Clarisse La Rue x Reader ones...

By sincerelyash1

25.8K 492 95

You can leave requests but I don't promise I'll do them. I love Clarisse La Rue and I feel like she doesn't g... More

Dance With Me
Butterflies (Literally)
Back from Summer Vacay


3.3K 67 10
By sincerelyash1

Ik the title makes it seem like it's gonna be angst but actually I'm doing a little comedy oneshot lol

Percy's POV

It was a beautiful day at camp half-blood. It was warm and sunny, pretty humid too but I don't mind humidity. I was going back to my cabin from archery when I heard a pair of footsteps storming towards me.

"JACKSON!" I heard a girl's voice shout. I turned around and saw Clarisse with an angry look on her face.

"Um... hey Clarisse." I said cautiously.

She stopped in front of me, about a foot away. "Don't 'hey Clarisse' me! I know you were trying to show me up during archery! Stop convincing people you're better than me!" She yelled.

She always accuses me of trying to be better than her. Sometimes it's so annoying. I slightly grumbled as I said, "I literally wasn't, Clarisse. I'm just trying to learn to be better at archery, just like you."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Don't grumble at me!" She said, completely ignoring everything I just said.

She suddenly jumped on top of me and was about to punch me when I remembered something.


I was sitting on the couch in the Posiedon cabin. Annabeth was with me icing my black eye that Clarisse had made earlier.

She would've probably done way worse but thankfully y/n, her girlfriend was there to pull us apart.

I kind of thank Clarisse for giving me a black eye. I kinda like when Annabeth worries over me like this.

Just then the front door to the cabin opened to reveal y/n. She stood in front of me, the coffee table between us. "Percy, I'm so sorry about Clarisse." She began.

"Oh no, it's oka-" I was about to say it was fine and that I know she probably has some unresolved issues and that I understand but she cut me off.

"No. I laid down some ground rules for her. I'm gonna try to get her out of the habit of getting into fights. Just- next time she tries to hurt you call me." She finished.

"Oh... okay then." I said with surprise. Clarisse has hurt me many times and y/n never said anything then.

She turned to leave. "Tell Clarisse I said hi!" Annabeth shouted after her.

-end of flashback-

Clarisse was on top of me about to punch me when I remembered what y/n said.

"Y/NNN-" Clarisse's hand slapped over my mouth to cover my scream.

"Are you crazy? Do you know what she'll do to me if she finds me beating you up?" She said.

She looked... scared. "It probably won't be worse than what you're about to do to me." I said. "Y/NNNN!" I continued to shout.

Clarisse looked around scared as y/n rounded the corner and saw her on top of me.

"Clarisse! Get off Percy right now!" Y/n yelled.

Clarisse scrambled to get up, looking at the floor. "Sorry! He was trying to show me-" Clarisse begane but y/n cut her off.

"I don't care what he did! We talked about this, you shouldn't hit him!" She said.

I was watching in awe. I had never seen Clarisse be this obedient to any one. It's like watching a mom scold her daughter.

"No kisses for three days." Y/n finished and started to walk away.

Clarisse ran after her. "No! Wait! Baby, I'm sorry!" Clarisse cried.

I watched as they walked away wanting to laugh but I knew better than that.

Let's just say y/n didn't end up keeping her word.


hehe I think this is cute. kinda short but I hope u liked it!!

Can you guys leave some pet names you think Clarisse would call y/n here? I can't think of that many lol

word count- 645

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