Spicy Stories For When You're...

By A1ex_Shadow

116K 507 234

Basically some short stories I wrote for fun cause I got inspired. More

Little Introduction
7 Minutes in Heaven
Drama Scene
New Characters
Girly Sleepover
A Nice Film
A Weird One
Double Time Wet
Interesting Trip
From too crowded to lonely
Spooky Sweaty Halloween
Solving Misunderstandings
The Substitute's Way
What if they met with Y/N? (Cute edition, part 1)
Answering Your Questions
Answers to the Q&A
What if they met with Y/N? (Cute edition, part 2)
Headcanons With The Boys (Cute edition)
Headcanons With The Girls and Aether (Cute Edition)
Character AI
Held By the Devil

Dirty Secrets

6.6K 22 9
By A1ex_Shadow

Alistair's pov:

You talk about a place to meet up. It's fucking cold here, and dark. Plus, he makes me wait, what's his problem. My cigarette between my lips, I let out a cloud of smoke from my nose. I am waiting for now around 30 minutes for him to arrive. I don't say his name because I don't even know it, easy enough, no? So it's always him, he, sometimes her. Crazy these days how many they are to take this crap. I look back in my pocket, the delivery still inside in safety from curious eyes. I just hope he arrives soon, it's fucking late.
The clock ticking across the street is showing 11:35pm, meaning I'll be in trouble once I get back home. Elle must be worried and she probably called the parents already, hopefully not. I keep smoking, trying to calm myself down, but doesn't quite work, so I pick on my nails, starting to stress. It never happened to me before, what's taking him so long? Did he call the cops on me? Am I at the wrong place maybe? I check my phone for the fifth time this evening and check the time and place. I am not mistaken.
Finally, a car pulls over the sidewalk and a man walks out.

- You're the dealer? he says quietly.

- Yup, it's me. Was there a problem, why are you here so late, mate?

As I say that, I shake his hand with a smile, passing him the bag of herbs I had in my pocket.

- I was at the bar and some friends of mine wanted to chat. I'm sorry I didn't warn you.

- Nah, it's fine, I tell him. So, you have the money you owe me?

- Yea, hold on.

The man takes the little bag he wears on his back in his hands and opens it, putting the delivery inside. He then searches for something, which I thought is money at first, but ends up being a loaded gun. I back away instantly, raising my hands near my head.

- Wow, wow, easy man! What's this?

I laugh nervously, not knowing what else to do. Is he a cop himself? A secret agent? No, I would have guessed.

- Empty your pockets, he says with a shaky voice.

- I have nothing, mate.

- Empty your pockets or I call the cops!

His hand is trembling like it is the first he is holding a gun at someone. I drop my smile and empty my pockets one by one, letting some coins and some cigarettes fall on the sidewalk.

- Happy? I ask, staring into his eyes.

- Take of your clothes, he continues with the same shaky voice.

- No way! I'm not getting fucking naked in front of you!

- Just do as I say, little dick!

I keep staring at him, not moving a muscles. He gets angrier, I see it, but I'm not going to let him control me like some puppet. I take a step at him. He gets his second hand on the gun, dropping his bag to the ground.

- What do you think you are doing, huh? he shouts. You wanna die, kid?

- No, but I hope you do, shitty asshole.

- Last warning! Give me everything you have on you!

He puts his finger on the trigger, still pointing the gun to me like a child with no experience. I take another step forward, pushing me directly in the guy and grabbing the side of the gun to lift it up. The man starts panicking, trying to get the point of the gun back down to shoot me, but I pull the trigger and the bullet disappears in the air. I keep clicking, but it seems there was only one shot cause it was now empty. The man then tries to push me away, but I hit him directly in the face, throwing the gun away.
I run away, I try at least, because I already hear the siren coming from the street behind me. I just hide in the alleys, running as fast as possible through them. I keep running until I find an exit. Without thinking, I get out, arriving on another street. I see around 3 police cars waiting for me at this place, all pointing at me with their guns. I sigh and get my hands behind my head, not able to get out of there alone.

- You got me, you can take me. I don't have any weapon, I say.

Knowing this, a cop walks to me, putting his gun down. He turns me around and cuffs me, saying this popular sentence about the fact my words can be turned against me and bla, bla, bla. He pulls me to one of the cars, pushing me inside. Another cop enters after, sitting at the wheel.

- You were lucky, kid. That man could have shot you, he says, looking at me through the mirror at the front.

- No shit, I never guessed..

- Look, either you will be lucky and get out soon if you cooperate, either you keep that attitude and get yourself in deeper problems.

I shut my mouth, glaring at him. He takes his eyes away from mine, starting the engine. I look away as well, pissed and nervous at the same time. I watch the buildings pass one by one in my window, wondering if I could make it out tonight. What am I suppose to say to Elle now?


- I'm sending Lore to get you.

- What, no! Elle, I just want you to trust me, imma be fine.

- And I don't believe you so I'm sending her to get you, says Elle on the other side of the phone.

- She doesn't have the money, I add.

- That's why I'll get your money and give it to her.

- I guess that's fair..

- Well, I'll make sure the parents don't think too much about it. They're still not home and the officers called home, which means I can take the messages, she explains.

- Thanks, sis.

- You'll owe me.

- Yea, I know, I tell her, ending the call there.

I stare at the desk, then down at my cuffed hands. I can feel the stare of the cop on me constantly like I was the biggest murderer in town. They now know I had in my possession some drug, but not from who. My partner made it clear to not tell anyone, so I stay shut. Even if they can't prove I am a regular trafficker, they are supposed to give me 3 months of prison, but I have enough money in my account to take care of that. I just hope Lore won't think anything terrible about me, it would break all my chances with her, who is such a gentle and careful girl.

- Are we going to stay here until someone gets me out or you have other questions for me? I say, now staring at the officer sitting in front of me.

- Well, since you don't seem to be much of a problem, I can keep you in the waiting room, he answers. Of course, we'll keep you cuffed and have our eyes on you (he shows the whole room with his finger and the men staying at each corner of it) in case you try anything.

- Like I would. I'm not this stupid. Sure, I touched this bag of herbs, but doesn't mean I take any. I'm totally clean.

- And we know that, Alistair, but doesn't mean you never did other traffics with this one.

I look down at some documents, putting back his glasses on. I sigh because I'm bored and walks to another seat near the wall. I just look at the ceiling, waiting for the time to pass.


After a long hour, I can see Lore's car in front of the entrance. I see her walk out, as pretty as always. I can't help but smile. She enters, looking obviously stressed, closing her umbrella that she brought due to the heavy rain. I can see her eyes searching for me, so I stand and walk to her.

- Thanks for coming, Lore, I start, a bit nervous about what she'll say.

- You're lucky I was able to come. My mom was sleeping so I got the chance to sneak out.

- I'll owe you one, like I owe Elle.

- No, it's fine. That's what friends are for, she says, adjusting her round glasses on her nose because they were sliding.

She walks to the chief's office as I stare at her. She exchanges some words with him, handing him an envelope and walks back out.

- You're out, she says.

- Great. Thanks again.

I walk to the cop in charge of me and he uncuffs me. I rub my wrists, which are both red and swollen.

- Does it hurt? Lore asks me.

- A bit, but I got worse.

- Ok, let's go. I hate this place.

She already starts walking out, so I just follow her. She opens her umbrella and I walk under it as well as we get to the car. I enter on the side of the passenger seats and Lore sits to the wheel, starting her car after closing her door and umbrella.

- So, you drop me back home? I ask.

- What else? I'm not supposed to be out and my mom will never accept you inside so late and without her permission.

- How about you come to my place and I leave a message to your mother early in the morning?

She thinks about it for a while and sighs.

- Alright sure, but you have to call her before 6 in the morning tomorrow, she says, staring at me with a serious glare.

- Ok, I promise. I'll put a quiet alarm to remember.

She keeps looking at me with some doubt, but eventually nods and looks at the road, starting to drive to my house. I stay silent the whole road cause I am nervous and uneasy. I take a look at Lore sometimes to see if she's okay or too sleepy, but I can't read any emotions from her face. I try engaging a conversation but give up pretty soon. I don't blame her if she hates me right now. I deserve it. It's actually the fault of this man, I'll have to be careful next time. And I might as well stop for some time.
We arrive at my house after the longest 25 minutes of my life. I get out of the car, same for Lore. She doesn't take her umbrella, instead, she rushes at the door. I join her, unlocking the door, and opening it to her.

- Ma'am first.

She smiles slightly although the situation we are in and enters. I walk after her and closes the door, locking it.

- Elle? Lore shouts. We're back!

- Maybe she's asleep, I say, putting our coats on the bench near the doorway and taking my shoes off.

- Yea, maybe you're right. She seemed tired when I came lately, she says with a quieter voice while taking her shoes off.

- Let's just go directly to my room, I have all we need there.

I walk in the left hallway leading to my room and my mom's office – the right one leading to the kitchen and the stairs bringing you to Elle and mom's room. I get inside, opening the light and checking for some clothes for Lore. This one closes the door and sits on the bed, waiting for me.

- I know it's too large for you, but it's the only comfy thing I have for you, I say, handing Lore a white t-shirt with a black rose on it and some shorts. You can change there, I'll just look away.

She takes the clothes and turns around, changing, as I change too, looking the opposite side. Although I wish to see her pale naked body, I am this perverted. As I'm about to put a shirt one, I feel arms wrapping around my waist. I blush slowly, surprised and shy at first. I look back and see Lore hugging me, resting her head on my back. She was not wearing the shirt I handed her, she was only wearing her lilac bra and some light panties.

- Is there anything wrong? I say with some difficulty due to my slight stutters.

- No, I just felt like it when I saw you shirtless.

Lore's voice is so calm and honestly hot at the moment. She sounds a bit sleepy as well, but mostly hot. Fuck, what am I suppose to say or do now? She's hugging me, we're both shirtless and cold, I can tell from her shivers. Or is it something else?

- Did you want anything? I risk to ask.

- I want something since a very long time, but you never seem to notice me.

- Huh?

I turn to her, looking down at her jade eyes. Lore is almost hypnotic, her mouth slightly open, her stare half closed, her hands still holding my waist softly. She's so loveable, she always has been. I think I know what she wants.

- Do you notice me, Alistair? Can you see me?

My name sounds like a song to my ears when she says it. Is it made on purpose?

- Yea, I see you. I noticed you.

My voice is also calmer, deeper. I can't control it, it's just so charming and tempting. Lore approaches me, locking her eyes into mine.

- I want something, you know? she continues.

- Say it, I whisper.

- I want it so badly, it's burning my chest.

- Say it, I repeat even sweeter.

- Kiss me, Alistair, she finally says as my lips reach her.

I hold Lore's body close to mine, making sure to stay careful with her. I keep kissing her, softening my moves, my hands. She answers me perfectly, like she is my missing piece, my second half. I break the kiss to stare in her eyes once more, diving into them. She shows me her neck and I go straight to it, sliding my lips against her cold skin, feeling the shivers getting to her. I kiss it, making sure to not go too fast. I hear from her a light moan, but enough to love her even more. I keep giving her the attention she wants, soon ending up laying her down on my bed.
Lore lifts her bra up, taking it completely off her. I stare at this beauty, leading my hesitating hands to her revealed breast. She bites her lower lip with a cute expression on her face. I rub her boobs gently as she takes pleasure from it. I don't see any hate in her eyes or regrets. I smile a bit and keep massaging her. She then sits up without warning, unzipping my pants.

- What are you doing? I ask her quietly not to scare or back her off.

- Helping you out, she answers with such confidence.

- Wait, you want "that" as well?

Lore nods to me, taking my pants down. I was surprised she was the once asking for it and not me, it wasn't like her. It is a side of her that I never discovered until now. I let her touch me with the underwear still on. I look at her with admiration and indescribable love.

- Promise me something first, I say, stopping her hand.

- Yes?

- Promise me that if you want me to stop at any moment, tell me.

She smiles at me, getting up on her knees and kissing me. I give her kiss back, waiting for an answer.

- I promise I'll warn you, she then says, giving me the green light.

I lay her back down, making sure not to crush her under me, and kisses her neck with a bit more passion into it. She sighs of pleasure, reassuring me. I bring her panties down with two fingers and start playing a little bit with her clitoris. She lets a louder moan out, covering her mouth to avoid waking my family up. I reach for the night table near my bed and opens a drawer. I take out the box of condoms I kept there just in case things like that happened. She looks at me with a smirk, taking a package out.
With her teeth, Lore opens the plastic square and takes out the transparent condom. I take my underwear off and throw it on the floor, revealing my erection. She helps me put the thin lubricated rubber on my dick, which makes me moan quietly. She lays back down right after, spreading her legs for me. I see her cheeks blushing instantly, her eyes fixing me.

- Are you ready? I ask to be sure.

- Yes, you can put it in.

I nod and take a deep breath before sliding my hard dick into Lore's pussy. I entered her slowly and carefully, making sure she isn't hurt. As I lift my eyes up, I can see she is fine, even perfectly good. She stares at me with deep passion, her mouth slightly open to let cute sounds out. I hold her legs up, pushing my dick a bit deeper. She lets a louder moan out, grabbing the bed sheets with her hands.

- Still good, princess?

- Yea, it fits and feels good. No need to worry about me..

Lore's breath is a bit more faster than before, same as mine. I start thrusting slowly, knowing she is okay. She moans more, and more, following the pace of my dick and balls hitting her gently. My breathing accelerates, such as hers. I speed up slightly, giving her the chance to warn me if necessary. She keeps holding the sheet tightly, looking into my eyes.

- It feels great, Ali, Lore says. Please, keep going..

She doesn't sound shy at all, she just says what passes through her mind, like she usually does when I'm around her. It's almost like she's dominating this shit and this is fucking hot.

- Yes, princess, I get to say before speeding up again.

It was getting hotter in the room and it was a bit more intense than the start. I go faster, staring at Lore and her beautiful expressions.

- Ali, faster, please..

She sounds so desperate, I can't handle that. I grab her legs tighter, accelerating the pace. Her moans keeps getting louder and louder, it's so beautiful, she's beautiful. I love her more every second passing.

- Can I claim you, Lore?

She nods slightly, closing her eyes with another sound of hers. With the approbation, I start going faster and deeper. She suddenly screams of surprise, but keeps going with loveable moans. She grabs my hands the best she can as I thrust into her with passion and craving. Knowing that deep there rests her G spot, I pound into her, making sure to give her the gift she wants.

- Alistair, I'm.. I'm coming soon..

- Let it out when you're ready, I'll follow you..

I am panting, so is she. It is intense and sweaty, and different odours are filling the room. I can feel my condom being filled of my juice and a long scream coming from hers. When I take my dick out, a lot of cum spills on the bed, probable coming from her.

- Fuck..

She doesn't say anything, just taking back her breath slowly. She lets down her legs and lay beside her. I bring the sheet on us, covering both of our bodies and bring Lore close to me.

- It was amazing, my prince, she whispers to me.

I blush to the name she gave me.

- All for you princess, I say with a smile.

- I love you, Alistair.

I never expected that from her, but it warns my heart. I hold her even closer and carefully, her forehead applying in my chest. I kiss the top of her head and say:

- I love you too, Lore. I always did.

She raises her head, looking at me with a sweet smile and we both kiss in the middle of the night, totally forgetting about setting an alarm for the next day.

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