Chapter 23// Old Friend Paying A Visit

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Author's POV:
Kazutora sighed and walked through the Nekora, the sound of bells ringing by his ears. His shivered at the cold.
"Yo." A small voice said from a corner of the shop.
"Yo." Kazutora replied, following Chifuyu's waving hand, beckoning the tiger boy to come.
"Haru's getting changed, we're a bit early so sit down." The blond boy smiled.
Kazutora slided down on his seat, sighing again.
"What's with all the sighing?" Chifuyu raised his eyebrows.
"Nothing, its just.." he exhaled slowly, " Haru's changed a lil. She's more quiet and less wild now. She's more mottheir ly too.Not like I complain but..ya know."
Chifuyu smiled sadly. " I know. I noticed too. I'm trying my best to help their as much as I can.What about you though? Shouldnt you be the one to hurt more?".
Kazutora pondered for a momment.
"I guess Im still waiting for their to wake up while Haru's is too, she's distracting their self in order to keep hope. Anottheir way of waiting I guess." Kazutora concluded.
Chifuyu glanced at the clock."Fair. Oh and gotta tell you..."
Haru bursted through the bathroom door, screaming.
"WHO'S READY FOR COFFEE?? I AM FOR SURE! SUMI, GET OUR DEAR MR COFFEE MACHINE WORKING!!!". She screamed, high fiving a groaning Aki in the process.
"...she's definitely still have their wildness." Chifuyu smiled softly at his girlfriend.
Kazutora chuckled." That's for sure."
"Fuyu!!!" Haru beamed, hugging him." Morning, Kazutora".
"Nice to see you happy today, Haru." The tiger boy smiled.
"I'm always happy," she laughed, " just thought maybe I'd chanel that happiness into this place. So what can I get you today?".




The faint sound of laughter and talking filled the air as the shop began to lit up due to the warm rays of the sun. Haru helped Sumi carry out orders like waitresses while Aki was a barista, attracting more customers due to his pretty face.
"I knew hiring Aki-kun would be a good desicion!" Haru told Sumi.
"What, because my face is prettier than yours and I attract costumers to this shop?" Aki raised his brows.
"Mhmm..yeah! And hey!, I'm prettier than you, thats for sure."
"Oh? How come not many customers come when your being barista then- OW! DONT THROW DIRTY TOWELS AT ME!!!".
"Guys, calm down." The owner, Mr Sato, walked in." Both of you are pretty".
"Good morning, Sato-san." Haru bowed in respect.
"But Akita-kun do attract more customers than you, Haruko."
"Un-good morning you Sato-san, I hope your coffee turns into dirt when you drink it."

Chifuyu just sat ttheir e, staring lovingly at his girfriend, who was about to rip Aki's head off while Kazutora just stared at the coffee menu. A chill suddenly ran down his spine. He whipped his head around.
"Huh?". He swore he felt an intense gaze burning into his back. But ttheir e was nothing unusual behind him.
"You alright?". Chifuyu asked, noticing Kazutora's uncomfy.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm ok-"


"Hey! What can I get for you today?". Aki smiled handsomely.
" extra hot pumpkin latte with justt a little bit of milk and no cream please!" A cheerful voice came up, causing Haru to look up from their customers. their eyes widened at the girl's appearance.
"Chifuyu?"Kazutora was confused at the boy's frozen state. He followed the blond's boy's gaze and saw the girl with dark red hair, standing at the counter.
"Raiko?". His voice quivered. The girl resembled his lover so much, he could almost see their .
"Alright! Please take a seat and I'll get someone to bring it to you." Aki said, smiling warmly.
The girl walked past Haru and she could smell the expensive perfume. It was unique, and rattheir ....nostalgic.
She flicked their long, dark red hair back and sat down in a lonely corner of the coffee shop.
"their e's your order,Ma'm" Haru smiled, placing their latte down. She glanced suspiciously at the girl, noticing the similarities of their friend.
"Oh, thank you~ Wow, you seem rattheir pretty and very nice. Are you taken?". The girl asked, their voice dripping with honey.
Haru spared a glance at a raised-brow Chifuyu and turned to the girl." Oh yes I am, lovely boyfriend I have."
The girl chuckled." Oh my, I see its the cute boy behind you. What about the boy next to him? The one with the black and yellow hair?".
"He's taken too,..I believe." Haru dragged their words slightly, doubt in their tone.
"What a shame." The girl sighed. " He was really cute. Oh, thanks for the order."
Haru glossed a smile on their face before turning away.
"Anyone think that girl looks kinda like Raiko?". Haru said in a hushed tone, glancing over at the girl sipping their coffee.
"I think so too." Chifuyu nodded." Its not their of course, but its scary how much she looks alike to our Raiko."
"I could tell. No way my friend wears such expensive perfume."
"Thats not Raiko, for sure." Kazutora sipped on his coffee.
Haru smirked." And why is that?".
"Raiko was prettier, their hair was lighter and their aura was much kinder" He smiled.
Chifuyu chuckled." Your so in love with their , you can even tell their apart from ottheir girls!".
"Oh shut up."
The girl walked over to Kazutora and tapped his shoulder. He flinched at the contact before facing their .She smiled at him, at first he saw an image of Raiko smiling at him but of course he found it strange and just shook it away.
"Yes?" He said.
"I just saw you and I think you're really cute. Specially with your yellow and black hair." She winked.
Kazutora glanced at Chifuyu, confused. " Ok..thank you?".
She smiled brightly" I was wondering if we can go to coffee sometimes. Like a date."
Haru's eyes widened as she listen to their conversation while Chifuyu glanced at their .
"Ah, sorry..I have a girlfriend you see." He said bluntly.
"Aww, but I dont see their anywtheir e their e."
"That's cause she's at home."
"Come on, she wont know."
"Sorry, but please stop bottheir ing me about this."Kazutora concluded, turning his chair away.
The girl grabbed his seat, leaned closely to the point Kazutora could hear their next to his ear.
"Ok, but I wont stop."
The girl stood up and grabbed their coffee." Thank you for the coffee." She smiled to Haru, who returned it. The door jingled after their leave.
"I might have to kick you out, Kazutora. You're attracting flirty girls." Haru joked.
"Hey! Aki-kun attracted tons and you said nothing while and I attract one and your scolding me now?". Kazutora pouted.
"That girl was weird. She was flirting with Kazutora even though he already said no. Kinda persistent too" Chifuyu observed.
Haru scoffed." Oh please, girls like their come their e every day to hit on Aki-kun. Today's your on the menu."
"I really hate the way you phrase that."

Tigers and Moons // Kazutora x Oc / RAIKO  ~Where stories live. Discover now