❛ THE LOVE CLUB ❜ - 𝖼𝗆𝖻


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᎒ ੈ ✩ ‧₊ ᎒ ࿐ 🎱♥️ 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘓𝘖𝘝𝘌 𝘊𝘓𝘜𝘉 IN WHICH his childhood best friend is forced into f... More

000; cast
001; the brunette version of barbie
002; i'm completely down to earth
003; they always say opposites attract
004; paying me to be your friend
005; every couple has a song
006; that damn smile
007; this girl never shuts up
008; he's a good kisser
009; they'd be so jealous of you
010; we made it exclusive
011; i can smell pasta
012; you stress me out
013; more than just pretty
014; lisa is always right
015; you laughed at mine
016; i'm not kissing you
017; you're sharing a bed
018; his little sex doll
019; such a pretty nickname
020; the date of a lifetime
021; its always been like that
022; are you single
023; you look very beautiful
024; the guy has it bad
025; you look better in my clothes
026; just get ready here
027; he's a missionary guy
028; i used the chapstick
029; i'm already missing you
030; those tulips are dying
031; it hardly looks fake
033; you don't need to compliment her
034; i could fall asleep like this
035; he was already eye-fucking you
036; open your mouth
037; the month of love
038; then go home
039; i do really like you
040; your fake valentine
041; your prince charming
042; the full two minutes
043; step up your game a little
044; he didn't turn up
045; corbyn bailed on her
046; it wasn't your fault
047; a quick morning fuck
048; we kept it pretty platonic
049; her lipgloss is all over you
050; the things im going to do to you
051; the bookstore boyfriend
052; her only goal is to stress people out
053; let go of her hand corbyn
054; your reputation era
055; a fake breakup
056; i can go kill him
057; i just wanted to see you
058; you bumped into her
059; she's not available
060; you're torturing me
061; you can stay over
062; that was a mistake
063; no mentions of Rosemary
064; are you in love with her
065; i can see why you love her
066; she was the fake date
067; let's get you into bed
068; you sleep with rosy
069; on my mind all day
070; you're wearing yourself thin

032; it feels wrong to kiss you

1.1K 51 38

i've been falling fast and you
don't seem to move,
but is it worse for me if
i tell the truth?


As planned, Corbyn met Rosemary at her gate the second she landed in New York. She was greeted with a hug lasting longer than she had been prepared for and her hand was held the entirety of the time she was in the airport.

Her suitcase was yet to touch her hand and had been handled by her fake boyfriend since she arrived, after many minutes of trying to convince him to let her take her own luggage, Corbyn still refused and said it was no problem to him.

They pair were only in their hotel room for less than an hour before they got ready and headed down to the restaurant in the hotel, meeting a group of four boys for dinner as a small welcome to the girl joining them on their trip.

Things hadn't felt awkward between the two of them yet, and Rosemary was glad that Corbyn had brushed things off like normal. She was able to enjoy a meal with five of her friends and share an occasional glance to Corbyn with a smile on her face.

As Corbyn's hand fell to her thigh and had been resting there for the past twenty minutes, it wasn't until he glanced over at her with a small smile when he gently squeezed the inside of her thigh, watching her shoot her head in his direction.

"You look pretty tonight." He mouthed, resting his chin on his hand to cover his mouth from the group while he spoke, watching her roll her eyes slightly before smiling and looking back to her plate.

Squeezing her thigh once more to gain her attention back, she looked over at him again while his eyes met with hers, watching the boy freeze for a couple of seconds as he went to speak, deciding on closing his mouth again while his eyes glanced down to her dress.

He soon removed his hand from her thigh as he turned himself to the rest of the table, taking a deep breath as he began to avoid looking over at the girl or even making any eye contact. As Rosemary watched him do so, a small frown appeared on her face before continuing to finish her meal.

For the rest of the dinner Corbyn stayed as silent as possible, the occasional small talk when he'd be asked a question before falling silent again and staring at whatever appeared in front of him.

And after their meal, they all headed up to their rooms in the elevator. Rosemary kept her eyes on the boy she was sharing a room with, brushing her head against his as he moved it away onto the pocket of his jeans.

"So we'll all meet here just before 10 tomorrow?" Jonah said as they all walked out of the elevator, "please make sure you're all dressed smartly."

"You guys love making indirect comments to me." Zach shook his head and frowned, "i'm going to be the first one here just to prove a point tomorrow."

"We'll be there. Good night," Corbyn said as he walked down the hallway towards the room, all eyes glancing to Rosemary as she shrugged and followed him down there.

While he waited by the door for the girl who kept the room key in her bag, he stared at the floor to avoid eye contact with her as they both entered the room. He brushed past the back of the girl to head towards the bathroom to get himself out of his jeans.

"Corbyn." Rosemary spoke up, the bathroom door being closed as she received no reply, "we're going to talk before we go to sleep."

"Mhm." He replied from the other side of the door while Rosemary let out a sigh.

"Can you open the bathroom door?"

"In two seconds."


She folded her arms and stood outside of the bathroom as the door was opened, watching Corbyn immediately turn back to the sink and grab his toothbrush and toothpaste.

"Why are you acting weird?" Rosemary asked as she stood in the doorway of the bathroom, watching him add the toothpaste onto his brush.

"I didn't realise I was."

"You haven't looked at me since the meal." She told him, "have I done something? You can't even face my direction."

"You haven't done anything." He said, wetting his toothbrush and beginning to brush his teeth as Rosemary sighed and grabbed her phone, sitting on the edge of the bed.

After allowing the boy time to brush his teeth and put his toothbrush away, he switched off the light to the hotel bathroom and stood in front of her, now looking directly at her, "did you really not mind me kissing you?"

"I didn't mind." Rosemary shook her head and looked up at him, "did you mind?"

"Not at all." Corbyn said, "would you mind if I did it again?"

"No." She said, "why?"

"...It feels wrong to kiss you." He admitted as the girl stared at him for a few seconds, "not because of you. I don't want to keep kissing you with no intentions of doing anything about us, that feels like a friends with benefits situation and I don't want to hurt you."

"...You're not hurting me."

"I'm confusing you. You don't deserve that." He said as she slowly frowned, "do you think this is a bad idea?"

"What? You kissing me?"

"Us progressing anything." Corbyn shrugged.

"No." She said with slight hesitation, "I'm willing to see where things go with us, I wouldn't mind just letting things fall into place."

"I want to be good for you." Corbyn shook his head, "you deserve only the best and I want to be that... I didn't mean to act weird just now."

"It's okay, I just want to know what we are and what we're going to do with this so called us." She shrugged and looked up at him, watching him sigh and shake his head.

"Do you want to see how things go? Whatever happens, happens?" Corbyn suggested with a small smile, "let's let things fall into place and not force anything."

"Okay." Rosemary nodded, "that sounds like a good idea."

"I guess we can also see where our boundaries are," he scratched the back of his neck while sitting down beside her, "that does mean I get to kiss you, right?"

"Then this sounds like a friends with benefits thing." Rosemary frowned and turned her head to him, "I don't want that."

He sighed again and sat back up, turning himself to face her as one of his hands leant against the bed, watching her eyes scan all over his face with a frown still stuck on hers.

"Let's leave the kiss as what it was." Corbyn said with a slight whisper, "if we can't agree on how to move forward... maybe we shouldn't."

"We just agreed on letting things fall into place." Rosemary replied, one of her hands resting on his jaw while he let out another sigh, "do you not want that?"

"I do want that. Do you even know how you feel about me?" He asked, watching her fully turn to him as she sat cross-legged on the bed, grabbing the other side of his face with her other hand as they stared at one another, "Rosy."

"I don't know exactly, all I know is that I want to try something with you." Rosemary admitted, "but you can't sit a table with our friends and be touchy to come back to our room and blank me, that makes me unsure of where you stand."

"I didn't know if you liked it."

"I would've let you know if I didn't." She smiled at him, "I'm not progressing in anything if all we're going to do is confuse each other, that's not how it should be."

"I'm sorry." Corbyn told her, "let's try things and see what happens... but completely transparent?"

"Completely open." She nodded, "as open as you think you can be, and I'll do the same."

"Okay." He smiled at the girl with a quick glance to the alarm clock on the nightstand, "...we have a free day on Saturday in New York, do you want to go sightsee and explore?"

"Oh, no." Rosemary shook her head, grabbing her laptop and opening it up to her calendar.

"If you show me a plan on your calendar of what we're doing on our free days I'm going to make you delete it." He raised his eyebrows.

"...But they're fun things and I researched all-"

"Delete it." He mumbled, "let's just start walking and see where that takes us."

"How will we know what to do?"

"We won't."

"How will we know where to eat?"

"We won't."

"But how will I know what's on the menu to the places we go to eat?"

"You won't, Rose. That's the whole point." He laughed slightly, "we'll be a little spontaneous, if one of the guys stays for a little longer than they might tag along too."

"That'll be fun if they're coming." She smiled.

"I don't want them to come." Corbyn frowned.


"I want to spend the day with you." He said, "and you'll see them tomorrow when you come to our interview."

"Why am I coming to an interview?" Rosemary furrowed her eyebrows at him as he began to stand up.

"Because you'll be lonely by yourself waiting around."

"I'll find something to do by myself in the city it's-"

"You're coming with us." Corbyn interrupted her with a smile still on his face, watching her raise her eyebrows and turn her head to her laptop, "add it to your silly little planner."

"I need the details." Rosemary said, hearing a small laugh before he stood behind her and rested his chin on her shoulder to look at her screen.

"We're leaving at 10 and it's a half hour journey there... the interview is at 11 and we'll be done by around 1." Corbyn explained, watching her add in the blocks of colour, "then straight after we're going for lunch somewhere."


"We don't know yet. You're welcome to choose and I can update the guys on it." He said, "but it can't be too busy of a place because they've got a flight to LA at 6."

"I'll find us a place." The girl replied with a quick nod, adding in the final block of plans while Corbyn took a small breath.

"Is it still okay for me to kiss you?"


"Can I kiss you right now?" Corbyn asked, moving his head away from her shoulder as she slowly looked at him.

"Okay." She subtly nodded.

Corbyn met his lips with hers the second she had approved the kiss, one of his hands placed on the side of her neck while his other rested on the bed just behind her back, pulling away from her slightly before he placed two more quick kisses on a lips and finally gave her a smile.

And as the smile was returned by the girl, he moved away from her and walked over to his side of their hotel bed, climbing into the covers and getting himself comfortable while Rosemary put her laptop to one side and did the same.

"Are we telling people?" Rosemary asked as the lamp was switched off, "I don't want to keep you a secret."

"Technically it'll look fine to people." He replied, "we just won't kiss in front of others, it'll be fine."

"Okay." She sighed, "good night."

"Good night." He replied, stretching his arm across the girl as a small smile remained on her face.

"...What if it doesn't work out?" Rosemary asked as Corbyn opened one of his eyes and looked at her.

"Stop overthinking it." He softly spoke, pulling her closer to him as he pulled the covers over them, wrapping both his arms around the girl, "we'll cross any bridge when we get to it."

"I don't want our friendship to be ruined."

"It won't. I won't let that happen." He said, placing a small kiss on the top of her head while he let out a small sigh, "there's nothing to be afraid of."

"...Well, actually there is a lot to-"

"Rosemary, it'll come together."

"Okay." She nodded.




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