INNOCENCE || 18+ [on hold]

By LivingMyFantasyyy

910 17 2

Aleyna has got herself in a mess well more volunteered Aleyna is a lawyer, hard worker, and she has a set and... More

Disclaimer || Aesthetics
1 || Work
2 || Memories
4 || The offer
5 || Gone
6 || Last Resort
7 || World
8 || Shit
9 || Days
10 || Just the beginning
11 || New normal
12 || Hulk
13 || Lucia
14 || Noodles

3 || Runaway

57 1 1
By LivingMyFantasyyy



Song: PARTYNEXTDOOR- belong to the city (remix) Ft. Drake


I woke up to the sound of the city and the sun blaring down on my face trough my windows. I must have forgotten to close them last night.

Squinting my eyes open, I peer around the room only stopping once I see my opened laptop.

The sun was bright and I could make out the faint noises as I look out towards the window. Looking outside my eyes fall on a little girl happily skipping with what seems to be both her grandparents at her sides, both holding atleast 4 bags each of things definitely meant for her.

To them it was a nice summer morning and had the memories of last night not come reeling in, I would have agreed.

I try clearing my throat but all that comes out is a painfully dry screech. Another reminder that the pain I felt last night was real.

I throw my sore limps off the sofa and stand only to wince and grab into the wall for support, while the soreness in my stomach

Leaving the living room I get into my shower scrubbing away all the dirt on my skin and washing away all my tears.

And it was when I stepped out of the shower and stared in the mirror at the girl before me that I saw it.

Her red swollen eyes- dull and so warn out
Her hollow cheeks- empty and so lifeless And
Her sore aching body- Beat up and brushed.
Her fake cover up- tired of pretending.

The sight of her was horrific and that only srached the surface of what she was feeling inside.

I decided I didn't want anything to do with that girl, she was weak, broken, a coward and too soft. And the only time she was strong is when she pretended to me to just get by in this horrific world.

A girl that was missing her other half.

And that's all it took for me to leave my bathroom and into my closet.

And all it took for me to grab my most important belongings and stuff them into my suitcase, my baking and cookbooks, my art supplies, my phone, my pills for my panic attacks, my inhaler and a big chunk of clothes that should last me atleast 3 weeks.

I had seven million dollars to my name, enought money to disappeare and still live a beautiful life. So that's what I did I booked my plane ticket for LA leaving my 2 bedroom penthouse to go bord my plane in less than 2 hours.

Not even looking back at the place I forced myself to call home.
A place where I felt empty and alone and a place where people only treated me like shit.

Yet feafear still erupted in my stomach knowing I'm going back their, back to the place I only knew. My old home.


Grabbing my heavy luggage as I'm exiting the airport the warm familiar California wind hits me passing through my body. My body immediately tenses.

It looked the same from the last time I was here nothing different the same beautiful palm threes the extremely warm weather and people up and about and the odd ones here and their jogging and working out.

Getting into the yellow cab the driver immediate greets me asking for my destination, I give it to him my voice breaking a little as more fear settles in.

Slumbing back into the cold leather seat I can't help but look out the windows,- my old home the same one I ran away from.
I chuckle in my head at how the universe works the same place I ran away from at the age of 18 is the same place I come crawling back to.

I hated this place, this is the place where I left the old me behind the girl that couldn't stand up for her self
the girl that took people shit and did nothing about it
the girl that allowed her father to beat her and never asked for help.

I left that girl behind here yet all the memories come reeling back in as my hands starts trembling on my thighs. I will myself to calm down and breath.

A stay tear glides down my face as I keep looking out the window allowing all the dark thoughts to come reelin back in. Until I can't no more as the cab stops letting me know I have arrived.

I pay the man wishing him a good rest of his day as I make my way into the beautiful hotel. Showing the front desk my reservation of my phone they immediately take my luggage escorting me my room. Room 2871.

The 28th floor I loved heights and being hight up always brought peace to my soul knowing I'm closer to the sky.

The room was beautiful, walking in the first thing I see is a large window a beautiful view of the city across from the window is a large kind size mattress followed my a wooden bench. But it's their that I stop and shriek in surprise as I spot a gorgeous balcony with a beautiful small glass table followed my a deck out soft looking sofa.

Spinning on my heels, my feet moving on their own accord as they make their way to the balcony I breath in the fresh air sitting on the sofa and forgetting about all my problems.

As I reach my hand out for the sky in hope to just leave this world forever that is until my phone's starts blaring trough my suit.

Getting up huffing out in annoyance I grab my phone of the night stand picking it up to only be met with a screaming Anthony.
He sounds pissed and enraged as he keeps screaming at me about my where abouts finally after a while I'm able to calm him down so I could actually speak.

"I'm fine Anthony" I speak into the phone as a sound of relief escapes his dramatic lips.

Theirs a moment of silence between us before he speaks next, "what the fuck Ali you can't just leave like that" he breathes out tiredly "I've been calling you for the pass 3 hours".

Opening my phone I see 38 missed calls from him. Damn
"I'm sorry I'm just taking some time of for my self" lie,"il be away for a couple of months," yet we both know how much I needed that.

I hear ruffling from the other end of phone before he speaks again, "what bout the firm Ali" he ask his voice sounding a bit concerned.

We both knew how much work it took me to officially own that firm, I was one of Nyc Best lawyers yet I never received or won that title. They put me under many others because of my race so for that being I only just made the top ten.

No matter how hard I worked they some how always had a place to put a white old man above me. The same ones that would grope and touch younger woman without their permission and consent, and the ones that did stand up for themselves their where fired right their on the spot.

I couldn't care less about that firm because even though I was the boss and controled how things operated there was always a higher one. One just waiting for me to mess up so he or she could replace me.

So I guest this is that one mishap they needed to have me gone,
saying this in my head is making me realize just how crazy I am for getting up and leaving everything I worked so hard to build.

But I'm doing this for Niya and I would do it over and over again just for her. Her above the world.

"I don't know Anthony what ever happens happens" I shrug of
" but il be back soon, take care of the penthouse and don't you dare bring any blond into my house" I grit out, my tone a bit harsher then intended.

He burst out laughing at my words like what I just said was some joke to him. I role my eyes at his antics until he finally manages to calm down to speak "fine fine what about brunettes" he asked humore clear in his voice. Now Its my turn to burst out laughing at his comment "no" I respond seriously.

I was not about to go back their- if I ever go back their
to sleep in a bed I know he fucked some girl in. I would have more restless and sleepless night.

"Aight" he grits out "Oh wait" he yells out like a teenage boy " what about a red head" with that I'm tired of his shit so with one click of the button I hang up on him. The last thing I hear is his lound obnoxious laughter.

Looking around the room my head's starts to spin as I know exactly what I want right know I nice big glass off a Manhattan cocktail. To just get loss in the taste as I feel the liquor run throught my veins and forgot about everything. At least just for that moment.

I didn't drink much or often but when I do I enjoy it.
Walking over to my luggage I begin scurrying through my clothes causing a mess but I don't care. Only stopping once I find one of my cute dresses. The dress is short and black with ruffles all-over.

Stripping of my current clothes I quickly put the dress on over my body as it hugs all my curves perfectly. Walking over to the washroom mirror I touch up my makeup and decide to go for a natural look tonight.

Fixing my dress I opp for my hair down as my dark curls flow down my back, I fix my lashes as well as my clear lip gloss on my lips and brush a bit of concealer under my eyes to lighten them.

Getting my purse and my things I leave the hotel suit locking the door .Until I have to come running back onced I realized I left without my shoes and the only cover my feet had was my fluffy white socks.

Looking around the room I stop once I find my black strapped heels putting them on I search for the nearest club of bar until I find one 7 minutes away from here.

My lips tilt up at the sight knowing I won't have to take a cab, I hated their driving and get easily car sick.

Now officially leaving the hotel I round the corner and start on my route, checking to make sure I don't forgot anything this time. I hated walking at night cause I know Anthony would have been on my ass about it. Yet I enjoyed it and love the cool breeze it provided. The streets are only quite tonight except for the odd cars and one two groups of people here and there.

Walking further down as I round another corner I could hear the lound music as I was approaching the club, with one long breath and the clicking of my heels I enter the lound place as I enter a large amount of smoke and alcohol came swimming throught my nose. That's one thing I hated about nightclubs.

walking slowly I eyes the place from top to bottom, I have to admit the club was beautiful especially the 2 floor it came out like a balcony over the dance floor. walking further as I blink a couple times adjusting to the light I find the bar in the middle of the club.

Walking over to the bar I take a seat on the stool, it was quite uncomfortable. I grab my purse placing it cross body again my shoulder and down so no one can snacht it.

Turning to the side I catch the bartender from my perifual staring me down in content with a small smirk against his thin lips.
He was young probly in his mid twenties, I turn around facing him as I pretend he didn't just look at me like a piece of meat.

His faces changes completely as I face him, his back straightening up once he catches my light brown irises looking him up and down intently.

He walks over here taking small steps as if he's nervous not breaking eye contact until he finally speaks, "what can I get you pretty lady" he ask his voice trying to sound sexy but it onlys comes out horsed.

I eye him wearily but think nothing much of his strange behaviour, "A Manhattan cocktail please." His lips tilt into a smirk at my order before he turns away and begins making my drink.

Grabbing my purse I open my phone unlocking it to check my socials and to just look busy in the meantime, I keep scrolling but stop once I feel eyes on me, my body immediately stills. As I take my eyes away from my screen in search for the extremely strong gaze I feel on my back.

Their mere presence is strong and something tells my the person is no where near me. Taking a small sip of my drink my eyes close in relief knowing this is exactly what I needed.

I spin on my chair my dress immediately riding up to my upper thighs as I hop of the uncomfortable stool, stepping on my heels I begin making my way to the club's exit as I feel that same gaze never leave me.

Panicked erupts in my stomach as I begin to think how dumb I am, for coming back to the place that hurt me and ruined me forever. The place that I hate, The place that I even stared to forget about, The same place I find myself looking for my sister that I haven't seen in years and haven't heard of in months.

As I'm only going off of a couple of pictures of her to find her in this enormous dark world.

I pick up my pace walking faster thought the busy drunk crowd, my mind so cluttered with my thoughts that my life flashes before my eyes as I miss a single step my hands are up already bracing myself for the fall that is until I feel a strong arm wrap around my waist steadying me.- My breath catches in my throat.

And before I can turn around to face the kind man that just helped me I'm suddently thrown over his shoulder as he turns around walking back to into the crowd of the club.

I kick and scream against him but it's no use as he brings his hand down holding both my feet in his larger one as he hold them together tightly his grip so firm I'm positive it's gonna leave a mark tomorrow- If I'm still alive.

And my screams useless as the club music over powers me. An unhealthy amount of fear bubbles into my stomach that I'm positive il pass out yet sadly I don't.

My breathing becomes erratic as I try my best to calm down because I only brought one of my pills with me and that same pill fell out of my purse a few moments ago.

Closing my eyes I try to calm my mind entering a place I hated going as memories start to flood my mind from the last time a person ever carried me in such a manner.

I was 14 years old the day I went to one of my favorite smoothie shops in LA. My father had allowed to go out that day to meet up with Niya she was at mama's and I came to get her for the weekend.
But she was late extremely late so in the meantime I ordered a smoothie and just as I was about to pay a larger hand quickly swiped his card into the machine paying for my beverage. A warm smile graces my lips as I turned to the stranger, his name was Alex we talked and talked for hours as time quickly went by, he offered to drop my home yet I denied so him being the charming prprince he was picked me up and swing me over his shoulders both our laughter filling the air that is until a familiar black Audi pulled up.

I squinted my eyes but not for long as I immediately recognized the car- father. immediately I got off of Alex suddenly as all the events of the day came running back into my mind Niya! how could I forget.

My father stepped out the car like a picked beast his strides long and enraged as we walks over toward us I try to push Alex away but he doesn't budge as I knew he would beat me for disobeying him. Yet he took me by surprise as he aggressively grabbed Alex pulling us both into the car. Once we got home he beat Alex to near death and made me watch every second of it, He told me if I was to look away he would beat me to- like I said I was a coward so I sat their and watched an Innocent boy get beat for my mistake.

Tears flooded my eyes as blood spilled into the ground his lifeless body staring back up at me pleading for help. Yet I couldn't do it I couldn't stand up to the beast. Once he finished he made sure I learned my lesson, later that night once he left I quickly made my way to him and used all my might to drag him to the nearest medic yet he loss so much blood on the way that his soul had left his body minutes before our destination tears after tears afters tears left my body as I laylayed their with his dead body over mine hopeless.

Pain after pain after pain I felt so empty, so unalive so useless as I started sinking back into my abyss.

My eyes reopen as I'm seated on a large comfortable sofa, my eyes trail the place and from the looks of it I was in the VIP area.

Yet my body stiffens as I lay my eyes on him seated right across from me his legs spread out as he takes a long puff of his cigar, before he breaks the tense silence eyeing me darkly.

"Hello Gorgeous."

Uh oh!!

What y'all think finna happen next??
And are we getting good or bad vibes from this man?

Also I start school tomorrow and I'm litterly dreading and crying not even ready for this school year. Fuck I miss Kindergarten 😭😭

Anyways sorry for the disappearance Wattpad was acting funny with me or my internet was idk but I should be publishing once or twice a week from now on.

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