The Snake Twins || A Harry Po...

By TheRealDreamDemon

62K 1.5K 70

Harry Potter was thought to be an only child, that is, when Dumbledore finds out that there is another Potter... More

A/N #2


1.1K 33 1
By TheRealDreamDemon

Christmas Day

"Happy Yule!" Eden said, joyfully. Archer sat up, rubbing her eyes. "What time is it?" She asked. "Eight." Lilith said, looking at her clock, sitting up. "Too early." Archer said, flopping back down. "Nope! You're having breakfast with me!" Eden said, pulling the blanket off of Archer. Archer shot traight up. "Hey!" She said, waking up Draco. Draco tried to sit up, but failed, as there was a sleeping Harry curled up, his head on Draco's chest. Draco blushed, but laid back down. The girls walked out, following Eden into the living room, leaving Draco and Harry alone. 

Draco's POV:

As soon as the girls leave, I sigh. They obviously knew that I liked Harry. . . I look down at him. He looked so peaceful when he slept, it was hard to believe that he was the child of the Dark Lord. Harry shifted, furrowing his brow in his sleep. I get worried, thinking he was having a nightmare. Then I did something that I didn't think about doing. I leaned down and kissed his forehead softly.

His face became calm again as he shifted back to normal. Then my brain registered what I just did, and my face went hot. 'Why did I just do that?!' I thought to myself, covering my face with my free hand. "Dragon? Are you okay?" I hear Harry's soft voice ring out. I uncover my face and look down. His unusual red eyes shining in the light. "I'm fine, Hades." I say. I mentally face palm myself. 'Hades? That's not even close to Harry!'I think. I look back down at Harry, his face tinted pink.

"O-okay." He said, he uncover himself, then swung his legs over the edge of the bed. But before he stood up, he gave me a quick kiss on my cheek, making my face burn hot. I covered my face as Harry walked out.

No-one's POV:

Harry walks out of the bedroom, his face red. "What's wrong wee one?" Eden asks, looking at Harry. "N-nothing." He mumbles, sitting down and covering his face with a pillow. Lilith smiles brightly and whispers into Archer's ear. "He kissed Draco on the cheek!" She whispered. Archer's ruby eyes widen. She looks over at Harry, who was still covering his face. Draco came out of the bedroom, his face as red as a tomato, and sits down next to Harry. 

"Okay, presents!" Eden said brightly, aining everyone's attention. "Harry, Archer, this is for you." She said, handing Harry the gift. The twins open it to reveal a soft looking blanket. They put it on, and Lilith gasps, excited. "You got an invisiblity cloak!" She squeals. "Really?" The two say in unison. Lilith nodded fast, a smile plastered onto her face. "Cool!" Draco said, smiling. The rest of the presents were divied out, and the rest of the morning went by smoothly.

The four walked back into their room to chat and hang out while Eden got a few erands down. Lilith looked up and saw a small little plant. "Mistletoe!" She said. She pulled Archer towards her and gave her a quick peck on the lips before walking into the room, smirking at Archer's shocked face. Draco laughed, and Harry giggled. Archer shook herself back to reality, and scowled at the two laughing boys. Then she got an idea. 

Archer pushed Draco, causing his lips to crash onto Harry's, shutting them both up. This time, Lilih burst out laughing. Draco backed up, blushing hard. Harry burried his red face in his hands. "S-sorry, Hades. . ." Draco mumbled, his face still red. "It's okay D-Dragon." Harry mumbled back. Archer smirked and walked over to Lilith, high fiving her. The two boys sat down on the beanbags, while the girls grabbed a book and started reading. The four stayed lake that most of the day, with them talking every now and then. 

That night

Archer and Harry were walking through the Forbiddon part of the library, looking for books on the Philosopher's Stone when Archer knocked their lantern down, making Filch look around that area. The two bolted down the hall, almost knocking into Snape and Quirral. "S-Serverus I-I th-thought—" Quirral started. "You don't want me as your enemy, Quirral." Snape drawled. "W-what d-do y-you mean?" Quirral asked. "You know perfectly well what I mean." Snape answered. He then looked around, then stared right at the twins. They backed up before Snape grabbed the cloak. Then Filch walked up, holding their broken lantern. "Professors, this was found in the Forbiddon section of the library. It's still hot, which means there's a student out of bed."

The three rushed off, and the siblings walking into a room, taking off the cloak when the door shut. Archer looked around, and only saw a mirror. "A mirror?" She asked to no-one. The two walked up to it, and gasped. They saw themselves older, Archer with large black wings and horns, while Harry was sitting in the air, with matching wings and horns. They both had a mark of a skull and snake on their arm, and they were smiling coldly. "Woah. . ." Harry said. "Let's go back, Har. I don't like this. . ." Archer said, throwing the cloak over them, then they walked back to their room.

They walked back into their bedroom, and Lilith looked up from her book. "Anything?" She asked. "No. But we did find an odd mirror. . ." Harry said, and Archer nodded. "Oh, so you also found the Mirror of Esired." Draco said, sitting up. "Mirror of what?" Archer asked. "I'll explaing in the morning." He said, yawning. 

They all fell asleep shortly after, Harry cuddling with Draco, and the girl in their respective beds.

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