Tigers and Moons // Kazutora...

By Skzune

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" Still respectful enough to not hit a woman huh?" " Shut it before I wipe that smirk off of your face." A... More

Chapter 1// First glance
Chapter 2// Join forces.
Chapter 3//Vahalla Arc
Chapter 4// A date?
~~Raiko's character design //
Chapter 5// Beach episode
Haru's character design// Logo
Chapter 6//Picnic~
Chapter 7//Quick peck
Chapter 8//Swings~
Chapter 9// Motorcycle ride
Chapter 10//Stars~
Chapter 11//Her?
Chapter 12// Akuko and Kaito
Chapter 13// So this is Jealousy?
Chapter 14// Shone like the moon
Chapter 15// The sleepover ~
Chapter 15.5// The sleepover Part 2
Chapter 16// The start of Tenjiku
Chapter 17 // The Truth
Chapter 18// Time to Kill
Chapter 19// The Tenjiku Showdown
Chapter 20// Gun to the Head
Chapter 21// Leader's Arrival
Chapter 22// The End..or Not
Chapter 23// Old Friend Paying A Visit
Late characters intro TwT
Chapter 25// The Final Battle
Chapter 26 // Irresistible
Chapter 27// Back with the Stars
Chapter 28// Only for You
Chapter 29// Plans for the Future
Chapter 30// A perfect Future ♡

Chapter 24// Back down or Get Killed

73 3 0
By Skzune

I really wish I could pay Truck-kun to run me over and Isekai to this Universe and be Haru cause godamn, its good TwT. 
3516 words 
Enjoy guys <3


Author's POV:
Haru stared down at her feet, shock plastered across her face.
"What..?" she let out, her feet touching the broken glass of Nekora's window. The smell of graffiti surrounded her, letting her know the beautiful shop sigh was also ruined.
"Who would do this?" Aki asked, hands on his head.
"The red-hair bitch," Haru said shortly, standing up and reaching for the broom "she came here yesterday to let me know. I knew I should've taken her out..."
"Did she have any grudges against you?" Aki questioned, pulling the broom out of her hands. " I KNOW-" he emphasized when he saw her mouth opening to speak "-let me do it, you might cut your hand."
"That's what I'm trying to figure out." Haru said, running a hand through her hair. Blue streaks began fading and her dark raven hair was coming out again. " Like, I just stopped her from flirting with Kazutora since he already has a girlfriend. But this obsessed? That's..outrageous".
"This is terrible." Sumi said, frowning. "We have to let Mr Sato know."
Haru pointed at the figure in the shop.
"Oh no.." Sumi gasped.



Sumi and Haru stood in front of Mr Sato, nervously looking at eachother.
"Mr Sato-"
"Its not your fault, girls. Probably just some crackhead from last night. I dont blame you in the slightest." He said firmly, standing up.
"Mr Sato, it was me. Someone had a grudge against me and decided to take it out here. My apologies." Haru said strongly, bowing.
Mr Sato waved away her sorry and just smiled." It's not your fault, dont worry. Aki, be careful with the glass and please put a blanket over the sign. Sumi and Haru, clean up the shop lightly and close the shop. Today's a day off for you guys. Now, I'll take me leave." He bowed and walked out before anyone could say anything.
"Damn it!" Haru groaned angrily, smacking her fist down on the table, "I need to go kill that bitch now."
Sumi grabbed her sleeve to calm the blue-haired down.
"Calm down, Haru!" Sumi said," I despise her just as much as you do, seeing what she did here."
"You're right," she said, breathing out "there's no use getting mad over this."




"Take care and be careful guys!" Haru said loudly, waving to the 2 figures walking out.
"You too!" Sumi yelled. Aki just waved.
Haru turned back to the store and leaned over counter with a cup of coffee steaming. She sipped it, feeling the delicious feel of bitter down her throat. The bell by the door ring, and she sighed.
Haru looked up tiredly. "Oh I'm sorry but we're closed-" she stopped in her tracks before her voice turned cold.
"Its you." She said to the dark red haired in front of her. But she was not alone. There was tall guy next to her, with soft brown hair. His aura radiated an bloodlust and suffocating vibe.
"Name's Riko." She said, her signature perfume scent circled her. She smiled, her eyes showing evilness.
"And what buisness do you have with sending minions after my friends and flirting with a taken person?" Haru asked calmly, putting her hand on her hip.
Riko widened her eyes in surprised.
"Your smart."
Haru scoffed."I've been told. Now tell me, what do you want with us...

.. XXX?".




"..just so you know. He wont go with you." Haru said, masking her anger.
Riko let out a breathy chuckle. " Oh I know, that's why I'm destroying everything he cares in order to win him over."
She slide her finger along the window frame, seeing the broken glass.
"What a shame..." She turned to Haru with a smirk.
"Now I'll take my leave...

"...I'll see you in the battlefield."

Haru's eyes trailed after her step as the door jingled one last time before everything falls into silence again. Her cup of coffee lay cold on the table. The blue eyes reflected coldness and deep void before reverting back to her usual calm. Outside a tall figure ran towards the shop and looked around.
"Haru! What happened?" Kazutora asked, shocked. Haru walked towards him and just put a hand on his shoulder.
"Please tell Takemichy to gather for a 1st Division Meeting," She stated, "Its important."
Kazutora stared in confused but obliged.
"Got it." He took one good look around the place and ran off. Haru stared after his figure before dumping the cup of coffee in the sink.
"Phase 3." She whispered, and walked out.





"Red Venom?" Takemichy said confused.
"Yep. That's an all-high schooler gang, about 18-19s. Made pretty recently, led by Yoshio Shinka, a wild 18-year old, always up for a fight and will not hestitate to break bones." Haru stated, her aura serious.
"And how do you know they're declaring war?" Takemichy asked.
Haru shifted her posture, still keeping eye contact." Yoshio has a little sis. Her name's Riko, and she doesn't need to life a finger in order to get one of the best men against us. She came by my shop and..caused trouble. She then declared war right after I confront her."
Everyone murmured in surprised. The afternoon sun quickly left the sky, leaving the group of middle schoolers alone at the Musashi Shrine. Haru winced in the cold breeze, causing Chifuyu to glance at her.
"So we just have to go against them!" Akkun said confidently.
"Yeah!!" Makoto screamed.
Haru sighed. "Thats not the worse thing yet. They specifically requested that only I go against them."
Everyone glanced at her in suprised.
"Whoa, what?"
"Hah!?" Chifuyu exclaimed. "Haru, you cant go by yourself by yourself!"
"Since its just a small scandal between me and Riko, no need for the full-gang." She sighed, stepping forward.
"Takemichy, I know that this is just a kid picking a fight with me but I need the First Division by my side." Haru said, gripping her fist. "You're right, I cant go against them by myself."
Akkun looked at her worriedly. "But we still need Mikey! Or Draken! 18-19 years-old against us middle schoolers wont stand a chance!"
"But we're not normal highschoolers, are we?" Haru pointed out and sighed. "If you dont agree, I'll go-"
"I'll go." Takemichy said, standing up, causing everyone to stare at him. "You're my friend and apart of First Division, Haru-san. I will help you when it comes to battling."
"I'm going with Takemichy!" Akkun said, with Makoto, Takuya and Yamagishi agreeing behind him.
"I'm with you wherever we go." Chifuyu said softly, holding Haru's hand.
"Anytime to kick asses." Kazutora said, gripping his fist in the other hand.
Haru stared at everyone in gratitude.
"Thank you, mina-san." She bowed politely.
"Fight take place in the same port as when we fought Tenjiku. 9:00, sharp," she stood up straight and stated. "Thank you everyone again."






The strong sound of motorcycles roared with bright lights flashing filled the area. Takemichy led the way as a group of people in black gang uniform followed closely behind him. In the sea of fully-black stood out small bits red. And blue. 
"Looks like they're all here." A gravelling voice echoed across the port, causing Haru to look up.
"Step out of the dark." She demanded.
The voice chuckled. "Ok, sweetheart."
 Chifuyu's forehead showed a little irk mark.
A tall figure with soft brown but messy hair stepped out. His amber eyes pierced into Haru's soul. His face wore a grin, radiating bloodlust and mystery. Behind him was of course, Riko.
"Didn't think you'd come, Haru~". Riko said, leaning on her brother's shoulder.
Haru scoffed. "I'm not one to back out." Riko stood up straight and smirked. 
"I'll leave them to you, nii-chan." She whispered, walking back to the darkness.
"Name's Yoshio.Who's this Haru that I need to fight?" He said, his voice rough and sly.
"Is that Riko's brother?" Kazutora asked.
"Seems so." Chifuyu answered.
"That's me." Haru stepped forward, bracing herself.
Yoshio raised an eyebrow. "A chick like you to fight me? That's outrageous. By the way, how come there's a whole gang of you? That's a bit unfair, isnt it? It's only fair if I bring out my own gang members..."
Behind him came 4-5 high schoolers, tall, buff and grinning evilly. Yoshio smirked at the First Division's confused faces.

"Well, that's fair." Haru shrugged, slapping her face with two hands, startling everyone. 
"Uh-oh." Chifuyu said, moving back.
"Huh? Whats wrong, Chifuyu!?".
"Haru, she's mad." Chifuyu said, looking at his girlfriend. "You could literally see her bloodlust radiating off her."
He was right. Haru took a deep breath, trying to control herself. Her blue eyes werent calm anymore. They were full of anger, hatred...and a desire to kill. 
"Ready whenever you are Captain." she said.
Takemichy gulped, looking behind him.
"Everyone ready?" He asked, looking behind him.
The faces of determination looked back at him, answering him.
"Let's do this!!" Takemichy yelled, running forward.





"ARGHH!" Haru yelled, lauching a fist and a kick at the guy in front of her, making him double in pain. He stood up soonly after though. Haru breathe heavily, wiping the blood on her head.
"Damn, you guys are tough!" She said,  frustrating-tired. She got into her stance and kick him again, crushing his head as he lay on the floor.
"Haru, behind you!" Chifuyu screamed. She turned around quick enough to see a metal pipe swinging her way.
"Weapons?! That's BS, man!" She screamed in disbelief, tackling the guy down and twisting his arm, making him cry in pain.
"Look here, Pipsqueak." The tall guy dealing with Chifuyu said, knocking him away. "Stop looking at that chick."
Chifuyu spat out in anger.
"Takemichy!" Akkun yelled, blocking the blow for the blonde guy. "Dont get distracted!".
"Oya? There're pretty strong after all." Yoshio said, slyly, watching the scene in front of him.
Haru punched one of the guy's face and threw him on the floor. She looked around, anxiously.
Where the fuck is Riko?! I was gonna give her a beating.
Haru's eyes widened in surprised as everything around her became a high pitched sound, blurring out her surroundings.

"..that's why I'm destroying everything he loves and cares about in order to win him over..."

"Fuck!" She yelled, running towards the gate but was kicked away by Yoshio. She blocked the impact and landed far from the exit.
"Leaving so soon? The game's not over yet ♡."




"She's like an angel asleep." Sumi said, cleaning the vase of flowers on Raiko's bedside table.
Yuzuha nodded. " Mhm."
"I heard you're coming to the same high school as us, Sumi-san." Yuzuha smiled, walking out of Raiko's hospital room and down the hallway, Yuzuha by her side. Everything was quiet and doctors were mostly in their lunch break.
Sumi chuckled and nodded her head slightly. "Yeah, along with Aki too. And no-" she widened her eyes jokingly as Yuzuha tried to speak with a smirk "-we're not dating. He's just one of my closest friends. Geez, you're just like Haru."
"It's nice seeing ships amongst our friend group."
"Yeah, I'm not exactly associated with Toman in any way though. Maybe apart from the fact that I know Haru and I work at a shop where Toman hangs out alot at."
"You dont need to be associated with Toman in order to hangout with us, Sumi-san." Yuzuha smiled gently.
Sumi tilted her head happily. "That's fair. And drop the san, I dont do well with honorifics."
"Ok then, Sumi" Yuzuha said with a gentle smile.
Sumi leaned forward, beaming.
"I hope we're in the same class in high school, Yuzuha-chan!"
"That is if you make it to high school." A tall guy appeared in front of them said, grinning.
"Uh- who are you?" Sumi asked, stopping in her track.
"That doesnt matter. Get out of the way." He tried to push Sumi out of the way.
Yuzuha stepped in front of him, bracing herself.
"Nono, you dont push people like that and where do you think you're going?".
An annoyed sigh came from him. "Chicks these days are so annoying, I said.."
He grabbed Sumi's shoulder and pushed her against the wall, making the pink girl gasp in pain.

"..get out of the way." 
Yuzuha stared at the door where the guy just came from, squinting. As she expected, there was a small figure, red hair shining in the sunlight.

Puzzle pieces...

Everything clicked.
"Not on my watch." Yuzuha said, throwing a kick to his head. Unfortunately, he blocked it immediately and tried to punch her. Yuzuha dodged it and moved back a few steps, gaining her stance.
"Huh.. so you were planning to attack Raiko after all." Yuzuha said. She quickly run towards the guy, dodging his punches and landing another kick. This time, successful.
"Now..." she said, stepping on top of the guy's head.

"...who wants next?" She glared at a group of guys starting to surround her and filling up the hallway.





"Look at you, all mighty and tall while your just a weak, little, girl" The guy, who seemed to be their leader, said, stepping forward and cornering a beaten up Yuzuha.
"I-I ...can still...fight.." Yuzuha said, breathing heavily. He was right, no way she can take on all of them like this. She wasnt strong like Mitsuya, or Hakkai.
"Oh? You dont look so well though," he smirked ", I'll take you out of your misery." 
"No!" Sumi suddenly jumped in front of Yuzuha and the guy. Her head was bleeding slightly and she looked shaken. "Leave her alone."
The guy chuckled. "Another small dainty girl is gonna stop me?" He put a finger to her chin but she shook it away, her eyes full of fear but determined.
"Ok then.." he chuckled darkly, "prepare to die."
"Calm down, big guy. Let's take this easily." A honeyed voice came from behind the guy as he rolled his eyes before stepping back, obeying the voice easily.
Yuzuha's eyes widened at the figure in front of her.
"I know, I look a lot like your friend, Raiko. But of course, I'm better than her." Riko said, folding her arms with a smirk. 
So that's the bitch Haru was talking about...
"What do you want with Raiko?" Yuzuha said bravely, standing weakly against them.
"Oh you know, just some unfinished buisness," Riko pouted cutely (which was not cute at all)  ", I'm gonna be nice and tell you. Back down now to survive to see Haru and First Division's defeat or get in my way and get killed. Now, what will it be?".
Yuzuha glanced at Sumi, who were shaken but still holding strong. Her mind flooded with choices and the consequences that could happen. At last, she leaned in closer to whisper something.
"Sorry, Sumi. I cant-"
"Dont apologise," Sumi said with a determined smile ", I wasn't gonna back down anyway."
"Oh? You're still standing huh?" The guy sneered, walking closer, inching slowly closer to Raiko's door, due to the girl's dismay. "You should've gave up."
"Over my dead body." Yuzuha said angrily. 
Riko sighed. "Haizz you pests are so annoyin-". She was interuppted by the heavy sound of the door opening. Walked out a figure, yawning.
"Ahhh~ That was a longggg sleep.." a small voice came out from the room behind them, causing everyone to look back. Yuzuha's eyes widened.
"Raiko...chan?" She said in disbelief, staring at red-haired figure leaning against the wall. 
Raiko blinked before breaking into a smile. "Ahh, Yuzuha-chan. Nice to see you." She walked towards them, stretching her arms and legs as she walked.
"Now, I have no idea what is happening but looks like...." 

"..a little punching would help the situation." Raiko smiled, quickly landing a punch at the guy in front of her, making him fly fair down the end of the hall.
"Whoo! That's a great punch after justt getting out of a tea party with Jesus." Raiko squinting with her hand over her forehead. "Look at him go."
"Haru's would've facepalmed herself if she heard me right now." Raiko laughed. "I need to go see her. And Tigerbaka as well." she smiled sadly at the last part.
"R-raiko..." Yuzuha said in disbelief, hugging the red-haired in front of her.  "Your back.."
Raiko teared up a lil, hugging the girl tightly. "Glad to be back."
Yuzuha let go of her with a tearful smile. "You need to go and meet everyone."
"Oh god, yes please."
"Uhhh-hi. Just letting you know, we still have a few guys to deal with." Sumi chimed in, pointing at the 2 guys leftover.
Raiko's eyes widened. "Oh, of course! I'll deal with it. Introductions for later." She charged towards the guys, landing a swift kick on his head before punching the guy beside him. But she lost her power and had to step back halfway.
"Oh shit, I'm still weak." Raiko sighed while shaking her hands around before charging at the guy again. Well, she wasnt an ex-gang leader for nothing. Within minutes, the rest of the guys trying to ambush them was down on the floor.
"Whew! That was tiring." Raiko wiped a fake sweat, breathing about shakily.
"So your the famous Raiko I've heard so much about!" Sumi beamed, supporting Yuzuha.
Raiko chuckled. "Thanks, how do you know me?".
"Your friend Haru," Sumi smiled softly ", she works at a coffee shop now. I'm her colleague."
"She missed you alot." Yuzuha whispered.
"Distraction from my death, huh.." Raiko smiled sadly. "Where is she now? And fill me in on what's happening please."

A few metres away from them, stood Riko peeking out from behind a wall with 3 guys still next to her.
"She isnt supposed to be awake now! Goddamit, talk about bad timing!" Riko fumed in anger. She turned to the two of the guys.
"Kill her" She ordered.



"...so yeah, now the First Division along with Haru is fighting Red Venom." Yuzuha said, putting a bandage on one her cuts.
Raiko looked down at her hospital gown, grimacing. "That's messed up. Do you know why they declare war though?"
"You cant really call it a war though. They just want Haru, but she wanted the First Division with her. It's kinda mostly a quarrel." Sumi chimed in. Raiko gave her a questioning glance. "She told me at work yesterday." she quickly said.
Yuzuha explained. "Sumi is in our friend group now. She's not in the gang but neither am I but-"
"..we're all included." Raiko smiled.
"Now I need something to change out of-"


A metal pipe came straight towards Raiko, hitting her head, causing her to fall back and on the floor.
"Raiko!" Yuzuha screamed, before barely getting hit. Luckily, she dodged it in time and pull Sumi's wrist to put the pink girl behind her.
"Dont worry, I'm fine." Raiko groaned, her hand red from blocking the pipe. But the hit still affected her as the contact still came to her head, where Kisaki's hit hurt her. "Aghh.." she groaned. When she looked up again, she saw Yuzuha on the floor and Sumi leaning against the floor in pain.
"Bye, bye now~" the guy said, raising his bat.  Raiko didnt realise he was standing right in front of her. 

'Fuck, I wont be able to move in time.. ' she thought as she closed her eyes, holding her arms up, hoping to block the contact.

"Haizzz..it's not nice to hit a lady when she's weak and in pain. Deal with people your own size." A deep voice said, with a tone of disbelief before punching the guy. Raiko opened her eyes to be met with a tall guy in front of her, kicking another guy, making him fall back. Patting his hands together as if patting off the dirt, her mysterious savior ran his hand through his silvery blue hair as he took a pair of glasses out of his pocket, catching her eye.
"Aki-kun..what the hell??! You never told me you could fight!!" Sumi bursted out in disbelief, causing Raiko to look at her. They know each other?
Aki calmly put his glasses on his face, turning to Sumi.
"You never asked. Are you ok?" he said with a genuine smile, helping her up.
Sumi blew her messy hair out of her face. "Could be better but here we are. Some hero you are, me and Yuzuha could've died if Raiko didnt cancel her tea party with Jesus."
"Nooo dont apologize, now I feel like some kind of jerk."
"You kind of are."
Aki turned to Raiko, who was still a bit confused about what was happening.
"Hey. You must be Raiko." He said kindly, offering a hand for her.
"I'm guessing you know Haru." she said, grabbing his hand to get herself up." Damn, you're strong."
He smiled brightly. "Did karate and working out a few years back. And yep, Haru's my work colleague. She sent me here to help you." he turned to Yuzuha to help her up. "You, ok?"
Yuzuha winced. "Ughhh...the guy knocked my head. Its just a small headache. I'll be fine."
"Cant believe Haru knew you could punch and didnt tell me. I always thought you were kind, no-violence kinda guy." Sumi pouted.
"You still need violence despite being a kind guy. You can use it to protect." Yuzuha commented.
"Quoting Mitsuya, I see." Raiko said under her breath.
"Uhh-no. Haru just sent me cause I was the closest person to the hospital at that time. You can ask her later on the actual reason on why she sent me" Aki smiled, looking at Raiko the most. She got the memo and smiled back.

"Let's go to the battlefield!!".

"Wait, wait. Raiko, dont you need to rest? You just got out of your coma like, 10 minutes ago!"

*record scratches

Raiko turned to Yuzuha with pleading eyes. 
"Please!!! I want to see my best friend and my soon-to-be boyfriend!!"
"Ok, ok, fine. Let's go."


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