
By GrimmsLilReaper

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Cara Wilson is the definition of bad luck. No matter what she does or how she tries to fix something it alway... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Author's Note must read if you like this story xD
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Authors Note!
Chapter 24

Chapter 16

932 18 0
By GrimmsLilReaper

Cara's POV

My head feels heavy. I willed my body to wake up, but it was fighting and winning the battle. I inwardly groaned and stopped. I couldn't quite place my finger on it, but something was wrong. 

I tried breathing in and I felt my chest constrict. I felt my body shaking and seizing. My lungs started burning and I heard rushing and stern orders.

"She's seizing hold her down." The doctor's voice rings in my ear louder than a fire alarm. 

"What's happening to her?" Lucas, Alex and Christopher were yelling. Ethan was crying and I think I heard Blake punching a wall or punching bag or something. The Alpha was shouting orders telling them to keep me alive no matter what.

I heard Jason pacing. A doctor shouted.

"CLEAR!" And I felt my chest pump. Slowly something was pumping air into my system. 

"CLEAR!" It happened again and my body jerked forward finally started letting me move.


"Don't you dare." I coughed out. Gasping for breath. Everyone gathered around me and everything started to settle. They immediately pulled back and started checking my vital signs. I started sitting up and my joints ached and cracked.

"Crap. How long have I been out?" I groaned. They all chuckled. 

"A couple of hours. I think." Alpha Sam stated with a tired look. Blake got on his knees and took my hand in his putting it to his cheek and breathing in.

"I was so worried." He sighed. I laughed.

"Well, so was I." I chuckled.

Ethan crawled into my lap and wiped his face clear. He sniffled a few times. He was clearly physically and emotionally tired. I knew he was tired because as soon as he laid his head down he was out like a light. I pulled the blanket closer and he snuggled into them deeply. His natural body heat warmed me up quickly and it comforted me.

"So, what happened one second I see Alpha's scout pointing guns at us then the next nothing." I pulled my feet up warming them up too.

Blake was still calming down, Jason was now sitting on my bed, Alex, Lucas, and Christopher were lounging in chairs next to me as if nothing happened. the doctors finally left and we were now comfortable. I looked up and saw a huge gash in the wall. I looked down at Blake and he smirked knowing what I was looking at. I rolled my eyes.

I looked up at alpha for an explanation.

"Well, you broke your arm and it was banged up pretty badly. It somehow hit a major artery and you were bleeding out. Hence the black out you experienced." He sighed and sat down on a built in couch that was connected to the wall. "The scout that you are referring to is dead, but not without damage done. He had two guns and fired both. You caught one bullet before it hit your mate." Gesturing toward Blake and Blake smiled at 'your mate'. " The other bullet however hit a wolf named Derek. Before he passed passed out he said he knew you." I felt my eyes bulge out of my head and my heart started pounding which brought attention to everyone. 

"Where is he? Is he alive? Is he okay? I need to see him." I tried getting up ripping out the I.V in the process.

"Hold on, hold one." Everyone was trying to keep my down.

"No, I have to see him." They plugged up the I.V back and I struggled a little harder.

"Calm down love." Blake tried reasoning which only made me madder. 

"He's alive. It didn't hit anywhere major, but he is fighting for life." Christopher said uncomfortably. He is a quite person.

I laid back and sighed in relief. 

"Good. Good." I felt Blake's hand tighten around my wrist.

"Why is he so important?" He asked through a clenched jaw.

"He helped me through my time at Alpha's territory." I said in a duh tone.

"Joseph's son. He wanted revenge." I said softly hating the memory and the way he got revenge. He dropped the subject hesitantly. I figured one of the others told him the revenge he got. I glared at him not fully forgiving him.

A female nurse walked in with a tray of slop that is supposed to pass as edible food put it on the tray that could come in front of me. I thanked her and she checked all of my machines. 

"So, are you feeling any pain or are you feeling uncomfortable?" She kept glancing at her clip board, but was eyeing Blake. I felt angry and insulted.


"Are you feeling dizzy or nauseous?" She cooed.

"No." I said through clenched teeth.

"Are you boys okay? Can I get you anything?" She brushed up against Blake and he tensed up.

"Yeah, would you mind getting us another nurse?" He growled lowly. I knew she was a werewolf, I mean it is a werewolf hospital.

She looked agitated and nodded as she left the room. I felt uneasy and frustrated. 

I looked up at the clock and it was getting late I wanted sleep and I wanted it now. I stretched and yawned.

"Okay guys, I wanna get some sleep." I stated and they started moving around and going home. Ethan refused to move and only snuggled deeper.

"I don't wanna go." He said sleepily.

"I won't be going anywhere you can come tomorrow. I promise." I kissed him on his cheek and Christopher picked him up after giving me a hug. Alex and Lucas followed with the hugs and they started out. Even the Alpha gave me a hug. All of them saying either get well soon or you better be home in time or we will rip Jason's head off. He is a little annoying. I chuckled at that.

I shivered at the loss of body heat from Ethan. He is like a heating blanket and I want him back. I wrapped the covers around me. I heard the door click shut and foot steps coming toward me.

"I thought you went home with the others." I grumbled trying to heat up again.

"I won't leave you." He started getting settled on the reclining chair next to the bed. I felt the slight heat radiate from him. My resolve was weakening and my wolf was getting restless. He was so close yet really far.

"You okay?" He raised an eyebrow I didn't realize I was shuffling around in the blanket so much.

"Uhhh, yeah." I ended hesitantly. After a few minutes trying to sleep, but my brain refusing until I give in I gave up.

I groaned in frustration.

"Please." I asked.

"Please what?" He asked. I knew he didn't go to sleep his wolf is giving him hell just as much.

"Please get into the bed with me." I groaned. annoyed at my own weak resolve. He moved the blanket off of him and scooted in with me. I snuggled up against him letting the warmth envelop me. I sighed feeling the restlessness leave with comfort and the weight of the day. I was finally able to have a good night sleep.

"I will have to clarify one thing before I pass out." I stated sleepily.

"And that would be?" I felt his eyebrow raise in question.

"I still haven't forgiven you." I finished.

"I figured as much." He pulled me closer and I sighed in contentment. Before I was out I caught his last words.

"At least I can be with you like this. That's enough for me." I shut my eyes and focused on his heart beat. My wolf didn't want to let him go, but she still was scared. 

Sorry mom, but always isn't here quite yet, but I feel it is around the corner. Then I drifted to a comfortable sound sleep.


Next Morning

"Rise and Shin- Woah nothing to see here." Alex stormed in and chuckled turning to leave. Covering Ethan's eyes and backing away slowly. Ethan was struggling to remove Alex's hand off his face.

I felt Blake's arm securely around my waist he looked so peaceful. Smack! I hit him with a pillow. He jolted up and wiped his face.

"Get off me will yah!" I hissed pushing his sleepy ass off the bed.

"The fuck Cara!?!" He groaned getting up reluctantly. I chuckled and he smacked me back with the same pillow. A girl came in behind Alex. She had short dusty brown hair and dull hazel eyes. She came in behind Alex wearing a big smile. Ethan hopped out of Alex's arms and jumped onto my bed. Giggling as I tickled him.

"Who's this?" I nodded toward the girl.

"Oh, sorry, this is Lexa my...........mate." His face was tomato red. I laughed and so did Lexa.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Lexa." I said giving her a friendly smile. Her smile grew and she attacked me in a giant hug. I looked at Alex and gave him a wtf look. He shrugged and gave me a be nice smile. 

"Call me Lex." She smiled and sat crisscrossed on the foot of my bed. I could tell we will be good friends. 

I glanced at a yawning Blake and he glared at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and he returned it with a smirk.

"The doctor said you are free to come home today if you want." I glanced over at the tray of untouched breakfast slop. 

"Oh yeah, I am ready." I heard all of them laugh as I got up.

"I cannot wait to get out of this friggin hospi-" I was cut off by the sheets wrapping around my feet. I tripped up and braced for the fall. I felt arms wrap around my waist and my butt land on the edge of the bed. I felt my eyes bug out of my head as I turned to Lex who was still holding me in place.

"T-thanks." I stuttered.

"No problem, we want you to go home, not stay here." She joked and I laughed. Ethan giggled as well and crawled onto my lap. 

"You are such a klutz." Blake said shaking his head. I stuck my tongue out and stood up making sure that this time I didn't face plant.

I used my puppy dog eyes on Blake before asking.

"Can we do something before we go?" I leaned in close letting my breath fan across his skin. He gulped.

"Of course we can." He looked at my lips and I smiled. 

"Good, I wanna go see Derek." I stated and turned toward the door. I heard a low growl in Blake's chest and Alex got in front of me protectively with Lexa by my side looking pitifully at Blake. I rolled my eyes and went out the room to find the guy that saved my life and more importantly my mates life. Yeah I know I've fallen..... hard, but hey always still isn't here yet and there is still time for something to happen. It always does.


Sorry tell me if this story is too boring i needed to cut it off somewhere. I'll edit it later! 

Love you all!!!!


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