Blurry Bond Between Us

By dexonclouds

524 138 88

A simple story that follows the love triangle between Adil, Suhani and Tiya and their journey of love, hate... More

Chapter I: The Introduction
Chapter II:Dance Competition
Chapter III: New Year's Eve
Chapter IV: One Sided Date
Chapter VI: Snakebit
Chapter VII: A Weird Advice
Chapter VIII: Concealed Truth
Chapter IX: Apology
Chapter X: Proposal
Chapter XI: A New Phase
Chapter XII: Plan Execution
Chapter XIII: Escape Plan
Chapter XIV: Hospital To Home
Chapter XV: Four Day Stay
Chapter XVI: A.R.T
Chapter XVII: Life At USA
Chapter XVIII: An Unsolicited family
Chapter XIX: The Truth
Chapter XX: Aditi

Chapter V: Marriage Invitation

28 12 5
By dexonclouds

A few days more passed but I didn't get any call from suhani so I was quite unhappy with the sweet talk of Tiya.

     In the evening when I came back from college, dad called me downstairs and told me to go to my cousin sister marriage the next day. The invitation card came for dad but as he was not feeling well enough to travel, he insisted me to visit there at least on the marriage day. I couldn't say no to my dad's decision so I told Mumma to pack up my clothes for tomorrow.

    The next day, dad dropped me at the station and I started waiting for the train. My dad only had a single brother whom I would call Rashid uncle. He was blessed with a son Irfan and a daughter Saba. They used to stay at Lucknow the homeland of my grandfather. My dad shifted to Delhi when I was about 9. So basically it was the marriage of Saba with whom I used to play a lot during my childhood but for a long time we couldn't meet and so I was quite excited to meet those faces whom I had seen at a very tender age.

     The train arrived at the station at the perfect time and I sat in my respected seat. The distance the train had to travel was around 500km and so it was a kind of long Journey. The Journey wasn't boring. I enjoyed watching those beautiful landscapes from the window, observing different kinds of people on that coach and many more thing which was unusual from my daily life. After travelling for around 10 hours I finally reached Lucknow Junction. I stepped down from the train and started to look for Irfan as he promised to pick me up. While I was searching for him I suddenly hear someone calling my name. I looked back and found that it was Irfan. He came to me shook my hand and asked me how was the Journey

"It was really great. I enjoyed every bit of it but now I am really tired"

      He took me towards the exit of the platform and then by car we reached the uncle's house. The exterior was well decorated with flowers, The walls of the house were recently coloured, The entrance was constructed well with glittery clothes and I was really excited to attend such grand marriage after a long time. Irfan took me to his room and told me to fresh up and take a rest if I want. I was really too tired so after freshening up I went to sleep straight for about 4 hours and gave some relaxation to my body muscles.

      After a good sleep, I came downstairs to meet with my uncle and even with the Bride Miss Saba. After rendering my vision for a while I found Rashid uncle in the courtyard who was so busy with the decoration stuff and were discussing lightning with the decorators. I went to him and greeted him with the "salam".

"Adil, my boy how fast you kids grew up, where is your dad."

"Uncle dad wasn't well so he couldn't come."

"Is he too sick? I talked to him yesterday but he didn't mention that."

" just a common cold uncle but travelling could cause him some issue."

"No problem my son, I am happy that you attended. These celebrations are for young people only, enjoy as much as you can."

"Sure uncle but by the way where is saba, I haven't met her yet."

"Oh, she might be in her room. I am telling your aunty to take you to her."

      Uncle said this and went to find aunty in the interior rooms. I thought it would take some time as the house was filled with so many guests but uncle found her out within few minutes.

   Aunty came to me and with a warm welcome asked me

"Adil! Son how you are doing, Where is your mom?"

     The same question as I expected because she was the wife of Mr Rashid.

     Before I could give one more explanation uncle interrupted us and said Aunty to take me to Saba first.

      Aunty didn't say anything and told me to come with her. The bride's room was also upstairs Just the opposite side of the room of Irfan. Aunty left me at the entrance and told me that she had to go to work as a servant from the courtyard was looking for her.

     I entered her room with a bright smile because after a lot of days I could meet my childhood friend. At the next moment, she was in front of me looking as beautiful as I imagined, with a charming tone on her face. She was on call and was quite stressed but the moment she saw me she became happy and with a happy face said

"Look who is here! The busiest guy on the planet."

" I am sorry Baba but now as I am here, your marriage won't go boring."

"You are not even in any social media right! Which planet do you live on please tell me."

"Hey! You wanna say anything more, please go on. my ears will perpendicularly listen to your words don't worry."

      Those words brought a sneaky smile to her face. She clasped my hand and made me sit on the chair.

"So tell me! How you're busy life is going."

"It's really going great and yeah even the colleges will end soon"

"Oh! That's great."

"How about your Job. You are doing fashion designing right?"

"Yeah! The Job is good and even with a decent salary."

"That's great and what about the marriage is it love or arranged."

"Do you think a girl like me will ever do an arranged marriage?"

"Oh! Miss modern girl I got you but uncle agreed with it."

"Why won't he agree? He is from a good family, earns well and even cares for me."

"That means you are so lucky to find someone with all those criteria and I am really so happy for you sister."

"Thanks a lot, brother. Tell me about your love life, I can talk to my uncle about her."

"I am single yaar. Everyone isn't so fortunate to find the best for him or her like you."

She laughed blithely listening to that line and said

"You aren't human brother. No girlfriend, no social participation. How the fuck you enjoy your life."

"Hey! Stop teasing me like that and tell me what should I give you as a marriage gift from my side."

"Umm! Nothing your presence is more than a gift for me."

During that conversation suddenly a notification beeped in her phone. She checked her phone for a second and then with a pleasing voice she whispered

"Adil, can you please do me a favour?"

"Yeah! Anything for the bride."

"Kinda weird but can you go to the railway station. My friend is waiting for the car and Irfan isn't receiving the call. I don't know where the hell he is but wait, do you know to drive a car and do you know the pathway to the station?"

She said all those words in a single breath which was completely describing her anxiety.

"Relax buddy! I can go if it's urgent and yeah I know how to drive."

"What about the roads. You were a kid when you were in Lucknow."

Her anxiety was still seen in her face.

"I can use the maps you dumb but yeah before I go I need the keys and even a photo of your friend so that I can recognise her."

After listening to those words she went to her table,  took the key and threw it in my hand


"And what about the photo."

She opened the photo on her phone and rotated it to my side.

I got a weird goosebump after watching the photo and with a loud sound I asked

"Is she your friend?"

"Yeah! She was my best friend till 8th standard and why you look such pale do you know her?"

"Yes! Of course, she is Suhani, I know her."

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