Chapter 25// The Final Battle

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Art creds: @arinyxx (I found it on Pinterest but I believe it was on Twitter)
3065 words 

Author's POV:

As Raiko and the others made a tearful yet happy reunion, we shall go back to the battlefield...



Haru wiped the blood across her cheek, her breath uneven. The ground felt cold against her tired body, aching in pain. Who would've thought Yoshio was such a monster?
"Aww, tired already? Dont worry, you're not the only one." The boy slyly said,  circling the girl on the floor, refering to the members of Toman lying helplessly around her. Takemichy and his friends knocked out while Kazutora was being held down and relentlessly beat up.
"That's all you got?" he said, and spat blood into the guy's face.
"This asshole-" he said, punching Kazutora again. 
"Haru.." Chifuyu groaned, trying to get on his feet but someone punched him down.
"Tsk, tsk. You guys shouldnt mess with people that are stronger than you. "Yoshio said, voice as soft as silk, stepping in front of Haru. She took the oppoturnity to kick Yoshio's leg, trying to bring him down. Unfortunately, he dodged it and grabbed her wrists, holding her down on the floor, and twisting it, making the girl let out a enraged and pain scream.
"Haru!!!" Chifuyu yelled, trying to knock the guy on him over, failing miserably. 
He leaned down on the shaking girl. "If you werent such a asshole, I would have made you my bitch now ♡" 
"You're one sick bastard." Haru gritted her teeth.
"Watch it." He said, before twisting her arm more, making her scream in pain.
"Let her go, nii-san." 
Yoshio rolled his eyes as he looked behind him. "Aw, spoiling all the fun again, Riko-chan?".
Riko gave her brother a glare before walking in front of Haru.
"Now, seems like my dear brother have tortured you enough so I'll just do the talking." Riko smirked, bending down. "Hand him over."
The breeze blew by the whole scene as Toman members looked confuse at the two girls.
"Hand..who over?"
"Him? ".
Riko's eyes widened before chuckling at them "Oya? You didnt tell them?" she said to Haru.
"You're so confident to win, you didnt even consider telling them about the deal between us."
Chifuyu looked at Haru, who was still glaring at Riko. 
"Haru...what deal?".


"Its you." Haru said to the dark red haired in front of her. But she was not alone in the coffee shop. There was tall guy next to her, with soft brown hair. His aura radiated an bloodlust and suffocating vibe.
"Name's Riko." She said, her signature perfume scent circled her. She smiled, her eyes showing a glint of mystery...and evil.
"And what buisness do you have with sending minions after my friends and flirting with a taken person?" Haru asked calmly, putting her hand on her hip.
Riko widened her eyes in surprised.
"You're smart."
Haru scoffed."I've been told. Now tell me, what do you want with us...

.. Akuko?"

Riko, or Akuko stared at Haru in a momment of shock, before her face slowly twisted into a grin, chuckles left her mouth as she laugh, slowly rising to a menacing level, echoing throughout the shop.  Her evil laughter chilled Haru, but letting her know...she was correct.
"So you found out? Great. You're so smart, you might have been a better opponent. Too bad your boyfriend's not as cute as tigerboy". She said, wiping a fake tear.
Haru stood up, shrugging. "Now I have him to myself. And it wasnt even that hard. It was me who found your purse filled with sleeping drugs along with your perfume last time, and I could never forget such a strong yet suffocating scent. Plus, the only person who could've been
so obsessed over you. Now here's the strange thing...."

"Last time I check, your jail time lasted for about a decade. 6 months for illegal drug use and 10 years of kidnapping not to mention your dirty record of involvement in dangerous gangs that deal with even more drug use!..As far as Im concerned, its only been about 3 months.Why is..that?" Haru said, her words as light and sly as a feather.
Akuko pouted cutely. "Oh you know, I have my ways of getting out early.Plus I also managed to get my hand on a ton of money, which resulted in this." she pointed to her fixed face, unrecognizable from her old self.
"Plastic surgery to change your face doesn't make u any prettier. Plus, I could always smell that suffocating stench of perfume anywhere." Haru rolled her eyes, before her aura shifted to a serious one. "Now,..what is it that you really want with us, Akuko"

"The same thing: Kazutora. He still doesn't like me back so this time, I'll take him by force. I'll destroy everything in order to get him. Be grateful I'm only scratching this tiny so-called shop. Cuz I can do worse".
"Ever heard of Red Venom? They're this guy's gang," she pointed to the still quiet guy next to her" , filled with high schoolers who breaks bones and crack skulls."
"Wow you plastered those threats on Nekora's window alright, your words are crappy!"
"They are pretty dangerous, of course, led my my big bro, Yoshio. You'll be seeing his face alot more from now on." Akuko said, before continuing. 
"I have a deal. We want only you, Haru. No Mikey. Bring your pathetic friends for all I care. Since Raiko isnt here, you'll fight for her. If you win, I'll stop chasing kazutora and everything goes back to normal."
"And if I lose?"
"Firstly, we'll take Kazutora. Then we'll destroy everything u love, Starting with your blonde cutie. Mark my words Haru, I've caused trouble for Raiko before and I'll do it again, but this time, for you."
Haru scoffed. "What you did last time was merely an incident, we handled it easily."
Akuko leaned in. " I've changed, Haru. You dont know how much dirty stuff I've done since I got out."
"Ok, but just so you know. He wont go with you." Haru said, masking her anger.
Akuko let out a breathy chuckle. " Oh I know, that's why I'm destroying everything he cares in order to win him over."
She slide her finger along the window frame, seeing the broken glass.
"What a shame..." She turned to Haru with a smirk.
"Now I'll take my leave..

"...I'll see you in the battlefield."

"It was you!?" Kazutora surprised, his voice masked anger. The guys beating him up have retreated to Riko, or rather Akuko's side. "Why is it that you ruin everything I love?!" he screamed in anger.
The red-haired girl stared at Kazutora at his outburst, and smiled at him sweetly. "I dont care, Kazu. I will do anything to have you. Even if that means getting my hands dirty."
Kazutora's mind blanked for a second as the noise around him drowned out. 

"...getting her hands dirty."
"...ruin everything I love..."

"Raiko." he said in shock, getting on his feet and trying to run but Haru grabbed his arm and pulled him down on the floor with her.
Kazutora glanced at her angrily. "Haru! Raiko-"
"Shh. Trust me on this one." she said quietly, turning back to Akuko.
Haru stood up, wincing at the pain but nonetheless, stared Akuko down. 
"You're right, we dont need Mikey to win. But we do have our own set of crazy strong guys." she said, out of breath but with a glimpse of a smirk. 
Akuko tilted her head in confusion. "Hah?"
Her voice was drowned out by the sound of loud motorcycles as the lights came flashing everywhere. Behind Haru, emerged a group of guys with bloodlust aura...mixed with excitement.

Tigers and Moons // Kazutora x Oc / RAIKO  ~Where stories live. Discover now