Save The Broken

By ItsPhoenix2213

50.4K 1.2K 324

Nezu made a group chat with pro heroes so they can communicate with each other easier. One thing that he made... More

More Info
Chapter 1 - Unknown User
Chapter 2 - Food Porn
Chapter 3 - Somewhat Comfortable Confession
Chapter 4 - Surprise Shortie!!?
Chapter 5 - Protect and Attack
Chapter 6 - Shopping Spree
Chapter 7 - New Comer
Chapter 8 - Date
Chapter 9 - Danger
Chapter 10 - Reincarnation
Chapter 11 - You Want To Play
Chapter 12 - Cockblocker!!?
Chapter 14 - No Way
Chapter 16 - Izu
Chapter 16 - Save The Broken
Thank You

Chapter 13 - Many Years...

1.1K 29 7
By ItsPhoenix2213

Shoato and Izuku have been together for good four years now. Izuku watches his younger brother Katsuki Bakugo grow and become a strong hero under the guidance of both him and his lover, Shoato Aizawa. Izuku becomes a successful prime minister after a year of long two-year training by Nezu. The government worldwide fears his intelligent mind that he can and will destroy the government if it seems fitting for him. The Minister of Japan has declared Izuku to be the Nezu of his generation. He stood by Nezu and Aizawa's side in UA to teach the new generations how to be proper heroes.

Bakugo's classes went through hell and torture by the twisted mind of Izuku had mentally and physically challenging them to be what they are today. They were a bunch of headache students in the top hero course students. They called Izuku their mother on how he treated them when they lived in the dorms as he treated them motherly. He was always surprised when they gave him a mother's day gift on mother day. He was flattered by the suggestions given to him. As he knows, they forever put his number as MamIzu as his lover into being Dadzawa.

Aizawa and Izuku's relationship had ups and downs, but they always ended up back together to remain loving each other. Izuku could never take his love for granted, even if he sometimes fights with him knowing that he was in the wrong at the time.

The two were cuddling just as it had been a couple of years after Aizawa's most loved and headaches class graduations of UA. In the middle of the night, both their phones go off simultaneously. Izuku reaches for his phone and picks it up. "Hello?" As he taps Shoato to wake up and pick up his phone. "Hello, is this the mother of Katsuki Bakugo?" The person on the other line spoke in a softer tone Izuku groans as he walks into the living room. Aizawa pinched his nose at the news he heard from his phone. "No, but I'm his older brother. What's happening ...." The person on the phone went on and on about how Bakugo and his classmates got seriously hurt from a villain attack, and all of them have him under his emergency contact. "I'll be there in a few minutes, don't let none of them leave the building." He hangs up the phone and walks over to his lover, who just finished putting on his hero pants. He wrapped his arm around his neck from the back and snuggled his head in his neck. "Let's get these problem children..." Izuku giggles at the nicknames he gave to his homeroom class. Izuku immediately put on his outfit and got ready to hurry to his babies.

Meanwhile, in the hospital. "Man Mama Izu is going to be so disappointed with us." Kirishima with his head down. "He's gonna give the 'I'm not mad, I'm disappointed' lecture to make all of us sad." All the staff of the hospital and the guests wonder who this Mama Izu that would be disappointed in a bunch of heroes is. "I told you extra we should call for our actual parents instead of the homeroom parents!?" Like the explosive hero, the room became cold as ice as the door burst open to reveal a furious underground hero. They all look at him. "You better start praying." All his former students start to point out whose fault was who caused all of it. Izuku started to get annoyed by it. "SILENCE!!!" Izuku shouted, causing all of them to freeze. "Baku, go since I got a call for you to start."

"Okay, so Shitty Hair and I were doing our normal patrol until we heard a big explosion near the bank. We both went towards it and saw that Pink Cheek was captured. Just before we went into action, four eyes-" Izuku sat down in his flames as he tightened his strings to make Bakugo stop speaking as he pointed to the speed hero. "I tried to attack because my wife was pregnant and captured." "Is she okay?" Iida nodded, "Yes, but then Denki wants-" Izuku raised his hand to stop him knowing that Denki knows it's his turn to speak. "I thought it was okay if lightning struck the villain, but I scantly hit both Bakubro and Kiribro with the villain since they were close. And we are sorry for calling you this late at night." Aizawa drinks his coffee as he stares at his students. "Then explain why I am the first to be contacted in your emergency contacts." Mina beams with a big grin, "You are both our homeroom parents, so it's right for us to put you guys in our emergency contacts." Aizawa sighs and puts his face covered with his scarf at how much of a problem his old class is. "Okay, since you are all here, why don't we go to a 24/7 dinner to get something in your system." Izuku claps his hand with a big smile as he looks at his kids. "Iida, I understand if you stay to watch over Ochaco." They all cheer at their mother and are not disappointed in them. "Izu, can you wait outside? I need to chat with them in private." Aizawa said with a serious face the young pro hero was worried about their life once the mom was gone from the room. "Okay, but I promise not to kill them. I want to spend time with them." Izuku left the room as he left the hospital to wait in the car.

Aizawa faced his old students. "Okay, I'm not going to kill you guys." They all gulp, getting ready for the lectures. "But I need help planning a surprise for Izu, so yeah." Bakugo got very protective quickly once it involved his older brother. "What do you want to do?" Aizawa pulled out his phone to show a picture of a ring. "It is getting designed to fit for Izu perfectly." Bakugo became soft but still didn't show as he looks how beautiful the ring was. "You asking for his hand in marriages..." Bakugo mumbled but loud enough for everyone to hear. Mina squealed in excitement as both she and Denki jumped up and down, smiling that it was going to be official that they would be married since they had already acted like one. "Yes, I am, and I want to make sure my soon-to-be brother-in-law proves it." Bakugo taps his feet as he thinks about what he would say. "I'll give you my answer once you are in front of the entire family." He turns to his friends. "Okay, extra, you better not tell Izu about this. Mina, once Izu's and my family approve of this, start planning the prosing date." Everyone said they wouldn't tell Izuku before they left the hospital and met up with their mother.

Izuku looks up from his phone, smiling at them. "He didn't give you a hard time, right?" A sweat drop came down the young adult as they awkwardly laughed it off. "Sho!" he lightly punches Aizawa. "I told them not to kill them." Aizawa chuckled and rolled his eyes. He pins Izuku to the car and holds his waist, pulling him close to him, "Well, I didn't; they are still breathing. Now come, on kitty, let's take the problem children to dinner." Izuku was in a blushing mess as he mumbled something under his breath as he got in the car as singles everyone else got in.

Once they were at the dinner, the many pro heroes sat at a table together as they chatted about how life was. Izuku was happy for his kids being able to find themself. "We should have a reunion party for our class to get all the gang back together for Mama Izu to see his kids," Mina suggests as they eat their meal. Everyone at the table agrees even the one that hates hanging out with the bunch of dirt that are called his friends. "Oh! I'm so excited at can wait to see everyone all together. I hope they all have the time to come." Izuku took a sip of his milkshake as he committed, looking down with a smile. "I'm sure they would make time for Mama Izu's request," Kirishima said with a big grin. "Those fucking extra better come, or else I'll explode them away to hell!?" Izuku glare at Katsuki with stirn stare. "Now, what did I say about calling you friends extras?" Katsuki gulped and looked away before putting another french fry in his mouth. Everyone at the table burst out laughing after Bakugo shut down. Izuku giggles at how cute his brother's reactions are. After all this time he never stays mad at him.

They finish their meal, and each pro hero chips in, paying for it as Izuku order two Lyft for his kids to get home safely. "Now text me once you get home, okay." "Yes, mama!" All the hero said with a smile. Izuku and Shoato watch both cars drive off with the pro heroes inside. "Come on, kitty, you have a meeting attend to." Izuku's face became slightly pinkish as he looked at his lover. "Okay." They hope in the car that Shoato will drive them back to the apartment once they enter their home. "Sho, you should go head to bed. I need to finish up a few things." Shoato kisses his lover's forehead, "Of course Prime Minster...." Izuku rolls his eyes as he walks into his office. He sits on his chair as he can't get one thing off his mind from what was in his dream.

"Why was I dreaming of fishes...." Izuku thought out loud as he hummed before going away typing. "I guess I'll figure out later on...."

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