More Than Words

By Achan_21

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A KangBi AU wherein a certain quiet transferee piqued the interest of the Student Council President "You sure... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 20

181 15 3
By Achan_21

             Hyewon went drove down the street with no destination in mind, just her driving around. The streets were fairly populated, with a few people walking along the streets, probably going home from their work.

           Hyewon decided to just stop by a park and just relax over there. She parked her car nearby and stepped out of the car. Walking through to park, she takes a deep breath, feeling all the frustration built-up inside her slightly go down.

            She silently sits down on one of the benches and just stared at the blanket of stars above her. She zoned out as she lets her mind take her through a journey.

"It's such a beautiful sight, I wonder if I could be like that..."

"The stars illumating the sky... Does their light ever falter?..."

"Do they sometimes just let it all out if things get bad, expload and dissappear?... "

"I wish I could shine just like that... To bring light to someone..."

"or maybe I what I truly wish for is to just expload and dissa-"

            "Can I sit here?", Hyewon heard a voice from beside her asked, cutting her from her thoughts, she turned her head to its direction.

"Oh-! Hyewon-ah!"


              Eunbi was scrolling on her phone when she caught a glimpse of the time and remembered that she needs to cook something for their dinner. Eunbi then went out to the kitchen and checked the refrigerator for some ingredients.

             After seeing the things in the refrigerator, Eunbi decided to just cook some bibimbap for dinner. She went ahead and took out all the needed ingredients.

            After all the preparations for the bibimbap, Eunbi finally finished the dish and sets it up on the dining table. After doing so, Eunbi went to Areum's room to wake the little girl up.

             Eunbi walked to the room carefully and looked down on Areum, seeing the girl still peacefully asleep. Eunbi tapped the little girl's arm lightly. "Areum-ah... Wake up..", Eunbi said softly at Areum.

            She sees the girl shift a bit in her sleep but didn't open her eyes. "Baby... Wake up... Let's go eat dinner...", Eunbi again said softly with a light shake on the girl's shoulder.

             Areum groans and stretched her limbs, rolling around the bed. "Hm? Dinner?", Areum mumbled with a pout, her eyes still closed as she sits up.

            Eunbi chuckled at the young girl and sits on the bed, facing Areum. "Yup... So c'mon sweetie... The foods getting cold", Eunbi said, looking softly at Areum.

            "Eunbi-unnieeee", Areum called out reaching out her hands to Eunbi. "You want me to carry you?", Eunbi asked with a slight giggle. Areum nods, her eyes now half-open.

           "Aigoo... Such a baby", Eunbi muttered, lifting Areum up from the bed and carrying her out of the room and to the dining table.

             The two ate their dinner, with Areum cutely asking for Eunbi to feed her even though she can already feed herself, Eunbi unable to resist Areum's request. They ate their dinner deliciously and after that Areum again fell asleep waiting for Eunbi to finish washing the dishes.

               After washing the dishes, Eunbi sees Areum sleeping on the dining chair, her head resting on her arms placed on top of the table. Eunbi shaked her head at the sight, a small smile creeping in her lips.

            Eunbi again carried Areum to the girl's room, careful not to disturb her sleep.


              Eunbi was still watching over Areum while she sleeps when she hears the house door beep, someone was opening the door. Eunbi went out the little girl's bedroom to check who that was.

              When she got out of the room and went to the living room, she saw Jieun who just gome home, putting her shoes on the shoe rack and wearing her house slippers.

            "Oh unnie... You're here...", Eunbi said as she walked to the sofa to sit. "How's work?", Eunbi asked curiously while looking at the older walking towards her to sit beside her on the sofa.

             She hears Jieun's sigh of relief after sitting on the sofa, her body relaxing. "Almost threw up from the amount of work they're giving us...", Jieun said, exhaustion evident on her voice.

            "That and also the nervousness I felt presenting in front of the CEO's daughter", Jieun continued, remembering the encounter with her before the meeting.

             "About that... Why was she the one to attend the meeting? Isn't it much better to have the CEO itself to attend a meeting?", Eunbi asked her cousin, turning her head towards her.

             "Hmm.. Well.. They said that the CEO has something going on... Like a different business meeting or something? So some said that he just made her daughter attend the meeting in his stead", Jieun mittered with a shrug.

             "Oh... Really?... So how was the meeting?", Eunbi asked again, which slightly confused her cousin because Eunbi doesn't usually ask a lot of questions about her day at work.

              "Curious, Eunbi-ah?", Jieun teased the latter who just shrugged at the remark and waited for an answer. "Well... It was strange to say the least... I did what I was told and did the presentation but for the whole time we're having meeting, I didn't hear the CEO's daughter utter even a single word...", Jieun said, which Eunbi giggled at.

              "What's funny about that?", Jieun asked, confused as to why her cousin is giggling by herself. "Nothing... She just reminded me of someone I know...", Eunbi explained with a chuckle.

              "Yeah?... I just wish she wasn't as scary as that girl...", Jieun said with a shiver, remembering herself crashing into the CEO's daughter and then failing to recognise her. "Scary?... She's quite the opposite actually", Eunbi said, a smile visible on her lips.

              "Oh yeah... Areum's already asleep in her room...", Eunbi shifted the topic, recieving a nod from the older. "Might as well go home now... There's still classes tomorrow", Eunbi continued as she stood up from the sofa.

              "Already? Well then, take care going home, okay?", Jieun muttered, looking at Eunbi. Eunbi nodded at her with a smile and got out of the house, only bringing her phone and wallet with her as she usually don't bring much when coming to Jieun's house.

              As Eunbi walked home she suddenly felt the urge to just wander around. And so she did, walked around the streets with no destination in mind, just enjoying the atmosphere.

              She then comes across a park and decided to rest up for a bit before going home. Eunbi walked to one of the benches on the park. She asked the girl sitting on the bench if she can sit beside her.

            The girl sitting on the bench turned towards her and Eunbi was pleasantly surprised at who it was. "Oh-! Hyewon-ah!", Eunbi said as she sees Hyewon looking at her with a slight shock.

             "Hi Hyewon-ah!", Eunbi greeted the girl with a small wave. Hyewon just waved back at her. "Sooo... Can I sit here?" Eunbi asked her again, gesturing the bench.

              Hyewon nodded at her and Eunbi slowly sat beside her on the bench. The two looked up at the sky, appreciating its beauty.

             Eunbi looked at the girl beside her and noticed something. "Hyewon-ah...", Eunbi calls out to the younger, causing Hyewon to turn her head and meet her eyes.

               "Did something happen?", Eunbi suddenly asked with worried eyes as she stares straight through Hyewon's eyes. Hyewon throws a confused face, not understanding what Eunbi meant.

             "You look like you're about to cry... Are you okay?", Eunbi said as she raised her hand to touch Hyewon's cheek. Hyewon seems to flinch at Eunbi's touch but lets the latter.

             Eunbi caressed Hyewon's cheek with her light touch. "So... Is there something bothering you?", Eunbi asked, still caressing the latter's cheeks.

                "You can tell me anything... Well I mean... You... Uh... Any way of communicating you're comfortable with, I'm okay with it... Just-", Eunbi got cut off when she felt Hyewon's hand held her's which is resting on the latter's cheek.

               Hyewon held her hand and brings it down, removing Eunbi's touch from Hyewon's cheek. Hyewon then writes something on Eunbi's palm, Eunbi noticed what the younger is doing and focuses on figuring out what she was trying to write.

"Just tired"

               Eunbi felt Hyewon write on her palm. "Tired? Tired of what?", Eunbi asked, confusedly looking at the younger. Hyewon writes her response on Eunbi's hand again.

"My life"

              Eunbi was silent when she registered what Hyewon wrote on her palm. Eunbi just stared back at the sky again, causing the other girl to follow and also look up to the sky.

              "You know... Looking up to the sky... I think about how the stars shine so bright in the sky...", Eunbi suddenly muttered, Hyewon looked at her side as she still observed the blanket of stars above.

            "I also wondered if their light ever falters....", Eunbi said, her lips tugging upwards. "They do falter... But still after that, they can shine...", Eunbi continued, her smile now on full display.

             "Don't give up just yet, Hyewon-ah... Even stars falter... I'm here...", Eunbi mumbled, finally looking at the latter with her smile. As their eyes met, Hyewon can't help but let out a smile.

             "There you go... Smile... You suit smiling better, Hyewon-ah", Eunbi said looking at Hyewon. Hyewon looked down and smiled as she held Eunbi's hand again, writing on her palm.

"Thank you"

             Hyewon loooked up at the older after writing it on her palm, seeing the older's smile after realising what she wrote also made a smile on lips.

             "You're welcome", Eunbi replied with a slight chuckle. The two were then engulfed in a comfortable silence as they looked around, taking deep breaths as they released all their tiredness.

               Soon though, the night became a little chilly as the wind blows on the two of them. Eunbi rubs her arms as she shivers, forgetting to wear her coat outside.

             "Of all the things you can forget before going out-", Eunbi's thoughts were cut off when she feels something on her shoulder. Looking at it, she sees the younger placing her coat on her shoulder.

              "How about you?", Eunbi asked worriedly at Hyewon. Hyewon just shakes her head as if to say that it's okay. Eunbi gets it and wore Hyewon's coat properly, smiling to herself, liking its warmth.

             Again the two were silent for a few minutes until they hear a stomach grumble, causing Eunbi to giggle at it. "You hungry?", Eunbi teasingly asked Hyewon. Hyewon nodded sheepishly at the question.

             "There's a nearby convenience store here... Wanna go there?", Eunbi asked Hyewon, recieving an enthusiastic nod as a repond. Eunbi chuckled at that and stood up, dusting off her pants before turning to Hyewon.

              Eunbi stops for a second and looks at Hyewon, her smile not leaving her face. She then lets out her hand at the younger.

"C'mon, let's fill up your stomach"



Another chapter is here^_^

Its almost back to school~ I'm here to pray for my remaining brain cell if ever they're still there hahaha

Enjoy this chapter

As always, opinions are welcome^_^

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