Chapter 5// Beach episode

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"Ready?" Haru said behind the camera.
" Yea, yea." Raiko licked her lips.
"Shush dude, no." Haru said." Ya gotta go like like.. ay~" 
" Oh ok ok,"

" Ay~" Raiko smirked. 
" Yo, that was slick!" Haru said, high-fiving her friend. " That has gotta be at least 10 followers."
" Ya!"

( A/N: Someone pls stop them :-:)

The door opened to reveal a tired looking Baji.
" Mikey asked you guys to come join us for a swim today." He said, leaning on the door frame.
" Why?" Haru asked.
" How should I know.Just come."
" Is Chifuyu coming?" Haru continued, picking up her bag.
" I already invited him. And Kazutora too".
" Hell yeah, let's go!" Haru cheered, tugging Raiko's arm.

3rd person's POV:
The warm sunlight shone over the sandy beach as kids and teens ran around. The Toman leaders including Kazutora and Chifuyu were found chilling and fighting under large beach umbrella.
" I wonder what the girls are gonna wear.." Peh said dreamily.
Mitsuya smacked his head. " Pervert." 
" Yeah, plus theres only 4 girls so we need to protect them from perverts like you." Draken said but quickly became quiet when Emma showed up in a blue bikini and a sunhat.
" Heyy Draken-kun!" She waved.
" Uh h-hey Emma." He said nervously while Takemichi was having a nosebleed after seeing Hina in a light yellow bikini.
" We got two goddesses with us!" Hakkai cheered.Oh yeah, Pah couldnt come so Mitsuya invited Hakkai and his sister, Yuzuha.
" Danm took him quite a long time to get accustomed to girls.." Yuzuha muttered.
" Now we just have to wait for Haru and Raiko!" 

5 minutes later...


" Seriously?"Peh said.
" Its a beach day, and you two came in hoodies and shorts?!!" The whole squad exclaimed.Haru and Raiko stood nervously. Haru wore a giant blue hoodie while Raiko had a light grey one.
" For your info pervs, we are wearing swimsuits." Haru sighed." Its not like I'll be swimming anytime soon, just making sure.." she made her way towards one of the beach chairs and sat down.
" Why would you come to the beach just to read??!!!" Mikey said.
" What? Its too sunny.I dont like the sun." She said.He turned to Raiko hopefully.
" What about you, Raik-"
" Same with Haru."She interuppted and took a seat as well.
" Party poopers." He muttered before jumping into the water.

Baji watched the scene and smirked.He dragged Chifuyu and Kazutora to a corner and told them something in low voices. The two began smirking as well and went off.Haru saw them and wondered. What are they planning?

Before she could think any further, she was lifted up by strong arms.It was Chifuyu.
"Fuyu, what are you-" she started but then it hit her." Dont". she said dangerously but her voice had fear in it.
" Oh yes." He smirked, walking towards the water.
" Fuyu, NO."
" Fuyu, yes." And with that he dumped her into the cold beach water. Haru emerged with her hoodie completely soaked and her dyed hair all over the place.Chifuyu jumped in to join her.
" I fucking hate you."She muttered, getting up but he pulled her down with him.
" I love you too." he laughed.
" Fine, fine, at least let me take off this thing." She chuckled, she definitely couldnt stay mad at this cutie.
Haru's slipped off to reveal a blue bikini. Chifuyu? He was almost as red a tomato.
" Baji, go dunk him in the water. He look like he could cool off."Haru laughed and jumped into the water. " Hey Raiko! The water is very refreshing!Come join us!"
" Yeah Raiko!" Mikey cheered along.
Kazutora quietly made his way towards the girl from behind.He blushed at the thought of what he was gonna do. He quietly but quickly picked Raiko up bridal style.
" Hey! What ar- Kazutora?What are you doing?" Raiko said in surprised.
" Nothing." He said and chucked her in the water.Raiko shrieked before hitting the water.He felt bad but it was rather fun ruin people's lives this way.
" Ahaha! Way to go Kazutora!" Chifuyu laughed.

Tigers and Moons // Kazutora x Oc / RAIKO  ~Where stories live. Discover now