Harry Bonkers

By okokokook5

1K 38 51

Eighteen year old Harry who finally killed Voldemort and is so done with life wounds up in Tom Riddle's fifth... More

The Arrival
The Sorting
The cat's out of the bag (no one sees the cat tho)

Grandfather-Grandson Bonding

285 11 13
By okokokook5

A couple of days went by and Harry was becoming a little stressed. He could not stop comparing the similarities between Altair and Cedric. Both friendly, sweet, and popular. It was hard to think about without getting wet eyes. Then, there was Tom who had not, in fact, seeked him out since the library. To top it all off, people are starting to call him Harry Bonkers.

Harry didn't know how to feel about that.

He slowly gets ready for breakfast which started almost an hour ago. He had thirty minutes which should be enough, but at the pace he's getting ready, it won't be. Harry takes a slow shower and then gets dressed. His white button up not fully buttoned, his tie not properly tied, instead lazily hanging around his neck. Not to mention his hair, even though he just showered, was everywhere. Harry cast a styling charm which made his hair workable.

Harry grabbed his bag and headed to the Great Hall. As he entered Harry felt Tom's eyes on him as he sat down the Hufflepuff table. He also saw Fleamont's. Strange.

"Harry, you finally appeared!" Exclaimed Altair.

"Yes, I'm here,"

"Well we were talking about how Hogsmead is coming up, do you want to come with us?" Altair's asked, with Casper and Elija looking expectantly.

Harry smiled at the mention, "Sure, I'd love to,"

"Great! I am so excited. I have so much to show you!" Altair was now moving around in his seat like an excited puppy. Harry did not have the energy to match this early on in the morning.

Ten minutes went by and Breakfast ended, marking the beginning of classes. They had divination. Harry is taking three electives. He stuck with divination and care of magical creatures, but also added ancient runes.

Professor Trelawney also taught this class. The mother of Sybil Trelawney. She went up to the classroom and began her introduction.

"Today the stars sag and the solar rock glares. When will you be the one only faire?" No one batted an eye at her words. All appearing to be used to her nonsense.

"... A unique branch of divination: Tessomancy." Harry tuned into her words, "This shall allow you to predict future events through reading the leaves. Everyone look inside the mug in front of you and tell what you see," she ended with a breathy tone.

Harry's face contorted to annoyance. He hated divination.

——— Tom 's p.o.v.———

Tom smiled. He liked divination.  He liked how you can predict your future and even take a glance at it. The fact that such a thing is even possible is mind boggling. Divination is very important for succession. When Tom becomes exceptional at divination, he will take a look at his future, and see if he reaches his all-time goal. See if his plans form and have the impact he wants them to have. See if he rules Britain. Now that's his goal.

As Professor Trewlaney commands everyone to take a look inside their mugs, Tom can see Evans become annoyed. Tom scoffs. It's sad that people are too blind to see the wonders of divination. Those who are lazy never see the value of seemingly useless concepts.

Tom takes a look in his mug and sees a skull.

He frowned and took a look at the book. His finger dragging along the page looking for the word.

Aha, he found it.

The Skull: a danger in your path

This raised Tom's guard. Who is going to be a danger to his path? Who's going to get in the way of his plans? Is it one of his Knight of Walpurgis? We're they going to become an obstacle? Or...

Tom turned his head to Evans who was looking at his teacup, not understanding what he was seeing.

Tom turned to his cup. Could it be Evans?

He looked back. The same Evans who was now banging the mug against his head to apparently get a clearer drawing on his mug.

He may appear harmless, but Tom saw the way he acted back in the library. Tom saw how easily he cast that nonverbal transfigurations spell. Tom knows Evans has more under his sleeve than he lets on.

Toms eyes narrowed.

——— Harry's p.o.v. ———

Harry looked into his mug and could not for Merlin's sake figure out what the hell is in his mug. What even is that? Looks like a rooster to him, but that can't be right. Roosters are not supposed to be an answer according to this book.

Harry rolled his eyes. The book must be wrong

Harry then had an idea. He took the mug in with both hands and started banging it against his head.


A Slytherin boy sitting next to Harry looked over at him.


Two Ravenclaw girls were now also looking at Harry. The Slytherin boy as well as the girls were all looking in concern.


"Is he okay?" Whispered one of the girls.


"No," replied the Slytherin boy with a serious face.


the girls nodded in understanding.


Majority of the class was now simply watching Harry bang himself with his mug.


——— Tom's p.o.v. ———

Tom's eye was twitching. It was twitching with every bang of Evan's mug. Tom cannot focus on his work, nor on his thoughts with the distraction Evan's was causing.


He better stop. If he knows what's good for him.


Tom looked around in frustration. Where even is Professors Trewlaney?


The other students stopped watching Evans and went back to their work.


Useless the lot of them. They couldn't tell Evans to shut up?


That's it.


Tom stood up and made his way over to Evans. Tom roughly grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Evans do you mind?" He pointed at Evan's mug.

Evans had his mouth open and eyes blinking lazily, all in all he looked confused.


Tom faked a smile and pointed at Evans' mug again, "Do you mind? I cannot concentrate with the noise,"

"Oh, sorry," Evans looked down and smiled sheepishly.

Tom's lips quirked. Evans has the tendencies of a little kid.

"It's all good, Evans," Tom nodded with a smile, "you having trouble with that?"

Evans looks around the room, "Yeah, divination and I don't mix well,"

"Here," Tom says as he sits across Evans who now looks perplexed.

"Okay, Evans, what do you see in your mug?"

"Umm..." Evans hesitantly reaches for his mug, stares for a sold thirty seconds, sets his mug back on the table, looks at Tom, and shrugs, "I dunno,"

Tom stares back. How dumb is this piece of corn in front of him? It's not like the drawings are distorted. Tom reaches over for Evans' mug and looks inside.

"You have a dog," Tom tells Evans calmly, even though inside he is twitching at Evans' stupidity.

He opens Evans' book and skims his finger for the word, "Here it is,"

The grim: Death

Tom's eyes widened. And covered up the textbook hoping Evans didn't see it.

"Let me see, what did I get," Evans says reaching out for the book.

"Nothing, you got an unexpected friend shall make their way into your life," Tom says smoothly.

Evans eyes narrow, "You're lying. What did it say!"

Tom wonders what he did to give it away.

"It was death wasn't it," Evans says quietly, after a few moments of silence.

Tom stares at Evans for some time. It appears Evans expected that. Like he knew that was coming. Evans was currently looking down at his hands that were resting on his legs. He looked disappointed. Tom almost felt bad.

"Y-" Professor Trelawney interrupted Tom.

"Oh dear boy, you are cursed!" She exclaimed pointing an accusatory finger at Evans, "Death is at your doorstep! Death follows you," her voice slowly started lacing with other's

"The new lives again,
As before it never began,
To save the lives of all,
He now lives as Death's great valor"

Then, Professor Trewlaney goes back to mindlessly strolling the classroom with a smile while everyone is staring at her and then Evans.

Tom looks at Evans and sees him not meeting anyone's eye, looking down at his lap. Tom wasn't sure if it was the lighting or something else making Harry's eyes glisten.

Tom curses in his head.

"Evans?" Tom whispers once the class slowly starts moving on.

A hum he gets in response. Still no eye contact.

"Are you alright?" He questions. Tom figures if Evans' is sad, he can pretend to be a caring friend and slowly gain Evans' trust.

"Yeah..." Tom can see Evans poor attempt in gaining control of his expressions, "yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

Tom raises an eyebrow.

"Okay, maybe not the best. But I'll be fine,"

"Alright, if you say so," Tom replied as he kept his eyes on Evans.

Tom did not leave until Muliciber called him over. He heard Evans sigh in relief once he got up to leave and for some reason that did not sit well with him.


Harry was lying down by the Black Lake watching the bright sky. The tree was slightly creeping into his view and a glare was forming by the branch, but Harry didn't mind it.

No, Harry minded what occurred in Divinations today.

Is he fated to have problems with Divination? What's with the Trewlaney's always coming at him? Did his ancestors piss one off?

Also, what was up with Tom? Why was he trying to be a friendly with him? Does he have something planned? Harry bets he does. Most likely trying to gain his trust. That means he's going to be "coincidentally" crossing paths with Tom a lot more.

Harry sighed and closed his eyes. Drifting off to sleep as his problems temporarily drifted away in the soothing wind.


"-eyyy, Evans!" A hand was shaking him.

Harry's wand whipped out of his hostler and pointed it at the blurry figure in front of him.

"Woah, woah, woah, easy there," the blurry man put his hands out in defense.

"Sorry, sorry," Harry mumbled apologies as he looked for his glasses.

"It's no problem. Here," the man hands him over his glasses. Harry reaches out for them and finally attempts to get a good look at the boy.

He had dark black hair. And a lovely pair of hazel eyes. And he also had round glasses on him, eerily similar to Harry's own. He had a straight nose and holy shit.

Holy shit. It was his grandfather, offering him the most warm and tender smile that would have made his knees wobble had he been standing up. Harry put his glasses on and gave Fleamont a shy smile.

"Thank you,"

"It's no problem," he waved it off.

Harry flushed in embarrassment. He just threatened his grandfather at wand point. He's just having a lovely day today.

Fleamont conjured a robe and placed it around Harry, "C'mon let's go inside. It's cold outside and your skin is almost blue,"

Harry only now realized that the sun was no longer brightening up the sky, but rather the moon in its all might was shining in the night sky. Harry blinked. How long did I sleep?

"I have no idea," Fleamont responded as he was sticking close to Harry, sharing his thermal energy.

Harry flushed once again, "Oh sorry, I di-"

"didn't mean to say that aloud, huh?" Fleamont interrupted, making Harry redder than a tomato.

"No," Harry responded, still shamed with embarrassment.

"What were you doing out there in the cold?" Fleamont asked suddenly.

"Oh, I was just watching. Just watching the sky and... thinking," Harry so eloquently put as they were making their way inside Hogwarts.


Harry frowned, "Yes," he did not like the way Fleamont said that, "Why are you questioning me?" Harry blurted out.

Fleamont stopped their walk for a brief second. And in a brief second Harry's mind creeped with the anxiety of his grandfather disliking him. Harry, for a brief second, stopped working and thoughts rushed into his mind. Did he screw up? Does Fleamont now dislike him? Does he hate him? And isn't he pathetic for caring so goddamn much for the acceptance of his grandfather?

Harry in a brief second turned to look at Fleamont, and watched as a laugh escaped his grandfather. Harry is now confused. Why the hell is he laughing? Is it because Harry is making a fool of himself? Has he-

"Oh, you're funny," Fleamont said in between chuckles as they continued their walk from the brief second that they both paused.

Harry stares. His grandfather thought he was funny. A smile started gracing Harry's face.

"You think I'm funny?"

Fleamont turned to look at him and wrapped an arm around his neck like one does with their friends, "Yeah, not a tongue biter are you," Fleamont not really questioned, but more stated.

But Harry still answered, "Yeah,"

"But anyways, back to the important part. What were you doing out there for so long young man?" Fleamont asked in a reprimanding tone.

"I didn't mean to! I wasn't even planning on sleeping. I just wanted to spend some time outside!" Harry, like a child, defended his actions.

Fleamont shook his head and "tsked" at Harry.

"Bet you are going be sick by tomorrow."

"No way. I'm stronger than that," Harry puffed his chest.

"Alright, Alright, calm down, Merlin," they both laughed as they reached the Great Hall for dinner.

"Well Harry, get a nice dinner in you. I know your body will need a lot of energy to fight off the sickness," Fleamont teased.

Harry rolled his eyes, "Sure,"

"But seriously, eat well," Fleamont said pointedly, as if he knew Harry was bad when it came to eating enough.

"Yeah okay dad," Harry joked.

Fleamont smiled, "You know for some reason I do feel a familial tie to you, actually, uh- Harry I know this might sound odd, but do I have a familial tie to you?" Fleamont questioned, but he had a look in his eye that told Harry he already had his suspicions.

Harry felt as if he couldn't lie, "Yes, kind of, yes," Harry betrated himself for giving his gig up.

But Fleamont only nodded his head, "Alright, I had a feeling. Just wanted some confirmation,"

"But I can't say how,"

Fleamont immediately responded, "No, no I'm not asking for that. I don't need to know. I just wanted to confirm the nagging in my chest, or the nagging of my magik,"

"Ohh," Harry nodded his head.

"Of course, I just had to understand the feeling," Fleamont answered Harry's concerns with a smile and a hand to his shoulder, "You know how it is with magiks. You can never ignore what they try to communicate with you,"

"No yeah," Harry responded. Well aware of the fact that one's magik should never be ignored.

"Well I hope to spend some more time with you Harry,"

Harry smiled at the thought of that, "Yeah me too,"

"I'll catch you up when I'm free, have a nice dinner. See you, son," Fleamont waved goodbye and made his way to the Gryffindor table.

Harry made his way to the Hufflepuff table, though his brain was on the word "son" which Fleamont had just used in reference to him. Does he know? Is it the "feeling" that he had mentioned? Harry kind of liked it. He's never had blood family of his alive to even hear any sort of endearing term, but he just had now. And it gave Harry's stomach a warm gushing that made Harry smile all the way through the dinner to the time he hit the bed.

——— Tom's p.o.v ———

Tom's expression turned serious as soon as he saw Potter walking with Evans so closely as they were entering Hogwarts. There were plenty of people around walking through the halls getting to Dinner, that he could not hear what they were saying. If he got too close then he would appear suspicious.

But Tom gathered that by the way Evans seemed to be blushing, he would say Potter was getting all chummy with Evans. Tom scowled his way to the Great Hall, passing Evans and Potter, deciding he was not going to waste his time on whatever they were talking about.

Once he got to his table, Orion called him out, "What's the problem now?"

Tom turned to Orion as he set his plate down, "Nothing,"

"Oh come now, don't lie,"

"We can see your scowl, you know," Avery said aloud.

Tom looked at Avery who avoided eye contact and took a spoonful of rice.

Tom turned to his meal and ate as they came up with other conversation about quidditch, with Tom only nodding his head pretending to follow along.

Tom happened to catch sight of Evans and Potter entering the Great Hall still stopping to talk before going to their tables.

Tom wanted to roll his eyes. What are they even talking about? Tom didn't know Evans and Potter even knew each other.

Evans seemed to blush, and now Tom was getting annoyed with Potter. Why is he makes Evans blush? What sort of alterior motive does he have?

But then Evans looked scared? Afraid? It took a lot from Tom to not go up there and see what Potter's problem was.

Potter spoke something and then Evans smiled. Tom really wished he could know what they were saying because Evans probably went through every single emotion possible. He was not making it any easy on Tom over here.

But Tom was doing fine until Potter decided to get all touchy. Tom could not explain the intense and sharp feeling that swirled in his stomach the moment Potter put his hand on Evans. Tom's face turned sour. Why was Potter touching Evans? And why was he so unsettled by it? Tom didn't know that, however what he did know was that he now had a problem with Potter. He took a spoonful as he glared at Potter's back.

Avery who had noticed Tom and his body language, kicked the others under the table and sent them messages with his eyes. They all looked at Tom and then Evans and Potter. Unbeknownst by Tom, who was too busy being in a glaring match with Potter's back, they all smiled at each other, knowing exactly what was currently going on in Tom's mind. And maybe planning future arrangements for the both.

Tom watched as Evans and Potter departed and he felt a slight relief once they did. Potter no longer had his hands on Evans. Tom continued to "discretely" watch Evans throughout dinner, and it left an uneasy feeling in Tom at how abnormally cheerful Evans seemed to be through the night.

Tom was not satisfied with how little knowledge he knew about the situation between Evans and Potter. Would Tom have to befriend Fleamont to find out more? That would be majorly unfortunate.

Tom looked down at his plate, and frowned at the foreign feeling still clawing at his chest. Tom took a bite of chicken and hoped that the building headache was not going to be there tomorrow.

That night Tom did not do much sleeping, too preoccupied on the new Hufflepuff that made his way into his head.


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