Sage's Resurrection

By dikshf

179K 3.2K 984

"I have found you to be worthy of being my successor." Naruto Uzumaki was a boy who was snubbed and looked do... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 17

1.5K 27 7
By dikshf

Sasuke huffed. "This is taking us way longer than it should. Why can't we just infuse our lungs with chakra and enhance how much oxygen we pull in?"

Kakashi gave a sidelong glance. "Doing that right now is both unhealthy and a chakra drain. Besides, you're already doing it a little bit. It's better for your body to acclimate rather than using chakra to artificially pressurise the air in your lungs for use. You'll have to eventually face the altitude sickness of Kumo eventually, you know. It's all mountains from here."

They'd been venturing through the mountainous craggy land known as the land of Lightning for the past few days or so. True to its name, the land of Lightning had monstrous lightning storms.

While Konoha and Kumo weren't exactly far away, it was just across the short end of the great sea, the frequent thunderstorms made the mountains nearly impassable.

While the rain was nothing compared to the unending, torrential downpour of Ame or the frequent drizzles, hurricanes, and storms of Kiri, Kumo had some pretty nasty storms. The rocks were too slippery, and their compositions were full of highly conductive metals like copper and aluminium. As such, lightning would frequently strike near the paths they took, and if it didn't shock them (literally), the thunderclap would obliterate their eardrums. Even with chakra resistance, the sound would still be far too loud to be worth the time saved.

No. Better to wait out the storm.

But they had a lucky streak going. Rain had not come for them since two days ago, and he'd decided that they'd rush while they were ahead, and altitude sickness from going from mountaintop to the base and then up another mountain was starting to set in.

Really, it was no wonder that very few Konoha Jonin had volunteered their students for the exams this time around.

"Is it really that time of year again?" Kakashi whispered to Genma.

The jonin shrugged and idly chewed on his senbon. "Yeah."

The Hokage interlocked his fingers. "The Chunin selection exams are being held in Kumogakure this year, in a month." A Hyuga clenched her fist and grit her teeth. "That being said, which of you would like to volunteer your Genin to journey to the land of Lightning? First to answer will be the Jonin responsible for training the newest Genin. Step up."

Kakashi, Asuma, and Kurenai all stepped to face the Hokage, along with a few others Kakashi didn't care to remember. They got the rank fair and square, but were solidly middle of the pack. Nowhere near good enough to go on his radar. All in all, the Hokage called up about ten Jonin to the front.

"Remember, in order for the cell to be considered, they must first have undertaken sixteen missions. But if that requirement is met, then it is up to you to decide whether or not they should take these exams. Kakashi, you may go first."

Kakashi made the seal of confrontation, although no harm was meant behind it. "I, Kakashi Hatake, am the Jonin sensei responsible for Team number Seven, composed of Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sayuri Uchiha. I vow that all three of them are ready for the Chunin Selection examinations."

Kurenai did the same as her senior. "I, Kurenai Yuhi, am the Jonin sensei tasked with Team number Eight, composed of Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Sakura Haruno, and Shino Aburame. I too vow that all four of them are ready for the Chunin selection exams."

Asuma faced the Hokage. "I, Asuma Sarutobi, am the Jonin sensei responsible for Team number Ten. Comprising Choji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka, and Shikamaru Nara, I also vow that these three are ready."

Iruka staggered forward- a mix of shock, anger, and fear- and began to speak. "Lord Hokage!" He screamed. The man in question tilted his head towards Iruka in acknowledgement.


"They are not ready for this! I knew them when they were in the academy, and while they're talented and dedicated, they're not ready to step up on the international stage! They're too young, they can't handle that kind of pressure yet! Let them mature and grow first!"

Guy stepped forward. "Iruka's right, Kakashi. Even I waited a year before I decided that it was appropriate to sign them up for these exams. You're rushing them."

Iruka looked like he'd finally found someone sane.

A shame that Kakashi thought his protests were irrelevant.

"They're not your students anymore. They're soldiers, and I'm their commanding officer. Not you." Iruka visibly cringed.

"Ouch, low blow," Asuma muttered.

And outside of Guy and the other rookie sensei, no one else stepped forward.

"Really? It's always strange when only the rookie genin are nominated. Oh well. Word of advice: Guy, Kurenai." The two in question snapped up to attention. "Please, please keep your genin in control. I'd rather not have to deal with an angry letter from the Raikage about an attempted assassination by way of Hyuga genin. Dismissed, all of you."

Everyone flickered away.

If Kakashi's estimates were correct, they were only a few hours away from Kumo, provided that the good weather continued.

Of course, like all good things, it was gone all too soon.

The rain started to pour, and Kakashi nearly slipped on a sharp rock before stabilising.

Disappointing, but not unexpected.

"Not agai-" Naruto started. A flash of lightning, then the boom and crackle of thunder. "Ow, my ears."

Kakashi flipped through hand seals.

Tiger- Snake- Ox- Horse- Snake.

Earth Style: Multiple Earth Style Walls!

Walls began to rise from the earth, curving up to cover as a roof. A wall was left missing for air and information.

Sayuri sighed. "And it was going so well."

Sasuke shrugged. "It's always like this. Something goes good? Well, now something twice as bad happens next."

Kakashi cut his thumb and formed hand seals.

Boar- Dog- Bird- Monkey- Ram.

Arcane script pooled out of his palm, fueled by both blood and chakra. With a puff of smoke, seven dogs of varying sizes and breeds all erupted. "How about a hug?" He asked.

All three of them lit up with glee. He noted that they all sat away from him, all cuddled together.

Truly, they were all such cute little genin.

Kakashi scratched Pakkun's head, the pug snuggling into him.

A sigh of content.

Unfortunately, the presence of the hounds prevented him from partaking in the great hobby of ... reading. Yeah. Reading.

The rain continued to fall.

Sasuke rested his face in his palm. "We need to get to Kumo soon. We've only got a day before the exams begin."

"Just because we're in a hurry doesn't mean we shouldn't throw caution to the wind," Kakashi advised. "We've got plenty of time."

Sayuri furled a map. "We're about an hour away at max speed. But for now," she yawned and curled into her now unsealed pillow.

They all curled into each other further. Kakashi weaved a genjutsu over himself, just enough to obscure the fact that he'd lifted his mask down and started a small fire.

And he himself drifted to sleep, trusting in the storm to deter any who'd wish harm on him.

Kakashi yawned and roused himself awake. The pitter patter of the rain had slowed to a near halt. The hounds had all un-summoned themselves.

The fire was now a dwindling ember. Kakashi re-lit it and shook Naruto awake.

"Can we go?" He touched a point on Sayuri's nape and on Sasuke's back and they both blinked. "C'mon, we're going."


The domed walls sunk back into the earth and they leapt to a nearby mountaintop.

There. Kumogakure.

The four leapt from the peak onto a base.

The four struck a scenic arrangement, all of them lined on steadily ascending rocks, from top to bottom: Kakashi, Naruto, Sayuri, Sasuke.

The sun shone from behind them.

"This is so cool," Naruto cheered.

"And you ruined it," Sasuke replied. Sayuri smiled.

"Come on now, let's just appreciate this," she commented.

Sasuke made a shadow clone and it faced them, sharingan active. It popped into smoke.

"Sentimental, Sasuke? You want to remember this forever?" Kakashi asked.

Sasuke shook his head. "No. I thought it'd be fun to draw."

Kakashi hummed. "Oh well. We need to get going."

They leapt across small canyons, and then the gates of Kumo appeared in sight.

Perhaps 'hidden villages' was a bit of a misnomer, they were pretty common knowledge to the general populace and any ninja worth their salt knew where the villages and outposts were located.

The difficulty in infiltration, and the reason why there weren't a half-dozen spies milling about every hidden village was entering.

Between chakra-stripping seals to disrupt transformations, detection barriers, and sensory ninja constantly rotating to disrupt any auditory or wide-range genjutsu, it was nigh-impossible to sneak into a hidden village undetected.

But nigh-impossible was not impossible. Kakashi should know. He'd done it many times himself before.

Kakashi pulled out his I.D. to the guard chunin, clad in black and white with shin guards.

The teen looked at it, nodded, and then looked at it again and nearly shit his pants. "A-ah. Y-y-you're h-here for your s-students to take t-th-the exams?" He stuttered out.

Kakashi smiled, and gestured to his students. "Yes." They pulled out their own travel papers.

"A-alright then." The boy seemed to have swallowed down most of his fear in favour of professionalism. Good on him. "Uh, you'll be staying at 'The Cloud's Rain'. It's straight for three blocks, then left, it's huge, can't miss it. Also, here." He forked over four black passes, and they were accepted. "These are invitational passes. If any Kumo nin stops you, flash these and you'll be fine."

Kakashi hummed an absent tune. Sayuri picked up the second part- the one he was never taught. The four moved out of earshot of the gate guard and he looked to her.

No, not that kind of way. He may read Icha Icha in public, even in the presence of minors, but there was one line he was never going to cross. And that was taking advantage of a girl not even half his age.

"Sayuri," He began. She tilted to look at him. "I didn't know you played the koto."

She rolled her eyes. "What else was I supposed to do that was 'suitably feminine' in the Capital? Besides, Mom was good at it. I learned a lot while she was..." she waved absently.

Ah. Yes. That was... a good reason. See, in Ninja settlements, clans, villages, whatever, it didn't matter if someone was male, or female, all that mattered was that they could fight, as that was the most pressing need.

Many clan heads throughout history were female, and the option of seducing an opponent was a very good option- after the grossness of using one's own body in a honeypot operation or to escape passed.

There was something so incredibly alien about the way civilians conducted themselves that left Kakashi dazed.

Kakashi registered himself and his team, grabbed the keys, and ascended the stairs.

Sasuke immediately lowered his bag to the floor as soon as they'd entered. For good measure too, he unstrapped his sandals.

"Tired, Sasuke?" Naruto jested.

"Yes." And he flopped onto the bed. Kakashi poked him (in the back) and he did not respond.

Yep. Asleep. Kakashi shook his head.

Oh well. They could wait to explore. Kakashi enclosed himself in the designated sensei room and threw off most of his clothes, save for his underdress.

They had a week before the exams were supposed to begin. There'd be plenty of time to explore later.

He dozed off.

Naruto entered a restaurant absently. It was pretty photogenic, standing with rows upon rows of windows all peering into the nearby mountain range.

He swung the door open and... huh. A familiar face.

"Hey, Naruto!" Kiba shouted. "Some sit with us!" Naruto dashed over to the two opposing couches.

"Didn't want to be outnumbered?" Kiba, Shino, and Naruto sat opposite Hinata, Kurenai, and Sakura.

"So, how's it been? Heard you went on another notable mission recently." Kiba asked. "What did you do? Rescue a princess? Infiltrate a trafficking network?"

Naruto snorted. "Nah. We were sent to take down a missing ninja."

Kurenai glanced at him. Wow. Her irises were creepy. Bloody crimson, and a concentric circle inside, not counting the pupil.

Not like he was one to talk though. He spent almost all his time with three different people who had eyes with tomoe lining their eyes. "Hidan, right?"

"How did you know? I thought the mission was classified."

She glanced sideways. "... Asuma told me."

Naruto hummed and scanned over the menu. "Who it was doesn't matter. We failed."

Hinata scoffed. "Any casualties?"

"No, thankfully not. Well, not Konoha casualties. I'd... rather not talk about it."

"Where?" Hinata set down her own menu.

"Again, I'd not want to speak about it. If Kurenai-sensei knows, then ask her. Or Asuma-sensei. Or Kakashi-sensei."

"...Alright then."

Kiba groaned. "I can't believe that there's no beef on the menu! Anywhere!"

Sakura rested her head on her palm. "Well, this is a mountain-locked land," she began. "I'd be surprised if cattle could make the journey from the land of Hot Water to Lightning."

Kiba glowered. "Doesn't change anything."

"Well, shenanigans aside, how've you all been?"

"We've been well, Naruto," Shino spoke.

Kurama repressed a shudder after a beetle crawled across Shino's face. Aw c'mon, what was that for?

I hate those bugs, Kurama growled. They are natural enemies to us Bijuu.

What? The colony is cool!

Maybe you think so, but they eat chakra. I think you'll understand the animosity.

Huh. But, isn't your chakra toxic?

No, they evolved specifically to be able to handle bijuu chakra. And thus, they can eat anyone's chakra if they score a direct hit.

"That's great! Anything you've done in particular?"

Sakura stuck out her lower lip and sighed. "Hunted a wild boar in the agriculture sector, nothing new. Not anything exciting like what you did."

A waiter approached and took their orders.

"The exams are tomorrow. Are you all ready?"

Hinata rolled her eyes. "Of course. It's inevitable that we will overcome a challenge as trivial as this."

"That's nice, but arrogance can only go so far." Naruto took a sip from a cup of water.

"This isn't arrogance. It's confidence."

Sakura snorted. "Mhm, whatever you say princess," she said, sarcasm dripping from every word like honey. Hinata narrowed her eyes.

Kurenai watched with great amusement.

"Just explore for now. We'll come back at sunset. Until then, do whatever, as long as it isn't illicit or unethical."

"Yes, Sensei," they droned. The unspoken thought that went through all of them was something along the lines of no duh.

They all flickered away.

They strolled down a street without a single care in the world.

"We should spar, just to test how well we fight while in Kumo," Sasuke said. "It would be... pretty bad if we couldn't win a fight because we didn't know our limits."

"Alright then. Let's go."

They dashed across the elliptical buildings and dropped onto the base of a mountain.

"Halt. What are your intentions, Konoha nin?" An imposing Kumo nin stood in front of the door.

"We wish to use a training ground," Sayuri told him.

He kept his stoicism, and then stepped aside. "Do not ascend the elevator. The other training grounds are in use by high ranking ninja. If you go, you're likely to be killed. Be warned." An explosion rocked the mountain face.

Naruto gulped. "Alright then."

The metal door slid open and they walked in. The door closed automatically. The area was composed of varying shades of steel grey.

Sasuke grinned. "So how will we arrange this? Both of you against me?"

Naruto cricked his neck. "Sure."

"That was decent," Sayuri commented. She patted off some dust from her vest. "Good to know that our fighting ability isn't affected by the change in altitude."

Three individuals of average stature walked in. "Oh. Hello."

"Hello." One of the boys was clad in an onyx vest imprinted with red-orange flames along with a set of matching trousers. He had tousled black hair and chocolate brown eyes. He had a katana strapped to his side, and the Kumo headband tied around his neck.

Naruto shuffled. "Is there... anything I can do for you?"

"No, not really. I take it you're taking the Chunin Exams?"

"Yes. Are you?" Sayuri asked.

"Yes," the girl said. She was clad in a white v-neck shirt with pink and blue accents resembling clouds and breezes. She had shoulder length hair that flowed down and brown eyes. Like her teammate, she also had a sword clipped to her side. Actually, all three of them had swords.

"If you don't mind me asking," Sayuri began. "What are your names?"

"You first," the flame-clad one said.

"Fine. I'm Sayuri Uchiha."

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki."

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha."

One of them, clad in a white shirt patterned with black-lined boxes, almost like abstract art, and black pants with a belt, spoke. "Call me Hikaru Umemori."

Next, the girl. "My name is Kyofu Shiraishi."

And the other boy. "I'm Moesashi Shiba."

"Good luck with the exams," Hikaru waved. They left.

A week had passed, and Kakashi grinned. Finally, the exams.

"The exam is taking place in the second floor basement. Get ready."

The three opened the doors and Kakashi stayed back. "This is as far as I'm allowed to go."

They descended the stairs and into a corridor. They opened the doors and entered the test room.

Time to begin.


The Chunin exams are upon us!

Who is hiding under a mask? What will happen?

...will this be a re-skin of the canon Chunin Exams with a new coat of paint?

Review! It makes me happy!

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