Such is social conditioning. I considered him to be a god and kept him on a pedestal keeping aside my rights. Heck, I never even asked for my rights but that by no means allows him to give my rights to Kavya."
" I died a thousand deaths when he said that I was never of his stature. He and I were a complete mismatch. You and Anirudh did warn me but my blind faith. Now, when I look back I feel how naive and foolish I was. How stupid it was of me to ignore the red flags. I feel angry with myself rather than him. How could I ignore the signals despite the facts being right there before my eyes? How did I allow myself to trust blindly in that man only for it to be broken brutally? Why did I love someone so truthfully? Why did I consider someone to be a god, whereas that man is just a human? You know what, before marriage, I was just Anupama, who knew how to dream. She could dream. Those dreams and aspirations were crushed just like that scattered rice that falls from the pot when a bride enters her in-laws. I had sacrificed my dreams. I did become a daughter-in-law, a wife, and a mother but in that process, I lost my very existence. I forgot myself." Devika closed her eyes in pain listening to her best friend's raw emotions. It pricked her heart badly.

Taking a momentary pause, Anupama said " I used to consider myself as a queen for I had everything till today morning. In one sec everything changed. It took not even one minute for the dynamics of my relationship to be altered. No scratch that it was broken away shaking my belief in love and the pious institution of marriage. Just like this night, my life has gone for a total toss. I am at a crossroads in my life. The lines in my hands are just bleak." Devika kept looking at her hands which had been battered by fate. It was a haunting sight that would be forever etched in her mind.

"These hands have nurtured people and relationships, painstakingly built a home from a house. Now, these very hands will write my own story. I'll write my destiny." The statement gave Devika a faint smile, giving her a glimmer of hope. Anupama took Devika's tattoed arm and continued, "This is necessary for every woman including me. It is a reminder that a woman has her own identity apart from the relationships she forms. A woman has a relationship with herself as well. She should also live for herself. A woman is a powerhouse in herself yet she is a human too. I'll remember this for a lifetime." Devika looked at her and nodded. She looked at the horizon and earnestly wished that this time her best friend would get all the happiness that she deserves in the world.
" Remember one more thing, Anu, that you are enough for yourself. You are Anupama. You are yourself.", finished Devika.

Devika got up and gave out her hand to Anu. The gesture of getting up was an indication of a rise of a woman just like a phoenix. "That day, at this very place, I met myself for a short period. However, this time I'll meet myself again. I'll discover myself again which would be the journey of a lifetime." said Anu as she recollected the names that she had echoed before voicing out her name in the valley. She widen her arms to embrace the new chapter whilst she screamed her name. "Anupamaaa", the valley echoed and it rang in her ears.

Her face lit up with a golden glow as the rays of the sun hit her face. Anupama looked ethereal as if she had a few moments of peace before the battle began. The rising sun in the wee hours of dawn was like the light at the end of the tunnel. It was a promise that destiny was making to her. She stood there soaking up the energy and warmth from the subtle and mellow hues of the sun. It was new dawn indeed. The fresh yet cold and crisp breeze had a soothing effect as she braced herself for the new journey albeit with fear and anxiousness. The sudden ringing of bells made Devika realize that there might be a temple nearby and she turned around to have a glance. "Look, Anupama, it is a divine intervention for you to have the blessings of Goddess, in this new phase of your life.", and with that Anupama's eyes kept on lingering at the temple.

The feet and hands which were decorated with Alta for the wedding of a bride had now transformed into a fierce lady. Anupama took slow and steady steps towards the temple as she continued to tread down the path barefoot. Whilst walking her gaze fell on the mangalsutra which was visible through the windscreen of the car and all her eyes had anger and yearning for answers. She reached the temple and joined her hands in reverence for the Goddess. " Till today I have always asked for the well-being of others and rarely something for myself. It will take time for me to unlearn this habit, but I will learn. The journey ahead is difficult for I have unanswered questions. Please give me the courage to fight through this." Devika came and comfortingly squeezed her shoulder when Anupama said "Let's go home. Let's go to your house.", which came as a shocker to Devika. 

Anupama soon drifted to sleep as soon as she hit the bed. The penthouse was located in the upscale Thaltej where Devika had been living for years now. Devika informed Bapuji and Baa that since a change of environment was needed she had taken Anupama with her. She further informed that currently, Anupama was down with a fever due to exhaustion and excess exertion apart from the emotional and nervous breakdown that she had the last night. 

Smart and sassy. Sweet yet shrewd. Loving. Caring. Protective. Anupama, Vikram and Anuj's best friend. A mother-like figure to the kids. Vanraj's foe. GK's daughter. Malvika's Devi. Saveer's D. Introducing Jaswir Kaur as Devika Mehta.

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