The Cat And The Snake

By Harriet_Potter8

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Adrien is Chat Noir. Luka is Viperion. Marinette is Ladybug. Nino is Carapace. Alya is Rena Rouge. Chloe is Q... More

Chapter 1 - Detectives (Marinette/Ladybug)
Chapter 3 - Saved By A Snake (Adrien/Chat Noir)
Chapter 4 - Sup Dude (Nino/Carapace)
A/N: Ergent, Must Read Before Chapter 5
Chapter 5 - Buzzing Busy Bee (Chloe/Queen Bee)
Chapter 7 - Little Lying Liar Lie-La (Narrator)
Chapter 8 - Oh It's A Bitch (Marinette/Ladybug)
Chapter 9 - Love Drunk (Luka/Viperion)
Chapter 11 - Confessions (Nino/Carapace)
Chapter 12 - Encountered (Chloe/Queen Bee)
Chapter 13 - I Won't Say I'm In Love (Alya/Rena Rouge)
Chapter 6 - Sneaky Little Fox (Alya/Rena Rouge)
Chapter 14 - Cats In The Bag (Narrator)
Chapter 15 - The Fall Of Lila Rossi (Marinette/Ladybug)
Chapter 16 - No Longer A Mistake (Luka/Viperion)
Chapter 17 - Loving You Is Losing Game (Adrien/Chat Noir)
Chapter 18 - Finally Together (Nino/Carapace)
Chapter 19 - His Ex (Chloe/Queen Bee)
Chapter 20 - Dusk Till Dawn (Alya/Rena Rouge)
Chapter 10 - I Can't Help Falling In Love With You (Adrien/Chat Noir)
Chapter 21 - The Rise Of Another Hero (Narrator)
Chapter 22 - Unstoppable (Marinette/Ladybug)
Chapter 23 - Just Another Awkward Situation (Luka/Viperion)
Chapter 24 - Deja Vu Keeps Happening (Adrien/Chat Noir)
Chapter 25 - Forever & Always (Nino/Carapace)
Chapter 26 - Winning The War (Chloe/Queen Bee)
Chapter 27 - Alibi (Alya/Rena Rouge)
Chapter 28 - It's All Over (Julela/Purple Tigress)
Chapter 29 - Salute (Narrator)
Chapter 30 - Even Cats Need Advice Too (Marinette/Ladybug)
Chapter 31 - Three Magical Words (Luka/Viperion)
Chapter 32 - A Million Dreams (Adrien/Chat Noir)
Chapter 33 - Immortals (Nino/Carapace)
Chapter 34 - Perfect Two (Chloe/Queen Bee)
Chapter 35 - If We Have Eachother (Alya/Rena Rouge)
Chapter 36 - I've Got You Brother (Juleka/Purple Tigress)
Chapter 37 - House Of Memories (Narrator)
Chapter 38 - The Greatest (Marinette/Ladybug)
Chapter 39 - We Are Unbreakable (Luka/Viperion)
Chapter 40 - Shine Brighter Than Stars (Adrien/Chat Noir)
Chapter 41 - Pumped Up Kicks (Nino/Carapace)
Chapter 42 - Alive (Chloe/Queen Bee)
Chapter 43 - Try Everything (Alya/Rena Rouge)
Chapter 44 - Who's Laughing Now? (Juleka/Purple Tigress)
Chapter 45 - Confetti (Narrator)
Chapter 46 - Dream It Possible (Marinette/Ladybug)
Chapter 47 - How To Save A Life (Luka/Viperion)
Chapter 48 - Snow Only Falls In Winter (Adrien/Chat Noir)
Chapter 49 - Ready As I'll Ever Be (Nino/Carapace)
Chapter 50 - Set Fire To The Rain (Chloe/Queen Bee)
Chapter 51 - Fight Or Flight (Alya/Rena Rouge)
Chapter 52 - A Sister Needs Her Brother (Juleka/Purple Tigress)
Chapter 53 - Stronger (Narrator)
Chapter 54 - Collide (Marinette/Ladybug)
Chapter 55 - Closer (Luka/Viperion)
Chapter 56 - Fearless (Adrien/Chat Noir)
Chapter 57 - Timber (Nino/Carapace)
Chapter 58 - Applause (Chloe/Queen Bee)
Chapter 59 - On My Way (Alya/Rena Rouge)
Chapter 60 - Everything I Need (Juleka/Purple Tigress)
Chapter 61 - Safe And Sound (Narrator)
Chapter 62 - Symphony (Marinette/Ladybug)
Chapter 63 - Cloud Nine (Luka/Viperion)
Chapter 64 - Never Give Up (Adrien/Chat Noir)
Chapter 65 - Sand In My Boots (Nino/Carapace)
Chapter 66 - Burn (Chloe/Queen Bee)
Chapter 67 - The Book Of You & I (Alya/Rena Rouge)
Chapter 68 - Domino (Juleka/Purple Tigress)
Chapter 69 - The Use In Trying (Narrator)

Chapter 2 - Putting A Theory To The Test (Luka/Viperion)

632 26 25
By Harriet_Potter8

"I actually honestly thought you were gay."

Chloe's words had rung in my head every night since then. Its been bothering me and I want it to go away, then Ladybugs words came into my head:

"You liked a girl, so why don't you try liking a boy to see what makes you feel more comfortable?"

Should I really put it to the test? But who can I like? I don't know many boys. I spend a lot of time with my teammates so maybe one of them? Ladybug, Queen Bee and Rena Rouge are off the list since they're girls.

Carapace obviously likes Rena and she likes him back so he's off the list, all who's left is... Chat Noir. He likes Ladybug, but she's made it clear she's not interested. So I guess it would be fine, right? The next time we fight a Supervillain I'll pay close attention to him.


That was sooner then I thought. "You better go help them." Sass said. I nodded.



"Whats the situation Ladybug?" All my teammates showed up, I started my mission and stared at Chat, focusing only on him the whole time. "Looks like a girl got her heart broken by a boy, she calls herself Heartbreaker, I bet the Akuma is inside of her necklace that looks like a broken heart."

I nodded but kept my eyes on Chat. I watched as his arms flexed as he fought Heartbreaker. I was so focused on him I didn't realize I was getting distracted. "Viperion! Focus!" Ladybug shouts at me and I snap out of it. "Sorry." I say quickly and start fighting.

She was too powerful, we still don't know what her power is. We fell back to make a plan. "Since we don't know what her power is, we have no way of knowing her weak spot." I feel bad for getting distracted, "I'll go and act as bait, once she hits me you will get the Akuma." Ladybug stood up to stop me.

"Are you crazy? We don't know what she'll do to you." I closed my eyes, "I know, we won't know unless I do this, trust me, I know what I'm doing." Ladybug didn't buy it, "There must be another way." I looked at her, "Sometimes sacrifices must be made in order to succeed." She turned to face the others, "One of you talk some sense into him!" She cried, but Chat stood up.

"He's right though, we need to beat this Villain, even if there has to be a sacrifice, besides, once you capture the Akuma, you can put everything back to normal and he'll be fine, he's not going to die, only be affected by Heartbreakers power." His speech made my face start to heat up.

Shoot, maybe I am gay. I shook away the feeling, and jumped towards the Supervillain, ignoring Ladybugs protests. I ran towards her, ready to use second chance the second she fires at me, but it's too fast and I'm hit.

"Viperion!!!" Is the last thing I hear before everything goes dark.


I wake up, my powers are gone, Sass is nowhere in sight and I'm surrounded by white, everything is white. I hear voices, but they're just a faint echo. The first one is Ladybug, "What did you do to him?!" She demands. "Relax, I just put him into a deep sleep, any minute now he's going to relive the moment his heart got broken in the worst possible way, and there's nothing you can do about it."

What does she mean...? At that moment Chloe appeared. I ran over to her but she stopped me, an angry look on her face.

"What did I tell you? I'm not interested! Who would like someone as pathetic as you? I sure don't so take the hint and stop confessing to me!" She snapped, pushing me to the ground. It felt as if my heart broke into a million pieces.

C'mon Ladybug, I can't keep seeing this, free me! "You're pathetic! Thinking I would ever date you? Were you dropped on your head as a kid? That's some severe brain damage you got there." This is getting worse.

I was ready for her to hit me more, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see... Chat Noir protecting me. I wasn't rejected by him yet... This proves I've developed feelings for him! I am gay! I've never been so glad to be gay in my entire life.

Chat turned towards me, "She's gone, you can wake up now." He whispered, leaning closer to me. Is he going to..? His hands were on my shoulders, I closed my eyes... Waiting for him to... My body began to shake rapidly. "Wake up!!!" He shouted, I jumped up, I was in the normal world again.

"Did you beat her?" Ladybug nodded. "Yeah, you just weren't waking up so this idiot decided to shake you awake and shout in your face." Ladybug sent the boy a death glare and he held up his hands in surrender.

"Hey, it worked didn't it?" He said in his defense, Ladybug only rolled her eyes and helped me up. "What did you see?" How should I explain it? I'll tell the truth, I'll just leave out the part when Chat almost kissed me.

"Well, I showed up in a white space, then my former crush showed up, this time she didn't reject me in the nicest way possible, she rejected me in the worst way possible, even pushing me to the floor, I thought I was a goner until..." I trailed off. I'm going to have some fun with this. "You could say he was like my knight in shining black leather." All eyes were on Chat Noir.

"Me? How did I get there and what exactly did I do?" I shrugged, "You saved me, then you shouted 'wake up' in my face and shook me rapidly, then I woke up to see all of you, that's it." I didn't lie, I just left out the most embarrassing details. He was like half an inch away from kissing me.

I looked away to hide my blushing face, my blue mask wouldn't hide the red blush.


"It's official Jules, I'm in love with him." My sister looked at me with a concerned look. "Chat Noir? The flirty, horrible cat-pun making Superhero? How did that even happen?" She asked. Think, think, think. "He saved me once. It just sort of happened." Lying to my sister was probably the worst thing I could do, she means the world to me.

"He's a Superhero, you're a normal citizen, how are you supposed to make it work?"

I'll just make him fall in love with Viperion.

I wanted to say, but it would reveal my identity. Hey, that's not a bad idea, if I get him to fall in love with Viperion, who is me, it would work. "I'll find a way..." I told her, she rolls her eyes.

"Just do it quickly, and don't you dare write a song about it and play it in the middle of the night, I don't get any sleep because of it." She complains, leaving my room. I wish she was like this at School, confident and sarcastic.

Sass comes out. "And how exactly do you plan on making Chat Noir fall in love with your alter-ego? It's not going to be easy." He states, being as wise as usual. "Maybe if I save him like he saved me." I said, looking up and thinking about a certain blonde in a black leather cat suit. He has green cat like eyes and his belt is his tail, even his ears are adorable.

The image of him moves and winks at me, my face heats up and I go fully red. "You really are smitten for that kitten." Sass says. I raise my eyebrow. "Did you just make a cat-pun?" Sass smiles, proud of himself. "I do have a sense of humor if you must know." Sass informed me, I smiled at him.

"It wasn't bad. Chats are much worse." I said honestly. I fall on my bed, "Goodnight Sass." I said, as my eyelids went heavy. "Goodnight, Luka." Sass says, I fall asleep.


I need help, should I tell Chloe? Yeah, I'll tell her. I see her at School everyday, so I expected to see her in the building talking to Marinette and Alya. "Hey Chloe!" I call to her as she waves to her friends and runs over to me. "Hey Luka, what's up?" Why am I so nervous? I don't have any feelings for her anymore.

"I need some help..." She grins at me. "Do you have a crush?! Who is he? What's his name? Do I know him? Tell me everything!" She knows I'm gay? How would...? Juleka, I should have known.

"You know who he is, he's... It's... Chat Noir..." Chloe's eyes went wide. "You have a crush on Chat Noir?!" She shouts way too loud, earning us some stares from everyone around us. "Shhh! Not so loud! I don't want the whole School to know I have a crush on a Superhero, a male Superhero of all of them." Chloe blushes from embarrassment.

"Sorry.. I got too excited. But how did you end up having a crush on Chat Noir? He's such a flirt, not funny at all, but if I'm being honest, he's pretty cool, I get why you would fall for him, he's gorgeous." She admits.

"So, what do you need help with?" How am I supposed to tell her I need help getting Chat Noir to fall in love with my alter-ego? "How do I talk to him? He's a famous Superhero that's always busy." She puts her hand on my shoulder. "Just leave it to me, I got you, all you need to do is sit back and wait, I got this." She says and runs off.

What does she have in mind? I have a bad feeling about this. I have a feeling she's going to find a way to contact him to meet with me because I have an emergency, like my cat got stuck in a tree or somethi- Off to the pet store then.


"I am so sorry about this Pepper, I promise you'll be treated like a queen when we get home, you just need to be up there for a few minutes, he'll be here any minute now-" I heard a sound as a figure landed beside me.

"Luka, right?" I nodded. "Yep, that's me." I said. "What seems to be the problem?" He asked. I looked up to see Pepper, who is not amused. "My cat. She's stuck in a tree, I'm afraid of heights so can you please get her down?" I'm so not afraid of heights, I jump around on buildings everyday!

"Of course, I'm a fellow cat so she won't be afraid of me." He says with confidence as he climbs the tree to meet Pepper, "Here kitty, come to Chat Noir..." He reached out and she gladly jumped into his arms.

Thats not fair, she barely likes me and she immediately likes Chat Noir, maybe because he looks like another black cat.

He climbs down and is ready to hand over Pepper to me when he asks, "How did she even get in that tree? It seems quite a distance from your house." Shoot, I didn't even think about what to say if he asked that question.

"She got out and I guess she ran up the tree, I chased her and there she was, stuck." I lied. I'm good at lying I just hate doing it. "Well, here you go," He handed me Pepper and my hand brushed his, even if it was covered in a leather glove I still felt that spark, I held Pepper and she gave me a look that screamed:

'I better get a queens meal when we get back buddy!'

She sure will. "It's a long walk to your house from here and it's getting dark, if you walk there won't be any light, why don't I take you home?" He insisted. I felt heat rushing to my face. "I can't ask you to do that, there are street lights, I can walk." But he ignored me and picked me up bridal style.

"Keep a tight hold on Pepper and hang on tight." Pepper hung onto me for dear life and her claws dug into my skin but I ignored the pain. "Don't drop me." I told the cat hero, "Don't worry, I've done this loads of times." He said confidentiality as he jumped in the air, my arms around his neck as my elbows held onto Pepper.

I closed my eyes, I swear if he drops me- But he had a tight grip around my waist and shoulders. I felt wind in my face for a few minutes until it stopped.

"You can open your eyes now, we're on the ground." I opened my eyes and Pepper jumped down, her tail high and walking away with sass, waiting for her queen treatment.

"You can put my brother down now." A female voice that belonged to Juleka spoke. I didn't even notice I was still in Chats arms. "Oh right," He set me down gently. "Thanks for bringing me home." I said to him. "It's what I do, I'll see you around, I just hope it's not to save you from danger, bye!" He jumped away and I felt a presence beside me.

"What do you see in him exactly?" Juleka asks, sounding a little displeased. "His kind, heroic heart Jules." She just shrugged and left. "Go to bed, it's late." I followed her and did just that. Tomorrow is the day, I'll save Chat Noir and hope he catches feelings for me like I did for him.

Another day, another chapter. I do also wish the real Juleka was like that too. Don't you? I'll write the next one soon. Sorry if they're short, I don't want them too long like my other stories, bye!

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