Survival of the Fittest (Adop...

Від FelipeQuadrado

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A group of young boys are just about to finish Highschool till things go completely South. A new species appe... Більше

Upper Hand
Our Mark
A Weird Track
Last Chance
Our Last Stand... Part 1
Our Last Stand... Part 2
" I'm not sure "
Which Track to Take
The Royal
Questiona from Writer
Our Mettle
P.O.A. - Plan. Of. Attack.

The Loss

1.3K 15 2
Від FelipeQuadrado

( ??? P.O.V. )

I relaxing as I was walking down the street with my friends, we are a crew of 6: Lucas Souvelle, Khan Mikote, Nicolas Marksh, Johnathan Embrilo, Philip Jacosct, and me, Samuel River.

The six of us were always together, united as a crew would, but we never test our bond in friendship, since we grew up with together, we know each other like brothers would, but that was cut short when I was 7...
I had to move out due to my dad managing to hit a major job in a different city, and it was rather far from us, it was sad, but we promised each other that we will find each other...
And we did, when I was 12 my dad ironically returned here for a raise from that same job..

Right now I am 17 years old, I was at home, in the Ciudadde de la Coasta de la Palma, basically meaning "City of Palm Coast", we are not a massive city, like New York, but we are more than recognized on the map, we are the leaders of Music and Art Cultures, since that is what our city was founded on...
Imagine a lively city, but when it comes to terms like music, everyone plays music being either the same song, or different songs causing intense shockwaves, almost like an earthquake, so lets call them a Soundquake, every building was especially built with a special compound, having the properties of a solid brick house, and a bendable as plastic, so they can absorb the shockwave produced by any speaker nearby, even glass had that same effect, it was delicate but withstood stupid strong sound waves...

Right now I am walking home from a vey long a stressful day of school, having finished our exams for our first semester it is time for us to take it easy for a bit, we now have a week to relax before we go back to school...
"So what are you guys planning?" Lucas asked...
"Always the Hyper-energetic aren't ya?" John replied...
"Hey I like to live the high life, unlike you guys..."
"Si, but unlike you, I enjoy the simple pleasure..." Khan chimed in trying to stop thing from becoming a discussion...
"I like those other pleasures..." Nick said with a dumb face...
"Nick! Que inferno?! What's wrong with you?!" Philip said while smacking Nick on the back of his head, making him almost trip flat on the ground...
"OW! Relax, I'm joking... Tonto"
"Sure you're 'joking', the same way you joke with your weird body pillow..." I say while earning a laugh from everyone except for Nick...
"Hardy-Har-Har... Muy divertido..." He said not amused...
"Anyway, I'll see you all soon... I'll be in dreamland..." I said while going to my house...
"Ciao!" Lucas said as everybody now is going their own way...
I arrived home being quite tired, as I walk us the steps and unlocked the door, and I noticed the kitchen was lit, I walked through to the door that turned to the kitchen, I turn around ready for a fight only to see my mom on a robe holding a cup of tea...
"S-Sorry mom..."
"It's alright mijo, being careful is never something to be sorry for, but that doesn't mean that everything is safe..."
"Right, but what are you doing up this late?"
"Just having a midnight snack, want some?"
"No thanks, I'm just going to take a shower and hit the hay..."
"Alright then, good night Sam..."
"Night mom, don't stay up too late..."
I heard my mom chuckle a little bit and I head to my room for a shower...

*time skip*

After a good shower, I felt tired, and brushed my teeth and went straight to bed, just thinking on what I could do with my friends in the weekend...
But not before hearing something from the radio...
"New found species, animal like humanoid, at 6:00 PM a strange portal opened here at South Padre Island in Texas, governments are at a loss on what to do, few civilians have volunteered to be envoys to see what can we hope to find and see in the other side!" The Journalist says as a crowd was forming around them by the sounds of it...
'Anthros? Really? HA! Like hell they are real...' I said as I surrender myself to my bed's comfort...

*Time skip*

I woke up from my bed and found that I was still in my room, nothing happened, so that nonsense I heard yesterday night is a bunch of camelo...
I got dressed and went downstairs to eat my breakfast, and I saw mom and dad already there...
"Bon dia..." I said to them...
"Bon dia mijo, sleep well?" My dad asked...
"Yeah, reminding gracias a Dios it's Saturday, I can't handle another lecture from Mr. Stane, him and his communistic attitude..."
"Its a good thing that he is retiring soon, right mijo?"
"Yeah, did you hear the news? About that 'portal' opening?"
"That must be more delinquents up to some sort of prank..." my dad said as he held his cup tighter...
"Maybe but we can never be too sure..." my mom stopped my dad from break the fifth cup this month...
I didn't pay attention to what was happening and just took my plate off the table, and put it on the sink while rinsing it with water...
We moved to the living room to enjoy a little family time, then suddenly, we felt a shockwave come through the house, the house stood due to the special sound proof materials...
We however fell because we weren't ready, I went to look at the window to see what the hell was happening outside but the wall broke sending me flying back, I looked to the window that was now filled with dust and I saw the impossible, a fox anthro, having a grey fur with a white underside, at first glance it looked male-ish, having some weird futuristic armour...
I got up and ready for a fight and so did my parents, but it pounced on my dad and swatted my mom away, I decided to help by rushing it...
"Get away from my parents!" I yelled as I rushed the creature...
"Buzz of fly" the creature said while back handing me sending me to the nearby book shelf, it broke the shelves...
I fell off, and felt by right eye burn, I tried to get up but my back hurt, I wanted to move but the shelf tipped and fell on top of me and everything went dark...
"MIJO!" I heard my father yell before I lost everything...


I started to wake up, I still felt the damn shelve on my back, I managed to push it off of me and get up, my back still hurt from before, but I felt that it was slightly better but it still hurt like hell...
"Maldito Bastardo" I said to myself as I looked around, my home was trashed, the sofa and TV were practically dead, the hole in the wall is still there, but I looked at the rest of the city in the distance, and it was destroyed...

There were a few spots that still had some fires and I heard gunshots in the distance, this is the maldito apocalypse...
My eye burned again and I decided to look in the mirror in the near by bathroom, I couldn't open my right eye so when I looked in the mirror, I saw a slash going through my right eye, I got desperate for a second and went to the nearby cupboard, I got a medical patch that can cover my entire left...

(Just a reference, but if that's how you want Sam to look like go ahead)

Once I got the patch on my eye I decided to see what happened to the rest of the house, the living room was a mess, so the best next place to look would be upstairs, then the basement...
As I climbed the stairs, I saw that a lot was broken, so that damn creature came here, I looked at my room and my parent's room, and found no real damage, just things flipped over, I looked carefully in my parent's room and found a safe, it was open, but I knew what was in that safe, it was a few old treasures from grandmother...
My blood boiled, this creature had no honour, and apparently their pride was to be too stubborn, I got enough from this, and went to check the basement, but when I reached the stairs I smelled something awful, like something died down there, till a thought made me fear the worst...
I rushed downstairs and found a horrific sight, both my parents gutted like fish, my mother has many slashes to her chest and one at her neck and face, while my father was just filled with holes through out his both and with one big hole where his heart would be...

I couldn't take it...

I took them both to the backyard with disgust while doing it, and got a shovel from the garage and just put dirt on top of them both...
After I was done, I decided I need to move, staying here is only going to increase my chances of getting either slaughtered like my parents or becoming their damn slaver or something, my first order of business is seeing if the guys are still okay, I decide that calling is the best way if the grid is still good from all this nonsense...

( ??? P.O.V.)

I looked out from the temporary command outpost we built to fight the humans, it was going well, it was like they weren't even putting much of a fight...
"Commander, you should hear this..." I heard one of my subordinates call to me...
"What is it?"
"A transmission from within the human city, we cannot get a lock on the location, but we can trace the audio..."
"That will do, put it through..." I said I walked to the table near the control centre...
He did as he was told and sent to the table I was at, when a holographic image appeared...

(Like when you are measuring sound in a studio, that sort of stuff)

"Guys, can you hear me?!"


"Por favor, contestarlo..."
"Lucas! Gracias a Dios, I thought you guys were goners!"
"Goners? With the sort of training we have hermano? Por favor, like that would do anything..."
"Alright you're good... Have you heard anything from the others?"
"Not right now, I'm going to Philip's house, it's close to Nick's house too, I can check in with both of them, have you heard of Khan or John?"
"No and I can't, they're too far for me to go on foot..."
"WOW Hermano, way to got to leave us in the dirt!"
"KHAN, Dios mío, why didn't you join the call before?"
"I was busy getting John, now why can't you get us? Can't you use your ride?"
"My car is busted, it's useless to try and fix it... What about yours?"
"Same scenario here..."
"We need to re-group..."
"Where? The streets still have those bolas de pelo roaming about..."
"We go somewhere they've already hit, likely the station where Nick's mom is stationed at..."
"Not bad idea, we know the joint and it has some amount of weapons, if its even in good shape..."
"It might be... but we need to re-group before we go there..."
"That's what I'm asking... Re-group where? Those things are roaming a lot of sections of the city, we can't get anywhere the station with them on our tail..."
"Just go to the gas station near the police station, it's on the way to the station and its also the same distance from all of us, I'll be waiting there, just stick in the shadows..."
"Got it, I'll inform John, stay safe hermanos..."
"You too hermano, Luca, hurry, check-in with Phillip and Nick, we need to make time..."
"Will do, and one more thing..."
"Let's show them what happens when they mess with Blazing Angels."
"We will hermano, they won't know what hit them..."

The transmission went silent and I became worried...
"We lost the signal, most likely they cut off their communication-"
"Get patrols on any of these "stations" they were talking about, and translate what they were saying, I want our tech group to figure out that code language of theirs!"
"R-Right away Commander!"
"Get me in contact with the Empress, this is beyond concerning!"
"We can't ma'am, something is interfering with our transmission!"
I let out an audible growl, its those human pests for sure doing this...

(Samuel's P.O.V.)

I was getting more scared, the fact that me and the guys are so spread apart is concerning...
I was at the station since I couldn't wait for Khan and John to get to my house, I was hiding inside the gas station till I saw the rest of the guys coming, I opened the door and we all got in and just hugged each other...
"Oh Dios mío, hermano, es bueno saber que estas bien!" I said while hugging Luca
"Yo también hermano, y esperemos que siga así..." he replied...
"So we got everybody here, now we need to make our way to the station hopefully things are still peaceful there..." Khan said as we got down and started thinking...
"True, without gunshots, we don't know where the fight it..." John said...
"I don't think there is any fight left..." Phillip said
"Then... that would mean..." Nick said as he looked down...
We looked at Nick with pity, his mom was at the station, and the fact that we don't hear gunshots or yelling, then it means that she lost her fight too...
"Sorry hermano, but we have to keep fighting, not only for them, but for our ciudad..."
"Let's kill these bastardos"
"We will in due to time, but right now we need weapons because if we decide to fight hand-to-hand, I'm not the only one who's going to have a scar on their eye..."
Nick suck it up and we started to jog our way tot he station...
"What would be first priority when we get there?"
"Find weapons a vehicle and hideout till we can come up with some miracle idea..."
" That's the plan?!"
"What? You have a better one?"
He remanned silent as we all continued to jog...


When we arrived we saw that the station was in worse condition that we thought, so many small holes in the walls with the doors kicked down, and about 6 guards dead on the front door, and they were S.W.A.T., que demonios are they doing here..?

(SWAT doesn't belong there since Palm Coast is not American territory)

"Search them, quick!" I said as each of us went to a body...
We all got down and started searching them, many had their arms or legs cut off, or many stab wounds...
The weapon on mine was holding was torn, a big slash through the main of the barrel, and the mag was empty...
"Maldicion! I don't have a weapon here, not even the knife!" I yelled out...
"Same here!" John said and I expected the other to be the same...
"I've got a mag with one bullet! Might as well save the bullet..." Nick said as he put the bullet inside his pocket...
"Do that, Lucas, Khan you guys check the armoury, see if they hit that too, Nick, John check the vehicle bay, if they have a vehicle that still works and it doesn't matter which one, just as long as we can all fit even if squeezed, we'll use it, Phillip, you and me are in spotlight duty, any movement we report to each other..." I looked at my guard and saw that the walkie talkie still intact...
"Use the radio only when you have something to report, don't waste the battery, we need everything we can get here..." I said as I put the radio on my belt...
"Got it!" They replied synchronized...
As we went our separate ways, I found binoculars on the table and tossed one to Phillip, he stopped at the middle floor and I went to the roof...

(Luca's P.O.V.)

This is a ton of mierda...
First our home gets attacked for no reason...
Then our parents get murdered, and now me and the others scavenge like thief to survive...
"Luca, get your head out of the clouds, we need to do our part for the others!"
"Cálmate, I know, we just need to see if the armoury still has something we can use..."
"And I know our mission, lets just try not to disappoint each other..."
"Esta bien, vamos..."
We ran to the armoury to see that the door was pried open...
"Oh come on..." I said as I walked inside the armoury vault...
We looked inside and almost all the weapons were either taken or most of them were broken...
"Calma, look..."
I looked to where he pointed and I saw a hidden box, that had weapons with ammo, but only had pistols...

"This will do for now, but we need more than this to put up a fight..."
"We'll cross that bridge when we get too it, right now, you take the CZ 52, get the K100 and Jericho 941 to Sam Phill.."
"What about the others?"
"I'll take care of it, now go!"
"Got it, but hey, cuidado..."
"Estaré, ahora vete!"
With that I went started to run to Phillip and Samuel...

(John's P.O.V.)

This is stressing, our entire city burned to a crisp, for what reason..?
"John, come on man, help with with the door!"
"P-Perdón..." I said as I went to help him open the vehicle bay door...
When we manage to open, we saw that we weren't the only once that tried to get out, there was an officer on the seat of a armoured truck, but his head seemed to be ripped off, and another officer that seemed that he was trying to get o the truck, but the truck crashed on the garage door...
"Looks like we found a coward, and he paid the right price..."
"We don't know that for sure..."
"John, look at him, its more than obvious that he was leaving his ally for dead, talk about a cabarde of the year..."
"Nick, focus, we need to find a vehicle that can fit us all..."
"I know... The truck is no good, it's stuck, and I have a hunch..." Nick said as he crawled under the truck...
"What are you checking?"
"The crankshaft..."
"The crankshaft is not visible in these sort of vehicles, they're protected..."
"Not this one..."
I got curious and crawled down toward where he was and I saw that the crankshaft was not only exposed, but literally torn in half...
"Just bloody great..."
"Well.. this one is out, I'll check the next two, can you check the rest?" He asked as I looked at the other cars and there were only two other cars aswell...
"Alright, but we need to hurry..."

(Samuel's P.O.V.)

I was still in lookout duty and saw nothing till I heard something behind me and I saw Lucas, and he had pistols with ammo...
"You actually found something?!"
"No, fui a la tienda y lo compré, what does it look like?"
"Take this seriously Luca, come on, dame uno..."
"Sure, here."
He says as he give me the K100 and a holster...
As soon as I strap the pistol holster to my leg like he had while also putting the ammo on the holster piece, and got back to lookout duty, and what I saw scared me...
"Y'all we have trouble!"
"What happen?"
"The zoo just got mobilized, they have multiple vehicles going block to block, wait- no they are checking each station!"
"Station? What stations!?"
"All of them, gas station, radio, anything that can look fortified to some point!"
Then a thought hit me that put a chill on my spine and I was right to be afraid, I saw a patrol car that covered both sides of the street that we used to come to the station, was the same making its way up to here...
"We have incoming, John, Nick, do you guys found a working car or not!?"
"We have, we just need to complete some repairs, but it we can try to make it, how long do we have?"
"Roughly 5 to 7 minutes..."
"We can fix it in 4..."
"Make it 2, because we can't stay, and we're not ready, nor equipped to handle one of these things if they have guns..." I said as I got up and ran inside with Lucas as we made out way down the stairs with Phillip not far behind...
I pulled out my pistol and got it ready, for a fight, Phillip and Luca did the same, and I just hope John and Nick and work fast enough...

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