Randicon One-Shots (cause I c...

By TimothyDuck777

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I really love writing about these two! So much so that I've decided to make one-shots cause... I can. It's be... More

Requests are Open!
Hanahaki Disease AU
What is love?
Hiding in plan sight
Dancing with Nobody Else
"Wait... You're Me!"
Rock and Little Love
Falling for a Civilian
Falling for the Ninja
Good Intentions
Coffee Break
Rough Day
Rainy Days are Sick
Wave Call
Heart Racing
009 the Spy
Pick a Side, FBI
Love is Blind
First Date Mishaps

Beauty and the Beast AU

430 14 9
By TimothyDuck777

Request made by: Marelou Orobia

(Did I have to watch Beauty and the Beast just to write this?.... Yeah.
Do I regret it?.... Nope, it was a good movie, don't at me)

Norrisvile, a beautiful small village in the middle of nowhere.
The only thing surrounding this small and tiny town is the lush green forests, making it difficult for anyone inexperienced to leave or enter.

Rarely anyone new appears, which means this small town is built on people that know one another fairly well.

For most, this is a good thing.

Who doesn't want their neighborhood to be filled with friendly faces with daily activities and events?

Welp, it's not how it is for me.

All I hear when I walk down the same small streets of Norrisvile is the loud whispers of fellow villagers, commenting on how strange I am and overall wondering why I seem to be always be daydreaming all the time.

I guess I can understand it, I don't try to make friends and when I do I just end up stumbling over my words and fall face-first into awkwardness.

I should put more effort into it, otherwise, I'll have to deal with certain people all on my own for the rest of eternity.

"Hey Randy~," A familiar annoying voice hummed from behind me.

I turned around to see Bash McFist, the most arrogant, self-centered, entitled hunter in all the land. In his hand he held a shiny rifle and in the other, dragging a large deer that had been freshly taken down.
Beside him stood Bucky, struggling to hold a large sack of dead geese along with various other small creatures.

I sighed to myself as I tried to build up the courage to actually deal with these two.
I'm almost home, I wasn't in the mood to bump into these two.

I get why people think Bash is hot or whatever but his entitled personality is a massive turn-off to anyone with a working brain.

"Hey Bash," I mumbled in annoyance.
"Did you see my recent catch of the day? I caught it specifically for you~," He smirked as he held out the deer toward me, making me take a step back due to blood oozing from the exit wound.

"O-Oh, how nice, you shouldn't have," I stammered.
"Anything for you~," He grinned.
"Let me carry it to your home, I'm sure your father would be pleased to see this gift," He added.

"It's fine, really you don't have to, he's awfully busy anyway," I stated, hoping that he would just leave me alone.

My place is just up the hill, all I have to do is get away from these dumbasses.

"I-I'm sure he is, w-what with his s-supposed Ninja business and w-what not," Bucky chimed in with an awkward chuckle.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned him, my tone more than just annoyed.

"T-That crazy g-guy going on about s-some creature in t-the woods! Bash has b-been in t-the forest far l-longer than your f-father and hasn't seen a b-beast! He insane!" Bucky claimed proudly.

Bash snickered slightly under his breath, trying to pretend he too wasn't assumed by Bucky's comment, which of course made me more irritated with these two than at the start.

"My father isn't insane! He trains every day to one day find it and slay that creature!" I bellowed in anger.

"U-Uh yeah! You heard him! His father isn't crazy you idiot!" Bash exclaimed as he hit Bucky on the top of his head, making Bucky wince at the sudden punt.

Before I even had time to call out Bash for hypocrisy until I heard a loud bang from behind me, I quickly turned my attention toward my home to see that my father must have accidentally let a smoke bomb go loose what with all the red smoke pouring out of every opening of our home.

"Oh God," I sighed as I rushed up the hill, ignoring Bash and Bucky's laughter as they laughed at my father.

Once I reached the front porch, I opened the front door, the red smoke exiting out fast as I slowly made my way inside.
It was hard to see but I managed to open up all the windows in the house, the smoke exiting out faster with the added ventilation.

"Dad? You in here?" I asked as I made my way down the basement.

I finally got downstairs to see my father who was messing with the recent bombs.
He's always down here making new weapons such as swords, throwing stars, and whatever he feels is necessary to create.

Including bombs.

Though it didn't take a genius to know it's still a work in progress.

"Dad! Are you ok?" I exclaimed as I made my way over to him.
"Y-Yeah, I guess I used too much gunpowder," He chuckled.

His green hair was now slightly chard due to the explosion.

"I thought you said you had enough? Why are you making more?" I asked.
"Well, I thought that since this will be my third trip out into the forest, I figured making extras wouldn't hurt," He shrugged in response.

"Yeah sure, definitely didn't hurt," I said with sarcasm while pointing out that our house was practically engulfed in smoke moments ago.

"Relax kid, anyway, I'm heading out tonight," He simply said as he got up from the floor, brushing himself off.

"Tonight? I thought you said you would go tomorrow morning?"
"Did I say that? Ha, I got them mixed up again, whoops," He laughed.
"... Are you really going? Can... I come with?" I asked, hoping that today he would say yes.

His demeanor quickly changed once he heard my request, his face changing to concern as he seemed to be imagining what would happen if I joined along.

"Look, it's dangerous, I can't bring you with me. Maybe when you are older but not now," He answered.

I sighed, crossing my arms while being annoyed by his dismissal.

He always makes that excuse.

He suddenly placed a hand on my shoulder. I guess he noticed that I wasn't too happy with his response.

"Cheer up, I'll be back, you won't even notice I was gone," He reassured me.
"... Fine," I sighed.

He smiled as he simply turned back to his supplies. Shoving various weapons and equipment into a bag.

"Don't worry, you'll become the second Ninja before you know it," He stated.
"Can't I become a Ninja now? Or at least join you? Maybe if I get into a real fight you'll see that I can actually pull it off," I claimed.

"Yeah no, I'm not going to just allow my son to get hurt on my watch,"
"How else am I going to learn?"
"By training, in a safe environment," He pointed out.
"Whatever," I mumbled.

The two of us exited the house, making our way toward his horse named Tengu. My father packing everything that he had prepared onto Tengu's saddle.

The sun was nearly set. The night slowly approaching. Which made me nervous for my father's safety. He normally goes out during the early mornings. So him going out at night isn't something I'm fully comfortable with.

I know he can handle himself but still, it's a bit nerve-racking to know he may not return this time around.

"So, you're leaving now?" I asked.
"Yeah, it's better to get a head start," He simply said.

He hopped onto Tengu, sifting through his bag for a brief moment to check if he had everything before turning his attention back toward me.

"Before I leave, I did want to give you this," He stated.

He shoved his hand in his pocket before pulling out a single small key, gold plated with it shining in the sunlight just perfectly.

"Whoah, is this the key to your armory!?" I asked with a gasp.
"Yup, and I am trusting you with it. You can use any weapon you want during your training, but you know, don't go overboard," He smiled.

I held out my hand as he dropped the key in my palm, my eyes going wide with awe now that it was in my hands.

"I-I'll take good care of it!" I exclaimed.
"I know you will, I'll be back, don't go exploding the house," He chuckled.
"I think you already did that on your own," I smirked.

"Pfft whatever, bye, boy," He laughed.

He simply rode off, waving goodbye to me as I waved back, watching Tengu and my father disappear over into the forest.

I just sighed to myself, walking back into the house once my father was no longer visible. Which already had me overthinking things.

He'll be back.

I'm sure... he'll be back soon.


"Is everything prepared?" Bash asked while staring at a hand-mirror with a smirk on his face.

"Y-Yup! It's all r-ready!" Bucky stated with a stutter.
"Good, everything must be perfect!"
"It is! I-I even b-brought the b-band!" Bucky exclaimed as he pointed out the small group of band members.

Stevens on trombone, flute girl on... well flute, and with Bucky himself with the triangle.

"...That's all you could get?" Bash growled.
"W-Well, this wedding was k-kinda last minute," Bucky pointed out.

Bash simply hit Bucky over the head, making Bucky see stars for a second before returning to reality.

Bash then turned his attention to the small gathering of people. Seeing that Debbie and Heidi were crying due to Bash getting married, Theresa helping Morgan with decorating, and Julian was the priest who was preparing to start the wedding.

Oh yeah, it was all coming together.

Bash had been preparing for this ever since he laid eyes on Randy. Making it his prime goal to marry him.

Bash cleared his throat before lifting a glass as he tapped a fork against it to get everyone's attention. Everyone was pretty busy, with all of them not even noticing Bash's need to announce something.

Bash cleared his throat louder yet again, but no one noticed.
He then slammed the fork against the glass, shattering it into millions of pieces which did get everyone's attention.

"Thank you," He said as he gritted his teeth.
"I'm happy you all have chosen to join me on my special day! All I have to do is get the second man of the hour," He chuckled, referring to Randy.
"Everyone in your places! I'll be back with the lovely boy in my arms~," He grinned.

He turned his attention toward Randy's home, slicking back his hair while adjusting his tie before heading toward Randy's front door.

Randy, on the other hand, wasn't even aware of this supposed wedding. He was mainly busy training in the basement. Passing the time since his father hadn't yet arrived.
He didn't want to worry so instead of just sitting and waiting around, he chose to train for the time being since there wasn't much else to do.

He was in the zone with him nearly perfecting each move but he was still rusty. He was in the middle of landing a perfect hit until the sound of loud knocking on his front door broke his focus.
Randy groaned to himself as he held his sword, placing it gently on his shoulder as he walked upstairs to see who was there.

The thought of his father returning made him excited to answer until he looked through the peephole, seeing it was none other than Bash.
Randy's excitement quickly died once he saw who it was as he just sighed before opening the door, a smirk plastered on Bash's face.

"Why hello~," He smiled.
"Uh, hi," Randy mumbled.
"May I come in?" He asked, still smirking.

"Actually I don't think-,"
"Thank you for having me as a guest~," Bash said as he made his way inside, making Randy back up as Bash got closer and closer.

"Can I help you, Bash?" Randy sighed.
"You can actually," He smiled.

Bash's eyes then landed on the sword Randy was welding, his interest swaying toward the weapon.

"What's this?" He asked.

Bash then yanked the weapon from Randy, leaving Randy a bit shocked as Bash started to look closely at the sword.

"Hey! That's not yours!" Randy growled, reaching forward to get the sword back.
"I'll give it back, give me a moment pretty boy," He smirked.

"A boy as fragile as yourself shouldn't weld such hefty weapons. You might get hurt. Me on the other hand, could easily handle such a sword," Bash stated as he started to pose with the sword, looking toward a mirror that was hanging on the wall.

Randy was well past his patience.

Randy then simply pinched a specific part in Bash's arm, making Bash lose his grip on the sword as it dropped from his hand.
Randy caught the sword with little effort, leaving Bash completely dumbfounded.

"I think I can handle it just fine," Randy stated with a lot of shade being tossed at Bash.
"Y-You just caught me off guard," Bash defended himself.

Bash quickly tried to come off as cool again, clearing his throat and returning that stupid smile on his face.

"Besides, I wouldn't hurt such a gentle boy like you~,"
"How about you tell me why your here," Randy snapped, his tone now hostile now that Bash had pushed back against his boundaries.

"You know me already. Amazing hunter, skilled at everything, handsome like the devil~," He smiled, moving closer to Randy.
"Yeah, just as crazy too," Randy whispered to himself.

"How about I make you the luckiest boy in all the village~," He smirked.

Bash moved even closer toward Randy, backing Randy up against the front door.

"Marry me~," He stated proudly.
"Uh, that's great and all but I don't think that would be a great idea!" Randy stammered.

Randy reached for the doorknob, struggling to get away from Bash who was inches away from his face.

"How come? Don't you want to be the happiest boy around~?" He asked.
"It's not that, it's just that I don't think..." Randy finally managed to get to the doorknob, gripping it in his hands as he quickly turned it.

"I don't think I deserve you!" Randy stated.

Randy then swung the door open. Making Bash fall forward out of the house. Bash landing in a puddle of mud.
Randy then shut the door behind him, laughing a bit under his breath as he went back to the basement, replaying the incident in his mind as he found it hilarious.

Little did he know Bash was furious with Randy's dismissal. Emerging from the mud with a pissed-off expression on his face.

"D-Did he says yes?" Bucky asked.
"...What do you THINK?!" Bash shouted.
"Uh... y-yes?" Bucky stuttered in fear.

Bash just punched him, leaving Bucky dizzy for a second.

"His going to say yes whether he likes it or not," Bash growled under his breath, walking off to get cleaned up.

Randy was going to have to be careful of Bash's temper.

For Bash's temper got to his head very, very, VERY easily.


Morning came and went, the evening long past with the sun setting once again.

Randy was still worrying, no longer able to focus on training since it was well past the time his father was supposed to arrive.

Randy wasn't sure what to do since he has never been out for this long.

Maybe he managed to find the Beast?

Maybe he actually killed it and is struggling to bring back the body?

Maybe he was the kill by the Beast, leaving nothing but a skeleton behind with no way for Randy to know.

Randy's mood was shifting up and down as he tried to think positively. But it was a struggle not to just think of the worse outcomes.

Randy had been sitting on the front of his porch, fiddling with his sword as he waited for his father to show up any minute.

He was about to give up in waiting until he heard the faint sounds of a horse galloping in the distance.
He sprang up in excitement as he rushed toward the sound only to be horrified by what he found.

It was Tengu, but the thing was that his father was nowhere to be seen, Tengu's saddle empty with no rider.

"What happened?!" I gasped as I rushed over to Tengu.

Tengu's eyes were wide in fear. His eyes moving rapidly around as he seemed out of it.

Randy cursed under his breath as he hopped onto Tengu's saddle, steering the horse back into the forest to find his missing father.

Randy silently prayed to every God he could think of as he made his way deeper and deeper into the forest.

The town was no longer visible from where he was, as the vegetation got thicker with every step Tengu took. The regular path got rougher as bushes and fallen trees blocked most of the path.
Leaving them unsure if they should continue.

"Where's dad? Do you know the last time you saw him?" Randy asked Tengu in desperation.

Tengu seemed to understand as he started to steer himself in a certain direction, a direction that was far rougher than any of the past paths they had taken to get there.

Randy gulped but powered through, no longer concerned with his safety with the only thing on his mind was to get his father back.
He gripped at the hilt of his sword as they persevered through the path.

Time went by slowly as it felt as though it had been hours. Snow and rain both fell from the sky onto them as they kept moving forward.

Tengu abruptly stopped, making Randy confused.

He then looked up to see in the distance a massive castle, towering before them with an intimidating look.

Dead vines growing all around it, cracks in the stone and walls, with the front gate rusty to the point you couldn't even tell what the original metal was.

Randy's hand was shaking with fear but he quickly snapped himself out of it, hopping off Tengu as he made his way toward the front gate.

He turned back to Tengu who didn't want to move any further.

"It's ok, come on, it's better to be within the gate than out here," He said gently toward Tengu.

Tengu was still in fear but complied, allowing Randy to take him within the castle walls.

Randy quickly noticed that the gate had already been open, pushing it open even further with his hand. He walked inside with his steps loud as the snow was the only thing muffling the sound.

He made it to the front, the large wooden doors slightly open.

Randy looked back at Tengu who didn't want to enter.

"I'll go ahead, you stay here," He said.

Randy turned his attention back toward the castle. His sword in one hand while his free hand trembling as he pushed the door open.

The loud creaking echoed loudly.

Randy rushed inside, shutting the door behind him as he walked inside.

He was taken aback by how clean it was inside.

Not a single speck of dust on the marble floor, the red carpet stainless, and all the candles lit allowing Randy to properly see.

"D-Dad?!" Randy stuttered, welding his sword as he slowly made his way further inside.

His hand shook as he made his way down the hallway.

The walls were covered in various paintings. But all of them were destroyed with large claw marks slashed over each and every one of them.

Some seemed to be family portraits while some were just symbols and accents of some family crest.

Randy found it strange since his father would often speak on how the Beast is alone and isolated, with no prior family or past.
The Beast simply appeared without warning; his father would claim.

He simply disregarded this, still calling out for his father.

Was it strange that he felt as though someone was watching him?

He thought it was but he tried not to focus on it, only looking to find his father.

He found himself walking up a stairway up a tower, the stone steps and walls lead upwards toward what seemed to be a dungeon.

"D-Dad?! Are you here?" Randy asked, his voice shaky.

"Randy?!" A familiar voice called out.

It was Randy's father.

"Dad!" Randy exclaimed in relief as he ran up the steps.

Randy reached the top, seeing a prison-like place was here, a chained-up door before him as he made his way closer to it.

"Dad! Where are you?!" Randy asked, holding his sword high.
"I'm here!" His father shouted.

Randy then spotted his father's hands reaching out through the bars of the door.
He rushed to his father's side, placing his sword on the floor as he yanked at the door to open but it was no use.

It was locked.

"Dad! Who did this?!" Randy questioned, now using his sword to hack at the door.
"The Beast! I knew it! He was real!" He exclaimed with excitement.

"Now's not the time! How do I get you out?!" Randy stated.

Randy's father suddenly froze, his face pale as he seemed to be looking at something behind Randy.

"W-What is it?" Randy asked.

His father slowly lifted his hand out, pointing at something behind Randy as he started to mumble something under his breath.

"T-The Beast," He uttered.

Randy stopped mid-swing, slowly turning his attention toward the large figure that was towering over him. The creature's eyes glowing.

He wasn't yet in the light but you could already tell it was frightening.

"Who are you?" The creature growled.

Randy couldn't say a word, holding his sword out toward the creature, his hand visibly trembling.

The creature suddenly darted toward the other side of the room, Randy's sword no longer in his hands. It had smacked the sword out of Randy's hands without him even realizing.

"Who. are. YOU!" The Beast yelled in rage.

"Please, let my f-father go!" Randy managed to spout out.
"He can't! He tried to kill me!" The Beast bellowed.

"There has to be a way! Please!" Randy pleaded.
"There isn't," The creature growled.

Randy went silent again, looking back at his father who was also just as terrified.

Randy took in a deep breath and turned back to the Beast. Trying to hide his fear.

"I'll take his place," He declared.
"Wait! No!" His father shouted.

"Take me instead!" Randy exclaimed.

The Beast seemed to be taken aback, confused as to where this sudden confidence had come from.

"...Take his place? You would do that?" He asked.
"Yes, please just let him go," Randy stated.

The Beast paused for a brief moment, taking in the odd request.

"C-Can you step into the light?" Randy asked.

The Beast was confused by the strange ask. Hesitating to be seen in the light. The Beast stayed in place for just a moment, only to finally take a few steps into the light.

Randy gasped slightly as he saw the creature before him.

Red fur covered him head to toe, his clothes ripped and stretched, large claws and pointy teeth.

His father wasn't lying, this was the Beast.

Even though the Beast seemed rather intimidating; Randy didn't focus on it, only noticing his caramel brown eyes.

They seemed to be gentle in a strange way.

"...If you take his place, you can't leave, you will stay here... forever," The Beast explained.
"I-If that's what it takes then...yes!" Randy stated with no hesitation.

"NO!" Randy's father shouted, banging his fists against the door in a rage.

The Beast suddenly snapped his fingers. The door suddenly opened with a swift motion.

"Dad! Are you alright?!" Randy asked as he knelt down to see his father.

"You shouldn't have done that! Please take back the deal! Please! Take it back!" His father begged.

Before the two of them could say their final goodbye, the Beast suddenly grabbed Randy's father by his shirt collar, shoving him out without warning.

His father was then grabbed by various strange furniture that seemed sentient, carrying him away for Randy to never see again.

"I-I didn't get to say goodbye," Randy shuddered.

He struggled to keep himself from crying.
The thought of not seeing his father ever again bounced in his mind as he tried to control his emotions.

The Beast seemed guilt-ridden, as he was about to turn away only to stop himself, looking back at Randy as guilt grew more and more present.

"You... follow me," He simply stated.
"I-Isn't this where I'm staying?" Randy asked with confusion in his tone.
"Do you want to stay here?"
"... No," Randy simply stated.

"Then follow me," He demanded.

Randy followed close behind the Beast, the creature holding a candle in his hand as he lead the way.

"Do... Do you have a name?" Randy questioned.
"...It's Nomicon," He stated.

"Huh, strange name," Randy commented, trying to lighten up the mood.
"And what's yours?" Nomicon asked.
"I-I'm Randy," He answered.

"...Strange name," He stated. Quoting Randy from seconds ago.
"At least mine is actually a name," Randy huffed.

Nomicon didn't really respond, leaving Randy to theorize in his mind what Nomicon could possibly be thinking.

The two of them stopped at a door, the Beast opening it to reveal a huge room with a big king-size bed, along with other pieces of furniture.

Randy had always been used to the small village with little to no valuables. So the sudden wipe-lash from a tiny house to a room bigger than said small home was jarring.

"This is where you will be staying. You will... join me for dinner, that's not a request by the way," Nomicon added before slamming the door shut, locking Randy into the room.

"H-Hey! Wait!" Randy shouted, banging his hand on the door but no reply.

Randy just made his way toward the bed, unsure what to do since he wasn't used to casually sleeping on such a big bed.

After all his old bed was a simple thick blanket on the floor with a single pillow. This sudden change to a bed bigger than his old room was nice but still a sudden change.

But even though most people would be glad to know their lifestyle went from rags to riches, Randy couldn't help but worry about his father.

His father is capable to care for himself, but the idea of him being alone with a village filled with judgmental villagers left him saddened.

Randy was the only reason his father hadn't already been sent to the insane asylum so now that Randy was no longer allowed to see him again, made him worry for his safety.

"Oh God," Randy uttered, falling to his knees as he covered his face with his hands as the tears he was holding back finally fell from his face.

"Bruh, crying ain't bruce my guy," Said a voice.

Randy quickly looked around, trying to pinpoint where the voice had come from.

"W-Whose there?" Randy stated, wiping the tears from his face as he darted his eyes around the room.

He reached for the candelabra that was placed on the nightstand beside the bed, lifting it around to get a better look at who was around.

"Where did he go?" Randy whispered to himself.

"Uh, I'm right here," Said the voice again.

"Huh?!" Randy exclaimed.

He then looked at the candelabra in his hands to see that it had eyes and a mouth. Randy staring at with completely stunned.

"AH!" Randy shouted, dropping the candle in fear.

"Bro! What the hell, man! Rude!" The candelabra huffed in anger.
"W-W-What are you!?" Randy questioned. Taking a step back from the sentient candle.

"You mean who am I? I'm not just an object you know," The candelabra groaned.
"The names Howard," The candle simply said, holding out what Randy assumed was supposed to be his hand.

"...I'm either having a nightmare or died and landed in hell," Randy mumbled to himself.
"Rude, your not dead or dreaming, want me to show you?" Howard asked as he hopped his way over to Randy.

"Uh... sure?" Randy said with uncertainty in his tone.

Howard waddled over, putting one of his candle flames onto Randy's hand, making Randy wince as he quickly backed away.

"I didn't know you were going to b-burn me!" Randy shouted.
"What? It wasn't that strong," Howard shrugged.

Randy just groaned in annoyance, not even sure if he had gone insane or not.

Before he had time to register everything, suddenly someone knocked at the door, making Randy flinch with every knock.

The door then swung open to reveal a small pocket watch, hopping over toward Randy and Howard.

Randy backed away from it, leaving him with more questions than answers.

"I... I need to sit down," Randy mumbled, feeling light-headed due to all the chaos.

"Sir! The master would like for you to come down to dinner," The pocket watch stated, his whiny voice annoying to anyone's ears.
"We know, Doug," Howard sighed.

"Well, Sir Nomicon also said not to be mean to me, did you know that?" Doug asked with a smirk.
"... Shut it, Doug," Howard huffed.

"Anyway, you need to change for dinner. You wouldn't wanna wear whatever you got on for a dinner with the master," Howard said, pointing out Randy's attire was far from royalty standards.

"You look like your part of the staff," Howard commented with shade.
"Uh aren't we the staff?" Doug pointed out.
"Can it, Doug," Howard growled.

"So... do I have to go?" Randy asked.

"...Yes, I don't know how you could think you had a choice here, prisoner," Howard reminded Randy.
"Well actually, he can go where ever in the castle as long as he doesn't leave or go to the west wing-," Doug explained before being smacked by Howard.

"Hey! You didn't have to hit me!" Doug shouted.
"Maybe I wouldn't have to if you would just shut your trap, Doug!" Howard hissed.

"Why not the west wing?" Randy questioned, now interested in the new information.

"Uh... it's not important, what is important is you going to dinner with sir Nomicon," Howard stated.

Randy paused for a moment, thinking to himself before getting an idea.

"How about a quick tour? If I'm going to stay here for so long I might as well know where everything is first," Randy said.
"Uh, I don't think we have time for that," Doug said.
"It shouldn't take long at all," Randy insisted.

Doug and Howard looked at one another, conflicted if they should or not since they didn't want to have to deal with Nomicon's outburst.

"We shouldn't! I'm sorry but he is currently waiting," Doug said.

"... Alright," Randy shrugged.

Randy then started to walk away from Howard and Doug, the two of them quickly following behind him only to see Randy was going nowhere near the place he was supposed to be.

"Uh, you aren't supposed to go that way, that's toward the west wing, not the dining room," Doug stated, making Howard sigh as he smacked Doug again.

"What? It's true!" Doug exclaimed.
"Doug, if you could just shut your mouth for just five minutes, that's all I beg of you," Howard groaned.

"Hey! Dude! Get back here!" Howard called out to Randy.

Randy didn't seem to care, all he wanted were answers. And if he was being honest with himself, he just wanted to distract himself rather than having to face the Beast who had ripped him away from freedom.

Howard and Doug still followed Randy, calling out to him to come back but at this point, there was no way in swaying him. He was already set on finding more answers.

As Randy continued down the hallway, some noticeable differences were present compared to all the other parts of the castle.

While most of the castle was for the most part clean and pristine, the west wing was a whole different story.

The carpet was ripped and stained, the wallpaper chipping, the marble walls had dust and stretch all around it, and the candles that would normally be on were all distinguished.

The only thing lighting the hallways was the moon that was peeking through the ripped-up currents on the window, which wasn't ideal but was better than nothing.

Randy found himself at the end of a hallway, a single door before him.
It was drawing him closer and closer with interest.

"Get back here! You've gone far enough!" Howard yelled.
"Yea! And don't go through that door! It's not meant for you to open!" Doug exclaimed.
"Oh my God, Doug," Howard said before facepalming himself.

"Thanks for the heads up," Randy said.

He then opened the door in one swift motion, stepping in quickly before shutting it behind him, leaving Howard and Doug with no real way in entering since the doorknob was out of reach.

Randy could hear the faint banging of Howard and Doug as they seemed to be frantically trying to get him to open the door.
The banging finally stopped, and the only thing he heard after was the faint sound of the two of them leaving.

They're probably going to tell Nomicon, Randy thought to himself.

He then took a deep breath, finally taking a minute to look around.

He was shocked to see it was a bedroom but it was completely destroyed.

The furniture that was once there was brutally broken into nothing but small pieces, the carpet and sheets ripped to shreds, along with cobwebs and dust that had never been cleaned.

It was a complete wreck of a room.

Randy stepped further into the room, looking up and down until his eyes landed on a portrait.

He paused for a long second to see that it was completely wrecked, but you could still faintly tell what it once was.

A boy the same age as Randy, their red hair and gentle brown eyes were the first things Randy noted.

Who was this strange person?

How come Randy had not seen him?

Randy was thinking of reasons until he spotted something glowing in the corner of his eye.

He turned to see the balcony, a single small table was placed at the end of it.

A single red rose with a glass case protecting it from the elements, the rose seemingly glowing with small shiny particles bouncy from off its petals.

It was beautiful.

Randy made his way toward it, in awe of such a thing.

He gently tapped on the glass case, looking at the rose carefully only for him to notice a book placed beside it.
It was a strange-looking book with it being black and red with a green center along with strange symbols all over it.

What was all this?

And why was everything so important here so important?

Before Randy could explore any further, the door that was once shut was kicked open without warning, a loud bang echoing throughout the castle that left Randy paralyzed in fear.

Randy quickly turned around, snapping out of his scared state as he was ready for what was about to attack him.
But once he turned to see what had opened the door, he saw nothing, leaving him confused rather than fearful.

"You aren't supposed to be here," Said a voice from behind Randy, a low angry growl under its breath.

Randy froze, slowly glancing over to see that the Beast had snuck behind him without him even noticing.

"What. Are. You. DOING HERE!" Shouted Nomicon with pure rage.

"AH!" Randy screamed in fear.

Randy didn't hesitate, running straight for the door and booking it down the hallway without looking back.

All the twists and turns of the castle didn't stop Randy from managing to find the exit, slamming into the door to open it, and falling onto the floor that was now covered in snow.

He rushed to his feet, brushing off the snow while trying to find Tengu that had been out here waiting for Randy to return.

Randy finally found Tengu, hopping onto Tengu's saddle without wasting a single second.

"Let's go!" Randy shouted, directing Tengu to run out of there.

Tengu listened without a second thought, leaving through the front gates straight into the forest again.

The once clean path was now covered in snow, making it impossible for Randy to determine where to go but at this point, he didn't care, as long as he got far away from the castle then it wouldn't be a problem.

They kept running deeper and deeper into the forest, finally finding themselves far away enough to slow down and just rest.

Tengu slowed down his sprint, now simply walking in whatever direction they thought home would be.

Randy sighed in relief, the snow gently falling on his face as he just enjoyed the small moment of piece.

Everything looked to be going well until the mini celebration was cut short by the sound of wolves growling from behind them.

Randy quickly looked behind them to see what looked to be seven wolves, all of them following from a close distance as they all were preparing to strike.

Randy wasn't sure what to do until his eyes landed on the bag his father had tied onto Tengu's saddle, a small piece of hope on full display. He slowly reached his hand into the bag, swigging through it until he could feel his hand graze a smoke bomb.

Randy smirked as he gripped onto it, waiting for the right moment to toss it.

After a long minute that felt like hours, one wolf threw itself toward Randy and Tengu, leaping in the air to dig his teeth into them only for Randy to finally toss the smoke bomb straight into the wolf's mouth.

The bomb burst, smoke oozing from the wolf's mouth which left it completely confused as it shook its head up and down to stop to smoke.

Randy hopped down off the Tengu's saddle, placing his father's bag on his shoulder as he prepared to fling another smoke bomb.

Even though the wolves had seen one of their fellow members get hit with a small bomb, they weren't letting up, all of them coming in closer from every angle.

Tengu wanted to run but Randy held his reins to keep him from deserting.

Each wolf got closer, inching toward them as Randy was ready for them.

One wolf jumped forward, only to be caught off guard with a smoke bomb to the face, making it run to cover.
Another leap toward him, coming at him on Randy's left making him stumble out of shock but he managed to land a third onto the animal.

It was starting to get out of hand.

I don't think it's just seven wolves, Randy thought to himself.

Randy was quickly backed into a corner and left with barely enough smoke bombs to keep them away for a couple more minutes.

He was running out of luck fast.

He reached into the bag again, hoping that there be would one left but to his horror, there were none left.

The wolves inched closer, now fully aware that he was powerless.

I'm so fucked, Randy thought to himself.

He braced himself to be ripped to shreds by the pack of wolves, seeing that one was already ready to pounce any second.

He closed his eyes tight, waiting to eventually be turned into the wolf's dinner but nothing happened.

All he heard was the abrupt sound of one of the wolves whimpering in pain.

Randy slowly opened his eyes, thinking that he had died but to his surprise he was in one piece, seeing a familiar face before him.


He wasn't too sure how to feel about the sudden arrival of Nomicon but he didn't have time to think of that since the wolves were still a problem.

Nomicon was taking them out one by one, tossing them over his shoulder with little effort as he went full rage mode, roaring loudly as each wolf fought back just as fierce as him.

Randy simply stayed back. Even though he wanted to jump in and join in on the fight, he also knew he would probably get knocked out before he even landed the first hit.

The fight finally came to an end, the wolves giving up since they learned it wasn't worth the risk to keep at it.
They all scattered in different directions, disappearing into the forest to never be seen again.

Randy watched Nomicon closely as he could see he was badly injured, blood falling from his arms as the red droplets landed into the snow.

Randy stepped forward toward him, about to ask if he was alright until Nomicon suddenly fell over with a loud thud.

Randy was shocked by this since he would have thought that such a beast would be able to handle such a beating but I guess wolves aren't to underestimate.

He rushed over to Tengu, ready to take off without a second thought until he stopped himself.
He looked over his shoulder toward Nomicon, wondering if he should just leave him here to possibly die.

He was going to lock me up forever, Randy reminded himself.

Why should I help him? It's not like he considered my feelings when he forced me to live somewhere for eternity.

Randy tried to think negatively about the Beast but something was preventing him to do so, it just wasn't right especially when he risked his life to save his.

He sighed to himself before turning toward the Beast, assisting him out of the forest with the help of Tengu.

As much as he didn't want to return to the castle, he also didn't want to let him die right after saving his life.


Why is he here?

I thought he ran off?

I didn't think I would be here, in my study, with the fire going, with this strange boy tending to my wounds.

Am I hallucinating?

I wince a bit at the sudden warm water hitting my cuts, pulling my arm away from Randy and keeping it out of his reach.

"Do you want it to get infected?" Randy asked, crossing his arms with judgment.
"It's fine, I've had worse," I mumbled.
"Doesn't mean you should let it get worse," Randy pointed out.

This kid is annoying.

"Come on, I can't help you until you let me," Randy stated.
"Well maybe if you had just stayed in the castle as I asked, maybe you wouldn't need to do this," I growled.
"Well maybe if you just acted like a normal person and just talked to me rather than just scaring the shit outta me, maybe I would have stayed," Randy said with annoyance in his tone.

I just shut my mouth up as I reluctantly allowed him to continue, I didn't expect him to talk back even after all that happened let alone raise his voice.

Strange boy.

"...Thank you, for what you did back there," Randy mumbled.

I paused for a second, shocked that he would even thank me.

His too odd.

"...No problem," I said.

The two of us sat there in silence as I tried to keep a straight face but the sharp pain I kept feeling was not helping.

It's just odd, I don't know how to feel about all this.

It was comforting, to say the least, a comforting feeling that I hadn't felt in years.
I don't know if I'm indulging in this too much.

It's all too new.

"There, you're all fixed up," Randy smiled.
"U-Uh, thank you," I quickly said.

Why did my heart start beating faster?

"Need any help getting up?" Randy asked.
"No, I'm fine," I stated firmly.

I struggled to stand up from the chair and managed to stay up for a solid second until I took my first step, stumbling slightly until Randy quickly caught me as he helped me stand.

"Are you sure you don't need my help?" Randy questioned.
"F-Fine," I growled.

He simply chuckled at my answer, a smile on his face as he assisted me throughout the castle.

I honestly can't say I hate this smile or his laugh.

I would be lying if I said I didn't want to see him like this.

My stubborn nature won't let me say that out loud though.

We managed to get to my room, Randy assisting me the whole way through. It was a nice feeling having someone look after me, especially someone that didn't seem to fear me.

At least I hope he didn't fear me.

"There you go, need any more help?" Randy asked with a soft smile.
"N-No, I'm fine,"

I paused for a second, thinking back on how he tried to run off just an hour ago.
Thought about how I had already had a bad impression of him at the first moments of meeting him.
Jesus Christ, I scared this poor boy and now his helping me as if nothing happened.

I shouldn't have forced him to stay here.

"Look, Randy, I think I was a bit... harsh with my methods beforehand, and... you don't have to stay here," I simply stated.

He seemed to be thinking to himself for a brief moment, shocked that I would even allow him to leave after all my threats.

"But your hurt, you couldn't even walk down the halls without falling," Randy pointed out.
"It's fine, I can handle it," I muttered.

"Well... I don't feel comfortable just leaving you here without any help. I mean, you did save me after all, I can't just let you deal with this on your own," Randy explained.

Am I hearing him correctly?

Do I have a concussion that I'm not aware of?

"Fine, if you truly feel that way, then let me change my demands. You are not to leave until I'm fully healed," I stated firmly.
"...You really like bossing people around don't you?" Randy smiled.
"If you mean give proper punishments then I suppose so," I retorted.
"Alright, alright, you win. I'll stick around," Randy laughed.

I can feel my heart tighten slightly suddenly.

I won't admit it out loud but he truly knows how to get into people's hearts.


Bash sat before the fireplace at the public bar, still sulking at the fact that he was rejected by the boy he so desperately wanted to marry.
He sighed as he took a swig of his beer, no amount of beer could cure his utter disappointment.

He's always been given what he wanted so when he was turned down. It practically destroyed him. Leaving him even more determined to marry the one that got away.

Bucky was trying to comfort him, buying him an endless supply of beer to try to keep his spirits up. But it didn't seem to work.

"S-Sir, you shouldn't just m-mope all day, you've gotta c-cheer up eventually," Bucky insisted, placing another beer on the small table beside Bash.
"What's the point? The one person I wanted to marry had just rejected me! I mean I have no idea why! If someone like me were to ask to marry me I would say yes with no hesitation!" Bash declared.

"I'm s-sure you'll find s-someone else to your l-liking," Bucky said.
"No! There's no one else! If only there were some way to get him to say yes!" Bash exclaimed in frustration, taking another drink from his beer.

Without any warning, the front entrance doors burst open, making everyone in the bar turn to look to see who had abruptly entered.

It was Randy's father.

He limped inside. Using his sword as a walking stick as he shuffled his way inside awkwardly, looking exhausted as he tried not to fall over.

"It's my son! Please! Someone help!" He shouted in desperation.
"Aren't you some Ninja master? Can't you handle it?" Bash commented, snickering at his remark.

"No! Can't you see?! I am injured! I can't do it on my own! Please! I just need someone's help!" He screamed as he pointed out his visibly sprained ankle.
"Chill out you crazy, old man. You can just pop that thing that back in place, right? You can handle it," Bash scoffed as he turned his attention back to his beer.

Randy's father growled under his breath, looking down at his ankle as he thought he really had no choice in the matter.

He simply took up Bash's challenge without a second thought.

He dropped down to his feet, taking his ankle in his hand, pausing for a second to relax, and quickly twisted it back in place.
Screaming in pain as he tried his hardest to not pass out from the agony.

Everyone was shocked that he would just casually twist his ankle back in place for everyone to see, even having some hurl from the sight of him twisting it back.

"I knew you were a c-crazy old man!" Bash laughed nervously.
"Y-You know what! Fuck you! Fuck you all! I'm going to go save my son on my own!" He shouted in rage.

He then walked out of the bar, still limping slightly but was able to make it out without any help.

It wasn't like anyone was willing to help anyway.

Bash sat there, silently thinking to himself as Bucky watched him carefully while wondering what he was thinking.

"W-What's w-wrong?" Bucky asked.
"I think I have a way for Randy to marry me," Bash stated as a grin formed on his face.

"Let's go! I've got a marriage to prepare for!" Bash exclaimed happily, standing up from his chair as he made his way out of the bar with Bucky following close behind him.

"R-Really? W-What's the plan?" Bucky questioned.
"I'll show you~," Bash grinned.

The two of them exited the bar and made their way down the street, the snow piling up as the snowstorm roared on.
The streets were still usable but eventually, it would be too much the handle.
But even though the powerful storm was still in effect, that didn't stop Bash from making his way toward the jailhouse.

Bash is barraged in, and makes his way to one of the men working.

"May I speak to my father? It's urgent," Bash demanded, slamming his fist on the front desk.

The man at the desk was annoyed by his presence but simply sighed.
He simply got up from where he sat, walked over to his father's office, and knocked on the door.

"Sir, your son is here to see you," He sighed.
"Not now, Viceroy! I'm busy!" He growled back.
"But sir, he says it's urgent," Viceroy insisted.

After a long pause of silence after his statement, the door suddenly opened to reveal a very pissed-off McFist.

"Let him in," McFist groaned.

Viceroy signaled Bash and Bucky to enter McFist's office.

Bash shoved Viceroy to the side, with Bucky following close behind Bash as he stuck out his tongue at Viceroy, making him more irritated that he had to listen to their demands.

"So, what do you need from me now?" McFist asked as he returned to his desk.
"You see father, the boy I wanted to marry declined my proposal and-,"
"Wait, wait, wait! You mean to tell me I paid for a wedding that didn't even get to start?" McFist stated.
"Why did you even want a wedding with a boy that you weren't even sure was going to say yes?! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" McFist added.

"His just hard-headed is all! He'll see what his missing in no time," Bash said proudly.
"Hold on, I thought you said he already said yes beforehand. What changed?" McFist pointed out.
"Uh... I hadn't asked yet at that point," Bash said awkwardly.

McFist took a deep breath in and out, rubbing his face in annoyance as he looked back at his son with pure rage.
"And you just assumed!?" McFist exclaimed in anger.
"I thought he would just say yes! I mean do you know who I am?! I'm a catch!" Bash stated.

"Oh God, my son is a dumbass," McFist mumbled to himself.
"So what are you coming to tell me now? I hope your gonna tell me that you're going to repay me for the wedding," McFist added.

"It wasn't even a good wedding," Bash whispered to Bucky.

Bucky chuckled but quickly shut his mouth once he noticed McFist shooting him a glare.

"Come on, what brilliant idea do you have now," McFist said.
"I want you to arrest Randy's father," Bash asked bluntly.

"Huh? You want me to arrest the father of the guy you want to marry?" McFist questioned.
"And this is good for you how?" McFist questioned.

"It's simple, you arrest his father and once Randy returns, he must marry me in order to release him," Bash said with pure pride in his idea.

"And I'd do this for you why?" McFist stated.
"Because it would be a shame if the towns folk found out you were using their tax funds to build your new mansion~,"

"What?! That house is for us!" McFist pointed out.
"And that's great and all but I want Randy," Bash said, not even considering backing down.
"Jesus Christ, Fine! I'll arrest him! Strange way to get your in-laws to like you but fine!" McFist exclaimed.

"Thank you~," Bash said with smug, walking out of his office with Bucky by his side.

Bash's plan was already in motion with Randy having no clue.


These past two months have been nice to be honest.

I didn't think it would, considering that I was forced to stay here but I'm not complaining.

Nomicon is actually a nice guy once you take the time to know him.
He even lets me call him Nomi at times.
It took him a while to get used to the sudden nickname but he warmed up to it.

I did bother him with it a lot so of course, he would get used to it.

Sure he has a temper, his bossy, and oftentimes doesn't like to display any other emotions other than annoyance and frustration but his much more than that.

I don't know how to explain it but I just feel that his kind.

He does small random things that leave me feeling happy.
It doesn't even matter if it's just opening a door for me or just complimenting me, he knows exactly what to do to make me feel all giddy.

Is that weird to say?



I don't know, these are some new feelings I haven't felt in ages.

The old townsfolk I would live next door with would often say two-faced complements or just flat out be rude so I'm not used to being treated well.

Who would have thought a beast that I've only known for two months would be kinder than those I've lived with for years?

It's weird.

It's strange.

But I like it.

For the most part...

"Let me change your bandages!" I shouted as I kept following Nomi throughout the castle.
"No, I'm fine," He growled.
"No, you aren't! Those things have been on for a whole three weeks! Your gonna get an infection!"
I exclaimed.

"It doesn't matter!"
"It will matter once it gets worse and worse!"
I huffed.
"Ugh, fine! You win!" He hissed.

He then stopped avoiding me, allowing me to finally replace his bandages.

"Thank you, you know if you would just let me help you then I wouldn't have to chase you throughout the castle," I criticized.
"Whatever," He mumbled.
"Don't worry, I'll be gentle," I smiled.

It only took a couple of minutes to replace them, a fraction of the time it took to even convince him to let me fix them up.

"See, all better, it wasn't that bad," I smirked.
"I just didn't think it was necessary," Nomicon mumbled.
"Necessary or not, it helped, didn't it?"
"...I suppose,"

Now that I think about it, his gotten a lot better. His even been able to walk without any help, I barely even have to do anything.

"...You're getting better each day, eventually you won't need me around," I laughed.
"Yeah, I noticed," He stated.

He went quiet for a second, avoiding my eyes as he looked to be upset with my comment.

I guess he also knows that eventually, I'll have to leave.

After all, the deal was that I could go once his all better.

Why am I disappointed?

"I'm sure you will be able to leave soon," He simply said.

He gently patted my head and my face felt red for a brief second.

Why am I acting like this?

"W-When do you think I could actually leave?" I asked, changing the subject quickly.
"...Whenever," Nomi answered, his eyes shifting away from mine.

"You sure?"
"You sure you sure?"
"Do you want me to change my mind?"
"Ok! Ok! Just checking," I laughed.

"I get to see my dad again," I gushed.

Nomi smiled as he looked happy with my reaction but I could tell that he was saddened by the fact I'll be going.

"You know, since you will probably be leaving soon... how about we give you a proper send-off," Nomi stated.
"Like what? A party?!" I gasped in excitement.
"Sure," Nomi smiled softly.

"Yes! For someone that was forcing me here, you make it hard to hate it here!" I laughed.
"I hope so, I didn't want you to hate me to begin with," Nomi mumbled.
"Well, I definitely don't hate you! Give yourself some credit, your a nice guy,"

Nomi's eyes shifted away from mine, I must have embarrassed him a bit.

The day went on as usual but my heart was beating more frequently without me even noticing.

I catch myself grinning while thinking of Nomi.

I noticed that I have been wanting to see him more often.

I kinda don't hate this feeling.

The night was upon us, with many of the furniture/servants were running and back forth throughout the castle as they made sure everything was perfect.

The candles were all glowing a soft yellow, the marble floors were so clean you could see your face in them, and every small detail was taken into account as they changed and adjusted anything that even looked a bit off.

It was shocking how much time they put into all this.

I sat in my room, feeling a bit overwhelmed, to say the least.

I really wanted to see Nomi.

"Sir, here is your wardrobe that you can pick and choose from," Howard declared as he hopped inside while pushing a cart filled with various suits for me to wear.

"Isn't this a bit much?" I asked, noticing how expensive each piece was.
"Enjoy it, it's a gift from Nomicon," He said.

My face turned a bit red once I heard his name.

"Are you sick? You look red," He pointed out.
"Nope! I'm fine!" I spouted out.
"Hm... alright," He shrugged.

"Take your time to get ready," He said before leaving my room.

I really really want to see him.


The night was perfect for such an event.

The castle was cleaner than it ever had been, each corner and crevice checked.

It was all set to perfection for both Randy and Nomi.

But there was a hint of sadness in the air.

Each person does not want to truly leave.

They both knew this day would come, it wasn't like it wasn't predicted from the start.

Randy's father needs him after all and Nomi couldn't keep him from his only family.

Nomi knew it wasn't right to keep him for himself.

No one else knew that this was the last night Randy would stay at the castle, the minutes ticking as Nomi felt more and more saddened by reality.

Don't be selfish, Nomi reminded himself.

He didn't want to make Randy hate him, that much he knew.
He only wanted Randy to smile, that's all he wants for him.
To never see Randy's sad face would be what he would want most of all.

Nomi was ready, his blue and gold tux on and his hair braided.

He held his breath as he tried to think of the positive.

He can handle it.

He made his way through the castle, his steps echoing softly as he kept his head high. His posture perfected as he wanted to show his best self to Randy.

He made his way to the main hall, the marble floors beautifully decorated with small gold accents, the yellow and blue currents matched well, and the chandelier shined brightly enough to be mesmerizing.

It was beautiful.

He then stopped once he heard some steps from the top of the stairs.

He turned to see who was there only to see Randy, wearing a golden suit with his hair slightly slicked back but still staying up.
You could easily tell he wasn't used to such luscious clothing and that made Nomi grin.

It was cute, Nomi thought to himself.

Randy made his way down the steps, his face slightly red as he tried to act properly but he definitely struggled.

"I'll be real with you, I have no idea what I'm doing," Randy admitted.
"Don't worry, your doing just fine," Nomi smiled.
"H-How do you even do fancy parties? Like you know, how do you dance and stuff?" Randy mumbled, embarrassed that he even had to ask.

"I'll teach you," Nomi said as he held out his hand.

Randy heisted slightly but took his hand, a grin on his face as tried to relax.

It was awkward at first, Randy stumbled as he tried his hardest with Nomi trying not to laugh at how cute Randy was.

"D-Don't laugh, I'm trying," Randy said.
"I know, that's what makes it cute," Nomi smiled.

Randy's face turned red once again, his heart skipping a beat.

I like his smile, Randy thought to himself.

Eventually, the two of them got the hang of it, with Randy finally able to avoid stepping on his own feet.

"Yeah! I'm a pro!" Randy exclaimed with excitement.
"You're doing great," Nomi said.

The night was nice, the two of them enjoying each other's company as they laughed the whole time.

I don't want this night to end, they both thought to themselves.

Nomi eventually took Randy to the balcony, the stars lighting up the sky leaving Randy completely in awe.

"Wow, I never really noticed how pretty the stars are," Randy said as his eyes stayed on the sky.
"Yeah, they are pretty," Nomi said while only looking at Randy, his attention not even on the stars.

"A-Are you even looking at them," Randy stammered.
"Not particularly," Nomi answered.

Randy's face turned red again, almost every word from Nomi left him a loving mess.

Even though Randy was mainly focused on enjoying the night, the feeling of worry was still on his mind.

He's been gone from his father for so long, that he wasn't even sure if he was ok or not.

"What's wrong?" Nomi asked.
"Nothing... I'm just worried if my dad is all, I'm probably just overreacting," Randy reassured himself, but it didn't help.

"Would... you like to see if he is?"
"I have something for you," Nomi simply said.

Randy followed Nomi closing, still unsure what he meant.

The two of them made their way through the castle until they managed to get to a very familiar room.

The same one with the strange items.

Randy was confused but trusted Nomi, the two of them walked into the room until they reached the same small table with the strange items.

Nomi placed his hand on the weird book, holding it in his hands until he turned to Randy, handing it to him to have.

"Open the book and all you have to do is ask what you want to see," Nomi explained.

Randy hesitated but listened to his instructions.

"I-I want to see my father," Randy stated.

He opened the book and there in the pages was a small window to see his request.

Randy looked carefully until he saw his father.

He gasped in excitement until he paused, realizing where he was.

His father was in the forest, now with a new supply bag and various items that he was using to track down Randy.
He then noticed his father's leg was bandaged but it was lucky his leg wasn't broken.

"H-His ok! For the most part," Randy stated, his worry increasing.

His smile faded slightly as he started to overthink again.

Nomi looked upon Randy's worried face, wanting to see his once cheerful face again.

"You should go see him," Nomi spouted out.
"R-Really?" Randy asked.
"Yes," Nomi nodded.

"You s-sure?" Randy mumbled.
"Don't make me retract my statement," Nomi sighed.
"Ok, ok," Randy laughed.

The two of them stopped, time seemed to slow as they looked into one another's eyes.

"I better get going I guess," Randy said, snapping out of the trance he seemed to be under.

Nomi looked down at the ground, not wanting to face him since he didn't know how to feel.

Randy simply placed his hand on his cheek, his gentle touch making Nomi regret his choice to let him go.

But he knew it wouldn't be right.

"I'll visit as much as I can, ok?" Randy smiled.
"...Alright," Nomi said.

The two separated, with Randy rushing to get back in his original clothing along with gathering his things.

Nomi still stayed in his old room, unsure how to feel.

He was happy to see Randy happy but he couldn't help but want to be selfish.

He had to hold in his wants.

"Sir, last night was great! I'm sure he is already falling for you!" Howard exclaimed as he busted through the doors.

He then paused once he noticed Nomi's sad state, slowly realizing what had happened.

"You let him go... didn't you?" Howard asked.
"...I can't have him," Nomi stated.

"But you know what will happen, me and everyone else will stick around but you... you won't make it after the last petal," Howard reminded him.

"...I know," Nomi said.


Tengu ran down the path as I stirred him, taking us closer to where my father was.

I then halted once I heard something, I turned to see my father, struggling to walk through the snow that was already reaching his knees.

"Dad!" I called to him.

He turned and finally saw me, he quickly rubbed his eyes to be sure and it was.

"R-Randy!?" He gasped.

He tried to run to me but tripped due to the snow, falling on the ground with a thud.

"I'm ok!" He shouted.

I laughed a bit as I stirred Tengu to him.
I hopped off Tengu and helped my dad up, assisting him into Tengu so he no longer had to walk.

"What about the beast! Did he follow you?!" He questioned.
"No, dad, he a not bad!"
"I beg to differ,"
"He's not bad, please, he let me go," I smiled.

"I'm glad you didn't kill him! He's really kind," I said as I thought back on him fondly.

My dad paused as he examined my face and simply just kept his opinions to himself.

The two of us made our way home, the snow mixed with rain still falling rapidly as I tried to shield myself from the storm.

Eventually, the village lights were in sight as we all celebrated.

We struggled to walk through the thick layer of snow but we made it, opening the front door was hard with the hinges slightly frozen.

I helped my father inside, placing him on a chair and handing him whatever blankets I could find.

"Are you alright? I don't know how long you were out there for," I said.
"I'm fine, just get the fire going, it's fucking freezing," He shuddered.

I quickly listened to his instructions, turning on the fire and allowing it to warm up the house.

As we started to settle in, a loud knock shook the house suddenly, making me unsettled.

I made my way to the front door, unlocked it, and swung it open.

Only to see a face I wasn't in the mood to see.

"Why hello, Randy~," Bash hummed.
"Can I help you?" I grumbled.
"Actually you can, you see, your father isn't exactly... a completely sane guy. We all know this," Bash explained.
"Last time I checked he has all his marbles,"

"You may think that but, my father doesn't," He smirked.

I was suddenly pushed to the side as Bash forced his way inside my house and walked over to my father, grabbing him by his shirt collar and dragging him out with little care.

"Hey! What are you doing!" I shouted.
"Don't worry, I'll bring him back," He grinned.

He made his way down the steps leaving me more pissed off with how he treated my father with no hesitation.

I stopped once I noticed the group of villagers, each of them holding a torch as they cheered my father's demise, no one holding back from their harsh comments.

"You can't do this!" I shouted.

I jumped Bash, twisting his arm back to where it wouldn't break but it certainly would be apprehended.

"Get off me, pretty boy! I don't want to hurt your pretty face~," He hissed.

He let go of my father only for McFist to come along to finish the job, grabbing my dad and tossing him onto the ground with his foot directly on my dad's wounded leg.

"If you move, then I'll make your leg unusable," McFist growled.


I pushed Bash aside, ready to face McFist only to be punched square in my chest.
I was thrown like trash, landing into a pile of snow but even with the soft landing it still felt sore where the hit landed.

"Jesus Christ, son, you want to marry that?" McFist commented.
"You just don't get it," Bash huffed.

"Now, time for jail for you, you poor old man needs to have a nice jail cell," McFist chuckled.
"...I'm younger than you," My father stated.
"Shut it or that leg is gone!" He snapped.

"Time for the insane asylum for you~," Bash laughed.
"I'm not insane! I know what I saw!"
"Your lying, your just some old crazy man!" Bash cackled.

I struggled to get up, recalling the book from before.

If I don't do something my father will be gone.

"His telling the truth! I have proof!" I called out to them.

"Ha! Proof, I wanna see this, come on! Amuse me!" McFist laughed.

I quickly grabbed it, raising it up for everyone to see.

"S-Show me the Beast!" I yelled.

I then opened the pages, revealing the proof I had.

The Beast in the flesh.

Everyone gasped in fear, stepping back as they struggled to handle this new information.

"Oh, God! He's going to kill us all!"

"He'll rip out your guts and use it for floss!"

"He'll take out your eyes for the fun of it!"

"He'll remove your teeth one by one and leave you to die!"

Each townsfolk shouted their assumptions, complete rage and fear fueling the chaos.

What have I done?

"H-He exists," McFist uttered.

Bash was frozen but quickly revived his ego, turning his attention to the townsfolk with a huge grin on his face.

"I'll slay the Beast!" Bash declared.

"No! He's not evil!" I screamed.

Bash turned around to face me, completely shocked to hear me defending Nomi.

"He is a trance! I'll keep him in the basement until I slay the creature!" He stated proudly.

He ran to me, attempting to grab me but I kicked him in the face, making him fall down the stairs as I made him look like a fool.

"T-The Beast must have given him strength! Everyone! Take him to the basement!"

I stopped as I saw the townsfolk rush to me, each person grabbing me as they directed me to the basement with my father being dragged along.

They simply tossed us down, shutting the door behind us and locking it shut.

We were trapped.

"N-No!" I screamed, punching the door but it was no use.
"Randy! Calm down! Everything will be ok!" My father reassured me.
"No! They're going to kill him! I-It's my fault! It's all my f-fault!" I cried out.

"Randy! Relax!" My father stated firmly as he shook me.
"Calm down, think, we have to think of a way out of here," He said calmly.

I wiped the tears off my face as I looked around, unsure what to do.

I then paused as I saw the locked armory.

I shoved my hand in my pocket and pulled out the key from before, relaxing once I had a plan.

I opened up it up to see various weapons, my eyes landing on the bombs my father had left aside for a rainy day.

I guess that day is here.

I grabbed as many as I could, placing them at the main exit and preparing to escape.

"Ok! It's going to be loud but trust me! Get in the armory!" I directed him.
"No time to explain!"

I shoved him inside, grabbing a bomb in my hand as I aimed it into the pile.

I hope it doesn't blow up in my face.

"SMOKE BOMB!" I shouted, slamming the bomb onto the pile.

I quickly rushed to safety as the explosion shook the house.

I waited for a second until I got out, looking to see if it worked.

It did.

The hinges on the door were weak enough to force open.

"Dad! Are you ok?" I asked.
"I'm fine, you just go, I'm all good here," He said.

He then placed his hand on my shoulder, a smile on his face.

"If he matters that much to you, then you go after him," He smirked.

I simply nodded, running out of there as I hopped on Tengu, stirring him back toward the castle.

The ride felt like an eternity but I made it.

The castle gates now burst open by the sheer force of the townsfolk.

I hope I'm not too late.

I ran inside, running throughout the halls until I came to a screeching halt.

The same room Nomi had brought me to was no more of a reck, the doors now torn down.

Please be ok.

I rushed to the balcony, unsure of where Nomi was.

Until I heard the sound of a roof tile land beside me.

I looked up to see that Bash and Nomi managed to get to the roof, the two of them at a standstill.

I climbed up to them, nearly slipping from the snow and ice but I reached them.

Nomi and Bash stared each other down as they each looked exhausted from all the fighting.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Nomi growled.
"That's fine, but I'm definitely going to hurt you~," Bash laughed, welding a familiar sword.

It was mine.

I could feel my blood boil.

I didn't say a single word, I simply crept up behind Bash.
Nomi seemed to notice, a small grin on his face.

"What are smiling about?!" Bash hissed.

"Who the fuck told you that you could use my sword," I bellowed.


I quickly elbowed his face, making him fall to the ground as he hissed in pain.

"What the fuck! Pretty boy! You're helping him?!" He screamed.

I grabbed my sword off the ground, welding it toward his face.

"Yes! You're an asshole! Why would you think I would?!" I scolded.
"But, I'm Bash," He mumbled.
"As if I asked," I snapped.

"Fine, have it your way," He smirked.

He suddenly pulled a small pistol out, pointing it straight at me.

"You leave me no choice! Don't worry, I won't hit anything vital!" He laughed.

He then pulled the trigger, leaving me no time to react.

I closed my eyes tightly, waiting for the bullet to pierce my skin but nothing happened.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Nomi before me, his arm outstretched as he took the bullet.
Blood pouring onto the ground.

"N-Nomi!" I shouted.

He slumped over, passing out temporarily.

"Oh dear, I didn't think you named it!" Bash chuckled.

I gripped at the hilt of my sword, staring him down with pure hate.

"Awe! Don't be sad! I'll get you a new puppy~!" He cackled.

"What. Did. You. DO!" I shouted.

I leaped forward, sword in hand as I aimed for his head.
He blocked it, holding it back as he kept that stupid grin on his face.

"Feisty, Pretty boy~!"

He then tossed me to the side, landing a punch on my face which caused my nose to bleed.

"I'll forgive you for all this if you say yes to my proposal! What do you say~?" He laughed.

I managed to get up, slowly gaining strength again until I spotted something.

He was standing on a loose roof tile.

I welded my sword, aiming it toward his feet.

"I say NO!" I yelled, landing it directly on the tile but it didn't do anything.

It didn't even shake.

Bash started to laugh loudly, placing his hand on the hilt as he kept laughing.

"You missed~!" He chuckled.
"Did I?" I smirked.

He then removed the sword, the tile finally moving as I wanted.

"Wait! No!" He screamed.

The title gave up, having Bash fall back down into the ravine down below.

"NOOOOOOooooo!" He called out before falling to his demise.

He was gone.

I relaxed for a second until I recalled Nomi.

I turned around to see he was still alive, barely breathing but still alive.

"Nomi!" I exclaimed, rushing over to his side as I knelt down beside him.

"I'm fine... are you ok?" He mumbled.
"I-I'm ok," I smiled.
"That blood on your nose says otherwise," He laughed.
"It doesn't matter! As long as your alright, I'm all good!" I stammered.

His eyes glossing over as they started to close.
I quickly grabbed his hand, holding it tightly as I tried to keep myself together.

"H-Hey! Wake up! Don't go, please! I... I need you," I cried out.
"You'll... you'll be ok, I'm sure you will," He simply said.
"No! P-Please!" I wept.

His grip on my hand weakened, tears streaming down my face with no sign of stopping.

The snow landing around us gently.

"I... I love you!" I blurted out.

A small smile grew on his face but eventually, his grip was no more, his hand limp and his eyes glossy.

"N-No! No! No! No! NO!" I cried out.

I shut my eyes, trying to avoid what was happening before me.

Please don't take him away.

Suddenly, a bright light started to surround him, leaving me shocked.
I opened my eyes again to see he was floating.

"W-What?" I mumbled.

I watched as the light engulfed him, blinding me slightly as I covered my eyes from the brightness.

Everything slowly started to change on him, he shrunk slightly, his fur now disappearing, and his form turning into... a human.

I was left in complete awe as I watched on.

He slowly floated gently back to the ground.
He started to move a bit, leaving me unsure of what to do.
He stumbled slightly but managed to get to his feet, facing away from me as he looked just as confused as me.

He looked down at his hands, confusion and pure happiness quickly filled him.

He turned around to face me, a smile on his face with his long red hair slightly covering his face.

"Randy, I-It's me!" He smiled.

I looked into his eyes, the same kind brown eyes from before looking back at me.

"I-It is you!" I gasped.

We hugged each other tightly, now tears of happiness falling from my face as I tried to contain my happiness.

"I really want to kiss you," I mumbled.
"You can, I'm not objecting," He smirked.

My face turned red again, leaving me embarrassed that he heard my request.

But I didn't care, to be honest, I was just happy to see him here again.

I simply just pulled him into a kiss, not even caring about the world.
My heart beating faster than it ever had before.

I just love him so much.


And with that, the story ends on a happy note.

Nomi and Randy reunited, now no longer afraid that they had each other.

Everyone that was once cursed was now free, no longer were they pieces of furniture or various items.

Randy's father learned to slowly accept Nomi and for the most part, he approves.

The world just became a little sweeter now that they had each other.


You know me, I just like writing something that's like 13556 words!

It had so much FUN! I mean come on! It was great!
I even made my brother watch Beauty and the Beast with me! It was all WORTH IT!

Cause I mean it was a great movie, like holy shit I didn't realize how beautiful the animation was since back then my mom only got the bargain bin version.
Don't at me.

Anyway! I hope you all enjoyed this just as much as I enjoyed writing this!
Especially you, the person that requested this!

Love y'all!

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