That Day, That Guy (제이) JAY E...

By hjjssjn_

641 59 239

A Jay FF wherein... Kyra is the perfect girl everyone wanted her to be. But what about her? What does she rea... More

Twenty First
Twenty Second
Twenty Third
Twenty Fourth


25 2 64
By hjjssjn_

CW//cursing, contains messages or / and replies
[a/n: ksksks I've been thinking of this ever since and it took long for me to write it :(( I really wanted this to be perfect;) alsoo! Hehe abt SH and 👩🏻 getting engaged— don't hate me! ㅠㅠ need it for the plot line.

And I love LOVE Vera oh my god!😭 she's totally me actually ;D anyway go on]


After a long day, I get to rest. "Hah! Too tiring!" I breathed and entered my mini library to get some short novels to read. It's been a while since I last sneakily read a story.

"So... is this a goodbye?"

"I don't do goodbyes. Only see you."

"Well then, see you."

"I love you too."

I bit my lips to suppress from screaming because it gushed me to the bone. The girl stole a kiss and entered her house. No 'cause I know I can't experience this in real life... so I'll just gush about someone else's or fictional love stories. "Ms. Gu!?" I heard Maria, our new maid, called me. So I hid the pocketbook behind the shelves and went out to her.

"What do you need?" I asked slowly. She then fixed her posture, faced me with a smile, and answered. "You were called at Chairman Gu's office." She bowed slightly to which I found strange for her. "Here? Right now?" I asked calmly while walking back to my closet to find another clothes to get changed on since I'm not wearing something nice and appropriate.

I'm just on my silk spaghetti strapped top, and long sleeping trouser. "Mr. Hye was told to bring you to the company." She answered and helped me with my scattered stuffs on the floor, tidying it up. "Ms. Hong will accompany you." She added while getting my stuffs and folding it.

That lady too, has been avoiding me these past few days... What's with people avoiding me?! "Where is she by the way?" I asked and settled with the floral dress I grabbed. "Waiting downstairs, Ms. Gu." She replied and kept my things back to my closet. I oohed before going to my changing room and got changed.

Why would dad call me in this time? I mean, it isn't late, but it's already dark.

I shrugged my thoughts and clung to nanny as soon as I saw her. "Nanny! Are you avoiding me?" I asked, pouting, while dragging her to the entrance where Mr. Hye will fetch us. She chuckled, "Why would I, dear? I just went busy for the upcoming birthday celebration of yours. You're turning 17 and just another year, you'll move out already... I'm going to make sure that this goes well." She replied and caressed my cheeks with her knuckles.

I nearly forgot about that... I'm turning... 17? Moving out? I don't want to honestly.

"Thank you."

We arrived at the company at 7:30 pm, and it was raining. "Go on dear, I have to talk to mr. Hye for a while. I'll follow." She said so I nodded. Entering the building and bowing back to those who bowed to me, I headed for dad's office.

I took the stairs since the elevator had some wire problems. It will take for about 5 minutes more and I can't have my father waiting for me. I also informed nanny through text that it would be fine if she comes late.

I knocked on the door before twisting the knob to enter. He was casually sitting on his chair with his brows creased (as always), eyes focused on the paper, and his hands signing some documents. "Father? May I know why you called me?" He looked up before signing me to sit on the couch.

I did and waited for him to answer, he didn't though. But he left his table and joined me on the couch later. "Kyra, daughter." I gulped at his words. He's serious, too serious. "Do you really want to befriend— no, is there someone you want to invite on your birthday celebration?" He asked as he avoided my eyes.

I lowered my head, letting my hair fall to cover my smiling face. "I do have someone in mind, father. But..." I trailed off, remembering that he doesn't want me around some... someone like Jay. "Is it that Jeongsong?" I lifted my head to nod, but still avoiding his eyes.

He sighed deeply. And another one. And another sigh. He did it for about six times before meeting my eyes. "Just for your birthday." He replied and looked sideways. I-is this for real?! OH MY GOD! I WANT TO HAVE A BIRTHDAY EVERYDAY! EVEN IF I HAD TO AGE TWICE!! I WOULD— "What concept do you want for this celebration of yours?" He asked, cutting my thoughts off, shifting the topic, and still avoiding my gazes.

"I... can pick?"

"Yes. Now do hurry up so I can arrange it early. I still have a lot of paperworks to do." He urged so I shyly put my hands above my knees. "Y-you can continue, dad. I'll just write a list." I smiled brightly at him while he lightly, lightly smiled before standing up.

Did he just...

He nodded and went back to his work. I extended my arms to reach the pen and paper on the table when nanny entered the office. "Done talking?" We asked in unison to which we laughed off. "Nanny, can you help me?" I asked her and without any questions asked, she joined me and suggested some ideas for my celebration.

I came up with a formal celebration. Girl or guy must wear suits (button down dresses). Boys will go with black or any dark colors while girls will go with red. The ambiance would be like an art exhibit where walls were decorated with paintings and colorful aesthetics.

Buffet is a must since I knew that my dad will invite a lot of people. He said that after finalizing things with the Parks, they might announce our engagement on my birthday. But I guess that would take long. Highly doubt if they'd make it on time.

For this one, balloons aren't necessary. I had the lightings as lanterned lights so balloons would just mess up the party.

About the invitation card, I let mom handle it. She's good at those stuffs.


I wanted it to be decorated with flowers. I picked the flowers with my mom since we're good at those— can't forget about their meanings.

"Hi Kyra! My parents and I received the invitation. Thank you! We will come." A senior greeted me suddenly so I just bowed politely and smiled. "Thank you." I replied and continued walking to my classroom.

"Ky-ky my cupcake! It's almost your birthday!" Vera exclaimed as soon as she approached me, and started blabbering about how it would look good and such things.

"Your party should be nice! Lecturers are invited are they? Wait am I? If not, it's fine. I can study all day long! Oh! About the math project that I had to do with Jaemin, can you help me with it? That jerk just won't help. He even bragged about his money to me! I mean, dude! Your money is nothing compared to my brain! He feels like he's the richest bitch here! Duhh! Also, about my work, the salary sucks and—" her topic keeps on changing every second but I didn't mind too much. I just laughed at her ranting state and shoved the invitation on her face jokingly.

"How can you not be invited, dummy?" I laughed a bit while she pouted at my statement but smiled later on with the sight of the invitation card I gave her. "Is that for Jay?" She pointed out at the other invitation I had. I hummed in response and looked around, hoping to find him.

"Hmm! You're dangerous! You attach flowers to letters now." she nudged me on my side while I just laughed at her silliness. Really, this girl... "Anyway, catch you later! I had some things to sort out on the council office. And please, this is not the time to be forgetful. His number, hmm?!" She even widen her eyes for expression as I waved at her. "Yup, madame!" I laughed and let her disappear in the sea of students on the school grounds.

I went to his classroom but didn't find him. So I went to the locker area and finally found him arranging his stuffs. "Hey yow, Mr. Park! Are you busy? Seems like you're not— let's go!" I greeted him, not letting him recover from his shock, I pulled him and went to the old garden. The tilted sign was hanging up, not balanced with the much more green ambiance.

Now this reminds me of my cousin...

"Why..." he panted while bending his body, hands on both knees. "Still hasn't let go of that stupid animal you wanted to?" I asked as soon as he straightened his body. My question took him by surprise. "Uh-umm..."

"Whatever. My birthday is near. You should come! Dad allowed it!" I whispered the last sentence with my palm beside my mouth. He chuckled nervously while looking at the card. "He won't eat me alive, right?" He asked, still nervous. I grinned at the familiarity of that.

"No." He sighed heavily while looking up, relieved. "They want you cooked." I added as he looked at me, surprised. I then laughed at him and clung to his arm. "It's a joke!"

"Ah-HA-Ha-HA-Ha!" I rolled my eyes at his mocks. "Whatever you were scared!" I replied and pushed him over. "Yah!" I only laughed and continued walking with him, clinging my arms again to his. Just like I mentioned, this had been my new habit.

The classes were pretty easy for me. Not to brag but I'd always been a dean lister. I excel in every subject, and I always do good. I need to protect my image, and I was raised in that way. The fun part was hanging put with Jay, or Sunghoon, but mostly was with Vera. "You little spy, give that back!" She only laughed her ass out towards my loud voice, she even shook my milk above her head.

"Give that back! If you spilled that to your self, imma— ARGH!" I felt so pissed when she drank it to half before walking towards me, lending her hand with the milk. "Here you go!" She said in a 'nuh-uh!' tone. I only looked at her, now pissed. Super pissed.

"You need to learn what's yours, you brat!" I slapped her arms, half joking and half teaching her but she laughed as she understood that as a joke. "You're the brat, Ky. You also need to learn that it's not bad to share." She said in between her laughs. This girl... if I'm stubborn 100, then she's stubborn 1,000,000! Gosh!

"And it's not bad to ask nicely." I added and took my now half filled milk out of her hold. "But I'm bad." She replied. I didn't fought with her anymore since I only end up not winning. Just like always.

"Beomgyu!" I greeted as soon as I saw him with a black suit. He even had a thin red towel wrapped around his left arm. "Do I look cool?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrow while I secretly rolled my eyes at him. Overconfident again. "It should be 'Happy Birthday!', you know?" I guided him inside the venue as he wandered his eyes around.

"This place is nice. You had good taste, huh?" He lightly hit my shoulders, causing me to giggle and show him my proud face. "Anyways, where's the buffet?" Yup, he lived for food, and only food. I pointed the corner where the buffet was located with only 3-6 persons standing, getting foods.

"A'ight! See you later!" He dashed off with a big grin. Why is that man always hungry?! "No happy birthdays then?" I mumbled and looked away from my cousin, now his mouth was full of fruits. How long has it been? 8 seconds? "Happy birthday, Kyie!" He shouted from his position. I only smiled at him, now shy since few had eyes in us.

Seriously, Beomgyu... when will that immature dude change?

"H-hello..." I heard a shy girl's voice at my back so I turned around, only to see my wonderful best friend with a red button down dress. "Happy birthday, cupcake!" She said in a tiny voice, prolly shy towards the gazes of confusion by the other businessmen and women. "Thank you, icing! You should go to the buffet if you're hungry. I need to welcome some of the coming guests. I'll come to you later, when I'm already free. By the way, love the suit!" I winked at her then she blushed.

I turned around to go at the entrance again. When I looked back, she was on the buffet and was talked by Beomgyu. I guess that nosy cousin of mine asked Vera some questions about me. I shook my head and looked at the coming guests. "Hello!"

"Happy birthday, dear."

It's the same for the past 5 minutes, greeting and being greeted by guests. About Sunghoon? He was already inside, also guiding some lost guests. He came earlier, it was before the guests came and the program was still unstable. He then helped us a lot. Not that I expected to receive a gift from him but guess what? He didn't give me one. I just didn't asked about it further, aside from it's embarrassing, I guess he's not into those things.

My other best friend, he's still not around. I haven't seen his soul since last friday, I guess he's busy or something. I also cannot communicate with him since I didn't get a hold of my phone since this morning. (Yup, I got his number. Finally!)

Well maybe not until I was a tall familiar figure. Walking towards my direction, his hair was fixed upwards, exposing his forehead.

[a/n: wait let me fangirl over pilot jay for a while... ACKKKK💘 i'm sorry 'cause i'm still not over it😭. Okay now, continue!]

His necktie was as red as the chrysanthemum that was clipped on the side of his coat, he was over all marvelous. He smiled, son sourire! (His smile!) and stepped closer. The closer he gets, the faster my heart pulsate. Am I hungry? Damn it! My stomach... it turned somersault. "Hi! Happy birthday!" He greeted with a little wave but I didn't mind that too much. I was looking at him.

Okay, I may sound like a creep but the clothes he wore suits him well! This was made for him! I was checking him out. And I blushed when he caught me. "T-thank you. And also for coming..." I said and bit my lips in tiny, looking at his ethereal beauty. From his hair, to his eyes, his nose, his... his... I looked down on his clothes and stopped it right at his left chest.

"Oh? This is for you." He seemed to notice my stare at it so he unclipped the flower and gave it to me, though it was a little far from him. [a/n: okay so he's allergic to flowers. ig you knew? whatever continue!] I received the flower and smiled after smelling it. "Thank you." I replied and hugged him an a friendly way. He nodded and smiled.

[Chrysanthemum (red) : ily🤟😉]

I guided him to the buffet and found his friend, Taehyun already talking to my cousin, who seemed to never left the buffet since earlier. "T'yun!" He and Jay bro-hugged before he introduced himself to Beomgyu who was listening but was more focused on his food. "I'll leave you guys here." I said and they nodded. I'm trying to ignore the meaning of the flower, but I can't seem to. I guess Jay didn't know what this flower means and just grabbed it since it's pretty.

But what if he really did and was doing this on purpose? Ackk! Whatever.

I approached Sunghoon who was still busy assisting some of the staffs to help us. "Hey... you can rest if you wanted to. Relax. Taehyun was on table 17." I said but he ignored me. Great. I forgot that they nearly killed each other at school. "I'd rather help." He replied shortly but I already pulled him. He complained at first, but had no choice since a lot was watching us.

I sat him down at my parents' table, along with Mr. Sungchul Park and Yeji Park. I heard that Yeji's mom can't make it, but I do understand. And now, he can't do anything since mom and dad talked to him nonstop while I excused to go to the restroom.

I just washed my hands and the back of my ears to calm down. [a/n: i promise this works, i do this usually.] I clearly can't wash my face since the make up would be ruined. I looked at my self at the mirror. I'm already 17... woah!

I went back outside and got to walk across Nanny. "You feeling better?" She asked and glanced on my ear. She taught me this actually. "Yeah..." she smiled and went to the bathroom while I continued to walk around.

"Let's give her around of applause, Kyra Gu!" The host called so I went to the stage and started talking as they clapped their hands and cheered on me.

"Hello everyone! First of all, I'd like to thank you for attending this once in a lifetime event of mine. I only turn 17 once so thank you for sharing this moment with me...—" I didn't make my speech that long and smiled to them once again before bowing and heading out of stage.

I accompanied my parents to meet and greet some of their new business partners. Then they let me go to assist some of the visitors and enjoy my self. "Hey Ky!" I turned and looked at Taehyun's hand on the air, waving at me before he approached me.

"I forgot, earlier... dad couldn't make it so he sent me a gift for you." He said and handed me a box. I thanked him and received the red box. "Send my regards and thanks to him, okay?" He nodded before he disappeared from my sight, with Beomgyu pulling him.

"Darling!" I heard mom exclaimed, so I slightly ran to her and asked her. "Mom? What is it?" She only smiled widely and pulled me to some place, or someone. "Uh— y-you're back, ma'am..." mom smiled big time before looking at me, while my eyes are still fixed at the man in the front of me.

"Is this your friend, Ky?" Mom excitedly asked while pulling Jay's arms. I gulped. "Uh, yeah... hi!" I nodded at mom and greeted Jay again. Then mom giggled. He waved in tiny, shy. "Kyra, are you sure you're friends? He isn't your boyfriend? He's cute!" Mom whispered while squishing me a little. I awkwardly laughed at her and shook my head. M-mom... hehe.

"Jay, how about you meet up with Kyra's dad, my husband? He'll be happy!" Mom exaggerated and was looking attentively at the both of us. Jay looked at me, the unsure one. Of course, he knew my father doesn't actually like him as my friend. "I— um.." he was having a hard time to respond, not wanting to disappoint my mom but also scared at the thought of him, meeting my father. That was my cue to get mom away from him.

Mom and her unstoppable tongue...

"Mom, I think dad's finding us.." I said and pulled her when I saw dad looking around, I winked at Jay and continued walking to dad. He only smiled and turned his back too. Mom didn't utter a word, she was distracted by some of the visitors she knew.

I left her there and went to the buffet. Wow.. this is tiring! I sighed big time before grabbing some sliced tiramisu. I took a bite on it and was really thankful that I did choke on the powder when my other cousin appeared in front of me. "Hi! Happy birthday!" He greeted with a wave.

I giggled at his cuteness and hugged him. "Thank you. So... how's Switzerland?" I asked and grabbed a plate for him. He accepted the plate and started getting some fruits. "It's nice. The white scenery because of the snow and the mountains... you should go and visit it some time!" he replied then we talked about random stuffs.

"Noona... We need to go." Jungwon pouted cutely. I want to squish his face! Ackkk! I laughed a little on his expression and patted his head. "It's okay, go on! Thank you for coming!" He nodded and scrunched his nose before running to uncle and aunt in tiny.

"You like flirting with some young dude, I see." A familiar voice said in my back. I only raised my brows at him. "That was my cousin, dummy." I slapped his arms while he blushed. I reached up to remove the confetti that was hanging on his fair-colored hair. "That was Jungwon. And he's less than a year younger than me." I explained, smiling at him before grabbing my plate and went to the balcony of the venue.

I decided to open the small box that I received from Taehyun (Mr. Park's gift) earlier. I sat down and admired the view. I opened it eventually after a while. But I read the letter first.

I'm sorry if I can't attend the birthday celebration of the prettiest girl I knew. But anyway, I hope you enjoy your day, young lady!

Happy Birthday!

It was what the letter said. I moved to opening it and I saw a... weird gift. It's a pair of key chain. It's design was heart but half. And the other completes the other half. And in the bottom of the box, was a note.

Give the other half to the person close to your heart. Or your future partner. ;-) ¯\_(- -,)_/¯

I smiled at the cuteness of the gift and the note. Should I give this to Vera? Nanny? Mom? Sunghoon? Jay...?

"Hey, princess."

My heart throbbed. "Yes?" I turned to meet his eyes.


I don't know if this is the longest (3700+ words) or it's just because I wrote too many a/ns there?




Hehehe thank you for reading. Imma go now. [or not]

PS: It took long for me to write this chapter because I want it to be a great chapter. JUNGWONIE'S SO CUTE, FIGHT ME! 💪 🥊

PS ii: Kyra is a 03 liner (older than me🥲) because I need her to be younger than Sunghoon. [she's smart so she was accelerated a school year older for her normal age (like me, except the 'smart' part)] and don't worry, she's younger than Sunoo. ;p

PS iii: 'Jaemin' that name was the name I used when Vera was ranting to Ky. But know that it isn't connected to any kpop idol or group member. (Example; NCT) — Just like Vera, he was fictional. My hand just moved on their own. Hihi.

Anyways, that's all. HAVE A GOOD DAY! ; )

[edited: 2 minutes later😭]

Classes are starting! I may not update that much anymore😭🥲

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