twisted // tyler seguin

By defendamalie

247K 3.6K 350

When Savannah Whitfield is dragged by her sister to a Dallas Stars game against her will on her birthday, her... More

twenty one
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thirty seven
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fifty one
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part two
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seventy nine
eighty one
eighty three
eighty five


3.7K 43 17
By defendamalie


[WARNING: smut towards the end of the chapter]

Tomorrow was game 82 for the Stars. It was a home game, which made it all the better. Jamie, Jason and I decided we would go out afterwards and have a couple of drinks to celebrate the end of the season. I told Savannah about it as she sat on the kitchen counter eating an apple.

"Where are you going?" Her mouth was full of food, and she showed no remorse about it.

"It's this small bar. We were only going to go after the game." I watched as Savannah took another munch out of the apple.

"What time are you coming back home?"

"Depends, I guess."

Savannah furrowed her eyebrows and hopped off the counter to throw her apple out.

"You're funny Tyler."

She didn't mind too much, I would've known if she did. We both spent the rest of the day lounging around the house, until I suggested we watch Netflix in the living room. I pulled out the cushions on the couch that was in the back to turn it into a bed.

"That's a pullout bed?" Savannah asked.

"Yeah. You didn't know that?"

She shook her head. "Nope."

"Well, I was always confused as to why you would lay on it and not pull it out." I laughed.

We laid on the couch together and watched what seemed like every movie Netflix had to offer. Savannah picked Clueless first, a classic movie she said loved. I pointed out that she looked like the main character Cher a couple of times before she hit me. I chose Wolf of Wall Street next, which as expected, threw Sav out of place when a sex scene came on.

"This was the only reason you picked the movie isn't it?" She sat up as she began on one of her infamous tangents.

I laughed and grabbed her head and laid her on my chest. "Just don't watch it, you don't have to flip out on me." Her hair was softer than usual as I ran my hands through her long waves.

"Whatever, you're annoying." Savannah's voice was muffled as she laid her head down on her crossed arms. The sound of the bed rocking from the TV was the only sound that could be heard among us.

It was Savannah's turn to chose the next movie, and much to my surprise, she chose the Tarantino classic Pulp Fiction. She said it was one of her favorite movies, even though she 'didn't understand it after seeing it over 1,000 times'. How she managed to watch the three hour movie over 5 times was enough to baffle me.

Sav fell asleep halfway through the movie. I managed to stay awake throughout the remainder of it, trying to connect the different subplots before the credits rolled. I didn't complete much before my eyes started burning, and decided it was smart to fall asleep also.


When I woke up, Savannah was shaking my shoulder. She was over top of me, her hair in my face.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for today?"

I sat up instantly and checked the time. It was 9:20. I had to be at the rink for the morning skate by at least 10.

"Sav, you're a life saver, thank you." I grabbed her face and kissed her, regardless if she was expecting it not. I hurried to my room and shoved all of my practice gear into my bag. Savannah had made her way upstairs and watched me go into the bathroom. I got ready and managed to get out of the house by 9:45.

"Are you nervous for today? Or like, sad?" Sav's arm were crossed as she watched me grab my bags.

"Uh, no, not really. Why?" I asked. She looked concerned.

Sav tucked a strand of brown hair behind her ear. "I don't know." She shrugged. "Have fun tonight."

I remembered that I was supposed to head out for drinks with Jamie and Jason. A smiled crept on my face. "Thanks Sav. Hey, come here."

She shuffled over as I pulled her in for a tight hug. "Why do you look so sad?"

"There's going to be nothing to do." Sav spoke into my chest as her grip around me tightened.

"Well, you can always clean up those pile of clothes in your room."

I heard her laugh as she let go of me. "You're so annoying. Good luck tonight."

"Thanks. See ya."

I headed out the door and got ready for Game 82.


The game was a success. It was a killer way to end the season at home. Jamie got the Art Ross trophy, with the help of a hatty and an assist. I could tell he was still a little bummed since we weren't in the playoffs. It was a bittersweet night, taking the ice one last time in front of our home crowd.

It was around 10:30 when Jamie, Jason and I got to the club. The place was packed, music was blasting, and tons of sweaty bodies were dancing on each other. It was hot, and I could feel my self starting to sweat.

"What are we waiting for, let's get over to the bar!" Jamie yelled over the music. I shrugged and smiled as we began to make our way over for our first round of shots.

There weren't many people at the bar, except for one girl. She was wearing a leather jacket and black jeans. Her hair was blonde, and tied back into a low bun. She reminded me of Savannah, until she turned around to look at us. A cigarette was placed between her finger, smoke drifting off the tip.

"Seg, whatcha lookin at?" Jason called from the end of the bar. I motioned to the girl behind me. Jason craned his neck to catch a glimpse.

"You can't smoke in clubs can you?" I asked, yelling over the music. Jason shrugged.

Our first tray of shots come out, three for the each of us. I was caught off guard by the amount we had on our first round, but I shrugged it off.

"To the post season!" Jamie cheered. Our glasses clinked together as we laughed in unison.

The familiar burning sensation of vodka down my throat brought back memories. I cringed as I took my second shot. The burning didn't cease as I took my last one. I had to take a deep breath as I let the alcohol sink to my stomach. My arms started to tingle.

"Whew, it's been a while." I laughed. Jamie and Jason joined in.

"Another round?" A young waitress was behind the bar in front of us.

"Why the hell not?" Jason yelled.

Another round of shots came around, three for each of us again. I took a deep breath as I got ready.

"Tyler, don't even act like this is difficult for you!" Jamie's face was red from laughing. I narrowed my eyes at him.

I downed all three as fast as possible. The burning sensation was back and so was the tingling sensation in my arms. Jamie and Jason cheered. I didn't want to stop drinking.

"Excuse me, miss." The waitress turned around with a warm smile. "Could I get another round of shots? Just for me this time."

"Of course sir." She made her way to the bartender.

"Dude, you're going for more?" Jason said.

"Go big or go home!"

The waitress came back and sat the shots down in front of me. "Then who the hell is driving us home?" Jason continued. I shrugged.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it!" The shots were back down my throat, setting my mouth on fire. My body felt warm as I sat the last shot glass down.

The night consisted of alcohol and dancing. I knew it was late at night when people were popping bottles and spraying them everywhere. When I got on the dance floor, I was stumbling on my feet. Some beautiful girls managed to keep me upright by grinding on me. One of them even managed to kiss me. I grabbed her face, kissing her out of complete lust. Her tongue was warm as it maneuvered around mine. My hands lowered to her butt, grabbing as hard as I could. I was horny. And I wouldn't leave until I got what I needed.

Later, I was sitting back down at the bar with Jason. The girl with the leather jacket was still there, this time smoking what smelled like weed. I was too wasted to ask her how no one was asking her to leave.

"Dude, are you okay?" Jason's face was red.

"I-I don't even, know." I giggled. "That weed, sure does smell strong, don't it?"

Jason furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Are you talking about that girl behind you?"

I nodded. "M-maybe."

"Dude, you're wasted."

I gasped. "W-what? No, I'm not!"

Jason shook his head. I managed a slurred laugh. The girl next to me took a long drag off of her blunt. She stared at me when she saw me looking at her. After blowing out the smoke from her nose and mouth, she waved at me.

"H-hheeeyy." I smiled. The girl flashed a toothy smile. She leaned her elbow on the counter, crossing her legs.

"You should listen to your friend. You're wasted." She took another drag of her blunt.

"Hm, am I?" I raised my eyebrows. "You, should help me then, I g-guess." My hands were shaky as I ran them through my hair.

"Yeah? And how's that?" The girl twirled the blunt in her fingers as she exhaled smoke.

I leaned forward, my face about an inch apart from the girl. I could see her features a little more clearly now- she had beautiful pigmented green eyes. Her jawline was sharp and strong, which complimented her highly arched eyebrows. Her lips seemed to always have a sinful grin apparent. She was beautiful.

"You should help me home." I managed to get my words out in a more sturdier and serious way than I have all night. She took one last drag of the blunt, before crushing it on the counter.

"And what do I get in return?" Smoke exhausted from her mouth as she spoke. Her green eyes narrowed as she waited for an answer.

"Whatever you want."

The next thing I knew we were in a cab tasting each other. She was high and I was drunk. Her lips tasted of cherries and alcohol, as they wandered off of my lips to my neck. She sucked on my skin, leaving me to suppress a deep moan. Her cold hands wandered up my shirt, sending shivers up my spine. I felt bad for our cab driver.

She let go of my neck, rubbing the spot that lost contact. "I left a hickey." Her voice cracked. The grin that captured me earlier that night was on her face. "This house right here sir." She dug in the pocket of her jacket and threw a fifty into the front seat. "Keep the change."

She led me to her second floor apartment. When we got inside, she shoved me against the wall. Her hands managed to get my shirt off of me, all while she kissed me. I couldn't tell if she wanted me, or if she needed me. My head was too blurry to even care. I let her lead the way to her bedroom, undressing the both of us on the way.

She shoved me onto her bed. By this time, she was only in a black lace bra and matching panties. She straddled me, leaning down to continue kissing me. Her slender fingers ripped my shorts off. A sly grin came across her face as she lowered her hand to my growing bulge.

She leaned down and kissed me again. Her tongue was wet and warm, as it reached every corner of my mouth. Those now familiar cold hands caressed my face as she massaged me down low. Her hand slipped under my boxers, grabbing my length. The sudden touch caused my breathing to hitch. Her hands were soft. It became harder to suppress my moans as she started pumping me.

Her lips left mine and met her hands down low. She took my length into her mouth, which left me quivering. Her tongue swirled around it, her hands pumping what she couldn't fit into her mouth. I could feel the blood rushing to my face and to other parts of my body.

When her lips left me, I groaned at the loss of contact. I refused to let this end, so I took over. My hands gripped her waist as I flipped us over, with her now on the bottom. I yanked her panties off and let my fingers slip in between her. She was soaking wet, which led me to laugh. She joined in, wrapping her arm around my neck.

I slid into her, both of us moaning at the contact. It was a while since I did this, and it felt good to be back. I started pumping slowly, letting my hips to do most of the work.

"Faster, please," She was speaking between moans. I followed her orders, and started thrusting faster. My sweaty hands gripped the headboard, using it to pull me forward. I mustered as much power as I could as I slammed into her. Our skin slapping together, the bed shaking, and our moans could be heard throughout the apartment. Her long nails scratched down my back as she continued to moan.

"I- I'm about to cum." She sounded helpless.

"It's okay baby, let go for me." I was near my high before I realized I didn't have a condom on. "I don't have-"

"I'm on the pill." She smiled as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

I sighed in relief. I pummeled into her sloppily as she reached her orgasm. I came after her, sweating in the process.

I laid down on top of her after pulling out. Her hands ran through my hair as I panted.

Her touch reminded me of Savannah. A sudden feeling of guilt and disgust washed over me. I didn't know if I was still drunk or not, but if I was, I hoped I would wake up and forget about tonight.

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