
By Ghost-moo

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Beautiful body. Beautiful voice. Beautiful eyes. Everything about Victoria Hill was beautiful. At 4 years old... More



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By Ghost-moo

I found and elevator and got to the waiting room. I kept looking at my phone to see if my brothers or one of their girlfriends would text or call me. Nope. Oh well. I saw Saylor's car pull up and I made a beeline to him. He got out of the car to open the door for me, but before he opened it he hugged me.

"How about we go do something together?"

"Why can't we just go home? We can watch a movie in my room."

"I don't feel like doing that. How about I take you bowling? Or we could go out for a late lunch?"

"I'm not hungry and I don't have the energy to do things. I just want to go lay I'm bed."

"Okay, okay. How about we go to my apartment? You can see my place and sleep in my guest room. Or we could watch a movie there?"


I nodded my head and Saylor still held me. I felt really tired. Saylor got me in his car and buckled me. I ended up falling asleep in his car. I woke up in a beautiful green and gray room. I patted around for my phone but couldn't find it and gave up.

"Yes, she's here. She's in my room sleeping...Well after I got your text I couldn't take her back to your place...She seems broken. Like someone took her and snapped her like a twig...Obviously she's not happy!...I think she knows. She wasn't acting like her normal self. And don't blame it on her being tired, Kai trying to kill himself, or you and Kai's argument...She left the hospital room did she not? And it was right after you...Yeah. Get you and your family's act together before she decides to hop on a plane back to New York."

Saylor sounded upset. I wonder who he was talking to. Probably Javan.
The bedroom door creaked open and I turned to look. It was Saylor. He gave me a half smile.

"How long have you been up?"

"Mmm...not long..."

I yawned. I mean it wasn't a lie, but he doesn't need to know I heard his conversation.

"Do you want some food?"

I shook my head no.

"Do you want to get up and do something? Watch a movie?"


I shut my eyes again and put my head on Saylor's pillow.

"Любовь you want to talk?...about anything it doesn't have to be about Maliki. If you want of course."

"Why does he hate me so much?..."

It's been the one question in my mind since I met him.

"He doesn't hate you, love. He's just going through a lot and since you two aren't as close as he is with your brothers, he felt like he could take his emotions out on you. Which is never, ever okay. He really cares about you, I know he does."

"What about the rest of my brothers? Do you know if they care about me?"

"Yes. They all do Любовь. Just work, and school, has them all on edge."


So that's what they're going to tell me. Why tell me my mom's alive? Or you know at least tell me she's living with us now. Or the fact that they lied to me. Is my dad dead then? God, I hope he is.

"What? What's going on up on your brain?"

Saylor sat next to me and let me put my head on his lap.


"Hm? New York busy then?"

"Something like that."

"Yeah, what is it actually? Is it your brothers?"

I nodded. He definitely knows. His hands played through my hair as we sat there in silence. I started to fall back to sleep when my phone rung.

"Shh, shh, I'll get it for you."

Saylor coaxed me back to laying down. He grabbed my phone and answered it.

"Hello?...She's sleeping right now actually. I can have her call you back, or I can take a message for her...mhm...alright...okay...I'll tell her. Bye."

Saylor put my phone back on his night side table and looked down at me.

"It was one of your friends, a guy. That kid who was with you in the hospital but lives in New York."


"Yeah, him. He said he wanted to check in on you. Seeing if you ever left the hospital after the incident. I'm guessing it was Maliki and Javan's fight?"

"Mhm...I'm fine for now..."

"What were they arguing about?"


"You don't have to t-"

"Me...and equal attention for all of us...and my childhood..."


"Kai wants to be put in a ward...none of us want him to go...I'm apparently getting to much attention...Javan accidentally told everyone about my past, which I told him before I got kidnapped...I heard my one living grandparent is in town...that should be fun..."

"I'm sorry. How about you stay here for the week? I can get all your school work for you. And I can help you with it. If you'd like."


A simple smile played on my lips.
Javan's pov

Our mom is at the hospital now. Before my brothers, our fiances, wife, girlfriends, and I could all yell at her I got a text. It was from Saylor. He said Victoria called him to pick her up from the hospital and she sounded really lost and upset. I told him to take her anywhere but back to my house. If our grandfather is there and sees her, he'll probably freak out. And I guess mom is staying in one of the rooms instead of the basement.

"Fucking great. Great. Viki's gone with Saylor now. They are going to his apartment."

"No. I don't trust him with her."

Zane spoke up.

"I don't think any of us do. Who the hell knows what they say when they're speaking Russian to eachother!"

Luca exclaimed. He has a point.

"My little girl speaks Russian? Why?"

Our mom asked.

"Don't guys. Just don't."

I told everyone. They all know now why she speaks so many languages. Because her past. She learned them to understand what perverted, grown men where saying.

"Alya, she is anything but your daughter."

"And what is she to you then? I don't remember you guys being at her side while she grew up."

"Did even know where she was sent to?"

"An assassin school from what I know."

"Yeah. Partly. The other half she was being beaten to death and-"

Everett was getting all up in our mom's face I pulled him back.

"Let's not do that in a hospital Rett."

"Why? It's the perfect place for her to get stitches."

"And there's a news team waiting outside the hospital for our family. And our sister is at Saylor's place, probably crying because lord knows I suck at being the oldest."

I'm about ready to shoot someone's head off. Specifically my mother's head.

"Hmm, so you guys do think of eachother as siblings."

"Of course we do. I mean we all are. And I know that. Now don't even think about going on about why I'm a horrible older brother. Don't ask questions why my sister is most likely crying and definitely don't try to contact her. She think you're dead and it should stay that way. She's staying with a friend until we figure out where we're putting you."

"That Saylor guy you guys have been talking about. Is it Saylor who works for you, and his parents died?"

"Can she leave yet?"

"I want to die more now."



"Don't say that."

All of us looked at him. He shrugged not caring. I just need to handle one thing at a time.

"First, I'm taking our mom to lord knows where. Just anywhere but here. Then I'll come back and deal with you Kai. Then we will all talk with Victoria. And someone please take her, her medication. We do not need to be in here for a third time this month."

"Why is she on medication? Did she get prescribed something when she was in here earlier this week?"

We all stayed quiet.

"Is that a yes?"



"You don't need to know."

Zane, Ren, and I all said.

"She's on medication because of you and dad, bitch."

Luca said. I rolled my eyes at him. Seriously man?

"What did I do? I get why anyone would need medication because of your father, but me?"

"You literally let dad send her to a r-"

"Quit it Ren. Everett and Ave come help me with her please. Let's go mom, you can talk to them all a different time."

I grabbed my mom's arm and pulled her in the hallway with Rett and Avery following behind.

"You are staying home with your father-in-law and some of my security team. If I get notice that you even stepped out side the house I'm coming back to deal with you and my grandfather."

I told my mom as we made our way down to my car.

"Jay, aren't you being a bit mean?"

"Avery, I love you I truly do, but this woman has done so much to my family that I don't think any of us will recover from. It unfortunate that I still call you mom."

"I wonder if Tori would call her mum?"


Ave and I looked at him. Is he being serious right now? Is that actually what's going on in his brain?

"What? I'm genuinely curious. Like would she say mami, Spanish? Or in Russian, French, Italian. Oh my gosh! Would she sign mom? That would be so weird to watch."

" are 23. We are dealing with the woman who decided to-...well you know."

"Sorry, sorry. I'm just worried about her being with that stupid kid."

"I get that, how about we have Ave go check on her? You wouldn't mind that right babe?"

"Not at all. Plus I haven't seen Saylor's apartment you're paying for him."

Avery kissed my cheek. We walked out into the parking lot. Everett driving, mom in back, me about to be in the passenger seat.

"We can talk tonight if you want honey."

"I know, I know, it's just been...tough with everything going on. Be safe. Make sure my muffin isn't all up on that kid."

"You love that kid."

I rolled my eyes and pulled Avery into a kiss.

"Mhm, whatever."

I kissed her, holding her hips. She cupped my face in her hands.

"You're the one who should be safe. I love you Jay."

"I love you too Ave."

I watched to make sure she got to her car then got into mine.

"So how long have you been with her? Hmm? I did see a ring. Are you married now a days Javan?"

"It's been 7 years."

"You've been married 7 years! You aren't much older than 30 are you? How long were you to dating? Did you meet her in high sch-"

"We have been together for 7 years. I met her 2 years before that at a diner I think."

Nope. I met her when one of my shipments got stolen so I had to go deal with it myself. Then I found a beautiful girl who was oblivious that her father was in the mafia world. Thankfully her father and I made it to good terms and she's now my fiance and lives with me.

"Text Ave and tell her to get Tori's meds. I don't want us to forget and Tori going down again."

Everett reminded me. I nodded and texted my lover.

"She said she's stopping at home anyways. She's grabbing clothes for Victoria."

"If you're girlfriend is already back home, how come we aren't?"

"Because I need to run a few errands."

As he said that he pulled into a corner store.

"I will be right back."

With that he got out of the car and left me with my mom.

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